Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2016-11-01 15:29:27
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We use recast in this neighborhood
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-11-01 15:45:48
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That terminology is literally built into the game. /recast was a thing. Before the recast plugin, and then timers, made it useless for windower players. XD
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-11-01 15:51:55
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/recast macros from 04!
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-11-01 16:18:59
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Heya Braden - it seems like gearswap does not like the following line in the place where you have the lua swap in normal jumps if the Wyvern is dead:

elseif string.find(,"Jump") then == 'Jump' then

There error syntax is Unexpected symbol near '=='

There do not seem to be any extra spaces, and ' are used as quotes throughout the lua so I am at a loss.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-01 16:30:48
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I thought I fixed that in the update, but just remove everything after the first "then" so it looks like this:

elseif string.find(,"Jump") then
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-11-01 19:00:53
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I've always used recast to refer to spells and cooldown for abilities /shrug.

Thanks Braden!
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-11-01 19:21:21
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YouTube Video Placeholder

And I thought I did a lot of damage during my Sabotender Royal solo...

In all due honesty I did have the home field advantage using a piercing weapon on a flier but still, 45k Stardiver to capped damage Umbra with no real GEO besides Sylvie.

Super Jump will avoid Wings of Agony if she tries to use it.
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-11-02 07:46:33
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sets.WS = {allmygears}
sets.WS["Camlann's Torment"] = {allmygears}
sets.WS["Stardiver"] = {allmygears}
sets.WS["Drakesbane"] = {allmygears}

Heya Braden - sorry to bother you again - but you don't seem to mind helping. If you do, let me know and I'll stop. This is the way my lua (your lua with these lines added) is currently set up, but no matter what WS I do it is only swapping into the first default set. I have checked the spelling and syntax, it appears correct. Looking through the whole file, the only thing I notice that may be impacting it towards the end:

function precast(spell)
if spell.type == "WeaponSkill" then
Dunno if that's it, or something else.

Ruaumoko - impressive
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-02 16:37:01
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Oh, Dropbox never got the updated file. Well it's there now, here's how it works again for anyone who missed it:
sets.WS = {}
sets.WS["Default"] = {gear yo}
sets.WS["Stardiver"] = {other gear}
sets.WS["Raiden Thrust"] = {and so on}

Default is always in place, but we also have Stardiver and Raiden Thrust.
if spell.type == "WeaponSkill" then
		if sets.WS[] then

Since we previously made sets for Stardiver and Raiden Thrust, it'll equip those sets when using those abilities specifically. Since there's no sets.WS["Drakesbane"] or sets.WS["Camlann's Torment"], using either WS (or any other, for that matter) will just use sets.WS["Default"] instead.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-03 23:42:12
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Did some various Wyvern tests in preparation for the guide eventually, here's some facts:

Level 99: 1474 HP, 473 Attack, 505 Accuracy, 732 Defense, 419 Evasion
Level 119: 1633 HP, 779 Attack, 902 Accuracy, 1356 Defense, 705 Evasion

Didn't find values for STR/DEX/VIT/AGI yet, but an accidental Atma test revealed that Wyverns gain 1 Acc for every 2 DEX (50% compared to 75% that two-handed weapons get). Wyverns were included in the recent VIT update notes so they should be getting 3 Defense for every 2 VIT.

Wyvern Parameter Boost per level provides:
+6% to Max HP, +4.6875% to Attack (12/256), +6 to Accuracy

[Max bonus is HP+30%, Attack+23.4375 (60/256), Accuracy+30]
- Has no improvement on Defense or Evasion, and likely has no effect on base stats (STR, DEX, etc.).
- The bonuses to HP and Attack are calculated similarly to player boosts; any HP+# gear is added first, then all HP+% values are added and directly multiplied by the new base value. For example, a Master 119 Wyvern with max EXP and Vishap Brais +1 would have 2786 Max HP.

