Random Politics & Religion #00
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-09-01 12:59:14
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing.
At least until rampant capitalism causes the fishery to become depleted.
Teach a man to fish, and he inevitably has sex with a fish.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-09-01 13:00:50
And then you get to witness the rise of the unemployment beneficiary.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:01:39
That reminds me, I think I should go file for partial unemployment over the past 4 months and see if I get anywhere with it, even if it's a few hundred, it'd help right now.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-09-01 13:02:31
That reminds me, I think I should go file for partial unemployment over the past 4 months and see if I get anywhere with it, even if it's a few hundred, it'd help right now. Tell them you need money to buy a suit, so that the next time you walk into the office, you can look like you just had a job.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 13:03:14
Bootstrap myth!
edit: I wonder when "conservatives" will realize that we as a nation (even if we closed our borders and cut off free international trade) cannot support a workforce that large, there would be such a high unemployment rate, there would be riots.
The ONLY reason no riots exist right now is because MILLIONS of people are being FED for FREE.
I wonder when liberal will realize that when the money runs out, there will be more than riots. The entire economy will collapse and it will be complete and total chaos. Closing and securing our borders while we also stop importing things that we can make in America is really the only chance we have.
We pay 80-120 dollars a barrel for oil (which is abundant overseas) Then ship grain (which is abundant for us)by the barrel for 20-40 dollars overseas.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:04:28
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »That reminds me, I think I should go file for partial unemployment over the past 4 months and see if I get anywhere with it, even if it's a few hundred, it'd help right now. Tell them you need money to buy a suit, so that the next time you walk into the office, you can look like you just had a job. I've seriously considered snail mailing a letter to NPH stating that I wished to be able to suit up, but I can't afford a suit, along with my measurements and see if I could get anywhere with it.
But my gut has gotten a little bit too big in the past year~ I need to trim down a bit.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:06:34
Bootstrap myth!
edit: I wonder when "conservatives" will realize that we as a nation (even if we closed our borders and cut off free international trade) cannot support a workforce that large, there would be such a high unemployment rate, there would be riots.
The ONLY reason no riots exist right now is because MILLIONS of people are being FED for FREE.
I wonder when liberal will realize that when the money runs out, there will be more than riots. The entire economy will collapse and it will be complete and total chaos. Closing and securing our borders while we also stop importing things that we can make in America is really the only chance we have.
We pay 80-120 dollars a barrel for oil (which is abundant overseas) Then ship grain (which is abundant for us)by the barrel for 20-40 dollars overseas.
Thank you for making a point for the support of welfare?
That's the thing: there's plenty more money, just a few individuals are hording it, or investing it abroad instead of locally, where they made it on the backs of the people here in this nation.
Oil prices are controlled by speculation/OPEC, and drilling here would do nothing to change that, nor bring the price down.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-09-01 13:06:37
Bootstrap myth!
edit: I wonder when "conservatives" will realize that we as a nation (even if we closed our borders and cut off free international trade) cannot support a workforce that large, there would be such a high unemployment rate, there would be riots.
The ONLY reason no riots exist right now is because MILLIONS of people are being FED for FREE.
I wonder when liberal will realize that when the money runs out, there will be more than riots. The entire economy will collapse and it will be complete and total chaos. Closing and securing our borders while we also stop importing things that we can make in America is really the only chance we have.
We pay 80-120 dollars a barrel for oil (which is abundant overseas) Then ship grain (which is abundant for us)by the barrel for 20-40 dollars overseas.
I love doomsday theories.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-09-01 13:07:11
The US doesn't have the level of sustainability to generate jobs if it closed of it's borders (again) to international trade.
It can't generate enough petroleum oil, energy, or food, for 320 million people, the amount of jobs in existence would also plummet, as the rough majority of jobs, are currently dependent on tourism and exports.
Essential services would suffer, markets would crash, more lost homes, more homeless, and even the 1%'s would suffer devastating losses.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-09-01 13:08:12
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »That reminds me, I think I should go file for partial unemployment over the past 4 months and see if I get anywhere with it, even if it's a few hundred, it'd help right now. Tell them you need money to buy a suit, so that the next time you walk into the office, you can look like you just had a job. I've seriously considered snail mailing a letter to NPH stating that I wished to be able to suit up, but I can't afford a suit, along with my measurements and see if I could get anywhere with it.
