Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2021-11-21 15:46:17
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varies wildly depending on the fight. BIS for tp is ambu / odin gear, but harder fights u die because of lack of magic evasion, then you use nyame x 5
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-11-21 16:42:22
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Asura.Bippin said: »
ItemSet 374115
Edit: Nyame over Gleti's if attack uncapped
2nd set for when more DT/MEVA needed depending on support etc.
This is what I have been using as always love others input.

Also for non DT stuff been using
	sets.engaged.Sword = {ammo="Coiste Bodhar",   head="Flam. Zucchetto +2",
    body="Gleti's Cuirass",
    hands="Sulev. Gauntlets +2",
    feet="Flam. Gambieras +2",
    neck="Ganesha's Mala",
    waist="Ioskeha Belt +1",
    ear2="Balder Earring +1",
    ear1="Sherida Earring",
    left_ring="Niqmaddu Ring",
    right_ring="Petrov Ring",
    back={ name="Brigantia's Mantle", augments={'DEX+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Accuracy+10','"Dbl.Atk."+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},

Nyame is Path B and All Gleti's is R20
By 2021-11-21 18:19:11
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By SimonSes 2021-11-22 02:58:28
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Slowforever said: »
I'll hold off a bit longer to test out the Aeonic but with Gleti r20 and neck/ rings/ cape/ earrings all with either crit or multi attack I am thinking Empy will absolutely shred in the content I want to bring DRG to.

It unfortunately will not. SimonSes illustrated why. It may look neat for a minute, but the DPS is super negligible compared to aeonic or naegling.

I dont think the difference is that big. The highest I could push Rhongomiant was ~9507 (using Stardiver as WS), Naegling to 9768 9999 (EDIT: I was able to get this 200+ DPS more if you use Savage around 1700TP, instead of asap after getting 1000) or Trishula to 9770 (Samurai roll, chaos roll, capped att/acc).
All builds are kinda glassy with Flamma+2 feet/head and Trishula and Naegling even more glassy (for master at least :P) +3 Relic legs. Every of this build could be push even higher, but I left Gleti's R20 body and hands for at least minimal protection for master and wyvern. EDIT2: Rhongo also takes bigger hit to DPS if you switch Flamma to Nyame for more hybrid build and even more if you switch to 5/5 Nyame path B (5/5 Nyame B takes Naegling and Trishula to around 8900, while Rhongo goes all the way down to 8162)

This is also with AM3 Rhongomiant, so you would need to get into consideration that you would need to lose some damage getting AM3 up (3000 Camlann is probably like 20k+ less damage than 3000 Stardiver and even less than optimal use of Stardiver around 2kTP). Polearm builds also rely more on PDL and have higher base pDIF cap too (tho this 15% difference in pDIF cap would be partially even out with Smite II I guess), while not having Naegling's attack bonus. In the end this makes Naegling build much easier to manage.

None of those builds are bis DPS for DRG tho, at least in perfect conditions (so again Naegling might be bis if you consider it needs the least buffs to push it to it's limits). With optimal scenario the best are Shining One and Ryunohige. First is much easier to play with and Ryunohige is the most depending of them all. Requires to manage AM3 and cap attack with 48%PDL on Drakesbane, which has -19% attack to boot. That means Ryunohige build is only really possible when Frailty is present and not nerfed or if you stack many def down effects and add some attack buffs like chaos and fury on top.
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Posts: 4
By acebase 2022-02-16 08:03:33
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I'm getting pretty bad Stardiver numbers (~10-11K WS average) and am wondering what I should optimize for next. At ~1000TP I've never seen anything close to the 30K~40K numbers mentioned in this thread unless I'm including the SC damage as well. I understand I'm missing quite a few pieces from the BiS stuff in the wiki but am surprised I'm off by so much.

ItemSet 383750

Some notes:

DRG/SAM, 2100JP / Master Level 4

Trishula is R0

Cape is STR+30, Acc/Atk +20, DA +10%

Soil Belt/Gorget could be upgraded to Fotia but my understanding is the only thing I gain there is the 1% chance of TP Conserve, which shouldn't have an impact on WS Avg. fTP boost should be exact same?

