Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-09-10 17:47:14
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Speaking of humor me every day at work:

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By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-09-10 17:52:04
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In Stepbrothers, Comedy Central bleeped out when Derek says "What's up, ***?" in the tree house.


That's classic.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-10 17:53:24
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Josiahkf said: »
Yeah it's sad how much we're killing the idea of light humor, with everything triggering someone when nothing has ill will behind it.

hopefully as a society we can find a balance of equal rights for everyone while still retaining our ability to laugh at ourselves.

Why do that when we can just point and laugh at others to draw attention away from our own faults?
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-10 17:54:34
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On a side note, most of us need to go into business together. Sure it'll crash and burn in no time, but we'll have fun doing it!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-09-10 17:55:39
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
On a side note, most of us need to go into business together. Sure it'll crash and burn in no time, but we'll have fun doing it!

A strip club ! That is the only business I would enjoy being apart. Watching young vulnerable women take their clothes off for money...I want to be a part of that !

I'd even be the house DJ.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-10 18:03:19
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But who's going to be our butler? All businesses have butlers, right?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-09-10 18:06:09
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
But who's going to be our butler? All businesses have butlers, right?

Not sure I think most people want to be rich just to have a butler though !

I'd take a french maid dressed sexy though...
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-10 18:07:36
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fonewear said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
But who's going to be our butler? All businesses have butlers, right?

Not sure I think most people want to be rich just to have a butler though !

You need to be rich to have a butler? Well that explains my astronomically high turnover rate on butlers....
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11344
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-10 18:26:43
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Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »
I saw a meme about Caitlyn Jenner the other day on facebook, a bunch of LGBT ran to yell transphobic. They were making fun of Caitlyn Jenner as a media hog, nothing about her HRT, SRS, etc... I mean if you use such strong terms like trans/homo-phobe on a light joke like that, what do you use for someone like Kim Davis?
Well lets start with adulteress. Jesus said divorce is adultery.

We can also say pagan. Her faith denies the trinity*, a cornerstone facet of Christianity. (Mormons deny the trinity too which is why many Christians think them not Christian.)

I personally would use media ***.

*I can expound further on this if anyone is interested in the theology.
By 2015-09-10 18:36:09
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Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-10 19:17:05
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »
I saw a meme about Caitlyn Jenner the other day on facebook, a bunch of LGBT ran to yell transphobic. They were making fun of Caitlyn Jenner as a media hog, nothing about her HRT, SRS, etc... I mean if you use such strong terms like trans/homo-phobe on a light joke like that, what do you use for someone like Kim Davis?
Well lets start with adulteress. Jesus said divorce is adultery.

We can also say pagan. Her faith denies the trinity*, a cornerstone facet of Christianity. (Mormons deny the trinity too which is why many Christians think them not Christian.)

I personally would use media ***.

*I can expound further on this if anyone is interested in the theology.

I really don't think a certain group of Christians have any more right to define "Christianity" than any other Christ-worshiping group. Apostolics and Mormons believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, they just don't think the Nicene Creed makes any sense in its inexplicable definition of their relationship.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2015-09-10 19:24:27
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Rav didn't you get the memo, they're not "true Christians" blah blah blah.

Server: Ragnarok
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user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-09-10 20:50:31
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Don't you think by choosing to specialize in men's hair you're choosing to not specialize in women's?

