Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-10-13 03:59:48
hmmm valorous hand beat flemma only if they got a very very nice augment. Crit rate +7 are really good even if flemma lack on att
By Daemythos 2016-10-17 14:48:55
Could someone recommend JP spend order for this noob? Was thinking Wyvern Att. increase 1st, but after that, I'm not 100% sure
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-10-17 18:49:51
I recommend Wyvern Attr. Bonus, Wyvern HP, and Wyvern Breath. Ancient Circle is kinda nice if you do a lot of Domain Invasion or kiting a ton of weak dragon-types for cleaving. You probably won't notice the others, so don't worry too much about it.
By Calinari 2016-10-17 19:03:07
Whats the spear hierarchy look like these days, non-rema
(I have ryu and gung just haven't glowed)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-10-17 21:08:11
The best options go here. All three are drops from higher level Escha/Reisejima NMs, which means you might be close enough to make a Trishula anyway.
Lembing (Onychophora): High DMG, good accuracy, and some triple attack make this probably the best overall non-RMEA.
Annealed Lance (Shockmaw): Has no accuracy on it, but the Regain is great if you find yourself with a lot of downtime between fights. Best choice for /THF against Erinys. Also never drops.
Habile Mazrak (Warder of Courage): A little worse than Lembing; the Dragon Killer combined with Founder's Breastplate puts it ahead on Dragons.
The weapons most 119 players can access, possibly on their own, though they may require clearing content up to level 135. Also known as the "realistic" tier.
Rhomphaia (Hanbi): AKA Habile Mazrak -1, generally the best option in this tier. You might get one just from people spamming Hanbi for other drops. Path B recommended for Accuracy, Path A otherwise.
Reienkyo (Strophadia): With a good augment, this should be able to beat Rhomphaia, but I honestly have no idea what augments to expect. It's a pain to farm pops (Incursion), the NM itself is 135 (you'll need help), and you may spend thousands of stones waiting for Oseem to give you something nice, so I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to get one of these. Do share any augments you get with the community, won't you?
Areadbhar (Oboro JSE): Highest accuracy by a large margin and a ton of STP when fully augmented. Consider saving your money if you're making an RMEA.
Koresuke (Darrcuiln): Decent all-around, but you won't see a perfect one if you actually want it.
For new players, anyone coming back to the game after a long hiatus, or really just anyone without a 119 option available to them.
Eminent Lance (7000 Sparks): Your go-to option when you've got nothing else. Familiarize yourself with Records of Eminence if you honestly have no clue how to get this.
Homestead Lance (30000 Bayld): It might take you a little bit of time to get the bayld, but if you think you'd like to do some Reives and you're still missing a solid 119 Polearm, consider picking one of these up. It's a lot of fun. Don't use it outside of Reives over an Eminent Lance.
Kuakuakait (Colkhab): By itself, this lance is trash. What makes it great is the option to augment it with a 40% Occasionally Attacks Twice effect and one other augment of your choice (probably Store TP+5). You usually won't have the accuracy to use this on modern content, but it'll dominate on anything released before 2013 until you get a great 119 weapon. Check out this page to learn how this weapon's augments work.
Unless you happen upon one of these weapons from the Gobbie Box or a Kupon or something, don't use 'em.
Blurred Lance/+1 (Crafted, Su1): While this isn't great for DRG, it IS the best polearm available to WAR and SAM. Both jobs have access to Stardiver, so this is likely their best option for a piercing weapon. You may find it easier to upgrade over this than to get 50 Job Points.
Upukirex (Muyingwa): The one thing this lance still has going for it is that a great player can potentially get this for a beginner in about 15 minutes of work while farming some money drops. Also doesn't require any JPs or augments, so there's that. Someone who quit during the Delve era might be using this and while it's still pretty decent, it's just not as good as what's out there now.
Olyndicus (Mistmaw Xelhua): I think it's purdy, but don't waste your time augmenting it unless you've got NQ Skirmish stones to throw away.
Everything else: sucks
Should note that a regular 119 Ryunohige beats any of the lances here by a fair margin, so use that if you already have it.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2016-10-17 23:56:26
What about Gae Derg +1?
I want Areadbhar because it seems to be extremely easy to get a 4-hit (WS+3-hit) but it is difficult to find the mats for it and might be a little expensive with 450 Riftborn Boulder (or whatever is cheapest nowadays) + Claw.
Gae Derg +1 seems like the easiest to obtain (for people with Bst) and has less store TP requirements for a 4-hit.
