Random Politics & Religion #00
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 22:45:15
No, it doesn't show that at all, it shows Jassik destroyed your "argument," and you are completely delusional. The US cannot produce enough food to feed its entire population for a sustained period of time. Not even close. Wow backreading, pretty sure altima has no grasp on how many people live in the US, we don't even come close to producing enough food to feed our entire population, a sudden seizure of imports would pretty much reduce us to eating grains within a year. The fruit would be gone almost right away, the meat would be next, and those that didn't starve to death would be vegetarians. Even with great harvests from every source you are looking at a pretty large population reduction in the first year. But altima would survive, so the entire country would be ok, right?
. . .
Well, considering he doesn't have a clue about acclimatization of different species of plants from region-to-region or across continental borders, even withholding human-genetic engineering (which is why we have such a plethora of species we have today), which even hobby gardeners know, just what?
Jet, to give you an idea, it's a china cabinet and a tea/coffee table (label dependent on your continental European or British ancestry), so, when I say "large", in reality they're not that large, which is even more so coffee-spitting inducing.
As Jassik stated, it's within the time parameters that you want it imported. That was base-line without insurance, which is an additional fee.
EDIT: Maybe you should elaborate more, Altima?
Why elaborate when people can't even read to begin with. "post from a few page's back, FFS....."
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »The US doesn't have the level of sustainability to generate jobs if it closed of it's borders (again) to international trade.
It can't generate enough petroleum oil, energy, or food, for 320 million people, the amount of jobs in existence would also plummet, as the rough majority of jobs, are currently dependent on tourism and exports.
Essential services would suffer, markets would crash, more lost homes, more homeless, and even the 1%'s would suffer devastating losses.
To say that we cannot produce enough food for ourselves is hilarious. Do you even realize how much food we can be capable of producing? Yet alone how much we produce now and ship overseas.
We would have to work on ethanol which we already have motors that can run on pure ethanol, as for energy you liberal are all for going more green right???????
Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 22:48:57
You realize that post says nothing right? Yes, we realize how much food the country is capable of producing, and yes, we realize its not enough to sustain a population of 320 million people for an extended period of time.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 22:49:11
Except Ethanol isn't particularly green or efficient. It's basically taking a crop we could use for food and turning it into crappy fuel for no reason.
Edit: Just some quick pen and paper math. There's about 250 million cars registered in the US. Average fuel economy for 100% Ethanol mixed driving in a 4 cylinder sedan is ~20 MPG (ethanol has less energy than petro, so you use more). The average american drives ~10,000 miles a year. That means, 250,000,000 x 10,000 / 20MPG, that's 125 billion gallons of fuel per year. ~328 gallons of Ethanol per acre (net gain after fuel for planting/harvesting). We'd need ~38 million acres of corn crops just for fuel, and that's not including the fuel used in commercial transportation or the energy required to process the corn into fuel.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 22:50:26
Done with you circle talking, reading comprehension failures for today. smh.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 22:50:59
Done with you circle talking, reading comprehension failures for today. smh. Yes, by you.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2014-09-01 22:51:35
Because personal items and the food supply's of nations are totally the same thing right. smh...
*Supplies* How about we learn the difference between a plural and a possessive, then I'll start taking you seriously. *Supplies'* if speaking in the plural-possessive.
Are you absolutely sure that you don't need any secondary education?
I hate to sink to that, but God damn! Talking about effective communication and such. Where's Mag?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 22:51:47
Done with you circle talking, reading comprehension failures for today. smh.
You said absolutely nothing. Great job. You didn't even make an argument, but call other people trolls.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 22:52:47
Because personal items and the food supply's of nations are totally the same thing right. smh...
*Supplies* How about we learn the difference between a plural and a possessive, then I'll start taking you seriously. *Supplies'* if speaking in the plural-possessive.
Are you absolutely sure that you don't need any secondary education?
I hate to sink to that, but God damn! Talking about effective communication and such. Where's Mag? Pretty sure he didn't finish primary.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 22:59:50
Because personal items and the food supply's of nations are totally the same thing right. smh...
*Supplies* How about we learn the difference between a plural and a possessive, then I'll start taking you seriously. *Supplies'* if speaking in the plural-possessive.