I see Nausi still doesn't understand what discrimination is.
The only thing more hilarious than your statement is the fact the ramy gave it a [+].
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-09-10 20:59:02
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Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »
Let me begin by saying that I love Bernie Sanders. I’m wearing my “Bernie for president” shirt right now, as I type on my computer with a big “Bernie 2016″ sticker on it. Sanders will have my vote, because I believe in voting with my heart and conscience. Despite my admiration, I know that he doesn’t stand a chance against Hillary Clinton.
Sanders edges out Clinton in New Hampshire, and Clinton barely has a single-digit lead in Iowa. For Bernie’s supporters, this is big news, and an understandable source of excitement. But the United States is made of more than just New Hampshire and Iowa. While they are certainly important first stages, a victory in one or both of these states certainly doesn’t ensure that a candidate will secure the nomination.
The Clinton Machine’s Advantages
Nothing seems to be slowing down the Clinton Machine. The scandal surrounding Clinton’s private email server is barely making a dent in her approval ratings among Democrats. Sixty-one percent didn’t find the scandal important, and another twenty-one percent only found it “somewhat important.” If a major, current scandal is barely affecting any liberal voters, then former scandals (Benghazi, Whitewater, etc.) are unlikely to have any influence either. Clinton is far more moderate than Sanders, which makes her appealing to Democrats who fear Sanders is too far left to be electable. She is also pulling in significantly more money than Sanders, because the Vermonter refuses to accept any funds from PACs. Money makes the political world go ’round, and Clinton has raised nearly $68 million. That dwarfs Sanders’ $15 million.
In recent national polls, Clinton is snagging between 44-55% of the vote, while Sanders only has 20-26%. The average of 10 polls puts Clinton at 46% and Sanders at nearly 24%. That is certainly impressive for a socialist septuagenarian who barely anyone had heard of before his campaign announcement. Yet, if Sanders can’t win over a key part of the Democratic base, the game is over. Sanders may be wildly popular among progressives, and especially younger voters, but there’s one key part of the Democratic base he’s failing to win over: nonwhite voters.
Sanders’ struggle with nonwhite voters
It certainly isn’t for lack of trying. Sanders has desperately tried to win the favor of Black Lives Matter activists. He’s let them take the stage from him, spoken in favor of the movement, and done basically everything his campaign can think of to win their support. He has a long history of fighting for racial justice: Sanders was a part of the March on Washington in 1963. If he were still a student activist, chances are he might be a part of the Black Lives Matter movement himself. Despite all of his efforts and his track record, Clinton has an astounding 95% of the vote among nonwhite Democrats. He is making efforts to reach out to other nonwhite voters, but is hitting the same roadblocks. Sanders is either unheard of, or unsupported, in the nonwhite community. No matter how big of a splash he makes among young, white voters, he’s doomed if he can’t win over a sizeable chunk of the nonwhite vote.
This problem is clear as a day. Just show up at any of Sanders’ incredibly popular rallies, and you’ll notice a common trend. Although the trend is changing, most of the speakers who take the stage before Sanders are white. The crowds he draws are predominantly, nearly exclusively, white. According to pollster Paul Maslin, “The Bernie Sanders voter is still a Volvo-driving, financially comfortable liberal who is pretty much white.”
Politics is an unpredictable game, but there are still common themes we can observe. When a candidate can’t win over a huge chunk of their base, they’re doomed to fail. Unless a miracle occurs, we’re going to learn that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee.
Is his candidacy meaningless?
It won’t all be for naught. Sanders’ popularity is forcing Clinton to lean more to the left, when she’d prefer to be more moderate. Sanders has secured roughly a quarter of the Democratic vote, and when Clinton takes on her Republican challenger, she’s going to need the support of Sanders’ fans. That means Clinton will have to stay left, and will probably choose a liberal running mate with a track record like Sanders’ to help draw in his followers.
If Clinton wins the White House, in a way, Sanders’ supporters have won too. We have a more left-leaning Clinton, and likely a Sanders-esque VP. Bernie Sanders will never be President of the United States, but he’s completely changed the game.

Why Bernie Sanders Can't Win

I don't think Bernie will win. I do think he will successfully be prevented from the nomination by the overlords in the democrat party. They'll do everything they can to snub him out of the race. This will vindicate to me the notion that they have no interest in the American worker and it should to everyone else too.

