Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-25 22:37:12
Just came back from a break, was it ever perfected to swap in breath gear after ws without messing up tp with GS? Well, I dunno how long you've been on break, so a brief recap.
in the Sep 9 2014 Version update SE did this
Quote: The amount of time required for a breath to activate has been decreased from three seconds to one second. With the reduced charge time, a post WS melee hit should never land before the wyvern's Breath lands, due to JA delay. So with a back-to-TPgear swap in pet aftercast, it became possible to use breath+ gear post WS without any risk dps loss due to melee hits landing in breath gear.
I tested it fairly extensively post update, and it seemed pretty reliable.
However, recently Ophannus said he was having some issues with it. I haven't noticed any problems, but I haven't been on DRG much recently. So if it's a new thing I wouldn't have seen it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-25 23:29:49
I didnt notice issues with it until maybe last week(jumped on thf bandwagon). It swaps in after ws like 50% of the time, i posted on bg and they said they dont know. The problem is, when it fails to work, it leaves me in breath gear until next action. It's frustrating.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-25 23:38:58
Check the thread here and see my code and screenshots. It worked well up until i recently audited my sets. Maybe you two can think if a more parsimonious solution. I've been working on it for too long.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 228
By Odin.Skeero 2015-02-26 00:03:06
I was using the code that me and you came up with a while back, but unlike you, mine only worked part of the time and got the problem you have now. Most the time it leaves me in breath gear. I havent even geared up drg since ive been back. The GS frustrates me.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-26 01:01:28
I did a bit of testing. Took a quint spear after a couple Reives. Tested before hand to see what full breath dmg was. Locked in breath+ gear and tossed off a couple ws.
359 was the full dmg. Hey, give the wyvern a break, non-ilvl weapon and vs a reive.
So, started parse, and ws'd away. Code
Flame Breath
223: 8
336: 2
+^ 359: 80
363: 1
368: 1
92 ws later. I have a... 10.8% failure rate. Note, among those 10%, I only twice got stuck on breath gear. And one of those times I still got a pet-aftercast. Which was weird.
I don't believe my code is significantly different from yours. They both still work based on pet mid and after cast.
I'll debate possible causes and solutions later. sleep.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-26 08:00:39
Maybe stick the gear in ws aftercast if wyvern is alive? Assuming breath goes off, should aftercast in breath gear after ws, and then aftercast in tp gear for petaftercast?
By FaeQueenCory 2015-02-26 08:16:32
It could just be server-client lag or packet derping.
A frequent issue makes me side on the connectivity side (lag) since it's a rather large number.
But seeing as it is so small... It could just be the simple fact that you're not in Japan.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-26 08:49:37
I'll parse later too. Definitely was more frequent than 10% for me at least but could be lag, was running at 20fps. When i took those pics in rakaznar, it would be almost every other cast, which makes me think the code in my lua that changes my equip state whenever i receive or lose may be interferring. I use Skeero's lua, and i think he may have gotten it from mote or something. At any rate, it's my only lua that changes gear when receiving a buff(frustrating when i equip a warp ring and someone buffs me or a buff wears off). But like maybe if i get a march or haste wears off when i was, it causes interference. Btw any notes for us if acro feet/legs beat vishap/pteroslaver for either breath? And any ideas on a way to potentially give them other augs to make it less strenuous on inventory? Was thinking making them breath/pdt, since I use Osmium/Cizin feet+1(pdt4/mdt4). Can drop those two and aug acro with breath, pdt, def?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 228
By Odin.Skeero 2015-02-26 11:01:24
Id like to see Martels GS if you dont mind, ive spent countless hours playing with the one i have and everytime i fix something with breath, something else breaks. I used Bokuras old Gs and just altered it to my liking. Drg is my main/fav job and i easily get bent out of shape when i cant play it to its full potential. and with drg you have to or you get pushed down further than it already is.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-26 12:51:31
I'll parse later too. Definitely was more frequent than 10% for me at least but could be lag, was running at 20fps. When i took those pics in rakaznar, it would be almost every other cast, which makes me think the code in my lua that changes my equip state whenever i receive or lose may be interferring. I use Skeero's lua, and i think he may have gotten it from mote or something. At any rate, it's my only lua that changes gear when receiving a buff(frustrating when i equip a warp ring and someone buffs me or a buff wears off). But like maybe if i get a march or haste wears off when i was, it causes interference. So you think buffchange code was interfering? You were receiving a buff during 50% of your WS?
