Random Politics & Religion #00
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-08-30 12:36:10
The only way to save the U.S. economy now:
Only 99 cents a piece.
By Altimaomega 2014-08-30 13:46:26
Have you read his posts? Especially where he blames the loss of his dairy farm on the government?
KN is right when he say's you peoples reading comprehension needs work. Never lost my farm just sold the dairy cows because the state and federal government made it impossible for small farms to make ANY profit. Hop on that thing they call the internet and do some research on the regulations that have been put in place over the past decade or two and maybe you'll learn something. Um.
That is you blaming the government for your loss. Specifically government regulation.
Not making a good case for the whole reading comprehension thing here, are we?
1. Loss of dairy cows is not the same as loss of a dairy farm.
2. Blaming the government is not necessarily the same as hating the government. My apologies.
Hahaha a trust fund baby that's hilarious! As for what I do for a living, I'm a cattle/crop farmer. Used to be Dairy but the new regulations and laws have pushed out the family farm. The only reason I would be talking down to anyone is because they think more government, laws, and regulations are good. Do you honestly think the past 6 years have been bad for the 1%ers?
Once they make new laws and regulate more business no matter what type, all it does is push the small business out and the big business just takes over. Big business don't care about anything but profit, so employees get pay cut or laid-off. When the government makes it so only Big business can survive in the market We The People are the ones who lose Not the 1%.
Oh then once the government gets so big they just decide on what its citizens can or cannot buy.... Do I need to elaborate farther? My assumption was "pushed out the family farm", meant that it was lost/sold, rather than the cows, specifically.
Should I elaborate on point 2 further, or is the above sufficient? Have you read his posts? Especially where he blames the loss of his dairy farm on the government?
KN is right when he say's you peoples reading comprehension needs work. Never lost my farm just sold the dairy cows because the state and federal government made it impossible for small farms to make ANY profit. Hop on that thing they call the internet and do some research on the regulations that have been put in place over the past decade or two and maybe you'll learn something. Um.
That is you blaming the government for your loss. Specifically government regulation.
Not making a good case for the whole reading comprehension thing here, are we?
1. Loss of dairy cows is not the same as loss of a dairy farm.
2. Blaming the government is not necessarily the same as hating the government.
1. His story has changed from
Altimaomega said: while you guys where out getting educated, researching, observing and enriching yourselves in other cultures. I was running a 500 acre dairy farm from the age of 18, the past decade and a half has been nothing but price's for everything needed to run it going up and the product I ship stay the absolute same. (Because the government regulates the milk price) Since I was literally forced into bankruptcy from new laws being passed on Mega-Farms 100x my size, but took effect on me as well I've been a bit weary of the government. Your logical conclusions seem to support bigger government which I oppose and find very unamerican. To I just had to sell the cows, because government regulations. He didn't say how he was able to keep the farm while going bankrupt, but eh.
So I really wasn't focusing on his dairy farm defense but the "government's fault". However, I could have worded what I meant better.
2. If I wanted to discuss his hatred of the government I would have posted his fascination towards a civil war happening soon
I'm looking forward to the next election, when republicans retake the senate and impeach obama. Or for some odd reason democrats hold the senate, take the house and civil wars insue's.
I'm up for either, will be better than wtf is going on now.
Or this
Well, you can never reason with radicals, so everything is moot at this point anyway.
Speaking of radicals, a segment of the right wing is organizing a march on washington to demand their country back and they claim to be drawing 10 million people, possibly up to 30 million people.
Are you going to march with them? back from what?
Do you live in a hole? debatable, but I hear this argument quite often, yet nobody really can answer it.
I mean did the british take back their colony or something? Are we a colony of our Hat or butt? Did Red Dawn happen?
It's empty HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE rhetoric that only ignorant fools buy into.
It could be, but what if 2-3mil people headed to Washington the day before. Do you think the number would get even bigger the next day? Could 10mil people in Washington make a difference?
Wouldn't it be awesome if 10mil people went to Washington tossed out congress and the president and we started over?
Sure it sounds HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE but hey it kinda happened before in 1775-1776.
And you think the US has problems now?
Because a revolution makes everything better....right away. Just look at recent places that had revolutions.
Because electing the same two party's over and over makes things better? Revolutions are not meant to make things better for you, they are meant to make things better for your children and grandchildren.
Disclaimer: If you are at all interested in the dairy industry and my experience with it please feel free to read on. Prepare for massive wall-o-text. Just wrote it not proof reading it don't care about grammar or spelling, if you do don't read it ffs. If you choose to read it do so at your own risk may cause seizure and/or vomiting. I keep forgetting that just about everyone here needs everything explained to them in minute detail because actual thinking for ones self is just irrational. Worse yet most of you live in a city and don't know the difference between a dairy farm or cattle farm.