Healing Breath stuff:
- With the September 2015 Update, there seems to be an HBV boost to all breaths in exchange for TP having no effect. With HB4, it's +10, but HB3 is being difficult to nail down for some reason (not gonna bother with HB1/HB2). HP mods and the value added after multiplication both appear unchanged.
- Updraft Mantle's Breath+ augment seems to directly multiply the final result by 1+(Breath/100). It's likely that Breath+ augments on Acro and Taeon are calculated in this term as well.
- There's a cap on how much Breath+ you can stack from unaugmented sources, but I can't determine whether this includes all sources, just gear, or gear plus job points. The final cap I was able to reach was 60 + FLOOR(155/256 * MaxHP).
- Brigantia's Mantle has a Breath mod of 38/256, Saurian Helm is 26/256, and Pteroslaver Armet +1 is 56/256.
- 20/20 JPs in Wyvern Breath Effect appears to add 28/256. I'm assuming the "10" used in the menu is gonna make more sense with Elemental Breath calculations. edit: no, I'm dumb, it's just +10 to Base for each JP
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3352
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2016-11-04 00:45:27
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I'm gonna mess with acro's pet:breath+.

I got lucky and got +6 after only 2 augs.

Also reaugged my Updraft and got +10 breath.
Server: Leviathan
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user: woVow
Posts: 125
By Leviathan.Vow 2016-11-04 01:14:51
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Brigantia's is a better option. You can toss Pet Macc on it if you have a spare.

Edit: Er, sorry. I didn't see Braden's post.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-04 13:45:35
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Verified that Breath JPs do NOT contribute towards the Breath Potency cap. Getting 870 with Wyrm+Brigantia's as well as Wyrm+Brigantia+Glassblower's on my wife's 0 JP DRG. This makes the cap 64/256 from gear, which is easily reached but always requires using the Head slot.

edit: now confirming that Elemental Breaths work the same way; gear caps at +64, JPs don't count toward the cap, augments are a direct percentage boost after everything else.
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-11-04 14:07:06
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So gear cap to 64 not using the back slot, then toss in an Updraft?
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-04 14:12:17
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Yeah basically. I hadn't made a Pet: Magic Acc/Magic Damage cape yet and I don't feel like wasting cape materials, so someone who already made one is gonna have to verify whether Magic Damage has any effect.

Even if it does, I'd still recommend Updraft for all breaths.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-04 15:23:47
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Base Elemental Breath Formula appears to be:


Which is then multiplied/floored by 1+(GearBreath/256), and then again by 1+(BreathAug/100). Final damage is then modified by resist states, BDT, elemental DT, probably weather, Phalanx, birthdays, etc. but not Magic Attack or Magic Defense. Still haven't tested Magic Damage, someone else can do that.

edit: not gonna bother testing Deep Breathing on either breath, just gonna assume old wiki information is correct
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-11-04 15:38:38
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We really need to get this stuff on the wiki. I mean.. I don't think there's even a page for elemental breaths. And the healing breath page is a stub.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-04 20:21:18
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Was having trouble finding Healing Breath III values, turns out Wyvern HP at 75 isn't 991 like people thought (or maybe used to be) but 1066 instead. HBV on Healing Breath III is now 55, so the +10 to all Healing Breaths line of thought seems to be the case.

As for the Wiki, I guess I could just do it myself but I'll probably spend way too much time trying to make it look nice.
Posts: 59
By CHENGMIKEY 2016-11-08 12:55:56
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Can some post there update gears for ws plz? I set have about 1.6k acc/1.8k att and str+168 only. My stardive only pumping out about 4K if lucky 8k. All I hear is ppl hitting 10k-30k easy. Thank you
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-11-08 15:13:26
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I have been Farming Apex bats a ton for CP and am a serial parser. My average Stardiver over hundreds at this point is ~11k. Foood:Sushi Damage Buffs: Syvlie and Qultada. SJ: SAM. In the few times I've done it Warriors sub, it brings the average up to about 13.5k. Usually there is a max hit in there somewhere in the 22-25k range. I am an average DRG. The numbers you are posting, what is the enemy and what buffs are on you? Those tend to impact Weaponskill damage moreso than even our own gears.