But my gut has gotten a little bit too big in the past year~ I need to trim down a bit. Snail mail him a VHS (yes, a VHS) of every scene in "How I Met Your Mother" of him saying "Suit up"
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 13:13:30
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »People tend to act conservative until it becomes an issue that effects them personally; then they turn liberal. IE: Senators who are anti-gay until they find out their son is gay, then they turn pro-gay.
Once you push out all the brain washing the mass media pushes onto you, the only difference between liberals and conservatives are our ability to feel empathy.
I can sit here, listen to AO go off and sympathize with him, even though his story doesn't effect me personally in any way. If I were to ask the same of conservatives, and it was regarding some poor person they've never heard of before, people like KB, Nausi, etc; would be completely unable to do the same, and just tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
That is exactly what the main stream media is pushing onto everyone.
Liberals think the government should fix everyone's problems no matter what because they feel bad for the less fortunate and think they deserve a leg up. Its easy to be a liberal because truly little thought is involved.
Conservatives think the government should get out of everyone's lives (people and business) because they are the main root of the problem. Conservatives feel the same way as liberals do about the less fortunate, the main difference is we think instead of enabling a welfare/nanny state to take care of them (while only running up our debt) . They should get a leg up by learning a trade and being beneficial to society.
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing. Thing is, many people out on their *** do have degrees. The simple issue is that just having said degree/education doesn't guarantee a job in that market, if said market is already crowded with applicants, thus leaving far too many people in debt for that education the conservative base demands of them.
They spout "Personal Responsibility" in every instance except (like in AO's case) for when they need assistance, or feel the gubbamint is out to get them. Then they demand someone step in and solve the issue for them.
Instead of being "Personally responsible" for the extremely bad business decisions that lead them to where they are now, somehow it's suddenly the government's fault, and they need a bailout.
I have NO degree, I have many skills. Being personally responsible does not mean go spend money on a degree that forces you into a job set that could not be employing people at the time.
Being personally responsible is having a vast array of skills so that you and your family are never left out in the cold.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:16:39
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »That reminds me, I think I should go file for partial unemployment over the past 4 months and see if I get anywhere with it, even if it's a few hundred, it'd help right now. Tell them you need money to buy a suit, so that the next time you walk into the office, you can look like you just had a job. I've seriously considered snail mailing a letter to NPH stating that I wished to be able to suit up, but I can't afford a suit, along with my measurements and see if I could get anywhere with it.
But my gut has gotten a little bit too big in the past year~ I need to trim down a bit. Snail mail him a VHS (yes, a VHS) of every scene in "How I Met Your Mother" of him saying "Suit up" I like this idea, good thing I have a vcr, I would have to figure out how to output to it though from my PC, I don't think I have an adapter for that.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:17:06
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »People tend to act conservative until it becomes an issue that effects them personally; then they turn liberal. IE: Senators who are anti-gay until they find out their son is gay, then they turn pro-gay.
Once you push out all the brain washing the mass media pushes onto you, the only difference between liberals and conservatives are our ability to feel empathy.
I can sit here, listen to AO go off and sympathize with him, even though his story doesn't effect me personally in any way. If I were to ask the same of conservatives, and it was regarding some poor person they've never heard of before, people like KB, Nausi, etc; would be completely unable to do the same, and just tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
That is exactly what the main stream media is pushing onto everyone.
Liberals think the government should fix everyone's problems no matter what because they feel bad for the less fortunate and think they deserve a leg up. Its easy to be a liberal because truly little thought is involved.
Conservatives think the government should get out of everyone's lives (people and business) because they are the main root of the problem. Conservatives feel the same way as liberals do about the less fortunate, the main difference is we think instead of enabling a welfare/nanny state to take care of them (while only running up our debt) . They should get a leg up by learning a trade and being beneficial to society.
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing. Thing is, many people out on their *** do have degrees. The simple issue is that just having said degree/education doesn't guarantee a job in that market, if said market is already crowded with applicants, thus leaving far too many people in debt for that education the conservative base demands of them.
They spout "Personal Responsibility" in every instance except (like in AO's case) for when they need assistance, or feel the gubbamint is out to get them. Then they demand someone step in and solve the issue for them.