Making matters worse you fail to even understand that more than one type of bankruptcy exist. Then on top of all of that you seem to think that the passage of time is nonexistent in the real world.
So to dumb things down, 3yrs ago I filed for the type of bankruptcy that only applied to my business operation. 6-7yrs ago when the economy tanked I was sitting pretty good and had enough money set aside to try and weather the storm. You see every decade or so something happens and milk prices DROP A LOT, and it usually lasts a year or so. After a year of watching prices go up for fuel, feed, electric, etc, which was double even triple of what they were. I started moving assets around put the farm into my wife's name and keep the Dairy cows a equipment in my name just in case things got even worse. I have always kept as much information as possible away from the banks and government, this was a key part in being able to keep a lot of my farming machinery and a small portion of my steers "that I have expanded upon since 6 months after bankruptcy"
Anyways my non-trust in the government and banks helped me significantly when about 3 1/2 years ago, just about the time when milk price's started to become almost profitable again the state sends me a letter advising me that in order for the dairy processing plants to continue to ship overseas everyone's sematic cell count had to be under 300,000.
Now let me explain the way Milk is priced when dairy farmers sell it to the processing plant. (Also, ITS ILLEGAL TO SELL MILK TO ANYONE BUT A PROCESSING PLANT)
1, Its sold by the 100lb. Not by the gallon.
2, Its graded Grade A for milk, Grade B for cheese. "Normally get around 3 dollars more per hundred for grade A"
3, They "the plant" test it for bacteria "BAC", sematic cell "Cell", Pre-Incubated bacteria "PC" and butterfat.
4, They "the plant" deduct if your BAC count is above 200k, Cell is above 250k, PC above 100k.
5, They "the state" WILL NOT allow you to sell milk if your BAC is above 750k for 3 months, Cell above 1mil for 3 months, PC above 500k.
6, If your counts are below the dectuction threshold you get premiums around 1-2 dollars per count that is good. High Butterfat is good and you get a roughly 3 dollar premium above 3.5 and more if your above 5.0.
7. Butterfat is different for Holstein cows "Lowest butterfat around 2.0-3.0" then it is for Jersey cows Highest butterfat 5.0-7.0.
8. Holstein cows on the other hand can produce 70-150 pounds "Highest" of milk everyday during lactation (about 6-7 months)
Jersey's produce 40-80.
9. Milk price before the economy tanked was about 22 dollars per hundred + premiums. Milk price after economy tank dropped too 9 dollars + premiums. Meanwhile the cost of everything need to produce the milk doubled and tripled in price.
10. My BAC count was always around 90k, Cell was around 500k, PC around 10k, Butterfat 5.9.
Getting back to the letter, 300,000 or below sematic cell or the processing plant was not allowed to pick up milk. With my Cell cound being 500k I was obviously screwed. I could have gotten it down if I was willing to spend around 150,000 dollars on younger cows, "have lower Cell counts", and upgraded my facilities.
I choose the screw the government route and filed for bankruptcy since I had already put the farm in my wife's name a few years before and only had the dairy cows and some machinery in my name on one loan. I wasn't the only one either many, many, small dairy farmers got out of it during this time. Some lost EVERYTHING.
The amusing part of the whole thing is 8 months after the 300,000 Cell count regulation went into effect, they was forced to get rid of it because the mega-dairy's couldn't even keep the counts below it. (Was this part of the plan the whole time?) Make a regulation that forces out the small guy then just toss it out the window. In the long run Milk price's have finally started to come up to 25 dollars a hundred (Still not the highest ever) but they are improving.
For the reading comprehension handicapped, things we have learned today.
1, The State government is evil.
2, More than one type of bankruptcy exists, you don't need to lose/sell everything if your smart about it.
3, The Federal government is evil.
4, Never put all your assets into one basket.
5, The Whole government is evil.
6, Hopefully you got some knowledge about the dairy industry, this isn't even a fraction of it though.
7 The Entire government is evil.
Can you honestly tell me you would trust the government and all the regulations they pass after being though all of that?
I'll be happy to respond to anyone that actually read all this crap and has a legit question. NOT responding to the usual troll lines.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-08-30 13:57:41
So, they imposed a higher standard of quality that you chose not to meet for obvious reasons. That's not really the government screwing you over. Look at the restrictions they've put in place for things like automotive (OBD, SRS, SIR, CAFE). That's the nature of progress (not progressives). It sucks, believe me I know, I lost my business under somewhat similar circumstances. But, I chose to step out instead of suffering through, and I own my choice instead of blaming the government or the banks.