To the small hint of "fight the establishment" he embodies in this sense I do wish him success in steamrolling hillary into oblivion.
By 2015-09-10 21:02:42
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Server: Ragnarok
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user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-09-10 21:11:43
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Of course you do, and of course I disagree
MSPaint Champion
Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-09-10 21:45:18
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Well, I'm voting for Parker Lewis.
By 2015-09-10 21:48:18
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Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-09-10 22:43:31
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Honestly, I'm tired of the overt political correctness as well - like "true feminism", it should have been left to things that actually meant true equality. It's getting to the point that people are afraid of being offended by stuff they simply don't like or can't handle, rather than the issues that are truly offensive.

I was probably one of the few people in my class that thought we needed to be offended in order to define ourselves. That the subjects we were taught in school should have a degree of offensiveness in it to make us think critically on what is actually offensive. When it comes to being "PC", there are groups on both sides that go overboard on what is, or isn't politically correct. Citizens, civilians, etc. aren't meant to be "politically correct", they are meant to be people.

Would I be offended if someone called me a slobbering liberal hippie? Perhaps, but I'm the one being offended, even if someone is trying to be offensive. I have to take responsibility for letting him goad me into a reaction. Then there are people who take and use positive or neutral words and do their best to make it sound as offensive as possible to the largest group possible... Where the people and media eat that ***up as it's crammed down their neckbeard throats! (light humor, if you missed it)

People tend to spend more time being offended over the smallest things they have absolutely no control over, trying to control it, and call it "Changing the world for the better", as things progressively sink in to what is or isn't ok. Eventually we'll arrive at a point where nothing is ok, and suddenly we're in Psycho Pass territory. Yes, this is an extreme idea, and probably a ridiculous one, but sometimes you need to state the extreme to make a point.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11344
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-11 09:14:39
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
I don't think Bernie will win. I do think he will successfully be prevented from the nomination by the overlords in the democrat party. They'll do everything they can to snub him out of the race. This will vindicate to me the notion that they have no interest in the American worker and it should to everyone else too.

To the small hint of "fight the establishment" he embodies in this sense I do wish him success in steamrolling hillary into oblivion.
The nightmare scenario for the professional political class, and the billionaires and CEOs that own them, is the Trump - Sanders match up.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-09-11 09:17:14
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I'm going to go ahead and just start in on this now.

It's only 9/2015 and I'm already sick of 11/2016.
Posts: 6304
By Ackeron 2015-09-11 09:19:02
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Ramyrez said: »

I'm going to go ahead and just start in on this now.

It's only 9/2015 and I'm already sick of 11/2016.
Has my vote!
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-09-11 10:48:38
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
I don't think Bernie will win. I do think he will successfully be prevented from the nomination by the overlords in the democrat party. They'll do everything they can to snub him out of the race. This will vindicate to me the notion that they have no interest in the American worker and it should to everyone else too.

To the small hint of "fight the establishment" he embodies in this sense I do wish him success in steamrolling hillary into oblivion.
The nightmare scenario for the professional political class, and the billionaires and CEOs that own them, is the Trump - Sanders match up.

Two New Yorkers running for President!
Server: Fenrir
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user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2015-09-11 12:55:20
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Seriously, New Zealand is a great place, but our police force doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to not screwing up major investigations. Case in point:

NZ Herald said:
Stunning blunder

Top-secret police intelligence documents with details about confidential informants were accidentally sent by our elite organised crime-fighting agency to the criminals they were investigating.

The stunning bungle saw the information copied and widely circulated among gang and methamphetamine-producing circles and led to police taking emergency steps to protect those exposed by the blunder.

Last night, Assistant Commissioner Malcolm Burgess said the information had been mistakenly included in material sent to a lawyer acting for someone arrested in an investigation by the Organised and Financial Crime Agency of NZ (Ofcanz).

"Police deeply regret this mistake, which was the result of human error. Steps were taken to recover the information as soon as police were aware of the error.

"However, by this point it had been more widely circulated. Police also took other appropriate measures needed to prevent harm to any person arising from the mistake."

