Random Politics & Religion #00
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-23 18:44:50
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »In the aftermath of the Brussels terrorist attack, the most important thing that we can all do now is come together and call Republicans racist.
I don't know about the Republicans but there probably is something to be said for the media covering the ***out of Brussels and ignoring similar terrorist attacks in the Ivory Coast and elsewhere.
Terrible attacks, all. It's just frequently disturbing how warped our distorted of world news continues to still be in this day and age at the whim of mainstream media.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-03-23 19:08:26
The NFL has come out against it as well, with Atlanta slated to get the Super Bowl in 2020 or 2021, they are basically saying pass this crap and you lose the big game.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2016-03-23 19:46:40
The NFL has come out against it as well, with Atlanta slated to get the Super Bowl in 2020 or 2021, they are basically saying pass this crap and you lose the big game.
Which I do not understand this entire deal. If you know a religious institution does not support gay marriage why the hell would you want them to marry you? I think a lot of people push this ***just to prove a point.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-03-23 20:19:55
No one is asking religious institutions to marry anyone they don't want to marry. But let's make a law about it anyway! Plus let's conflate religious institutions with businesses so discrimination is legal ^^
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2016-03-23 20:24:23
I read an interesting article a while back about how each side is in the strange position of electing the candidate that fares the worst in head-to-head polling with the opposition. With the Supreme Court on the line you'd think people would care more about just winning, but apparently it's the season for self-destruction. But the parties are handcuffed by rules. And the state parties are the ones who pull LOTS of Gs shaping those rules.
That's why Kasich is holding out for a brokered convention.
I only wish the dems had the sense to run Bernie.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-03-23 21:17:23
I read an interesting article a while back about how each side is in the strange position of electing the candidate that fares the worst in head-to-head polling with the opposition. With the Supreme Court on the line you'd think people would care more about just winning, but apparently it's the season for self-destruction.
Trump has not aimed the guns at Clinton yet. Every other candidate he has aimed them at he has destroyed them.
Why do people think that Hillary Clinton doesn't have enough dirt for him to put up on the billboard to turn people off of her? I mean a great reason to want to see a Trump stab at the white house is because he's not gonna hold back.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-23 21:36:33
W/e.. They ain't going anywhere.
Quote: With generous tax incentives, Georgia has become a production hub
Quote: "We are confident that Governor Deal will not allow a discriminatory bill to become law in Georgia,"
If they are so confident, why make threats they wouldn't keep?
...........Because Headlines.....
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-03-23 21:40:53
Considering Disney, Microsoft, Coca Cola and the NFL pretty much print money, they can afford to go anywhere they want. Tax incentives will not stop them from taking a moral stand against a stupid law.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-23 21:54:24
Considering Disney, Microsoft, Coca Cola and the NFL pretty much print money, they can afford to go anywhere they want. Tax incentives will not stop them from taking a moral stand against a stupid law.
Why film there to start with then? We all know they print money. We all know this bill was never going to pass no matter if they made a stand against it or not.
My entire point it the entire story is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and meant to fuel hate. With those companies merely seeing an opportunity to garner support and try and look sensitive.
Disney is in great need of it after the whole replacing people with low wage people from over seas. Don't see any headlines about that around here.
These companies print money why do they feel the need to cut out the American worker?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-03-23 21:59:13
The bill has passed, the Georgia Congress passed the bill and it is awaiting the governor's signature or veto. All he has to do is sign it and it is law, hence the warnings.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-03-23 22:05:35
Good, they can spend their money here in Texas.
Discrimination bills for all (but us)!
By Altimaomega 2016-03-23 22:09:28
The bill has passed, the Georgia Congress passed the bill and it is awaiting the governor's signature or veto. All he has to do is sign it and it is law, hence the warnings.
Ah, okay. Its cool to boycott bills you don't like as long as it fits certain agendas. Forgot where I was for a minute.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-03-23 22:12:01
The bill has passed, the Georgia Congress passed the bill and it is awaiting the governor's signature or veto. All he has to do is sign it and it is law, hence the warnings.
Ah, okay. Its cool to boycott bills you don't like as long as it fits certain agendas. Forgot where I was for a minute. it's okay.
you're in south Canada. Don't make me go up to North United States and slap your ***!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-03-23 22:17:44
The bill has passed, the Georgia Congress passed the bill and it is awaiting the governor's signature or veto. All he has to do is sign it and it is law, hence the warnings.