By Altimaomega 2014-08-30 14:14:54
So, they imposed a higher standard of quality that you chose not to meet for obvious reasons. That's not really the government screwing you over. Look at the restrictions they've put in place for things like automotive (OBD, SRS, SIR, CAFE). That's the nature of progress (not progressives). It sucks, believe me I know, I lost my business under somewhat similar circumstances. But, I chose to step out instead of suffering through, and I own my choice instead of blaming the government or the banks.
Silly me for not mentioning that the Cell count was 1 million and was to be dropped to 300,000. Oh.. wait.. I did... I guess I'll explain even more to you since you would rather just try and compare your similar experience. Which I highly doubt is anywhere near similar, because to be similar it would have to force you to spend a significant amount of money just to continue a business that has been struggling for about 3yrs with no end in sight. I'm not talking my Business, I'm talking every small dairy business. Hell even the Bigger ones were struggling when this was put into effect
Then 8 months later toss the new regulation out the window because even the Large Dairy's couldn't follow it, and make it actually doable "they made it 750k". It went from 1 million to 300k to 750k now. Please tell me about your similar experience.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 14:17:45
So, they imposed a higher standard of quality that you chose not to meet for obvious reasons. That's not really the government screwing you over. Look at the restrictions they've put in place for things like automotive (OBD, SRS, SIR, CAFE). That's the nature of progress (not progressives). It sucks, believe me I know, I lost my business under somewhat similar circumstances. But, I chose to step out instead of suffering through, and I own my choice instead of blaming the government or the banks.
/cry I don't know how to run a business and instead of taking responsibility I want to blame the big bad gubbmit!
By Altimaomega 2014-08-30 14:22:58
So, they imposed a higher standard of quality that you chose not to meet for obvious reasons. That's not really the government screwing you over. Look at the restrictions they've put in place for things like automotive (OBD, SRS, SIR, CAFE). That's the nature of progress (not progressives). It sucks, believe me I know, I lost my business under somewhat similar circumstances. But, I chose to step out instead of suffering through, and I own my choice instead of blaming the government or the banks.
/cry I don't know how to run a business and instead of taking responsibility I want to blame the big bad gubbmit!
Alright Mr. Troll.
What exactly would you do if your product was dropping in price and your cost tripled. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your brilliant business sense to come up with an answer.
I'm sure I'll get a one line retort along the lines of herp.. derp..
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-08-30 14:25:19
So, they imposed a higher standard of quality that you chose not to meet for obvious reasons. That's not really the government screwing you over. Look at the restrictions they've put in place for things like automotive (OBD, SRS, SIR, CAFE). That's the nature of progress (not progressives). It sucks, believe me I know, I lost my business under somewhat similar circumstances. But, I chose to step out instead of suffering through, and I own my choice instead of blaming the government or the banks.
/cry I don't know how to run a business and instead of taking responsibility I want to blame the big bad gubbmit!
Alright Mr. Troll.
What exactly would you do if your product was dropping in price and your cost tripled. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your brilliant business sense to come up with an answer.
I'm sure I'll get a one line retort along the lines of herp.. derp.. You won't. Just more trolling.
Remember this is the guy who just recently said people shouldn't have to work for a living.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 14:25:32
It's irrelevant, as your business was already failing it seems. I most likely wouldn't run a business with those margins, if I did, then I'd be bailing long before that.
The only way I'd run a business with those margins if it were a side project, and was just for fun. But you know, I have a brain, and understand numbers.
edit: again; I don't troll, and no people shouldn't have to work for a living.
By Altimaomega 2014-08-30 14:37:26
It's irrelevant, as your business was already failing it seems. I most likely wouldn't run a business with those margins, if I did, then I'd be bailing long before that.
The only way I'd run a business with those margins if it were a side project, and was just for fun. But you know, I have a brain, and understand numbers.
edit: again; I don't troll, and no people shouldn't have to work for a living.
Your either troll or a major hypocrite, because you just said you would bail. Exactly what I did.
Just for arguments sake and I give you the benefit of the doubt. "which you NEVER give me btw." You was running a highly profitable business, then all the sudden though no fault of your own and no possible way to see it coming your product dropped in price and your cost's started to rise. Now you've owned your business for about a decade, and your family owned it for 80yrs before that. You've seen this happen a few times and so have your parents and grandparents, even your Great Grandparents. What your unaware of is how long and how bad it is gonna get. Do you push though and wait for it to get better like it always has?
