Random Politics & Religion #00
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-02-20 20:33:42
Is no "safe space" safe????
By Terraka 2016-02-20 20:41:45
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »It's not even just the idea of tuition free. Universal healthcare would be amazing, have you ever seen someone struggle with hospital bills, after insurance, who just survived cancer? Those hospital bills are close to 6 digits. Why should people who didn't ask to get this illness, who have fought to survive this illness for years, be strapped with bills they never even wanted?
In practice it works great on specific models. However, when you attempt to superimpose it on a model like the US which has a bigger population, larger number of infections/diseases, larger number of travelers, etc. the money has to come from somewhere. These models(countries) where his single-payer system works are smaller than California and have no where near as a complex health system as the state let alone the US. You're essentially trying to oversimply a very complex health system and hoping it works EXACTLY the same way.
We have a major gap in wealth, those "models" have a more even distribution of wealth, that's what makes their benefits of free tuition and universal health care work. America is the greediest of all countries, many Americans can care less about the welfare of their neighbors, hell, sometimes even their family and friends. My parents get $50 each taken out of their checks each week for health insurance. $11.50 a week would leave a hell of a lot more extra money in their pocket under that tax proposal by Bernie.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-02-20 20:42:34
Hopefully states can learn that caucuses are dumb. 80% reporting in Nevada and about 10,000 votes combined. It is such an ineffective way to measure opinions, and an even worse way to assign delegates. People had 8-11 hours to get to the polls and vote in NH/SC.
I would have though the whole "super delegates" thing is a far worse facet of the whole public opinion thing, but thats just me...
I mean nothing says feel the Bern like Hillary Clinton backroom dealing him out.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 20:45:54
His plans are to take away tax breaks from those who make $150,000+ a year and increase their taxes substantially, while slightly increasing middle and lower class taxes (we're talking like 2.2% increase, $46 dollars a month, which breaks down to about $11.50 a week) The taxes of the ones making over $150,000 a year will increase the most.
Increasing middle and lower class taxes by another 600 bucks a year..
Let me ask you this. Public elementary, middle and high school are all free. No they are not. smh..
the ownership and control of the means of production, capitol, land, property, etc., by the community as a whole - combined with a democratic government. One word. Unconstitutional!
What I really don't understand is the same people who complains about their tax dollars towards policies and ideas that could help make America better as a whole, don't complain about their tax money being used to help give shelter, food and medical care to murderers, rapests and robbers. Do you live under a stone or something? EVERYONE who complains about tax dollars being spent have this near the top of the list!
Nothing is free... again..
Those hospital bills are close to 6 digits. Perhaps we should be looking into this.. yes?
Are disappearing.
Cost 20-100 dollars for tickets.. How is this socialism?
the police and fire departments Would be better equipped and pay better if privately owned.
garbage collection, landfills What? Never heard of such thing. It is a private service in MI,OH,IN.
VA Health Care ,Military. The cost of a free country.
Socialism fails.. Always..
By Terraka 2016-02-20 20:46:56
Hell, most people I know pay $50/week out of their check for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, it would drop down to about $11.50/week and you wouldn't even have to work about paying for medicaid under his plan.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-02-20 20:50:52
We have a major gap in wealth, those "models" have a more even distribution of wealth, that's what makes their benefits of free tuition and universal health care work. America is the greediest of all countries, many Americans can care less about the welfare of their neighbors, hell, sometimes even their family and friends. My parents get $50 each taken out of their checks each week for health insurance. $11.50 a week would leave a hell of a lot more extra money in their pocket under that tax proposal by Bernie.
You're assuming the percentages of current infection and rate of new infection is the same. More importantly your assuming pharmaceutical manufacturers wont drive up medication cost due to demand.
Just lookup Sweden and compare the rate of new infections/disease and current infection/diseases of conditions like Hep C, HIV, diabetes, and cancer to the US. If I gave a small country the size of Sweden the rates of new infection of a country like the US its public health system would likely collapse.
Also different countries have different prescription rights. Sweden gives their RNs more prescription power. It's cheaper to see an RN than a MD. So unless you plan on overhauling the prescription system of the US his plan wont work. Don't get me wrong I support expanding prescription rights to other medical practitioners, but it likely wont happen. Psychologists, pharmacists, RNs have been fighting for prescription authority for some time.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-02-20 20:51:31
Riiight, Socialism.... it's just like the good ol public library, but better!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-02-20 21:07:17
Riiight, Socialism.... it's just like the good ol public library, but better! I'm terrified how a lotto system or waiting list would function for diseases like Hep C.
"I'm sorry the newer med is too expensive so we're giving you older, cheaper meds with harsher side effects."
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-02-20 21:13:19
Hell, most people I know pay $50/week out of their check for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, it would drop down to about $11.50/week and you wouldn't even have to work about paying for medicaid under his plan.
I wish mine were even as cheap as $50 a paycheck. A certain set of legislation with the word "affordable" in it helped the price go through the roof, though.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-02-20 21:13:44
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »what's the difference I know about politics but Im not exactly sure what differentiates a caucus from a primary?
