Random Politics & Religion #00
By Jetackuu 2016-03-23 07:57:09
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 08:36:53
They're one of the few groups of people he is very careful not to alienate.
He has too many "good old boy" mindset (male and female) supporters across the country who match the WASP criteria. If he were to alienate Christians by saying "yeah...I really don't give a ***about religion," he'd be *** because he'd then lose his ability to channel that particular portion of the population's rage/victim complex.
He's really, really good at appealing to a lot of victim complexes at once, but he needs all of those groups together, bound by their anger, to have a shot at winning.
By Siren.Mosin 2016-03-23 09:06:45
Stop eyeballing, that's why we have parsers
We sure do have parses.
And it's not looking good.

lmao, that baby looks terrified.
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2016-03-23 09:42:19
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-03-23 09:45:12
lol@ "extreme weenie babies"
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 09:46:05
That's unfortunate.
As much as I despise Trump and think some of his proposed actions violate the Constitution, I don't think a lot of people protesting him really understand how free speech works either and that's almost as scary.
By Siren.Mosin 2016-03-23 10:15:08
The really funny thing, to me, is that I've busted my skinny white *** for over a decade to provide a better chance at life for my children than I had, and now I'm not so sure secondary education really is the route to go. all this work for nothing, should have been trailer folk. I could maybe get drunk enough to enjoy nascar.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 400
By Bahamut.Omael 2016-03-23 10:21:38
I could maybe get drunk enough to enjoy nascar.
The only way to do that is to get so drunk you forget watching it.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-03-23 10:36:31
Heh. I've mentioned it offhand a few times, but yeah.
So are Utah people Utopians, like Michigan people are Michiganders?
Utahns.... Which doesn't sound great, but I grew up in Indiana where we're called Hoosiers even though nobody has a clue wher the word came from or what it means.
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 10:37:48
Heh. I've mentioned it offhand a few times, but yeah.
So are Utah people Utopians, like Michigan people are Michiganders?
Utahns.... Which doesn't sound great, but I grew up in Indiana where we're called Hoosiers even though nobody has a clue wher the word came from or what it means.
I thought they were just called Mormons.
Server: Garuda
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By Garuda.Chanti 2016-03-23 10:46:15
Heh. I've mentioned it offhand a few times, but yeah.
So are Utah people Utopians, like Michigan people are Michiganders?
Utahns.... Which doesn't sound great, but I grew up in Indiana where we're called Hoosiers even though nobody has a clue wher the word came from or what it means. Quote: The Word Hoosier
Jeffrey Graf
Reference Services Department
Herman B Wells Library
Indiana University - Bloomington
Like barnacles, a thick crust of speculation has gathered over the word "Hoosier" to explain the origin of Indiana's nickname. Popular theories, diligently and often sincerely advanced, form a rich, often amusing body of folklore. Those theories include: "Who's here?" as a question to unknown visitors or to the inhabitants of a country cabin; Hussar, from the fiery European mounted troops; "Huzzah!" proclaimed after victory in a fight; Husher, a brawny man, capable of stilling opponents; Hoosa, an Indian word for corn; Hoose, an English term for a disease of cattle which gives the animals a wild sort of look; and the evergreen "Who's ear?" asked while toeing a torn-off ear lying on the bar room floor the morning after a brawl.
The best evidence, however, suggests that "Hoosier" was a term of contempt and opprobrium common in the upland South and used to denote a rustic, a bumpkin, a countryman, a roughneck, a hick or an awkward, uncouth or unskilled fellow. Although the word's derogatory meaning has faded, it can still be heard in its original sense, albeit less frequently than its cousins "Cracker" and "Redneck."
From the South "Hoosier" moved north and westward with the people into the Ohio Valley, where it was applied at first to the presumably unsophisticated inhabitants of Southern Indiana. Later it expanded to include all residents of the state and gradually lost its original, potent connotation of coarseness in manners, appearance and intellect.
As for the word itself, it may derive from the Saxon word "hoo" meaning promontory or cliff or ridge or rise or hill. Jacob Piatt Dunn, a diligent scholar of the word, believes a Saxon beginning, and such a meaning survives in various place names in England. There is some sense in the notion, too, that those who applied the insult and those to whom it was applied (and who understood it) came primarily from British stock.
The unusual (ier or sier) ending has always been difficult to explain. Might it be from "scir" the old form of "shire?" The Hoo Shire would then be the Hill Country, the High Places or the Mountain Region. Would that meaning then extend to those who lived in the hills, making them the "hooscirs" and later the "Hoosiers," the mountain people, hillbillies by another name? There's more.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-03-23 10:54:53
Yup, some interesting theories have come up, but nothing conclusive yet. The best thing to come out of the name was a great movie.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-03-23 11:57:34
Yup, some interesting theories have come up, but nothing conclusive yet.
I'll put it on the list for when we get the time machine working...
Kill Hitler
Find out where Hoosiers came from
Kill Stalin
Go "halvesies" with Bill Gates / Microsoft
Kill Chairman Mao
Bet $ on Buster Douglas
Kill Pol Pot
Eat the last dodo egg
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-03-23 12:23:32
The election in Cormorant, Minnesota, was open to everyone, but Duke the dog won the most votes from the town’s citizens.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Amandarius 2016-03-23 12:51:34
In the aftermath of the Brussels terrorist attack, the most important thing that we can all do now is come together and call Republicans racist.