Alos, buffchange code should be restricted by not midaction() and not pet_midaction(). And again, you can code an exception for warp ring. I hope you have something to keep buffchange from swapping you out of a PDT/MDT macro'd swap. <,<
Btw any notes for us if acro feet/legs beat vishap/pteroslaver for either breath? And any ideas on a way to potentially give them other augs to make it less strenuous on inventory? Was thinking making them breath/pdt, since I use Osmium/Cizin feet+1(pdt4/mdt4). Can drop those two and aug acro with breath, pdt, def? The situation with elemental breaths should be blindingly obvious. WHP+ isn't viable for general elemental Breath use. So Acro wins hands down.
For HB, Vishap/Ptero are substantially stronger... Assuming they proc. But Acro is absolutely reliable. You will always get that bonus.
We really need to finalize the HB formula and get exact values for all breath+, precise 119 wyvern hp, etc. So we can just calculate this ***then go check our numbers once. I've got a breath+1 aug lying around. Figuring out the value of 1 point of breath+ should be quite useful, assuming they all work on the same system.
Anyway, like I said earlier. While I'd had the same thought, I'm not even sure if Acro can get PDT augs. I haven't seen any or heard any reports.
Maybe stick the gear in ws aftercast if wyvern is alive? Assuming breath goes off, should aftercast in breath gear after ws, and then aftercast in tp gear for petaftercast? That's one of the possible work arounds I'd considered, although with a lot more restrictions than just wyvern alive. And while it will probably address the issue of reduced breath dmg it won't help with the lost pet aftercasts.
So you'd still need a failsafe for that. And any of these I try need to be tested.
Thing is, I doubt your issue is directly related to your code. There's really very little difference between our pet_midcast functions. While you might mitigate the issue via recoding, that would merely be a palliative. I'm inclined to suspect your internet and possibly your PC. But perhaps a third party should test breaths first. Preferably someone with a good internet connection.
Addendum: My internet sucks. Been kicked twice while writing this post. <,<; So if internet is the differing factor it doesn't take much make breaths work at that 90%.
By FaeQueenCory 2015-02-26 13:31:21
I'll parse later too. Definitely was more frequent than 10% for me at least but could be lag, was running at 20fps. Lag wouldn't affect your FPS.
That would be your computer's processor/graphics card/RAM.
Lag would be the speed at which your computer (the client) talks to the server.
Being in America, while the servers are in Japan will always put a slight lag on the server-client pings.
But that is usually negligible.
So if it is determined the problem was lag, you have either not!Japan, your internet provider, and/or your area's physical hardware.... or all three.
Of course there is also the possibility of it being server derping.
When packets of information arrive or are processed out of sequence from when they were made/sent...
There's not much you could do about that.
I'm in America, and occasionally, very rarely, I'll have a packet *** up... and there's not really anything that can be done to fix it aside from having direct access to FFXI's servers...
or living in Japan.
So you just gotta live with it if that's the case.
But if your FPS was dropping, then it sounds like the problem is with your machine.
Perhaps an antivirus or some other program running in the background decided that then was a good time to eat up all your RAM...
or your RAM cards could be shorting out...
or your processor could be dying...
or your video card could be dying...
