Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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By nycenuff2u 2016-11-30 13:00:51
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Thanks Martel. You were spot on. Removing the brackets and adding a . worked.

As far as the structure, I always figured .precast wasn't needed in a WS set, but I started learning gs by editing existing luas. I guess I've just become accustomed to it and never changed it since it works.

Anyway, thanks again!
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-11-30 15:14:11
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The easiest thing to do is just target an NPC and use your WS macro if you want to see what gear is being equipped.
Server: Bismarck
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user: darcaine
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2016-11-30 18:43:42
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Sylph.Braden said: »
Here's some neutral unresisted Elemental Breath numbers assuming Master DRG, maxed Wyvern, capped Breath+ from regular gear, and Breath+42 from augments (+10 Updraft, +8 Alluvion on all non-head slots):

380 Min
1086 Max (Normal)
1246 Max (Mantra 5/5 Aug)
1253 Max (Max Escha)
1356 Max (Body Boost)
1456 Max (Escha+Mantra)
1627 Max (Giant's Drink)
3338 Max (Brew)

A standard full wyvern HP set for Healing Breath (using Emicho NQ Body D) can reach 2358 under normal conditions, although you'll be slightly better off using maxed Alluvion Body and Hands over Emicho and Despair. 2000+ is usually a full heal for anyone without a large HP boost, and your wyvern usually matches your HP boost to overcome any difference in stuff like WoE or Escha.

Looks like I'm on track. Currently I'm at 1071 sub sam not warrior, which could give me a little more from +hp trait using relic body. I still need a few of my Alluvion augments to be perfect. I'm having the worst luck with them. I did a heal in escha the other day for 2300+ filled all my hp so not sure what the cap is there for healing. That's also macro set, not using the legs for +wyvern hp% bc it wont adjust fast enough.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-11-30 18:51:09
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nycenuff2u said: »
Thanks Martel. You were spot on. Removing the brackets and adding a . worked.

As far as the structure, I always figured .precast wasn't needed in a WS set, but I started learning gs by editing existing luas. I guess I've just become accustomed to it and never changed it since it works.

Anyway, thanks again!
A belated thought for you, if you type out sets like that a lot.

you can make a set with a shorter easier to type name, and then have it set_combine with the main set. that way it will equip the same gear, but not be such a pain in the ***.

For example.

sets.WS.CT = set_combine(sets.WS["Camlann's Torment"],{})

If you added this after your camlann's set, then typing //gs equip sets.WS.CT would equip the same gear as the full set name.(EDIT: ahh, right. in your case, you'd also need your .precast in both setnames)

Or you can just go with Kyte's suggestion, as it's easier, and something I also do. This method also applies any equip changes based on rules, whereas typing the set only gives you what's in the set. I see both as useful debug options.
Posts: 102
By Funf 2016-12-03 18:22:15
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Ruaumoko said: »
The power of the Trishula. Absolutely one of the strongest Aeonic weapons.


TP and WS set.

Larger picture.

why choose SCD over WSD?
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-12-04 14:38:31
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That seems like a really silly question given the 99k Umbra pic he has posted. If you do a 25k weaponskill and get a 50k + skillchain - given really equal amounts of each its gonna be more efficient damage wise to pump the skillchain.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-12-04 16:45:43
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That and WSD is kind of terrible for Stardiver.
Posts: 1449
By fillerbunny9 2016-12-04 16:49:13
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Funf said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
The power of the Trishula. Absolutely one of the strongest Aeonic weapons.


TP and WS set.

Larger picture.

why choose SCD over WSD?

fillerbunny9 said: »
the generally accepted rule is that WSD items are only good for single hit weaponskills. so if you want your Cammlan's/Geirskoguls to hit a little harder, those are the items to use. for Stardiver/lolDrakes, you want your STR/Acc/Att/DA etc.