Mr Burgess said the mistake had led to changes in policy and training. He would not comment on the content of the information because it was so sensitive.

The Ofcanz material was obtained by the Weekend Herald from a source close to the criminal world. We had it reviewed by three senior lawyers, who described it as an extraordinary disclosure of sensitive material.

The file is focused on an Ofcanz operation targeting a gang involved in the methamphetamine trade. The Weekend Herald has chosen to not reveal the operation or the names of those involved in it.

We were told the file was being distributed in criminal circles to allow people to see whether any of the details in the documents exposed their own illegal operations to risk from police.

It includes lists of people being watched by police, mobile phone numbers covered by interception orders, car registration details and a raft of other information now being studied by criminals.

The information appears to be in three forms - direct intelligence from informants, intelligence gleaned from surveillance, and court applications by police for access to bank, vehicle registration and phone records.

The file has information which would identify confidential informants, using the acronym CHIS, which is police shorthand for "covert human intelligence source".

One entry gives a date and a named individual, saying the person was "hanging around CHIS again".

A "CHIS" was also identified on a particular date and place as dropping off a vehicle to a named individual. The acronym also appears in the document next to a series of names and associated numbers - possibly the key that matches identities to their "handles".

The claims of sources inside the police were also recorded: "Working for [station name] police. They definitely have someone on the inside. [Name] is always getting info from this person."

The easy access to firearms is also revealed. The file talks of a gang member taking an AK47 as part-payment for drugs and an Uzi - a submachinegun of Israeli manufacture.

It also includes extensive discussion of methamphetamine production. "[Name] showed extraction fluid, pans, glassware for finishing off in the house."

It also reflects the tense atmosphere in a house where methamphetamine was being produced. "[Name] is up and down & in foul moods. Things are heating up in the house. [Name] hasn't slept in days."

The toxic nature of the chemicals is revealed in one report: "Later that night the air left a bitter taste in my mouth & stung my eyes. Seen all the equipment. Cooking large & spending up."

It shows which mobile telephones have had "interception authority" - the legal right to listen in on conversations - and the bank accounts from which police had sought and received transaction details.

Money was a focus for the inquiry, with police recording details of the wealth earned by those making methamphetamine - "they have a massive pile of money" - and the pitfalls of hiding it. "[Name] is fuming because some money he has stashed away was eaten by rats and mice."

It shows an apparent offer by the alleged ringleader of $10,000 for a woman known in the criminal scene "to be kidnapped and brought to him". Last night, police confirmed there were no concerns for her safety, although she has had warrants out for her arrest on methamphetamine supply charges since at least April.

Criminal Bar Association president Tony Bouchier - a former police senior sergeant who worked as an undercover drug detective - said he would expect a high-level inquiry to be launched immediately.

He said the information was not what was disclosed by police during the court process. "It is very high level intelligence information. It's really concerning."

He said it would raise concerns informants would be identified. "It exposes the whole intelligence-gathering system of the police. If this has come from Ofcanz, I would have thought they would have the highest level of security possible."

Paul Davison, QC - who defended the Switched On Gardener stores which were investigated as an organised crime group - said he had never seen anything resembling the material when acting for those facing charges before the courts.

"Any documents or information that might disclose the operational activities of the police, that would prejudice the police ability to gather information in the future, is protected from the disclosure regime."

Mr Davison said it appeared to be a composite of a variety of intelligence streams obtained by police, including from informants.

"They have to protect these people for very good reason. You would expect the only people who would have access to it is the officers who are controlling the informant or the officers to whom they report."

Barrister Ron Mansfield, who has defended a number of cases investigated by Ofcanz, also noted the nature of the material bringing together different streams of intelligence.

"There's no way we would get disclosure of this. It could lead to destruction of evidence if people think they have a connection to these people or phone numbers. I don't think [the police] would be very happy at all."
Server: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-09-11 13:03:15
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Silly Kiwis.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11344
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-11 17:04:29
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Perry is out.