But the good news here is that all of those are easily fixed.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-26 13:35:29
I had a software firewall cause some pretty massive FFXI issues once. It'd make my game skip about once every 2 seconds. It was so bad, that after replacing nearly every physical component in my PC and still having the issue, I just quit for awhile. Came back, nuked my fire wall and it stopped. -.-;
But this isn't directly(i think) related to the issue at hand.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-26 14:09:09
Would low fps then be my issue(hardware). I have an old laptop, looking to replace. But if it's my internet, it wouldnt make sense because gs has no problem incorporating gear when i cast or ws, unless 50% of the time my gear isnt changing when the packets go out...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-26 14:11:33
Also, how do you do AM3 gearsets on spreadsheet? It seems like there's just a tab for gear, with tpset1 and tpset2 but those sets are independent i think for comparisons, no?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-26 14:55:26
Would low fps then be my issue(hardware). I have an old laptop, looking to replace. But if it's my internet, it wouldnt make sense because gs has no problem incorporating gear when i cast or ws, unless 50% of the time my gear isnt changing when the packets go out... well, unless you think something in your lua in interfering I dunno what else to tell you. And the buff thing really is kinda unlikely to explain 50% rate.
btw, you only posted your pet_midcast, so if something else was doing it, it's not like we could tell.
Also, how do you do AM3 gearsets on spreadsheet? It seems like there's just a tab for gear, with tpset1 and tpset2 but those sets are independent i think for comparisons, no? AM3 is the spreadsheets is just a buff you turn on/off in the setup tab. But it kinda sounds like you were expecting some kinda greater functionality.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2015-02-26 15:01:36
So how does one account for AMup and AM3down TP sets for one 'build'. For example if i put in my WS set, but add in a piece with sTP(like acro body) it gives a large boost(because it is calculating that the extra TP generated from Stardiver from the added stp will work in some way with my AMdown gear, but my AM3up set has more sTP so, it's kind of inaccurate in that respect. not sure if this makes sense.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-26 15:09:42
It really doesn't. Like, really.
I'm getting the feeling you're misunderstanding something basic about the spreadsheets... but I'm not sure what, which may be why your confusing me.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2015-02-26 15:41:05
I guess I was wondering if it was possible for a spreadsheet to account for both AMup and AMdown since TP return on Stardiver and different amounts of sTP in TP sets vary depending on if AM is up or down?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-26 15:49:27
You know how there's set 1, and set 2?
Turn AM3 on for set 1, leave it off for set two. <,<
Alternatively, use two copies of the spreadsheet. one for AM3 up, one for down.
Also, technically? You should never be using stardiver with AM3 down, cause you should be getting 3k TP and then using Drakesbane to get AM3 up. So That portion of the query is largely irrelevant.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2015-02-26 15:55:29
I should have been clear, sorry I'm multitasking and at work. I mean is there a way to merge all DRG damage that takes into account our AM3down phase and AM3up phase for 'total DPS' rather than only looking at AMdown and AMup separately? AM3up's total DPS is most of our DPS but doesn't take into account for AM down+holding TP till 3000 and using Drakesbane, etc.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-26 22:29:46
Also what I'm kind of getting is, how can I see if certain pieces are better for AM3down when trying to get 3000TP for Drakesbane? For example, between a piece with 9STP vs a piece with 3STP and 2DA. Trying to see if should go full out multiattack now with DA Acro/TA Taeon for AM3 down and then sTP acro for AM3up, or a mishmosh, or if each piece must be looked at individually. But the spreadsheet can't account for holding TP to 3000 for AM can it? Have like 54sTP in AM3down set and wondering if that's too much and should just use multihit gear.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-26 22:44:05
Setup tab, cell E47. Minimum WS TP. Wonder what that does? XD
Set it to 3000. Now the ws dmg, and tp cycle are based on getting 3k TP.
Also, I'll get into combined AM3up/down dps later. It's a pain in the ***.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-26 23:41:26
So i have to reaug the da3 into stp for acro helm. I thought a stp3/da4 aug acro helm would be a merger of otomi and yaoyotl, but turns out a 10stp acro helms creams everything for am3 up, and need otomi's aug'd haste until lancer plackart reforge comes out, once it does, windbuffet will be amazing for am3 up(i have windbuffet+1 being BiS with capped haste but hard to cap using plackart, so have to use goading it seems). Hard to post sets due to aug but using this:
Not listing irrelevant augs like att/acc.
