Firstly, these are just my sets, not necessarily Ideal sets. Though I will try to note possible improvements, and when I've made compromises due to inv concerns, etc.
TP sets
My augments on TP acro are STP, ACC+ATK, and str+dex. I favor the mixed stats over focusing all on str/atk or acc/dex. And I really don't want to make anymore acro sets.
The AM3 up set is almost Ideal, I think, with perfect augs. (mine aren't there yet. Good, but not perfect) <,<; But it still needs a Sweordfaetels +1. But the things are a pain in the *** to even find. And I'm sure as hell not going to the trouble of having one made.
For AM3 down, you'd expect DA+ to beat STP+, but for hands/feet I still have STP+ slightly ahead. On legs however, the DA pulls ahead. But Taeon legs with +2TA beat out DA+Acro. Hadn't got around to making them though. AM3 down is kinda low priority to me.
WS sets
For all WS, desired acro augs are: STR, ACC+ATK, and WS ACC+.
DA+ is better than ws acc if you don't need the extra acc. But when you do need acc, +20 extra per piece is huge, and makes a far bigger difference than +3 DA. Of course, you could just make an extra acro set for each. But there are both inventory and monetary concerns. So I went with the acc. The reduced impact of DA with AM3 up was also a factor.
I still need to get a a second Ifrit+1. /lazy
For stardiver, a sufficiently well augmented updraft mantle will beat buquwik. I forget the exact break point, but I've posted it on here before somewhere.
Regarding Fotia belt/gorget. I don't actually know if they're better DPS-wise for drakes/camlann's than other options. I just freaking love getting a Fotia proc on a 3K TP drakes. <,<;
Acro augments here are the same as TP gear.
I have not thoroughly investigated DA+ augs here, since I know they'll lose for spirit/soul AM3 up, and quite possibly down as well. Not sure about jump/high jump, but jump TP gear will probably be winning in most main slots for those.
Jump and High jump.
Crusher gauntlets are nearly tied with Vishap+1 normally(like ~0.3 dps difference), and better when you need acc.
Ostro greaves are better DPS than huginn, and better acc, But I haven't decided if I want to carry them just for jumps that I rarely ever use.
EDIT:Non Ryu users, avoid Peltast's legs and huginn on these. Since they won't autocrit without Ryu, other options are better.
Spirit/Soul jump
Not much to comment on here. Just that Brutal is actually sliiightly better than neritic for AM3 down spirit jump. But not for soul. Didn't really wanna break up jump sets into AM3 up/down over a 0.x DPS difference.
TA+2 Taeon legs are actually slightly better than STP Acro for any AM3 down jump. But again, I haven't got around to making them.
ItemSet 335141
For post WS and smiting.
Augments. Acro:Breath+8, Pet:Magic Accuracy ~25. Updraft:Breath+10
869 dmg breath. Not a bad bonus after every ws.
Healing breath.
ItemSet 316443
Same augs as ele breath.
Not gonna get into /mage/casting sets atm. Also not getting into high acc version. Don't really feel like doubling my AH sets. <,<
PDT/MDT/etc, I'll post if there's actually some interest. But I think the main thing ppl were after was DD related sets.