A primary is the same as the regular election, go to the polling station anytime between open and close (usually 8am-5pm or later) and cast your ballot, go home. It takes minutes.
A caucus is a ridiculous fanfare that will happen at a set time, say 7pm at a local gym or church or something like that. You have to be there at 7 or you don't get to vote at all. Some speakers representing each candidate will get up there and make a final pitch and then everyone present will cast a vote. Sometimes its as simple as writing on a piece of paper, other times you have to stand in a certain part of the room that corresponds to your candidate. It always takes a long time, sometimes hours.
Because of the restrictive time frame of a caucus, along with the hoopla, it will always have a way lower turnout than a primary.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-02-20 21:15:22
Hell, most people I know pay $50/week out of their check for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, it would drop down to about $11.50/week and you wouldn't even have to work about paying for medicaid under his plan.
I wish mine were even as cheap as $50 a paycheck. A certain set of legislation with the word "affordable" in it helped the price go through the roof, though. Clearly we just don't have enough government influence. I hear that's how it works, eventually it gets so expensive that it becomes free.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 21:15:30
Hell, most people I know pay $50/week out of their check for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, it would drop down to about $11.50/week and you wouldn't even have to work about paying for medicaid under his plan.
I wish mine were even as cheap as $50 a paycheck. A certain set of legislation with the word "affordable" in it helped the price go through the roof, though.
Don't worry! Bernie is going to make it even more Affordable!
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 21:17:48
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »what's the difference I know about politics but Im not exactly sure what differentiates a caucus from a primary?
A primary is the same as the regular election, go to the polling station anytime between open and close (usually 8am-5pm or later) and cast your ballot, go home. It takes minutes.
A caucus is a ridiculous fanfare that will happen at a set time, say 7pm at a local gym or church or something like that. You have to be there at 7 or you don't get to vote at all. Some speakers representing each candidate will get up there and make a final pitch and then everyone present will cast a vote. Sometimes its as simple as writing on a piece of paper, other times you have to stand in a certain part of the room that corresponds to your candidate. It always takes a long time, sometimes hours.
Because of the restrictive time frame of a caucus, along with the hoopla, it will always have a way lower turnout than a primary.
I really hope the people that go by this set of election rules can run the country for another 8 years. They are obviously extremely smart people!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-02-20 21:26:57
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »what's the difference I know about politics but Im not exactly sure what differentiates a caucus from a primary?
A primary is the same as the regular election, go to the polling station anytime between open and close (usually 8am-5pm or later) and cast your ballot, go home. It takes minutes.
A caucus is a ridiculous fanfare that will happen at a set time, say 7pm at a local gym or church or something like that. You have to be there at 7 or you don't get to vote at all. Some speakers representing each candidate will get up there and make a final pitch and then everyone present will cast a vote. Sometimes its as simple as writing on a piece of paper, other times you have to stand in a certain part of the room that corresponds to your candidate. It always takes a long time, sometimes hours.
Because of the restrictive time frame of a caucus, along with the hoopla, it will always have a way lower turnout than a primary. The people I know that went said it was pretty much an awful experience and they'd never do it again. Let's make democracy as inconvenient and tedious as possible, yay!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-02-20 21:36:10
Democracy! Only if it's convenient!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-02-20 21:44:21
Um, ok. The rules exclude a lot of people. It's silly.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-02-20 21:47:15
Um, ok. The rules exclude a lot of people. It's silly. Do the democrats of Nevada have the right to decide for themselves how to nominate their own candidate? Or is Pleebo's will at the true heart of any democratic process?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-02-20 21:57:04
Lol you're trying too hard to make this into something.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 22:04:17
Lol you're trying too hard to make this into something. You're right. It is simple, the democrats have the most screwed up and corruptible nomination process. Yet, they somehow convince the people that vote caucus for them that they are above reproach and can do no wrong.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 22:06:53
Good news, Bush is out, done, finished! So glad the chance of a Bush/Clinton election no matter how small it was is gone now.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2016-02-20 22:08:35
Good news, Bush is out, done, finished! So glad the chance of a Bush/Clinton election no matter how small it was is gone now. Clinton's gonna muscle her way into the spot and all those Bern voters are gonna vote trump.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 22:18:16
Good news, Bush is out, done, finished! So glad the chance of a Bush/Clinton election no matter how small it was is gone now. Clinton's gonna muscle her way into the spot and all those Bern voters are gonna vote trump.
Doesn't matter. Bernie and Clinton have no hope of winning this election. The massive swing right is being felt already.
I'm interested to see who is next to drop out. Cruz or Rubio. Everyone that drops means more votes for them coming up, maybe the one left standing can take down Trump.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 22:28:43
Hell, most people I know pay $50/week out of their check for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, it would drop down to about $11.50/week and you wouldn't even have to work about paying for medicaid under his plan.