-AM Down-
Acro surcoat(6stp)
Acro gauntlets(6stp aug)
Bleating mantle
Taeon tights(TA+2)
Acro Leggings(StP+6)
Acro Helm(6stp)
Lancer Plackart+2
Acro Gauntlets(6stp)
Acro Breeches(6stp)
Acro Leggings(6stp)
I found this to be one of the best setups so far but something more efficient will likely turn up. Anyone else find anything else?(btw putting stp+6 and crit+2 makes on acro helm makes it amazing for jumps cuz it has stp+3 already)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-27 01:51:37
Found an error in the sheet that I though had been fixed already..
check cells H146 and I146 of your data tab. This line....
=H72*H129*IF(AND(Setup!$F6=1, Setup!$F10=0),2,1)+ IF(H129>0, IF(Jump!$B41="Lancer +1",2.5,IF(Jump!$B41="Lancer +2",5,0)), 0)
This still has lancer feet jumpt TP bonus in the old decimal TP system. Needs to be changed to 25 and 50 respectively. I know I've fixed that before.. maybe I just had an older copy?
Anyway. You mean a 9 stp acro helm, right? 3+6=9.
OK, so. AM3 up set...
That AM3 set is only at 24% haste. You depending on Ionis there? Which is not unreasonable, but. A Perfectly aug'd Acro Surcoat will beat lancer in that set whether you have Ionis or not. And then your capped haste without Ionis too.
Perfect, in this case being 6 stp, 20acc/20atk.(although I'm doing low eva mobs atm so the acc is hardly relevant. Ionis down, it's a 60~dps dif. Ionis up, only 1.6 dps.(but you could still get 7str/dex or 10 str on it) But you did want to TP in an ilvl body, yes?
Next, brutal earring, replace with Neritic. 3 more stp>5% da when AM3 up.
And this one surprised me, but Bleating >> Rancorous mantle, even AM3 up. And good riddance I died far too much cause of it.(still have to carry it for drakes though.)
While stp/crit dmg+3%(yes it goes up to +3) would be better for jumps.. there's a point at which it's not worth making and carrying. Each piece used only adds 0.3~0.6 dps over just using the TP set stp acro. This is probably where my inv draws the line.
I pretty much agree with the remaining gear choices.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-27 07:56:35
I only wrote augments, so i put 6. I dont have a perfect surcoat but its close. 6stp 18att/18acc and 3% wsd(wish i could get str+10 but keep getting hp).
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-02-27 08:43:11
I had+10 str on surcoat..... til I augmented over it just now thinking I was augmenting something else.. FFFFFFFFFFFFF
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 35
By Sylph.Ticu 2015-02-27 09:16:59
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-27 09:25:46
The WSD on acro is appealing at first glance, but it's a trap. Pteroslaver has like 8str over acro surcoat and it wins out. If you want a supreme ws body, strive for str+10 DA+3% at least. Hell even STR+10 and Stp will win over ptero(i'm going this route to save inventory space). Also +dmg is better than +str for the polearm, can get up to +30 i believe.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Sylph.Ticu 2015-02-27 09:32:11
The WSD on acro is appealing at first glance, but it's a trap. Pteroslaver has like 8str over acro surcoat and it wins out. If you want a supreme ws body, strive for str+10 DA+3% at least. Hell even STR+10 and Stp will win over ptero(i'm going this route to save inventory space). Also +dmg is better than +str for the polearm, can get up to +30 i believe.
Yeah I've been trying to get +DMG on the polearm, but so far the best has been the +18 STR +18 VIT, which is nothing to be ashamed of. I'll keep trying, its just too expensive.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-02-27 12:09:11
I know the feel. I only was saying to reaug just incase you thought str>dmg ^^
Man i'm so unlucky with breath augs, good thing leaforbs+2 are like 30k.