SCD is an interesting thought for Trishula, though I wonder if it is truly necessary for any target that DRG is going to be realistically taken to.
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-12-04 19:28:44
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Given how well we can be geared/jpd, 95% of the content in the game is trivial. When you run a VD Ambuscade and do 2100+ dps, or Drop a Reisenjima T1 or RuAnn T2 in under 60 seconds - you could make the case that almost everything except the current hardest content is trivial. You could take off your Ryu and equip a Rhomphaia and you'd still be owning the content.

We aren't gearing for necessity (the vast majority of the time), simply for power and max damage regardless of what we're actually doing in game.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Brimstone
Posts: 183
By Fenrir.Brimstonefox 2016-12-06 08:56:59
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Sylph.Braden said: »
DRG Spreadsheet Update!
Download it here!
(remember, the Download button is in the top-right corner, click on the ellipsis [...] for a little menu)

UPDATED: Smite II went from 19/256 to 38/256.

Next update is gonna have proper Founder's Breastplate mechanics and a new Breath page.

Hey thanks for updating this. I found a couple mistakes though...the Vishap gear does not get jump bonuses for 'set2' (I think its referencing the wrong cell on the data tab), but I am at work now and the sheet is at home. If you can't find it let me know and I'll give the exact cell.

Also this: has the wrong zanshin value (500% instead of 5%)

3rdly I have a macro enabled version of this if you're interested (it can cycle through all choices really fast) explained in more detail here: but i can email it if you're interested, if not-no problem.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-12-06 18:36:30
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Turns out I had a few mistakes from assuming the cell positions between Gear and Jump/HJump were the same between sheets, corrected the ones I saw and checked a few to see if everything is where it should be. Most of the errors I imagine are gonna be nestled in the Data tab, so good eye on that one.

The Zanshin thing is a stupid issue Excel has where it sometimes decides a number should be an integer instead of a percentage, so anything like DA, Crit, etc. may occasionally grant Thing x 100. Should be easy to spot in most cases.

Macro thing sounds pretty good, although it's somewhat limited by requiring the full version of Excel. If you wanna set it up after I publish the next update (after the Omen update) and send it to me, I'll host it.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Brimstone
Posts: 183
By Fenrir.Brimstonefox 2016-12-07 11:03:59
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Yeah I figured as much for both those issues. The macro thing is actually nice for finding issues too. (its helped me find several in older versions as well).

It would be trivial to support macro and non-macro versions (I think you have it remove them on a save) if people are unable to use (or unwilling for whatever reason).
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-12-13 01:49:15
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Man we really got screwed on AF gear compared to other jobs.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-12-13 04:43:10
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Vishap has always been a pretty disappointing set.

  • STP+8 ACC+57 body

  • WSDMG+10% ACC+49 WHP+27% legs

  • STP+7 neck

  • ACC/ATT+20 DA+5 neck

  • STR+10 DEX+10 VIT+10 "Quad Attack"+3% ring

  • STR+5 DEX+5 "Double Attack"+5% "Store TP"+5 earring

  • Attack+23 WSDMG+6% ammo

  • Accuracy+30 Attack+30 WSDEX+10% grip

Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-12-13 06:09:19
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Well, yeah lot's of good stuff outside of the JSE. The Dagon Breastplate is also the best Body in the game (Gungnir user - so for all non mythic users)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-12-13 09:27:56
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For Stardiver and Drakesbane, for sure.

That's a bit of a STP hit though. Not to mention the lack of food transfer to your TP battery.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-12-13 10:22:17
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oh god I hate lookin at this thread title

DRG Spreadsheet Update!
Download it here!
(remember, the Download button is in the top-right corner, click on the ellipsis [...] for a little menu)