Also Arasy Lance would be a nice upgrade from Homestead if I couldn't get any of those rare/ex lances. Only costs about 100k from NPC.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-10-18 06:14:47
Forget where exactly I had them. Arasy was either at the bottom of the 119 totem pole or close to it, definitely lower than Upukirex. Gae Derg +1 is a decent mid-range option, but most players would probably find it simpler to farm Azrael Eyes for Hanbi to get a Rhomphaia instead.
By Sidra 2016-10-18 08:50:11
I am having trouble trying to decide which Helm to TP in:
Valorous Mask (Acc+38 Att+31 Crit rate +2%)
Flamma Zuchetto +1
I have both, the Triple Attack obv is great on the Zuchetto, but I give up Accuracy, Attack, 4% crit rate and a tad o regain. Haste capped with either piece.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-10-18 09:30:01
Depends what weapon u got and what is your aim/actual set. Acc is nice, regain too but 4% ta if u are not mythic owner is hard to beat
By Sidra 2016-10-19 17:27:57
Any Suggestions for a good solo CP camp? I'm at 200 JP in, and the best spot I can find is Woh gates = Northwest Worm camp. With Capacity Ring and Aptitude mantle, kills range 1800-4k, and I clock in about 400-450k/hr. I have a feeling I can do better somewhere else, just not sure where. I know it will snowball as I get more JP in, and finish up a few more storylines - but I still feel it's low based on other numbers I see on the forums.
By Bamboom 2016-10-19 18:13:07
Depending on your gear, you might be able to take down Apex mobs using a multi step skill chain and, if needed, shantotto ii for extra mb damage.
Apex raptors are pretty squishy, though the camp has matamata and those are nasty and can interrupt exp chain.
Apex bats might be a better option, considering they are weak to piercing and Gessho can blink tank them forever.
If not, that spot is actually pretty good. When I use it I clear the worms and rabbits and run all the way down, then back up and repeat.
Another great option is Reisenjima, because you also get silt, beads and stones/money items
By Sidra 2016-10-20 16:18:37
Thanks for thee suggestion! Apex Bats are the big winner here, and it's not close. It feels a little slower because I don't kill them as fast as a worm. They seem weak to Light skillchain damage, and light skillchains flow like water with /SAM. Generally 2-3 skillchains and they die. But they give a TON of XP. 15-35k per kill depending on the chain. And even though they don't die lightning fast, the chain seems to keep going for some reason I don't quite understand. I know I've lost chains on worms in the 20s with the next kill far faster than the chain stays here. Clocked in at 600-650k per hour, a considerable upgrade from my worm camp. Also of note, tank is pointless they can't hold hate from me, so just full on support and heals from my from trusts: Arciela I, Yoran, Koru-Moru, Ulmia, Qultada.
Also - about lances. I have been playing 45 days now, and for about 30 of them have been using Rhomphaia. I gotta say - it's a solid lance. From the day I equipped it, it started feeling like I was contributing, as opposed to being carried through stuff. The only thing that sucks - there isn't an upgrade in sight.
By Daemythos 2016-10-23 22:00:07
Do people macro in Empy/Relic AF 119 gear for jumps?
and on that line of questions, what AF/Relic/Empy are worth macro'ing in for things?
I'm still very much at the learning stages of DRG, while attempting to chase down gear for it.
I feel as though I have a solid TP set/WS set, (especially considering where I am with DRG at the moment), but I'm wondering is X piece really that much better for that JA?
thanks in Advance.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-10-24 00:48:58
Most Jump bonuses on AF are just attack boosts, aside from Relic Legs (Enmity reduction bonus on High) and the occasional TP bonus, which is restricted to regular Jump and High Jump (aside from Empy Boots, which are Spirit only).
Typing on the phone, but here's the quick rundown on AF/Relic/Empy:
- AF Head is still used for Breaths, assuming you ever change off of /SAM or /WAR. Also Spirit Link.
- AF Legs are mandatory for both Wyvern HP and Ancient Circle potency and duration.
- AF Body, Hands, and Feet are largely pointless unless you're either building a Jump TP set for Spirit Surge (Body/Hands) or have no other 119 options available.
- Relic Head is best for all breaths, make that guy.
- Relic Body should at least have an augment for Spirit Surge duration, but isn't important otherwise. I've seen people idle in the 119 to maintain their wyvern's subjob upon being reset, but I usually don't ever notice it having a sub either way.
- Relic Hands also need to be augmented for Angon. Can make a wyvern DT build with them if you're really really having trouble keeping it alive.
- Relic Legs can be used to boost High Jump's enmity reduction (from 50% to 77% with the 119) and could also I guess work its way into wyvern DT. Mine never get used.