Instead of being "Personally responsible" for the extremely bad business decisions that lead them to where they are now, somehow it's suddenly the government's fault, and they need a bailout. I have NO degree, I have many skills. Being personally responsible does not mean go spend money on a degree that forces you into a job set that could not be employing people at the time.
Being personally responsible is having a vast array of skills so that you and your family are never left out in the cold.
Apparently running a business isn't one of them that you do very well huh?
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 13:19:50
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »The US doesn't have the level of sustainability to generate jobs if it closed of it's borders (again) to international trade.
It can't generate enough petroleum oil, energy, or food, for 320 million people, the amount of jobs in existence would also plummet, as the rough majority of jobs, are currently dependent on tourism and exports.
Essential services would suffer, markets would crash, more lost homes, more homeless, and even the 1%'s would suffer devastating losses.
To say that we cannot produce enough food for ourselves is hilarious. Do you even realize how much food we can be capable of producing? Yet alone how much we produce now and ship overseas.
We would have to work on ethanol which we already have motors that can run on pure ethanol, as for energy you liberal are all for going more green right???????
Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-09-01 13:24:41
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »People tend to act conservative until it becomes an issue that effects them personally; then they turn liberal. IE: Senators who are anti-gay until they find out their son is gay, then they turn pro-gay.
Once you push out all the brain washing the mass media pushes onto you, the only difference between liberals and conservatives are our ability to feel empathy.
I can sit here, listen to AO go off and sympathize with him, even though his story doesn't effect me personally in any way. If I were to ask the same of conservatives, and it was regarding some poor person they've never heard of before, people like KB, Nausi, etc; would be completely unable to do the same, and just tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
That is exactly what the main stream media is pushing onto everyone.
Liberals think the government should fix everyone's problems no matter what because they feel bad for the less fortunate and think they deserve a leg up. Its easy to be a liberal because truly little thought is involved.
Conservatives think the government should get out of everyone's lives (people and business) because they are the main root of the problem. Conservatives feel the same way as liberals do about the less fortunate, the main difference is we think instead of enabling a welfare/nanny state to take care of them (while only running up our debt) . They should get a leg up by learning a trade and being beneficial to society.
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing. Thing is, many people out on their *** do have degrees. The simple issue is that just having said degree/education doesn't guarantee a job in that market, if said market is already crowded with applicants, thus leaving far too many people in debt for that education the conservative base demands of them.
They spout "Personal Responsibility" in every instance except (like in AO's case) for when they need assistance, or feel the gubbamint is out to get them. Then they demand someone step in and solve the issue for them.
Instead of being "Personally responsible" for the extremely bad business decisions that lead them to where they are now, somehow it's suddenly the government's fault, and they need a bailout. I have NO degree, I have many skills. Being personally responsible does not mean go spend money on a degree that forces you into a job set that could not be employing people at the time.
Being personally responsible is having a vast array of skills so that you and your family are never left out in the cold.
Apparently running a business isn't one of them that you do very well huh?
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:25:46
Closing our borders to international trade would be out right mentally HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
But we should end the "no tax" ***that is of today, or we'll continue to see manufacturing slip away to countries with sub par conditions for workers and living.
Unless we want to bring back shantytowns that are basically slavery to the company, I mean because that wasn't that long ago.
Honestly it may be better than a lot of cases today where you could be doing the same, but still lose your house.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:26:20
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »People tend to act conservative until it becomes an issue that effects them personally; then they turn liberal. IE: Senators who are anti-gay until they find out their son is gay, then they turn pro-gay.
Once you push out all the brain washing the mass media pushes onto you, the only difference between liberals and conservatives are our ability to feel empathy.
I can sit here, listen to AO go off and sympathize with him, even though his story doesn't effect me personally in any way. If I were to ask the same of conservatives, and it was regarding some poor person they've never heard of before, people like KB, Nausi, etc; would be completely unable to do the same, and just tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
That is exactly what the main stream media is pushing onto everyone.
Liberals think the government should fix everyone's problems no matter what because they feel bad for the less fortunate and think they deserve a leg up. Its easy to be a liberal because truly little thought is involved.