UPDATED: Everything from the December 2016 Update is in: Vishap +2 Armor Set, Vishap +3 Armor Set, Dagon Breastplate, Knobierrie, Utu Grip, Anu Torque, Shulmanu Collar, Sherida Earring, Niqmaddu Ring. Didn't include Adad Amulet or Enmerkar Earring due to the lack of DPS stats on both. Utu Grip is currently implemented in the way we all expect it to work (also it rules).
ADDED: NEW! Breath and Breath Data pages! The Breath page is similar to the Gear pages, except individual Wyvern parameters (Breath Augments, JPs, etc.) are also located there instead of on the Setup page. Only equipment with relevant Wyvern stats are selectable. Also included is an Override option, which allows you to use the settings from one set in calculations for both without having to copy+paste or manually change everything. I'd like to include Overrides in other pages, but that's later.
ADDED: Breath Damage can be included in your Average WS damage. If Spirit Surge is active or your Wyvern isn't present, this value will be 0. All values are assuming no damage reduction or resists for now. Given the unreliable nature of Wyvern Breaths, several options are currently available:
- Disabled [no damage, duh]
- Standard [uses Wyvern's Max HP before Gear enhancements]
- Minimum [if your Wyvern had 1 HP]
- Maximum [Wyvern's Max HP after Gear enhancements, which assumes you fulltime Wyvern HP Gear]
- Standard/Min/Max (DB) [same as the above three when using Deep Breathing]
ADDED: The Killer augment effect from Founder's Breastplate has been implemented. From now on, all targets will have their family and regular/NM status included in order for this to function. Also added a Circle tab on the Setup page. Note that the Circle tab has no effect when fighting enemies in the "Other" category, and families affected by Killer Instinct are restricted to the "Main Job" potency as it has no gear modifier and can't be used from a subjob.
UPDATED: Augments page now has drop-down lists for base equipment. Wildskeeper Reive gear, Updraft Mantle, Ra'Kaznar Skirmish gear, and Sinister Reign gear have all been added as options. Note that the positions for augment slots in the Gear page are still the same; I may change this later, though it should have no bearing on anyone's personal settings.
UPDATED: Some *** stats for Kouryu (specifically just to have a Dragon NM for Founder's Breastplate maths).
UPDATED: A bunch of random foods that either had their stats verified in-game or had relevant Killer effects.
UPDATED: A couple of Atmas too, also for Killer effects why not.
FIXED: Some random stuff I forgot, like Vishap Mail/+1 missing Jump TP stats. Thanks to Brimstone for catching some of these for me!

Also here's a list of all the new DRG gear in case you don't wanna sift through pages of Maxixi whatevers:
Attack+23 Weapon skill damage +6%
[Ammo] WAR / MNK / DRK / SAM / DRG / RUN

Utu Grip
HP+70 Accuracy+30 Attack+30 Weapon skill DEX +10%
[Sub] WAR / DRK / SAM / DRG / RUN

Adad Amulet
DEF:8 HP+25 Damage taken -4% Pet: Magic Accuracy+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10
[Neck] BST / DRG / SMN / PUP

Anu Torque 
DEF:10 Attack+20 "Store TP"+7 "Resist Stun"+10 
[Neck] MNK / RDM / THF / BST / RNG / DRG / DNC / RUN

Shulmanu Collar
DEF:6 Accuracy+20 Attack+20 "Double Attack"+3% Pet: Accuracy+20 Attack+20 "Double Attack"+5%
[Neck] BST / DRG / SMN / PUP

Enmerkar Earring
Pet: Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 "Store TP"+8 Damage taken -3% 	
[Ear] BST / DRG / SMN / PUP

Sherida Earring
STR+5 DEX+5 "Double Attack"+5% "Store TP"+5 "Subtle Blow II"+5
[Ear] MNK / RDM / THF / BST / RNG / DRG / DNC / RUN

Niqmaddu Ring
STR+10 DEX+10 VIT+10 "Quad Attack"+3% "Subtle Blow II"+5
[Ring] WAR / MNK / DRK / SAM / DRG / PUP / RUN

Vishap Armet +2
DEF:119 HP+57 MP+23 STR+32 DEX+25 VIT+30 AGI+25 INT+24 MND+27 CHR+24
Accuracy+37 Attack+32 Evasion+43 Magic Evasion+53 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2
Haste+7% "Spirit Link"+14 Wyvern: "Breath" accuracy+21 Accuracy+21 Wyvern uses breaths more effectively 
[Head] DRG