- Relic Feet should be upgraded for the boost to Wyvern HP, as well as a duration bonus for Empathy.
- Empy Head could also fit into wyvern DT. I haven't tested to see if the absorb rate stacks with Emicho Feet. Based on other absorb mechanics, it probably doesn't.
- Empy Body is one of our best TP options, make one.
- Empy Hands can be used for Spirit Link but is otherwise just a worse version of Sulevia's.
- Empy Legs are our best option for Drakesbane when accuracy isn't an issue. Also best for stuff like SA Camlann's on Erinys. Could use them to improve Jump damage, but most prefer having Acc/DA/TA/STP for those instead.
- Empy Feet should give the most consistent TP boost to Spirit Jump. Since it doesn't affect Soul Jump or hits beyond the first, most people just use a well-augmented Valorous or whatever instead.
By Daemythos 2016-10-24 03:19:53
- AF Legs are mandatory for both Wyvern HP and Ancient Circle potency and duration.
Regarding the HP increase; does this piece need to stay on for Wyvern to receive the benefits?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-10-24 04:13:40
Yes Daemythos you need to wear it to get hp bonus
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Lakshmi.Ipsen 2016-10-24 08:35:50
Most Jump bonuses on AF are just attack boosts, aside from Relic Legs (Enmity reduction bonus on High) and the occasional TP bonus, which is restricted to regular Jump and High Jump (aside from Empy Boots, which are Spirit only).
Typing on the phone, but here's the quick rundown on AF/Relic/Empy:
- AF Head is still used for Breaths, assuming you ever change off of /SAM or /WAR. Also Spirit Link.
- AF Legs are mandatory for both Wyvern HP and Ancient Circle potency and duration.
- AF Body, Hands, and Feet are largely pointless unless you're either building a Jump TP set for Spirit Surge (Body/Hands) or have no other 119 options available.
- Relic Head is best for all breaths, make that guy.
- Relic Body should at least have an augment for Spirit Surge duration, but isn't important otherwise. I've seen people idle in the 119 to maintain their wyvern's subjob upon being reset, but I usually don't ever notice it having a sub either way.
- Relic Hands also need to be augmented for Angon. Can make a wyvern DT build with them if you're really really having trouble keeping it alive.
- Relic Legs can be used to boost High Jump's enmity reduction (from 50% to 77% with the 119) and could also I guess work its way into wyvern DT. Mine never get used.
- Relic Feet should be upgraded for the boost to Wyvern HP, as well as a duration bonus for Empathy.
- Empy Head could also fit into wyvern DT. I haven't tested to see if the absorb rate stacks with Emicho Feet. Based on other absorb mechanics, it probably doesn't.
- Empy Body is one of our best TP options, make one.
- Empy Hands can be used for Spirit Link but is otherwise just a worse version of Sulevia's.
- Empy Legs are our best option for Drakesbane when accuracy isn't an issue. Also best for stuff like SA Camlann's on Erinys. Could use them to improve Jump damage, but most prefer having Acc/DA/TA/STP for those instead.
- Empy Feet should give the most consistent TP boost to Spirit Jump. Since it doesn't affect Soul Jump or hits beyond the first, most people just use a well-augmented Valorous or whatever instead.
Want to make sure I am readign this correctly. This is what I got out of this. "Make relic head, everything this else is sub-optimal."
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-10-24 09:08:49
Here's what I recommend:
AF Head
AF Legs
Relic Head
Relic Body (only needs augment)
Relic Hands (only needs augment)
Relic Feet
Empy Body
Empy Hands
Empy Legs
I macro in AF Legs, it seems to usually grant the HP bonus but not always.
By Bamboom 2016-10-25 02:13:17
How much store tp is required to 4hit/5hit with the JSE weapon full auged on War and on Sam?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-10-25 03:21:00
You will need 90 stp (total) on /war, 15 less with /sam
By Sidra 2016-10-25 12:45:49
I was curious how this worked so I read through the formula on BG Wiki and made an excel calculator to use for myself. Assuming a 492 delay polearm, 46 Store TP is the number that gets you to 200 TP/hit (5-hits).
So assuming a 1-hit weaponskill with equal amounts of Store TP as your TP Build Gear, you would need 46 Store TP (31 from gear w SAM sub). That number would go up some if you have Store TP gear removed from the weaponskill, but down a tad if you were planning a multi hit weaponskill.
83 STP would put you at 250 TP/Hit, a true 4 hit. The problem there is you probably have a lot of it coming out for your weaponskill swap, and at that level it gets hard add more on your TP set to make up what you lose from the weaponskill.