AP sources: Perry to exit 2016 Republican presidential race

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is dropping out of the race for president, ending his second bid for the Republican nomination and becoming the first major candidate of the 2016 campaign to give up on the White House.

Perry's campaign said the longest-serving governor in Texas history would tell a group of conservative activists in St. Louis on Friday night that "some things have become clear."

"We have a tremendous field, the best in a generation, so I step aside knowing our party is in good hands, and as long as we listen to the grassroots, the cause of conservativism will be too," Perry planned to say according to remarks released by his campaign.

Perry suspended his struggling campaign while strapped for campaign cash and stuck polling at near zero.

Darnit. His flubs are such fun.
Server: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-09-11 17:09:44
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The writing was on the wall when he had to stop paying his campaign staff. I think Graham will be the next one to go.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2015-09-11 17:59:44
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Looks like the DNC is saying no to more debates.

Wonder what would happen if all 4(5?) other non-Hillary candidate got together, gave the DNC the middle finger and held a debate of their own. Either the DNC would either cave or we'll just have a debate where Hillary would talk to herself for 2 hours.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11344
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-11 19:01:47
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
The writing was on the wall when he had to stop paying his campaign staff. I think Graham will be the next one to go.
Agreed Vic on the writing bit.

I think Graham is in it to improve his employment possibilities. Which means till he is out of cash. And if it is to improve his employment possibilities, he can stretch the cash.

Bismarck.Ihina said: »
Looks like the DNC is saying no to more debates.

Wonder what would happen if all 4(5?) other non-Hillary candidate got together, gave the DNC the middle finger and held a debate of their own....
INTERESTING concept. I likes it.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-09-11 22:23:56
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Update on Petra Laszlo, the Hungarian Camerawoman who kicked refugees entering Hungary

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - A Hungarian TV station that employed a camerawoman who kicked and tripped migrants fleeing from police this week was offline on Friday, with its website blaming hackers for the outage.

Earlier, Petra Laszlo, who has been questioned by police on suspicion of disorderly conduct for kicking and tripping up refugees at a camp in southern Hungary, had written an open letter expressing regret for her "panic"-driven behaviour.

In a post on its Facebook page, N1TV, also known as Nemzeti (National) TV, said hackers from a Turkish internet address had wiped its entire website, including the station's archive and correspondence.

"The Tunisian Islamist hacker group Fallaga Team has claimed responsibility for the attack," Szabolcs Kisberk, the station's editor-in-chief, said in the statement.

A group calling itself Fallaga Team, which has a Twitter account, has been linked with information security attacks in the past, but Reuters has no evidence to support the station's claim.

The camerawoman was fired on Tuesday from the right-wing news station after videos of her actions spread in the media and on the internet.

The station's web page was blank except for a logo and a message in Hungarian and English on Friday afternoon.

Separate videos show her kicking a girl and tripping up a man carrying a child as hundreds of migrants, many of them Syrian refugees, break away from police on Hungary's southern border with Serbia.

"I honestly regret what happened ... I am practically in shock from what I did, and what was done to me," Laszlo wrote in a letter posted on mno.hu, the website of the newspaper Magyar Nemzet.

She said she had panicked when hundreds of migrants started running towards her, and had wanted to protect herself.

"I am not a heartless, racist camerawoman who would kick children ... I am a woman, a mother of small children, who has since lost her job, and who made a bad decision in a panic," she added.

Hungary's right-wing government has taken a hard line on the flow of migrants across its borders en route to western Europe, describing them as a threat to Europe's prosperity and Christian values.

More than 170,000 migrants, many of them refugees from the Syrian conflict, have been recorded entering Hungary so far this year.

Police have been trying to round them up and register them in line with European Union rules, but many migrants refuse, fearing that they will then be forced to stay in Hungary rather than move on to Germany or Sweden.
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