Or do you run like a little ***? Remember at the time you don't know its gonna be an unprecedented 3yrs of total downturn for your industry. So make your choice.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 14:38:29
Just a question Altima. Is/was this a family business?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-08-30 14:38:42
So, they imposed a higher standard of quality that you chose not to meet for obvious reasons. That's not really the government screwing you over. Look at the restrictions they've put in place for things like automotive (OBD, SRS, SIR, CAFE). That's the nature of progress (not progressives). It sucks, believe me I know, I lost my business under somewhat similar circumstances. But, I chose to step out instead of suffering through, and I own my choice instead of blaming the government or the banks.
Silly me for not mentioning that the Cell count was 1 million and was to be dropped to 300,000. Oh.. wait.. I did... I guess I'll explain even more to you since you would rather just try and compare your similar experience. Which I highly doubt is anywhere near similar, because to be similar it would have to force you to spend a significant amount of money just to continue a business that has been struggling for about 3yrs with no end in sight. I'm not talking my Business, I'm talking every small dairy business. Hell even the Bigger ones were struggling when this was put into effect
Then 8 months later toss the new regulation out the window because even the Large Dairy's couldn't follow it, and make it actually doable "they made it 750k". It went from 1 million to 300k to 750k now. Please tell me about your similar experience.
If the market was so stacked against you, and you chose to bow out, that's a good decision. Being in a business that isn't capable of making money is a bad one. I still don't see how it's the government or the banks' fault that you lost your dairy, you chose not to upgrade your facilities for obvious reasons. It's called cutting your losses, bubba. When you break it down, you're not all that different from the people you detest.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 14:44:31
It's irrelevant, as your business was already failing it seems. I most likely wouldn't run a business with those margins, if I did, then I'd be bailing long before that.
The only way I'd run a business with those margins if it were a side project, and was just for fun. But you know, I have a brain, and understand numbers.
edit: again; I don't troll, and no people shouldn't have to work for a living. Your either troll or a major hypocrite, because you just said you would bail. Exactly what I did.
I said first off that I wouldn't run a business that poorly in the first place, and I don't have an issue with you bailing, I have an issue with you blaming the government for your problems, which is the difference, and something you don't seem to be able to, or willing to comprehend.
As for your hypothetical: It all depends, there's too many variables that I'm not going to get into here.
Is bailing an option: of course it is, but that's all part of running a business, and if you don't make it it's your fault.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 14:47:17
His issue is with arbitrary and ill-conceived regulation. I don't know that it stops there, since he hasn't articulated as much, but it's a founded criticism and is in fact the government's fault.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 14:55:01
His issue is with arbitrary and ill-conceived regulation. I don't know that it stops there, since he hasn't articulated as much, but it's a founded criticism and is in fact the government's fault.
Here's the thing though: all regulation is ill conceived and can be viewed as arbitrary, yet a lot of it is necessary.
His "issue" would have more of a point if it weren't more akin to a flailing child.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 14:59:54
Not all regulation is ill-conceived, and it is certainly not binary: good or bad. It's a large gradient of effective, ineffective, and toxic.
By Altimaomega 2014-08-30 15:00:02
His issue is with arbitrary and ill-conceived regulation. I don't know that it stops there, since he hasn't articulated as much, but it's a founded criticism and is in fact the government's fault.
Omg.. someone who has mastered the art of reading comprehension. I applaud you sir! I'm pretty impressed actually and have a new found respect for you and your ability understand wtf I was trying to get across.
Just a question Altima. Is/was this a family business?
Yea, my family have been/was dairy farmers in my area for just about 100yrs. At one time we had four farms and owned/rented over 2000 acres. I was the last one to call it quits, only thing left is my 100acre farm and some beef cattle.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-08-30 15:20:23
So basically they raised the standards in order to sell milk globally. By doing so they drove most small businesses or farmers out of business until the bigger farms or subsidized conglomerates of the diary industry couldn't even turn a profit with the new standards so they lowered the standards back to a level only they could afford. In doing so they drove most of the family owned farms out of business thereby allowing them to purchase said farms at a near 0 interest rate.
The remaining few that stayed, how did they make it?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 15:27:05
His issue is with arbitrary and ill-conceived regulation. I don't know that it stops there, since he hasn't articulated as much, but it's a founded criticism and is in fact the government's fault.
Omg.. someone who has mastered the art of reading comprehension. I applaud you sir! I'm pretty impressed actually and have a new found respect for you and your ability understand wtf I was trying to get across.
Just a question Altima. Is/was this a family business?