Conservatives think the government should get out of everyone's lives (people and business) because they are the main root of the problem. Conservatives feel the same way as liberals do about the less fortunate, the main difference is we think instead of enabling a welfare/nanny state to take care of them (while only running up our debt) . They should get a leg up by learning a trade and being beneficial to society.
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing. Thing is, many people out on their *** do have degrees. The simple issue is that just having said degree/education doesn't guarantee a job in that market, if said market is already crowded with applicants, thus leaving far too many people in debt for that education the conservative base demands of them.
They spout "Personal Responsibility" in every instance except (like in AO's case) for when they need assistance, or feel the gubbamint is out to get them. Then they demand someone step in and solve the issue for them.
Instead of being "Personally responsible" for the extremely bad business decisions that lead them to where they are now, somehow it's suddenly the government's fault, and they need a bailout. I have NO degree, I have many skills. Being personally responsible does not mean go spend money on a degree that forces you into a job set that could not be employing people at the time.
Being personally responsible is having a vast array of skills so that you and your family are never left out in the cold.
Apparently running a business isn't one of them that you do very well huh? 
Zic: you and I both know that I ignore any proverbial line, and passed it ages ago.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-09-01 13:26:35
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »The US doesn't have the level of sustainability to generate jobs if it closed of it's borders (again) to international trade.
It can't generate enough petroleum oil, energy, or food, for 320 million people, the amount of jobs in existence would also plummet, as the rough majority of jobs, are currently dependent on tourism and exports.
Essential services would suffer, markets would crash, more lost homes, more homeless, and even the 1%'s would suffer devastating losses.
To say that we cannot produce enough food for ourselves is hilarious. Do you even realize how much food we can be capable of producing? Yet alone how much we produce now and ship overseas.
We would have to work on ethanol which we already have motors that can run on pure ethanol, as for energy you liberal are all for going more green right???????
Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards. even with all the cheaply imported food, the US still can't manage to feed everyone at a reasonable price. Is there lots of farm land in the US? There is. But it's woefully inadequate to manage the numbers the US has. Millions upon millions of people, especially children, in the US starve as it is.
Hell, even with the current hybrid energy systems being developed (many of which is still dependent on oil products to keep the parts moving properly), it's nowhere near enough to sustain in a year, what an average town uses in a month.
Hell, big business, especially oil companies, have delayed alternative energy sources and product development through lobbying, by nearly 50 years, so they can ride out the profit train, all the while increasing oil prices through speculation and OPEC.
There is a middle ground though - creating responsible energy that is business and consumer friendly
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 13:27:32
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »The US doesn't have the level of sustainability to generate jobs if it closed of it's borders (again) to international trade.
It can't generate enough petroleum oil, energy, or food, for 320 million people, the amount of jobs in existence would also plummet, as the rough majority of jobs, are currently dependent on tourism and exports.
Essential services would suffer, markets would crash, more lost homes, more homeless, and even the 1%'s would suffer devastating losses.
To say that we cannot produce enough food for ourselves is hilarious. Do you even realize how much food we can be capable of producing? Yet alone how much we produce now and ship overseas.
We would have to work on ethanol which we already have motors that can run on pure ethanol, as for energy you liberal are all for going more green right???????
Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards.
Ethanol is a farce. It's barely efficient enough to qualify as a net gain in energy and far less environmentally friendly than perceived. When you look at the impact of a particular fuel type, you have to look at the entire process. It's the same reason that a Prius is one of the LEAST green cars you can buy.
Sugar cane is by far the best crop for biofuels, but it isn't a viable crop domestically, so instead, we use corn, which returns far less energy. Alcohol fuels are not the answer. And it's complete lunacy using food crops for fuels. The answer is reactant fuels like hydrogen.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:30:07
Or just electric cars (with a better battery) and more nuclear plants (construction contracts = jobs).
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 13:32:07
Or just electric cars (with a better battery) and more nuclear plants (construction contracts = jobs).
Battery technology just isn't there yet, they still rely on exotic metals that are environmentally damaging to extract.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:35:53
Or just electric cars (with a better battery) and more nuclear plants (construction contracts = jobs).
Battery technology just isn't there yet, they still rely on exotic metals that are environmentally damaging to extract.
Oh I'm quite aware, they're working on it though.
Personally I'd just like to go to the harnessing the 1.21 jigawatt method, if you know what I mean.