Other pieces I have: Shining One, full set of Gleti's R0, Sailfi Belt, Thrud Earring, that's more or less it. I can work on anything or try anything but am trying to figure out where I'm failing most at the moment.
Posts: 159
By Veydal1 2022-02-16 08:21:09
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Unfortunately (for the effort needed to get an Aeonic), Trishula does not hold up well at all unless you're focusing on solo SCing or SC dmg is the main focus. Those higher averages will only be had in a capped attack situation with R15 Trish and maybe a multi-attack proc or two. Along with high end gear elsewhere.

The easy button for DRG is to just leverage Shining One and holding TP to about 2000. This synergizes well with DRG's naturally high TP gain. Use those jumps.
Posts: 9184
By SimonSes 2022-02-16 09:53:58
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acebase said: »
I'm getting pretty bad Stardiver numbers (~10-11K WS average) and am wondering what I should optimize for next. At ~1000TP I've never seen anything close to the 30K~40K numbers mentioned in this thread unless I'm including the SC damage as well. I understand I'm missing quite a few pieces from the BiS stuff in the wiki but am surprised I'm off by so much.

ItemSet 383750

Some notes:

DRG/SAM, 2100JP / Master Level 4

Trishula is R0

Cape is STR+30, Acc/Atk +20, DA +10%

Soil Belt/Gorget could be upgraded to Fotia but my understanding is the only thing I gain there is the 1% chance of TP Conserve, which shouldn't have an impact on WS Avg. fTP boost should be exact same?

Other pieces I have: Shining One, full set of Gleti's R0, Sailfi Belt, Thrud Earring, that's more or less it. I can work on anything or try anything but am trying to figure out where I'm failing most at the moment.

You havent said where you are getting those numbers?
If target has not enough HP (like lets say 8k), your WS will only do enough hits to kill the target. So if you are WSing some 8k HP target, you probably only landing 2 hits.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Belkin
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-02-16 11:49:29
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You also need to consider the buffs you are getting. If you aren't getting quality buffs, any WS is gonna be a bit shite. Trust buffs don't count.
Posts: 9184
By SimonSes 2022-02-16 12:05:39
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Beside shitty buffs, if you try to solo something like Shaol C, then not only you are too low on attack, but also fight a lot of stuff that has resist to piercing damage.
By 2022-02-16 12:14:12
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Server: Valefor
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user: detlef
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By Valefor.Philemon 2022-02-16 13:03:04
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I don't think anybody mentioned Utu Grip but yeah, Utu Grip.
Posts: 4
By acebase 2022-02-16 13:26:57
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Sorry, forgot to mention these numbers are with Trusts on Apex Efts. I think it’s about the same on Bats but it’s been a few days since I tried there.

Thank you for the guidance so far. Looks like there’s at least a few directions to go to try and improve things, and then there’s the Trust buffs not counting thing. I just figured when most people were parsing on Apex they were doing that solo with Trusts.
Posts: 2742
By Nariont 2022-02-16 13:35:30
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Not at all, trust buffs are bottom of the rung, and sometimes just plain inconsistent, theyre just there to get you by but any 1 actual buff job can likely do the equivalent of that entire trust roster, specially in the cases of geo/brd
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-16 13:38:22
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acebase said: »
I just figured when most people were parsing on Apex they were doing that solo with Trusts.
Just depends, On Apex with just trust you can do 30-40k WS with the right gear etc.

Just to add this may also be a useful recourse:
Server: Odin
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user: Creaucent
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By Odin.Creaucent 2022-02-16 13:38:44
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Trust buffs just arent enough to get you anywhere near attack cap to be using those pieces. I would suggest using AF2+3 head and body, Lustratio feet the att/da path, there is a UNM grip if you can't get the ambu grip or Utu grip and ifrit rings+1 if you can't get the Omen rings.

If you have a decent WHM trust like Monberaux or Ygnas I would also suggest swapping to Sylvie her att boost is constant and probably the best one from trusts.
Posts: 9184
By SimonSes 2022-02-16 13:43:40
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That being said you probably use wrong trusts, if you are getting such a bad numbers.

King of Hearts - Will cast Dia III in first sec after engage
Sylvie - Fury and frailty (can resummon every 5 min to keep frailty up 100% of the time)
Qultada - Chaos

This three should easily push your pdif up a lot.
Every few mobs you can also add Angon ofc.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2022-02-17 10:42:21
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Does DRG have any Double Light/Darkness combos for solo SC?
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2022-02-17 10:47:12
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With Trishula you have these 2 or 3 step options. If you can do 4 step or have AM2/3 up, you have quite a bit more.
    Camlann's Torment > Drakesbane > Camlann's Torment
    Camlann's Torment > Wheeling Thrust > Camlann's Torment
    Drakesbane > Camlann's Torment > Camlann's Torment
    Wheeling Thrust > Camlann's Torment > Camlann's Torment
    Camlann's Torment > Camlann's Torment

    Stardiver > Stardiver
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-17 11:42:04
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-02-22 00:30:27
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Are the Stardiver/Impulse drive sets on the bgwiki guide up to date btw?