Vishap Armet +3
DEF:129 HP+67 MP+33 STR+37 DEX+30 VIT+35 AGI+30 INT+29 MND+32 CHR+29
Accuracy+47 Attack+42 Evasion+53 Magic Evasion+63 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3
Haste+7% "Spirit Link"+16 Wyvern: "Breath" Accuracy+31 Accuracy+31 Wyvern uses breaths more effectively
[Head] DRG

Dagon Breastplate
DEF:155 HP+136 MP+59 STR+40 DEX+30 VIT+40 AGI+30 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+30 
Accuracy+45 Attack+45 Evasion+60 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5
Haste+1% "Triple Attack"+5% "Subtle Blow II"+10 "Resist Slow"+90 Critical hit rate +4%
[Body] WAR / PLD / DRK / SAM / DRG

Vishap Mail +2
DEF:149 HP+91 MP+44 STR+36 DEX+26 VIT+36 AGI+26 INT+26 MND+26 CHR+26
Accuracy+47 Attack+25 Evasion+51 Magic Evasion+63 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4
Haste+3% "Store TP"+4 "Jump" TP Bonus +37 Wyvern: "Regen"+10
[Body] DRG

Vishap Mail +3
DEF:159 HP+101 MP+54 STR+41 DEX+31 VIT+41 AGI+31 INT+31 MND+31 CHR+31
Accuracy+57 Attack+35 Evasion+61 Magic Evasion+73 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5
Haste+3% "Store TP"+8 "Jump" TP Bonus +39 Wyvern: "Regen"+15
[Body] DRG

Vishap Finger Gauntlets +2
DEF:107 HP+40 STR+11 DEX+35 VIT+35 AGI+12 INT+15 MND+31 CHR+25 
Accuracy+38 Attack+25 Evasion+32 Magic Evasion+36 "Magic Def. Bonus"+1 
Parrying skill +17 Haste+4% "Jump" TP Bonus +32 Wyvern: "Breath" accuracy+24 Accuracy+24
[Hands] DRG

Vishap Finger Gauntlets +3
DEF:117 HP+50 STR+16 DEX+40 VIT+40 AGI+17 INT+20 MND+36 CHR+30
Accuracy+48 Attack+35 Evasion+42 Magic Evasion+46 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2
Parrying skill +19 Haste+4% "Jump" TP Bonus +34 Wyvern: "Breath" accuracy+34 Accuracy+34
[Hands] DRG

Vishap Brais +2
DEF:131 HP+75 STR+38 DEX+15 VIT+24 AGI+20 INT+31 MND+21 CHR+17
Accuracy+39 Evasion+32 Magic Evasion+85 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3
Haste+5% "Ancient Circle"+1 "High Jump"+27 Weapon skill damage +5% Wyvern: HP+25%
[Legs] DRG

Vishap Brais +3
DEF:141 HP+85 STR+43 DEX+20 VIT+29 AGI+25 INT+36 MND+26 CHR+22
Accuracy+49 Evasion+42 Magic Evasion+95 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4
Haste+5% "Ancient Circle"+1 "High Jump"+29 Weapon skill damage +10% Wyvern: HP+27%
[Legs] DRG

Vishap Greaves +2
DEF:89 HP+37 STR+25 DEX+22 VIT+20 AGI+37 MND+15 CHR+31
Accuracy+36 Attack+20 Evasion+72 Magic Evasion+85 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2
Haste+3% Jump: Accuracy+20 "Jump"+24
[Feet] DRG

Vishap Greaves +3
DEF:99 HP+47 STR+30 DEX+27 VIT+25 AGI+42 MND+20 CHR+36
Accuracy+46 Attack+30 Evasion+82 Magic Evasion+95 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3
Haste+3% Jump: Accuracy+30 "Jump"+26
[Feet] DRG
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-12-13 10:50:55
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It's BIS for TP gain too for anyone not using a Ryu - the Store TP doesn't matter too much as I have a 5hit with 0 on the body. And getting down to a 4hit gives up far too much multiattack. The 5% TA would be the equivalent of 15 Store TP anyway if you are trying to compare directly, except better because it does damage in addition to just adding TP. Throw in a healthy amount of crit rate with all of the ATT and ACC - there isn't a better TP build body in the game.