But we have no way of storing that much energy for extended periods of time, I mean hell our current "grid" is severely inefficient for the same reason, because we can't just turn of the power when we need less of it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-09-01 13:42:50
all extremism not just violent extremism
right at the end of the video is the most chilling thing I have heard in a while...
/hides his bag of extreme doritos
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 13:42:54
Or just electric cars (with a better battery) and more nuclear plants (construction contracts = jobs).
Battery technology just isn't there yet, they still rely on exotic metals that are environmentally damaging to extract.
Oh I'm quite aware, they're working on it though.
Personally I'd just like to go to the harnessing the 1.21 jigawatt method, if you know what I mean.
But we have no way of storing that much energy for extended periods of time, I mean hell our current "grid" is severely inefficient for the same reason, because we can't just turn of the power when we need less of it.
Absolutely, but energy storage has long been more difficult and limiting than energy production. One key part that a lot of people overlook is energy consumption. Everyone wants as much power as they can use whenever they deem necessary. Peak energy consumption rules the amount of energy that we must be capable of producing and transmitting. IF we reduce our energy demand, we reduce our production and storage demand as well.
We need to overhaul our infrastructure on a microscopic level, make homes more efficient to heat/cool, make transportation more accessible and efficient, make modern energy efficient appliances more affordable, etc. And we need to take a good chunk of the money subsidizing food crops for ethanol and put it toward funding the research for energy storage.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 13:43:05
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »People tend to act conservative until it becomes an issue that effects them personally; then they turn liberal. IE: Senators who are anti-gay until they find out their son is gay, then they turn pro-gay.
Once you push out all the brain washing the mass media pushes onto you, the only difference between liberals and conservatives are our ability to feel empathy.
I can sit here, listen to AO go off and sympathize with him, even though his story doesn't effect me personally in any way. If I were to ask the same of conservatives, and it was regarding some poor person they've never heard of before, people like KB, Nausi, etc; would be completely unable to do the same, and just tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
That is exactly what the main stream media is pushing onto everyone.
Liberals think the government should fix everyone's problems no matter what because they feel bad for the less fortunate and think they deserve a leg up. Its easy to be a liberal because truly little thought is involved.
Conservatives think the government should get out of everyone's lives (people and business) because they are the main root of the problem. Conservatives feel the same way as liberals do about the less fortunate, the main difference is we think instead of enabling a welfare/nanny state to take care of them (while only running up our debt) . They should get a leg up by learning a trade and being beneficial to society.
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing. Thing is, many people out on their *** do have degrees. The simple issue is that just having said degree/education doesn't guarantee a job in that market, if said market is already crowded with applicants, thus leaving far too many people in debt for that education the conservative base demands of them.
They spout "Personal Responsibility" in every instance except (like in AO's case) for when they need assistance, or feel the gubbamint is out to get them. Then they demand someone step in and solve the issue for them.
Instead of being "Personally responsible" for the extremely bad business decisions that lead them to where they are now, somehow it's suddenly the government's fault, and they need a bailout. I have NO degree, I have many skills. Being personally responsible does not mean go spend money on a degree that forces you into a job set that could not be employing people at the time.
Being personally responsible is having a vast array of skills so that you and your family are never left out in the cold.
Apparently running a business isn't one of them that you do very well huh?
We've been though this so yea your a troll.
Thinking I have no other skill's and sit around unemployed living off the government like you is highly presumptuous.
I have a CDL A and can operate literal any kind or large machinery. I am a diesel mechanic and able to fix anything. I can stick and mig weld. I have built four house's, and can tell you how many board feet are in a tree just by looking at it. I could get my journeyman card tomorrow for too+die if I felt like it. Not only that I could be an apprentice electrician making 25$hr tomorrow as well IF i felt like it.
Currently I am a herdsman for an old dairy farmer with 250 head that managed to squeeze past the crap of the past 7yrs because his cattle and farm are paid for.
I managed to learn all this without going to college or paying for any education.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:45:29
Or just electric cars (with a better battery) and more nuclear plants (construction contracts = jobs).
Battery technology just isn't there yet, they still rely on exotic metals that are environmentally damaging to extract.
Oh I'm quite aware, they're working on it though.
Personally I'd just like to go to the harnessing the 1.21 jigawatt method, if you know what I mean.