Are you absolutely sure that you don't need any secondary education?
I hate to sink to that, but God damn! Talking about effective communication and such. Where's Mag?
When you've got nothing else go after the grammar!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 23:03:31
Zahrah made her point earlier, and it was accurate, then she went after your pathetic grammar. Gonna at least try to make a point, or keep playing the victim?
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2014-09-01 23:03:52
Because personal items and the food supply's of nations are totally the same thing right. smh...
*Supplies* How about we learn the difference between a plural and a possessive, then I'll start taking you seriously. *Supplies'* if speaking in the plural-possessive.
Are you absolutely sure that you don't need any secondary education?
I hate to sink to that, but God damn! Talking about effective communication and such. Where's Mag?
When you've got nothing else go after the grammar!
Or is it that you're such an American caricature that you haven't had a legitimate rebuttal?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 23:04:18
Because personal items and the food supply's of nations are totally the same thing right. smh...
*Supplies* How about we learn the difference between a plural and a possessive, then I'll start taking you seriously. *Supplies'* if speaking in the plural-possessive.
Are you absolutely sure that you don't need any secondary education?
I hate to sink to that, but God damn! Talking about effective communication and such. Where's Mag?
When you've got nothing else go after the grammar!
For someone who constantly questions the intelligence of everyone else, you'd think you would at least attempt to use proper English.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 23:05:27
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 23:07:11
Because personal items and the food supply's of nations are totally the same thing right. smh...
*Supplies* How about we learn the difference between a plural and a possessive, then I'll start taking you seriously. *Supplies'* if speaking in the plural-possessive.
Are you absolutely sure that you don't need any secondary education?
I hate to sink to that, but God damn! Talking about effective communication and such. Where's Mag?
When you've got nothing else go after the grammar!
For someone who constantly questions the intelligence of everyone else, you'd think you would at least attempt to use proper English.
I never *** about anyone's spelling and grammar, even when the chance comes around. Believe me IT DOES. Its an internet forum ffs.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 23:08:44
Yes we realize that. I said that I think? And yes, we realize its not enough to sustain 320 million people for an extended amount of time. The problem is, you don't realize it, and seem to be pretty far from reality.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 23:09:03
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 23:10:54
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
What jobs would this displace? If anything it would make millions of jobs.
Edit: Heaven forbid we have to grow accustom to eating seasonal foods in-turn for a better economy and better food.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 23:12:24
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
Don't even worry about that man, despite it being true. Like you said earlier, hope everyone wants to be a vegetarian, say goodbye to fruit and meat. But that doesn't even matter, the country can't produce enough food to feed 320 million people 365 days a year, even on a grain only diet.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 23:13:14
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
What jobs would this displace? If anything it would make millions of jobs.
LOL ok, millions of jobs? Really?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 23:13:48
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
What jobs would this displace? If anything it would make millions of jobs.
Shipping, transportation, commodities, inspection, grocers, warehouses, etc. You don't really think these things through before you pass judgement on them.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 23:15:52
*** seasonal food, I want tacos and I want them now!
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2014-09-01 23:16:39
So, how exactly would upping international tariffs help again? If you could elaborate on that, maybe we could get a better feel for what you're saying. At the moment, it's simply, "People don't live like I live, so *** 'em!"
EDIT: We're voluntarily paying taxes for something you don't choose to.
I bet you get a lot of tax write-offs for the farm also. Are paper clips also included? Are you sure you're paying your fair-share?
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 23:17:19
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
Don't even worry about that man, despite it being true. Like you said earlier, hope everyone wants to be a vegetarian, say goodbye to fruit and meat. But that doesn't even matter, the country can't produce enough food to feed 320 million people 365 days a year, even on a grain only diet.
Are you really that slow? The USA consumes more meat per person than any other country as it is and we grow the vast majority of it. "I've actually never seen foreign meat for sale, and if i did it would scare the ***outta me." I'm guessing you know absolutely nothing about life outside your mom's basement.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 23:20:12
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
What jobs would this displace? If anything it would make millions of jobs.