Generally, those 30k Stardivers come from REME'd Master DRG on mobs weak to piercing and with a lot of buffs.

{main={ name="Rhomphaia", augments={'DMG:+30','STR+20','Accuracy+15',}},
sub="Tzacab Grip",
head="Sulevia's Mask +1",
body="Sulevia's Plate. +1",
hands="Sulev. Gauntlets +1",
legs="Sulevi. Cuisses +1",
feet="Sulev. Leggings +1",
neck="Soil Gorget",
waist="Soil Belt",
left_ear="Bladeborn Earring",
right_ear="Steelflash Earring",
left_ring="Rajas Ring",
right_ring="Petrov Ring",
back={ name="Brigantia's Mantle", augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Accuracy+10','"Dbl.Atk."+10',}},}

Stronger DRG are going to have a better weapon, the WOTG Earring, and Valorous pieces well augmented towards WS damage (Acc/ATT/STR/WS Dmg)
Posts: 59
By CHENGMIKEY 2016-11-08 15:48:55
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Sudra, I'm use trishula, I was fight in rise area earp5 bee's. I have only 10 job points. And I haven't see over 10k ws yet. And my acc is not count in the zone buff and food. I check my acc and my str tonight when I log in. But I just not sure why my ws is so weak. And. Was sub war so I was use JA. Just hitting avg about 5-8k....
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-08 16:20:59
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The 25k range is when your Attack ratio is capped, which usually isn't happening without human support. Regardless 4-8k is really low for something like a Reisenjima mob. Your accuracy appears fine, so any gearing changes should focus on STR, Att, DA, etc., Elemental/Fotia gorget and belt if you don't have em already, and Moonshade with TP Bonus.

Updated some values on the BGWiki Healing Breath page, gonna muck around with setting up the Elemental Breath and Pet Wyvern pages in a bit.
Posts: 59
By CHENGMIKEY 2016-11-08 17:00:10
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The only thing I really missing is the moon shade earring. I recheck my micro again. And post my gear up. Maybe you guys can see what I'm missing. Thank you
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-11-08 17:04:07
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If you have a Trishula, and we are talking normal Reisenjima mobs and Stardiver only averaging 5-8k while never having seen a 10k...something ain't right.
Posts: 59
By CHENGMIKEY 2016-11-08 17:41:33
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Ya that why I trying to find out what I'm doing wrong.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-11-08 18:45:09
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Have you checked to see if your gear is swapping out properly?
Posts: 59
By CHENGMIKEY 2016-11-09 00:57:41
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my TP set: Valorous mail(Vit+4 acc+34 att+29 stp+4) windbuffet belt +1 lissome necklace flamma zucchetto +1 telos earring cessance earring Hetairoi ring petrov ring flamma manopolas +1 sulvia's cuisses +1 flamma gambieras +1 ginsen"
My WS for str base :lustratio harness(path A) fotia belt fotia gorget ynglinga sallet telos earring ishvara earring shukuyu ring rufescent ring flamma manopolas +1 flamma dirs +1 sulvia's legging +1 amar cluster
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-11-09 01:26:28
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You shouldn't be using Ishvara over Moonshade on a multihit, damage varies by TP, fTP transferring WS.
Posts: 59
By CHENGMIKEY 2016-11-09 03:26:56
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i dont have moonshade yet ; ; and yes i re did my micro with equipset now. my ws is still about the same.
Posts: 430
By Sidra 2016-11-09 11:34:45
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So - the numbers still seem low to me based on your gears but try this. Stardiver has a relatively small FTP, it needs a nice pdif multiplier to pump the dmg - and you are using a bunch of pieces with little to no attack. And Stardiver cannot crit. Swap all 5 armor pieces out for Sulevia+1. I know they aren't sexy cool pieces - but unless you have some awesome augmented Valourous pieces tailored for weaponskills, they are the strongest you are going to get.
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