But we have no way of storing that much energy for extended periods of time, I mean hell our current "grid" is severely inefficient for the same reason, because we can't just turn of the power when we need less of it.
Absolutely, but energy storage has long been more difficult and limiting than energy production. One key part that a lot of people overlook is energy consumption. Everyone wants as much power as they can use whenever they deem necessary. Peak energy consumption rules the amount of energy that we must be capable of producing and transmitting. IF we reduce our energy demand, we reduce our production and storage demand as well.
We need to overhaul our infrastructure on a microscopic level, make homes more efficient to heat/cool, make transportation more accessible and efficient, make modern energy efficient appliances more affordable, etc. And we need to take a good chunk of the money subsidizing food crops for ethanol and put it toward funding the research for energy storage.
In entire agreement.
There's a reason I used to do laundry in the middle of the night, and it wasn't just because I was bored, or cheaper.
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:47:42
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »People tend to act conservative until it becomes an issue that effects them personally; then they turn liberal. IE: Senators who are anti-gay until they find out their son is gay, then they turn pro-gay.
Once you push out all the brain washing the mass media pushes onto you, the only difference between liberals and conservatives are our ability to feel empathy.
I can sit here, listen to AO go off and sympathize with him, even though his story doesn't effect me personally in any way. If I were to ask the same of conservatives, and it was regarding some poor person they've never heard of before, people like KB, Nausi, etc; would be completely unable to do the same, and just tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
That is exactly what the main stream media is pushing onto everyone.
Liberals think the government should fix everyone's problems no matter what because they feel bad for the less fortunate and think they deserve a leg up. Its easy to be a liberal because truly little thought is involved.
Conservatives think the government should get out of everyone's lives (people and business) because they are the main root of the problem. Conservatives feel the same way as liberals do about the less fortunate, the main difference is we think instead of enabling a welfare/nanny state to take care of them (while only running up our debt) . They should get a leg up by learning a trade and being beneficial to society.
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing. Thing is, many people out on their *** do have degrees. The simple issue is that just having said degree/education doesn't guarantee a job in that market, if said market is already crowded with applicants, thus leaving far too many people in debt for that education the conservative base demands of them.
They spout "Personal Responsibility" in every instance except (like in AO's case) for when they need assistance, or feel the gubbamint is out to get them. Then they demand someone step in and solve the issue for them.
Instead of being "Personally responsible" for the extremely bad business decisions that lead them to where they are now, somehow it's suddenly the government's fault, and they need a bailout. I have NO degree, I have many skills. Being personally responsible does not mean go spend money on a degree that forces you into a job set that could not be employing people at the time.
Being personally responsible is having a vast array of skills so that you and your family are never left out in the cold.
Apparently running a business isn't one of them that you do very well huh?
We've been though this so yea your a troll.
Thinking I have no other skill's and sit around unemployed living off the government like you is highly presumptuous.
I have a CDL A and can operate literal any kind or large machinery. I am a diesel mechanic and able to fix anything. I can stick and mig weld. I have built four house's, and can tell you how many board feet are in a tree just by looking at it. I could get my journeyman card tomorrow for too+die if I felt like it. Not only that I could be an apprentice electrician making 25$hr tomorrow as well IF i felt like it.
Currently I am a herdsman for an old dairy farmer with 250 head that managed to squeeze past the crap of the past 7yrs because his cattle and farm are paid for.
I managed to learn all this without going to college or paying for any education.
We have been over this, and I am not a troll, nor living off the government, but reading comprehension escapes you (another one of your poor on non-existent skills).
I wouldn't want to be in any of those houses, or be in any building you wired, or handle anything you welded, as well I try not to do stupid things that are hazardous to my safety, and all of those things require proper education, something you obviously lack.
Edit: also; stay the hell off the road.
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Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-01 13:50:29
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »People tend to act conservative until it becomes an issue that effects them personally; then they turn liberal. IE: Senators who are anti-gay until they find out their son is gay, then they turn pro-gay.
Once you push out all the brain washing the mass media pushes onto you, the only difference between liberals and conservatives are our ability to feel empathy.
I can sit here, listen to AO go off and sympathize with him, even though his story doesn't effect me personally in any way. If I were to ask the same of conservatives, and it was regarding some poor person they've never heard of before, people like KB, Nausi, etc; would be completely unable to do the same, and just tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
That is exactly what the main stream media is pushing onto everyone.