Yea, my family have been/was dairy farmers in my area for just about 100yrs. At one time we had four farms and owned/rented over 2000 acres. I was the last one to call it quits, only thing left is my 100acre farm and some beef cattle. You're actually not very straight forward with it. You don't have a thesis, you just allude to it. A little deduction is all it takes though, which is also why I asked if it was a family business; which explains exactly why you'd stay with a "failing" business. Sentimentality and family culture is a big deal to preserve, if not for monetary reasons but for the cohesion of family or the norm.
My only contention with your dislike of regulation (And I don't honestly know that you extrapolate this across the board but it feels like you do) is that not all regulation is negative. When politics gets involved, and people have something to gain, promises to fulfill, or a budget to meet, corners get cut and/or ideas get corrupted. It's a shame, and I acknowledge that evil, but I also firmly know that regulation is needed. It keeps much worse evils at bay - at least, in my opinion.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2014-08-30 15:27:11
Do you know of any lobbying groups or specific representatives or officials responsible for enacting the stiffer regulations? Directing your anger and distrust towards those culpable seems much more productive than unfocused rallying against all government and all regulation.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 15:33:33
Not all regulation is ill-conceived, and it is certainly not binary: good or bad. It's a large gradient of effective, ineffective, and toxic. Yes, yes it is. By the standard of "affecting somebody negatively" it is all ill-conceived, all regulation has downs.
But a lot of it is necessary, and people get too hung up on negatives of it, and try to kill the whole thing, instead of attempting to fix it.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 15:46:20
I'm sure that working conditions that don't kill you were negative for everyone involved.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 15:49:20
Oooh, how childish.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 15:54:55
Just because it is negative for one group does not automate it as negative for the whole, sorry.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 15:55:34
Just because it is negative for one group does not automate it as negative for the whole, sorry. I never stated such a thing, but it still makes it a negative.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 15:59:54
Not all regulation is ill-conceived, and it is certainly not binary: good or bad. It's a large gradient of effective, ineffective, and toxic. Yes, yes it is. By the standard of "affecting somebody negatively" it is all ill-conceived, all regulation has downs. Unless you've got something to quantify, that is EXACTLY what you said.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 16:01:23
Not all regulation is ill-conceived, and it is certainly not binary: good or bad. It's a large gradient of effective, ineffective, and toxic. Yes, yes it is. By the standard of "affecting somebody negatively" it is all ill-conceived, all regulation has downs. Unless you've got something to quantify, that is EXACTLY what you said. No, no it isn't.
edit: I'm not going to continue this argument of semantics though, you can if you want, but you'll be arguing with yourself.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2014-08-30 16:07:57
Then we're at an impasse, as you have essentially said "nu-uh." Remind me never to engage you in mature discussion.
By Jetackuu 2014-08-30 16:10:28
Then we're at an impasse, as you have essentially said "nu-uh." Remind me never to engage you in mature discussion. Right back at you.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-08-30 16:36:27
The concept of global economy is responsible for a lot of needless and harmful regulation, actually. Most successful nations in this day and age have protectionist policies in place that make import/export far less appealing. It would be interesting to see who actually introduced and sponsored that particular regulation, as I'm sure there is a business that stood to profit from making small farms give up the ghost.
By Altimaomega 2014-08-30 19:48:54
His issue is with arbitrary and ill-conceived regulation. I don't know that it stops there, since he hasn't articulated as much, but it's a founded criticism and is in fact the government's fault.
Omg.. someone who has mastered the art of reading comprehension. I applaud you sir! I'm pretty impressed actually and have a new found respect for you and your ability understand wtf I was trying to get across.
Just a question Altima. Is/was this a family business?
Yea, my family have been/was dairy farmers in my area for just about 100yrs. At one time we had four farms and owned/rented over 2000 acres. I was the last one to call it quits, only thing left is my 100acre farm and some beef cattle. You're actually not very straight forward with it. You don't have a thesis, you just allude to it. A little deduction is all it takes though, which is also why I asked if it was a family business; which explains exactly why you'd stay with a "failing" business. Sentimentality and family culture is a big deal to preserve, if not for monetary reasons but for the cohesion of family or the norm.
My only contention with your dislike of regulation (And I don't honestly know that you extrapolate this across the board but it feels like you do) is that not all regulation is negative. When politics gets involved, and people have something to gain, promises to fulfill, or a budget to meet, corners get cut and/or ideas get corrupted. It's a shame, and I acknowledge that evil, but I also firmly know that regulation is needed. It keeps much worse evils at bay - at least, in my opinion.
Regulation is needed to a degree and not all of it is negative, never in my rant did I ever say that the current regulation at the time was burdensome or unneeded. Its when government starts messing with things that have worked for years and years, then DRASTICALLY change or make new ones.
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