Ah, okay. Its cool to boycott bills you don't like as long as it fits certain agendas. Forgot where I was for a minute. Its just posturing. These companies are scared of the mob and pissing off their fickled liberal viewers.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-03-23 22:19:35
Safe to say those companies aren't scared of anything, considering the NFL keeps churning along despite the slew of controversies that are currently embroiling it. People love football, especially the south.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-23 23:34:25
Any other obvious observations you would care to share with the class?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2016-03-23 23:52:55
Marvel needs to just go back to making their usual movies with all-white casts and stop worrying about this discrimination silliness. They have more talking raccoons than black characters in their movies.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-03-23 23:54:53
I'm trying to think of a Marvel movie with an all white cast...I guess Cap 1?
By Altimaomega 2016-03-23 23:58:37
Since we have moved to racism and bigotry in our entertainment. Who here watched the new Flash episode?
Is it impossible to make a super hero TV show with a white straight couple that get along or is that too much to ask?
Arrow.. no.
Supergirl.. no
Daredevil.. no
legends of tommorrow.. no
At least supernatural has the womanizer Dean I guess. Awesome show btw.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-24 00:01:39
I'm trying to think of a Marvel movie with an all white cast...I guess Cap 1?
Yeah, the HULK saved the Avenger movies.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-03-24 01:44:56
I'm pretty sure the Hulk is the only one with a 100% white cast (i.e. at least a named character and not some random extra), and I might be forgetting someone in that too. Captain America had a Nick Fury appearance and the black Howling Commando (Gabriel Johns).
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-03-24 02:05:48
Since we have moved to racism and bigotry in our entertainment. Who here watched the new Flash episode?
Is it impossible to make a super hero TV show with a white straight couple that get along or is that too much to ask?
Arrow.. no.
Supergirl.. no
Daredevil.. no
legends of tommorrow.. no
At least supernatural has the womanizer Dean I guess. Awesome show btw. When will straight white couples finally get their fair shake?
Its just posturing. These companies are scared of the mob and pissing off their fickled liberal viewers. When I think fickle liberal viewers, I immediately think NFL.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-24 02:44:47
When will straight white couples finally get their fair shake?
Not even about that I am sick of the constant barrage of LGBTYXZ being thrown in. You would think 95% of the population is one of the above.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-24 02:54:54
When will straight white couples finally get their fair shake?
Not even about that I am sick of the constant barrage of LGBTYXZ being thrown in. You would think 95% of the population is one of the above.
Same here. I have zero problems with a homosexual relationship being in a storyline, I have issues when the movie / TV show just throws them in for "diversity". It's become "token black guy" dialed up to 11. Statistically there is 3.8% average LGBT population in the USA. If a show has twenty regular cast members, having two of them being LGBT is a 163% over representation.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-03-24 02:59:02
When will straight white couples finally get their fair shake?
Not even about that I am sick of the constant barrage of LGBTYXZ being thrown in. You would think 95% of the population is one of the above. Now imagine how isolating it can feel when 100% of the characters in shows you grew up watching were straight.
None of the sexuality in those shows is overtly in-your-face (ugh, whatever that means). They're just people who happen to be LGBT. You know, like any LGBT person would be like if you met them in real life.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-03-24 06:00:50
in-your-face (ugh, whatever that means) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-03-24 07:08:24
When will straight white couples finally get their fair shake?
Not even about that I am sick of the constant barrage of LGBTYXZ being thrown in. You would think 95% of the population is one of the above. Now imagine how isolating it can feel when 100% of the characters in shows you grew up watching were straight.
None of the sexuality in those shows is overtly in-your-face (ugh, whatever that means). They're just people who happen to be LGBT. You know, like any LGBT person would be like if you met them in real life. Uh oh, "feelz". I'm sorry you were so oppressed.
We really deserve to be punished for making you go through that huh?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-24 07:22:18
We really deserve to be punished for making you go through that huh?
Just imagine how bad the one legged wheelchair bound black transgender lesbian feels. She feels so lonely watching all those able bodied non-transgender people on TV.
Yeah victim Olympics in full swing.
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