Shipping, transportation, commodities, inspection, grocers, warehouses, etc. You don't really think these things through before you pass judgement on them.
Your gonna need all these things even shipping "panama canal" to transport food from one coast to the other. More than likely gonna need to expand all these areas.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 23:20:37
Oh ***, he just played this:
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 23:23:09
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
What jobs would this displace? If anything it would make millions of jobs.
LOL ok, millions of jobs? Really?
Yes, Millions because 1-2 farmers will no longer be able to work thousands of acres anymore. They are gonna need to hire workers for a new crop of w/e the farmer is gonna choose to grow. The best part is everyone should make more money because edible food is more expensive to grow and more profitable to sell. especially since nobody has to worry about overseas undercutting anymore.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 23:24:03
Oh ***, he just played this:

Its the only card I got to play because I'm a young married white guy with a job..........................................................................................................................................................................
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 23:25:34
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
What jobs would this displace? If anything it would make millions of jobs.
Shipping, transportation, commodities, inspection, grocers, warehouses, etc. You don't really think these things through before you pass judgement on them.
Your gonna need all these things even shipping "panama canal" to transport food from one coast to the other. More than likely gonna need to expand all these areas.
Not necessarily, the main difference is that we won't be receiving as much, not that we're transporting more. Transportation would effectively remain the same with the direction of domestic shipping and production having to be regional. It would require large investments to even be feasible and the product wouldn't make any more money. You can't just reinvent an economy, keep prices artificially low, and expect things to work out.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 23:26:02
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
Don't even worry about that man, despite it being true. Like you said earlier, hope everyone wants to be a vegetarian, say goodbye to fruit and meat. But that doesn't even matter, the country can't produce enough food to feed 320 million people 365 days a year, even on a grain only diet.
Are you really that slow? The USA consumes more meat per person than any other country as it is and we grow the vast majority of it. "I've actually never seen foreign meat for sale, and if i did it would scare the ***outta me." I'm guessing you know absolutely nothing about life outside your mom's basement.
Guess all you want, you are still completely wrong. The beef would last longer than the fruit for sure, but without the live cattle coming in to replenish the herd, we would still run out pretty fast. Funny how all your posts contain insults, isn't that what you accuse everyone else of doing? Keep playing the victim tho.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-09-01 23:26:23
Alright ffs do you people realize the USA has more than 30 million acres of prime farmland sitting around doing nothing? Do you people realize that if we stopped selling grain overseas we could produce practically anything your refined palates desire AND STILL HAVE EXTRA?
Keep your heads up each others *** though and keep misinterpreting everything I say.
Quote: Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
What about the jobs lost in the process? It takes a handful of people with modern equipment to tend a thousand acres of farm land vs the hundreds or thousands of jobs it would displace. That's not even considering the impossibility of growing enough of everything that 320 million people could have what they want year round.
Don't even worry about that man, despite it being true. Like you said earlier, hope everyone wants to be a vegetarian, say goodbye to fruit and meat. But that doesn't even matter, the country can't produce enough food to feed 320 million people 365 days a year, even on a grain only diet.
Are you really that slow? The USA consumes more meat per person than any other country as it is and we grow the vast majority of it. "I've actually never seen foreign meat for sale, and if i did it would scare the ***outta me." I'm guessing you know absolutely nothing about life outside your mom's basement. America imports between 25-30% of it's beef from Canada, and nearly 40%-50% of it's energy from us as well. Hence why the Keystone Pipeline was such a big issue, more so for Americans, and a passing fancy for Canadians, selling excess oil at reduced rates.
30 Million Acres of agriculture necessities doesn't even begin to produce the amount of food needed to support people year round, unless you have a few metric tons of "Grow M Good" laying around for shortened growth cycles. You'd reach a state of famine within the year. You also have to account for the affect of current consumer trust in American made goods (which is currently at an alarming low), local prices rising, cost of transportation rising, based on rising fuel costs, etc.
What actually is happening, is that America spends more on groceries in a week, than most places spend on groceries in a year. As it is, food is already wasted due to severe lack of proper inspections, recalls for tampered, damaged, or otherwise rotten goods being sold, the civil suits being waged for damages and wrongful deaths, and so forth.
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