So.. Bernie has a plan to give everyone health insurance or something like it for less than the cost of the Medicaid tax already coming out of everyone's check? And they don't have to pay the 50$ for health insurance!?!
I think Bernie and his supporters are doing Meth.. not Math..
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-02-20 22:30:39
Lol you're trying too hard to make this into something. You're right. It is simple, the democrats have the most screwed up and corruptible nomination process. Yet, they somehow convince the people that vote caucus for them that they are above reproach and can do no wrong.
Like I said its not ideological, the GOP does the exact same thing next week.
By Jassik 2016-02-20 22:31:14
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »It's not even just the idea of tuition free. Universal healthcare would be amazing, have you ever seen someone struggle with hospital bills, after insurance, who just survived cancer? Those hospital bills are close to 6 digits. Why should people who didn't ask to get this illness, who have fought to survive this illness for years, be strapped with bills they never even wanted?
In practice it works great on specific models. However, when you attempt to superimpose it on a model like the US which has a bigger population, larger number of infections/diseases, larger number of travelers, etc. the money has to come from somewhere. These models(countries) where his single-payer system works are smaller than California and have no where near as a complex health system as the state let alone the US. You're essentially trying to oversimply a very complex health system and hoping it works EXACTLY the same way.
I've heard this reasoning put forth without any justification or rationale repeatedly and it just keeps getting repeated ad nauseum.
Since nobody else who's used it can articulate a single reason why population has any impact, maybe you can?
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 22:32:25
Lol you're trying too hard to make this into something. You're right. It is simple, the democrats have the most screwed up and corruptible nomination process. Yet, they somehow convince the people that vote caucus for them that they are above reproach and can do no wrong.
Like I said its not ideological, the GOP does the exact same thing next week.
Ahh yes. And you're sticking by your word that they are going to have a comparable turnout to the democrats 11k right?
By Jassik 2016-02-20 22:33:52
Hell, most people I know pay $50/week out of their check for health insurance. Under Bernie's plan, it would drop down to about $11.50/week and you wouldn't even have to work about paying for medicaid under his plan.
I wish mine were even as cheap as $50 a paycheck. A certain set of legislation with the word "affordable" in it helped the price go through the roof, though.
What part of it?
By Altimaomega 2016-02-20 22:37:46
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »It's not even just the idea of tuition free. Universal healthcare would be amazing, have you ever seen someone struggle with hospital bills, after insurance, who just survived cancer? Those hospital bills are close to 6 digits. Why should people who didn't ask to get this illness, who have fought to survive this illness for years, be strapped with bills they never even wanted?
In practice it works great on specific models. However, when you attempt to superimpose it on a model like the US which has a bigger population, larger number of infections/diseases, larger number of travelers, etc. the money has to come from somewhere. These models(countries) where his single-payer system works are smaller than California and have no where near as a complex health system as the state let alone the US. You're essentially trying to oversimply a very complex health system and hoping it works EXACTLY the same way.
I've heard this reasoning put forth without any justification or rationale repeatedly and it just keeps getting repeated ad nauseum.
Since nobody else who's used it can articulate a single reason why population has any impact, maybe you can?
Less doctors taking government insurances, making longer lines and bad treatment. It is already happening thanks to the ACA. You now that thing that was suppose to make thing Affordable yet the price has only gone up higher and is costing tax payers more money than ever before..
Keep your head firmly implanted in the sand though. Seems to be working for you.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-02-20 22:45:57
Lol you're trying too hard to make this into something. You're right. It is simple, the democrats have the most screwed up and corruptible nomination process. Yet, they somehow convince the people that vote caucus for them that they are above reproach and can do no wrong.
Like I said its not ideological, the GOP does the exact same thing next week.
Ahh yes. And you're sticking by your word that they are going to have a comparable turnout to the democrats 11k right?
Yep, the numbers will be switched next week.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-02-20 23:06:42
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »It's not even just the idea of tuition free. Universal healthcare would be amazing, have you ever seen someone struggle with hospital bills, after insurance, who just survived cancer? Those hospital bills are close to 6 digits. Why should people who didn't ask to get this illness, who have fought to survive this illness for years, be strapped with bills they never even wanted?
In practice it works great on specific models. However, when you attempt to superimpose it on a model like the US which has a bigger population, larger number of infections/diseases, larger number of travelers, etc. the money has to come from somewhere. These models(countries) where his single-payer system works are smaller than California and have no where near as a complex health system as the state let alone the US. You're essentially trying to oversimply a very complex health system and hoping it works EXACTLY the same way.
I've heard this reasoning put forth without any justification or rationale repeatedly and it just keeps getting repeated ad nauseum.
Since nobody else who's used it can articulate a single reason why population has any impact, maybe you can?
Less doctors taking government insurances, making longer lines and bad treatment. It is already happening thanks to the ACA. You now that thing that was suppose to make thing Affordable yet the price has only gone up higher and is costing tax payers more money than ever before..
Keep your head firmly implanted in the sand though. Seems to be working for you. Yeah *** that thing making it actually possible for young people to get health insurance.
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