For piercing what weapons/WS are you guys using on Odyssey C? Stardiver numbers seems really inconsistent sometimes
Server: Leviathan
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user: Boposhopo
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By Leviathan.Boposhopo 2022-02-22 01:04:36
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Asura.Aburaage said: »
Are the Stardiver/Impulse drive sets on the bgwiki guide up to date btw?

For piercing what weapons/WS are you guys using on Odyssey C? Stardiver numbers seems really inconsistent sometimes

Sets are up to date.

A lot of stuff is resistant to piercing damage, if you're going to go DD on DRG in Sheol-C you'll probably have better luck with a Naegling using Savage Blade. Honestly I'd just use a different DD if possible for Sheol-C farming.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-02-22 01:33:05
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Yeah I'm mainly using polearm for the lamia/big bird/flying mobs only, the rest naegling. Still, DRG polearm WS feels weaker vs SAM big boom impulse drive, which is kind of ironic
Posts: 9184
By SimonSes 2022-02-22 08:42:55
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Asura.Aburaage said: »
Yeah I'm mainly using polearm for the lamia/big bird/flying mobs only, the rest naegling. Still, DRG polearm WS feels weaker vs SAM big boom impulse drive, which is kind of ironic

Its technically impossible for Impulse Drive.

DRG has:
- higher WS damage bonuses.
- higher attack and higher pdl trait
- 8% Crit damage bonus from gift
- Way better gear for attack cap and about the same for attack uncapped

You probably just WS at higher TP thresholds with SAM, which makes a massive difference.

Stardiver numbers will always be very random. It's a 4hit WS with ftp transfer and damage scaling with TP. MA procs can potentially double the damage on it and difference between 2000 effective TP and 3000 effective TP is also almost 40%.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-02-22 10:51:29
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So for ody c which one is a better option for drg trish+stardiver or shining+impulse?
Posts: 9184
By SimonSes 2022-02-22 11:14:32
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Asura.Aburaage said: »
So for ody c which one is a better option for drg trish+stardiver or shining+impulse?

No idea :) I would say it's just something that you should test in practice. I don't have any experience as DRG in Shaol C.
Posts: 4
By acebase 2022-02-22 11:15:47
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Wanted to pop back in and say thank you for the tips. I swapped out some pieces along with my trusts and am now hitting 30K (and sometimes higher!) on the bats. I still have a ways to go: need to get Utu Grip, Niqmaddu and Regal Rings, either Dagon or Ptero +3 chest, and augment my Trishula, but I'm feeling pretty good.

I managed to get a Pulse weapon in Trove this month and was thinking about making a Naegling with it. Short of leveling up and gearing a WAR (which I'll get to... eventually), are there any gear sets recommended for a Naegling DRG?
By 2022-02-22 11:16:22
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Posts: 9184
By SimonSes 2022-02-22 11:37:15
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Asura.Aburaage said: »
So for ody c which one is a better option for drg trish+stardiver or shining+impulse?

R15 Trishula using Stardiver is the highest piercing DPS DRG has available due to it's TP return, strength, and Skillchain properties.

It's very common to instruct your group to ignore the lamia because you 2-shot them.

If you're seeing lower DPS from it, remember it's a multi-hit weaponskill and the mob needs to have enough HP to take the hits, so just switch mobs if you autotarget onto someone else's mob.

For Lamias you might be right, because of skillchain damage, but for regular mobs, especially those weak to piercing it feels more complicated. Impulse can easily one shot tons of stuff, probably even in uncapped attack using Nyame. Stardiver PDL capped attack is much better than uncapped attack set. Stardiver will also probably still fail to one shot sometimes, even when you will hold TP like with Shining.

EDIT: I might feel it wrong tho. Like I said, not much experience in shaol on DRG :P
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2022-02-22 11:57:26
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On DRG when I take it to C, I normally use Trish for lamia as others have said and Shining one for piercing weak mobs.
By 2022-02-22 12:04:22
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