Also - considering I have a Gungnir - that grip is ridiculously intriguing. All of the accessories are pretty much insane.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Brimstone
Posts: 183
By Fenrir.Brimstonefox 2016-12-17 09:40:44
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Sylph.Braden said: »
oh god I hate lookin at this thread title

DRG Spreadsheet Update!
Download it here!
(remember, the Download button is in the top-right corner, click on the ellipsis [...] for a little menu)

Here's the macro version, should be the same I think I added 2 pieces of gear.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inuyushi
Posts: 196
By Asura.Inuyushi 2016-12-18 15:54:41
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I'm looking to update my drg gear after getting Trish... is the spreadsheet the best place to go for gear? I looked at the spreadsheet and didnt see many gear sets. I was hoping someone had some updated sets I could lok over. Any pointers on where to start?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3352
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2016-12-26 21:43:30
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In regards to reforged omen gear. Any idea if the jump stats work on spirit/soul?

If its original jumps Im gonna scream.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3352
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2016-12-27 16:49:30
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Sorry for the double post. But what are you guys using for pants? I have Carmine+1 for high accuracy situations. I have had no luck getting decent augments for Valorous Hose. So I ended up augmenting Taeon.

So far they have DEX+9, Acc+24, and TA+2 (Total of +4TA) I got lucky and I am close to maxed out. Comes out to 37.75 total accuracy. While Flamma/Sulev+1 are at +39. Sure I'm missing some attack but that extra 1% Triple Attack seems worth it over Sulev+1 for tp gain. Not to mention they have +6% Haste.

So far this puts me at 55% Double Attack and 8% Triple Attack with a 5 hit /SAM. /WAR Puts me at +62% Double Attack and a 5 Hit.

Valorous Mail Has: VIT+7, Acc+23, Attack+18, and Store TP+7

ItemSet 348611
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-12-28 16:01:55
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I've been running Sulevia Cuisses +1.

ItemSet 343588

Rhomphaia: Path B
51% DA
8% TA
5-hit with the option to swap into Flamma Korazin +1 if I need the accuracy.

Ruea is a ***, so no Petrov.
Posts: 231
By Tyrael 2016-12-29 16:07:58
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ItemSet 347853
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-12-29 16:17:35
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GZ on the Niqmaddu ring - that thing is so good.
Posts: 13
By Azureth 2017-01-01 15:25:10
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Has anyone tested Rhongomiant's dmg against other dd's in reisenjima? Occ. Does triple dmg is insane. Easy for drg to keep am3 up. Does it beat the other polearms like how masamune wins for sam? Lets get this thread really going here guys please.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-01 15:53:52
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AM3 is really good on paper. The weapon itself is really good on paper. I wish it had STR instead of VIT though.

As far as I know, no one who frequents here or BG has an AG Rhongo though?

It's next on my list of weapons to make (Aeonics aside if I ever get to make those) after I AG Gungnir.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2017-01-01 16:24:07
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Rhongomiant and other Empyreans generally have the highest potential for raw damage, but they do require having a high enough amount of multi-attack to make Mythic AM3 irrelevant AND be in a situation where Aeonic aftermath doesn't change anything.

As a general benchmark, Fighter's Roll or Ifrit's Favor is usually enough for a master DRG/SAM to prefer it over Ryunohige.
Posts: 13
By Azureth 2017-01-01 19:19:00
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Its generally easy to get multi attack with valorous set ganeshas mala windbuffet and that crazy new ring. Lets make one and do some testing!!! Im sick and tired of this job being direspected by noob blus and drks
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Amador
Posts: 409
By Ragnarok.Amador 2017-01-04 15:36:21
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So, I haven't posted in years.
This dude Azureth is trolling hella hard -_-;
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