Liberals think the government should fix everyone's problems no matter what because they feel bad for the less fortunate and think they deserve a leg up. Its easy to be a liberal because truly little thought is involved.
Conservatives think the government should get out of everyone's lives (people and business) because they are the main root of the problem. Conservatives feel the same way as liberals do about the less fortunate, the main difference is we think instead of enabling a welfare/nanny state to take care of them (while only running up our debt) . They should get a leg up by learning a trade and being beneficial to society.
The old: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime. Kinda thing. Thing is, many people out on their *** do have degrees. The simple issue is that just having said degree/education doesn't guarantee a job in that market, if said market is already crowded with applicants, thus leaving far too many people in debt for that education the conservative base demands of them.
They spout "Personal Responsibility" in every instance except (like in AO's case) for when they need assistance, or feel the gubbamint is out to get them. Then they demand someone step in and solve the issue for them.
Instead of being "Personally responsible" for the extremely bad business decisions that lead them to where they are now, somehow it's suddenly the government's fault, and they need a bailout. I have NO degree, I have many skills. Being personally responsible does not mean go spend money on a degree that forces you into a job set that could not be employing people at the time.
Being personally responsible is having a vast array of skills so that you and your family are never left out in the cold.
Apparently running a business isn't one of them that you do very well huh?
We've been though this so yea your a troll.
Thinking I have no other skill's and sit around unemployed living off the government like you is highly presumptuous.
I have a CDL A and can operate literal any kind or large machinery. I am a diesel mechanic and able to fix anything. I can stick and mig weld. I have built four house's, and can tell you how many board feet are in a tree just by looking at it. I could get my journeyman card tomorrow for too+die if I felt like it. Not only that I could be an apprentice electrician making 25$hr tomorrow as well IF i felt like it.
Currently I am a herdsman for an old dairy farmer with 250 head that managed to squeeze past the crap of the past 7yrs because his cattle and farm are paid for.
I managed to learn all this without going to college or paying for any education.
It's my experience of a decade as a mechanic that most people who "know how to do something" really only know how to troubleshoot by throwing parts at something and repair with band-aid mentality. There is a reason that advanced courses exist for trade jobs, because understanding the way things like electricity actually work is a much different environment than putting the black wire with the black wire or knowing how to turn a bolt.
By Altimaomega 2014-09-01 13:55:26
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »The US doesn't have the level of sustainability to generate jobs if it closed of it's borders (again) to international trade.
It can't generate enough petroleum oil, energy, or food, for 320 million people, the amount of jobs in existence would also plummet, as the rough majority of jobs, are currently dependent on tourism and exports.
Essential services would suffer, markets would crash, more lost homes, more homeless, and even the 1%'s would suffer devastating losses.
To say that we cannot produce enough food for ourselves is hilarious. Do you even realize how much food we can be capable of producing? Yet alone how much we produce now and ship overseas.
We would have to work on ethanol which we already have motors that can run on pure ethanol, as for energy you liberal are all for going more green right???????
Nobody's saying just cut the cord and start tomorrow either but it need to be worked towards. even with all the cheaply imported food, the US still can't manage to feed everyone at a reasonable price. Is there lots of farm land in the US? There is. But it's woefully inadequate to manage the numbers the US has. Millions upon millions of people, especially children, in the US starve as it is.
Hell, even with the current hybrid energy systems being developed (many of which is still dependent on oil products to keep the parts moving properly), it's nowhere near enough to sustain in a year, what an average town uses in a month.
Hell, big business, especially oil companies, have delayed alternative energy sources and product development through lobbying, by nearly 50 years, so they can ride out the profit train, all the while increasing oil prices through speculation and OPEC.
There is a middle ground though - creating responsible energy that is business and consumer friendly
Wow.. Tell those "Millions upon millions of people, especially children, in the US starve as it is." That the government is paying farmers to keep land in the Conservation Reserve Program, doing absolutely nothing but growing weeds. Its amazing that you believe the USA cannot feed its 320million people and look to the government to help. Hahaha
By Jetackuu 2014-09-01 13:56:11
I'll rescind the whole statement if he can thevenize a circuit.
By hand, and must see a video.
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