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 13:12:06
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »In the aftermath of the Brussels terrorist attack, the most important thing that we can all do now is come together and call Republicans racist.
I don't know about the Republicans but there probably is something to be said for the media covering the ***out of Brussels and ignoring similar terrorist attacks in the Ivory Coast and elsewhere.
Terrible attacks, all. It's just frequently disturbing how warped our distorted of world news continues to still be in this day and age at the whim of mainstream media.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2016-03-23 13:20:29
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »In the aftermath of the Brussels terrorist attack, the most important thing that we can all do now is come together and call Republicans racist.
I don't know about the Republicans but there probably is something to be said for the media covering the ***out of Brussels and ignoring similar terrorist attacks in the Ivory Coast and elsewhere.
Terrible attacks, all. It's just frequently disturbing how warped our distorted of world news continues to still be in this day and age at the whim of mainstream media.
Turkey. A week prior and quite frequently prior to that instance. I would wager that some Muslims aren't pleased with the lopsidedness of media attention.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-23 13:22:09
The media lopsided? Tell me it isn't true!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-03-23 13:25:14
They cover those attacks here but Belgium is getting more attention since it's so close to us. Once they happen they get a lot of mention though.
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 13:25:48
The media lopsided? Tell me it isn't true!
Then again, the media shows what will get looks.
I'm only guessing, but I'd suggest that the media isn't going for any one agenda, but rather just realizes that they're not going to get viewers among affluent America by showing suffering, poor, black/Islamic people in Africa, the Middle East, or the Eurasian areas.
Our level of apathy for people to whom we can't relate is just too damn high.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-03-23 13:25:58
How many of you would pilot an attack drone if asked?
So...two guys wearing USAF uniforms show up on your front door and they are like "Hey You! You're good at video games and we would like to make you a drone pilot!"
then if you agree they come in and load a program onto your PC and teach you the controls and stuff and basically you pilot the drone to the locations they give you and take out the targets they spot with green laserbeams or someshit.
You can log on any time you want
you can play for as long as you want
the program will only let you fire on targets illuminated with the green laserbeam
they could probably even set it up to autofire at the illuminated targets so all you would have to do is fly back and forth
who is in?
By Altimaomega 2016-03-23 13:31:00
My reply would flag the NSA... I gotta go to work today, no time for Homeland security busting in my door.
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 13:31:00
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »They cover those attacks here but Belgium is getting more attention since it's so close to us. Once they happen they get a lot of mention though.
Not going to lie. I'm guilty of not even knowing of them until it was pointed out to me some of the outrage regarding the Belgian attack coverage, but not the others immediately before it.
I don't think people are wrong to be upset at the lack of coverage, but I do think some people are wrong in being upset with people sharing their condolences and the like for people in Belgium. I saw one person say that Americans were "obediently" mourning the attacks in Brussels whilst ignoring the slaughter elsewhere.
Most Americans didn't even know about it because we're also busy going to work, picking kids up from activities, painting our houses, whatever. We see what we see in passing on the news most of the time and that's it.
Hence the double-edged sword effect of the issue. The anger and resentment regarding the apathy and lack of awareness by people in those regions is understandable. Yet it's also not really the fault of people trying to go about their day-to-day lives here.
Misery is not a competition. We would do well to be aware of what is going on around the globe and it would certainly be a lot easier if the news media tried to accurately report as such instead of just chasing money.
But then, engendering global empathy and togetherness doesn't seem to be in anyone's best interest. Amirite?
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 13:32:08
How many of you would pilot an attack drone if asked?
So...two guys wearing USAF uniforms show up on your front door and they are like "Hey You! You're good at video games and we would like to make you a drone pilot!"
then if you agree they come in and load a program onto your PC and teach you the controls and stuff and basically you pilot the drone to the locations they give you and take out the targets they spot with green laserbeams or someshit.
You can log on any time you want
you can play for as long as you want
the program will only let you fire on targets illuminated with the green laserbeam
they could probably even set it up to autofire at the illuminated targets so all you would have to do is fly back and forth
who is in?
Did someone finally convince you to read Ender's Game or something?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-03-23 13:34:54
The most recent attacks are also covered non-stop because of the ties to Sweden (one of them lived here, the guy who was shot when they arrested Abdeslam)
By Ramyrez 2016-03-23 13:41:42
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »The most recent attacks are also covered non-stop because of the ties to Sweden (one of them lived here, the guy who was shot when they arrested Abdeslam)
I'm really talking more US mainstream media here.
I didn't see ***about Turkey or Ivory Coast in the past few weeks.
Saw plenty of garbage about celebrities and meaningless drivel from political talking heads grabbing headlines though.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-03-23 13:42:14
We have that too but it's in the entertainment section
If a celebrity dies it'll be a headline unless there's something more serious to cover, then it gets mentioned a bit down on the site (or back in the paper)
SVT doesn't show any celebrity stuff at all, it's just proper news with the facts they have confirmed.
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