Keep in mind with so much TP bonuses on jumps, tons of DA and TA (when it goes off on the last it before WS you would have been over 1k w less Store TP)and Conserve TP being so prevalent, tbh I am not sure if being at the exact targets is important as it used to be.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Lakshmi.Ipsen 2016-10-26 05:08:05
I was curious how this worked so I read through the formula on BG Wiki and made an excel calculator to use for myself. Assuming a 492 delay polearm, 46 Store TP is the number that gets you to 200 TP/hit (5-hits).
So assuming a 1-hit weaponskill with equal amounts of Store TP as your TP Build Gear, you would need 46 Store TP (31 from gear w SAM sub). That number would go up some if you have Store TP gear removed from the weaponskill, but down a tad if you were planning a multi hit weaponskill.
83 STP would put you at 250 TP/Hit, a true 4 hit. The problem there is you probably have a lot of it coming out for your weaponskill swap, and at that level it gets hard add more on your TP set to make up what you lose from the weaponskill.
Keep in mind with so much TP bonuses on jumps, tons of DA and TA (when it goes off on the last it before WS you would have been over 1k w less Store TP)and Conserve TP being so prevalent, tbh I am not sure if being at the exact targets is important as it used to be.
ItemSet 346083
Body: ACC+35 ATT+25 STP+5
Back: DEX+30 ACC+20/ATT+20 STP+10
Legs: ACC+25 ATT+18 STP+7
Feet: ACC+30 ATT+20 STP+5
This set gives me +79 which at 492 Delay /SAM (+15) would return 258tp/hit. Once I have 1200 gift with capped magic haste ill probably use Kentarch+1 giving me an additional +5 STP (264). Fairly consistent 4-hit build (3-hit post WS).
By fillerbunny9 2016-10-26 14:40:10
speaking strictly from a Store TP argument, Rajas or Chirich (+1) Rings would likely be better than Pernicious. then again, I am coming from the standpoint of owning a Ryunohige. =/
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Lakshmi.Ipsen 2016-10-27 05:25:42
speaking strictly from a Store TP argument, Rajas or Chirich (+1) Rings would likely be better than Pernicious. then again, I am coming from the standpoint of owning a Ryunohige. =/
This is a Low acc TP set. You would scale accuracy while trying to maintain set TP as best you could. High and Max sets trend toward ignoring the set TP in favor of total acc.
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-27 07:37:45
Have hope, it's possible to outparse career BLU on high end content.
YouTube Video Placeholder
Just doing my job... Dragon slayin'
By Yeno7 2016-10-28 08:12:11
Nice! hopefully when I come back to game I will try to finish that Aeonnic dagger and aim for the polearm
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-28 10:29:51
Trishula really is that powerful. With the incoming buffs to our Smite trait, potentially far more Attack+% on it (Stardiver), the gap between Trishula and Ryunohige/Gungnir can only get wider.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-10-28 11:28:45
Trishula really is that powerful. With the incoming buffs to our Smite trait, potentially far more Attack+% on it (Stardiver), the gap between Trishula and Ryunohige/Gungnir can only get wider. Did I miss an update or something? Last I checked, Trishula wasn't ahead of Ryu in the first place, much less with an increasing gap.
Strongly competitive, yes. Ahead, no. Mind you, my evaluation didn't account for the change to skillchain properties on Stardiver from Aeonic aftermath. But that's not something you can rely on in a multi DD zerg in any case.
Also, additional atk+ doesn't particularly favor Trishula over any other polearm. If anything more atk favors Ryu, since it helps poor Drakesbane and it's atk penalty. Not that you'd be using Drakes except to Put up AM3, but you'd do better dmg there.
Not looking forward to updated the spreadsheet with all those damn augments to re-evaluate this.... ugh.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-10-28 12:45:05
Trishula CAN beat Ryu in physical damage, but it's typically with Fighter's Roll (which favors non-Mythics) and without TP Bonus buffs (which favor Ryu). Rhongomiant is actually a better competitor and seems to always top Trishula if you can maintain AM3.
I've been meaning to set up something in the spreadsheet to easily add and save augmented gear, or at least Valorous. Probably a unique tab that you can just copy and paste anytime I update the rest of it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-10-28 15:11:54
I'd suggest Valorous and Acro. There are still pieces of acro that are very good(particularly for ryu. The legs with STP augs, for example.)
And I would deeply appreciate a long term solution for augments. Spending an hour copying over aug'd gear everytime the spreadsheet updates gets painful.