Random Politics & Religion #00
By Ramyrez 2016-02-11 12:24:31
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »This is groundbreaking stuff a discussion about a book on the internet !
Just wait till we get to Harry Potter and it's secret attempts to lure children into thinking witchcraft is GOOD.
If there's one thing God hates, it's motherfucking sorcerers.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 12:29:17
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
God confirmed for the raid boss that likes to pick on the squishy mages.
By Ramyrez 2016-02-11 12:30:17
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Harry Potter and it's secret attempts
Somewhat oddly, I read "Harry Potter and the Secret Amputees" at first and was pretty sure JKR had thoroughly exhausted ideas.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 12:32:58
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Harry Potter and it's secret attempts
Somewhat oddly, I read "Harry Potter and the Secret Amputees" at first and was pretty sure JKR had thoroughly exhausted ideas.
Funny you mention that when I feel like her new stage play is to Harry Potter what Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is to Final Fantasy IV. Well, at least it's a stage play so there's some theatre for the fans to enjoy.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 12:35:31
By fonewear 2016-02-11 12:36:33
I don't know what Harry Potter is but I assume is terrible.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 12:42:33
I don't know what Harry Potter is but I assume is terrible.
As Final Fantasy fans, I don't think we're qualified to throw stones.
You know, the series with sentient trees that want to destroy the universe, moonmen, immortal lolis that dropkick gods, emo teenagers that suffer from genetic experimentation based on alien life that showed up to eat planets but instead inadvertently birth the perfect asian samurai?
Now I think about it, Sephiroth is Asian. *mind = blown*
By Ramyrez 2016-02-11 12:43:04
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Harry Potter and it's secret attempts
Somewhat oddly, I read "Harry Potter and the Secret Amputees" at first and was pretty sure JKR had thoroughly exhausted ideas.
Funny you mention that when I feel like her new stage play is to Harry Potter what Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is to Final Fantasy IV. Well, at least it's a stage play so there's some theatre for the fans to enjoy.
I've heard the FFIV sequel is pretty decent, actually, and that's coming from my wife, FFIV Fangirl 4 Life.
But much like Harry Potter, I've really had no desire to approach it myself.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 12:58:00
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Harry Potter and it's secret attempts
Somewhat oddly, I read "Harry Potter and the Secret Amputees" at first and was pretty sure JKR had thoroughly exhausted ideas.
Funny you mention that when I feel like her new stage play is to Harry Potter what Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is to Final Fantasy IV. Well, at least it's a stage play so there's some theatre for the fans to enjoy.
I've heard the FFIV sequel is pretty decent, actually, and that's coming from my wife, FFIV Fangirl 4 Life.
But much like Harry Potter, I've really had no desire to approach it myself.
It's a treat but only if you're an avid FF fan and were invested in the characters to begin with. It's a pet peeve of mine but sequels that continue after the heroes journey never really live up to the hype and often just end up damaging the brand.
A notable Square example is Chrono Cross, where Crono and co are unceremoniously killed off screen by mooks.
But that's just like my opinion, man.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 12:58:33
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Theres also no free wars but hey, that's what we've been promised by candidates.
Would really like to know who said war is free.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 13:01:32
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Theres also no free wars but hey, that's what we've been promised by candidates.
Would really like to know who said war is free.
Fiscal candidates running on saving money yet out the other side of their mouths go full-on screeching hawk. How exactly you intend to balance massive military spending with lowered taxes is absurd.
In this way, they make it seem like war is free. Some abstract concept divorced from the American life. We spent trillions in the last two bouts and given the hawkish talk on Iran and IS all the candidates sans Sanders look to be ramping up that spending against IS and abroad. If some *** 3k years ago could arrive at the conclusion that war isn't cheap then so can we.
But hey, lets make fun of a free college program while spending trillions on more potential war.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 13:03:21
ahh so nobody, thanks for clearing that up.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 13:04:11
ahh so nobody, thanks for clearing that up.
Right, because none of the candidates have been at all hawkish on foreign policy.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 13:04:28
How much is a good carpet bombing again?
Or going 'hard' on Iran? Whatever going hard means.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-11 13:05:51
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »How much is a good carpet bombing again?.
Surprisingly Affordable!
/war ***
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 13:07:33
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »ahh so nobody, thanks for clearing that up.
Right, because none of the candidates have been at all hawkish on foreign policy.
Are you high right now..? You said candidates promised wars are free, you lied.
Then seem to think being hawkish means wars are free.. Really!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 13:08:19
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »How much is a good carpet bombing again?.
Surprisingly Affordable!
/war ***
Time to invest hard in defense contractors. I'd love to add 'war profiteer' to my budding resume.
By Bloodrose 2016-02-11 13:09:02
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »How much is a good carpet bombing again?.
Surprisingly Affordable!
/war *** Only 99.95! Just ask Nick Riviera!
By Jetackuu 2016-02-11 13:09:35
Who the *** fills up a 20 gallon tank twice a week every week?
I have driven more than 20 gallons in a week. It's really not that uncommon in my job. I drive a sipper that gets about 38 mpg. If I didn't have a sipper and drove a 25 mpg car I'd hit 20+ gallons almost every week.
What's my job title?
World polluter. Who the *** fills up a 20 gallon tank twice a week every week?
Since you apparently can't read.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-11 13:11:19
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Time to invest hard in defense contractors. I'd love to add 'war profiteer' to my budding resume.
then you can afford really good scotch and cigars!
/one of us chant
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 13:11:50
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »ahh so nobody, thanks for clearing that up.
Right, because none of the candidates have been at all hawkish on foreign policy.
Are you high right now..? You said candidates promised wars are free, you lied.
Then seem to think being hawkish means wars are free.. Really!
You understand the term lying by omission? Talking about being a budget master while promising the most expensive type of government spending is a good way to end up in deficit.
Or did you just completely forget about Iraq and Afghanistan?
Promising war might as well be saying you promise higher taxes. Money comes from somewhere and it ain't the sky.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-11 13:12:48
Are you high right now..?
just what do you have against getting high anyways!?
/passes the dutchie on the left hand side
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-11 13:14:16
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »You understand the term...
/hand on shoulder
/slowly shakes head side to side in no motion
By Ramyrez 2016-02-11 13:14:41
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »A notable Square example is Chrono Cross, where Crono and co are unceremoniously killed off screen by mooks.
...but really. That's really dumb and makes me not want to touch Chrono Cross. Though I guess since I hadn't already, I probably wasn't going to.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 13:14:44
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Or did you just completely forget about Iraq and Afghanistan?
You mean the wars that Obama has been fighting since he came into office. Nope.. haven't forgot those.
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Promising war might as well be saying you promise higher taxes. So your saying was isn't free? Glad you finally caught up to every single person with a brain.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 13:16:04
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »You understand the term...
/hand on shoulder
/slowly shakes head side to side in no motion
"Read my lips, No new taxes."
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-02-11 13:17:07
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »ahh so nobody, thanks for clearing that up.
Right, because none of the candidates have been at all hawkish on foreign policy.
Are you high right now..? You said candidates promised wars are free, you lied.
Then seem to think being hawkish means wars are free.. Really!
You understand the term lying by omission? Talking about being a budget master while promising the most expensive type of government spending is a good way to end up in deficit.
Or did you just completely forget about Iraq and Afghanistan?
Promising war might as well be saying you promise higher taxes. Money comes from somewhere and it ain't the sky.
Welcome to talking to altima, he clearly does not understand the ridiculous cost of a combat mission and just skipped over the Bush years that drove us into the Great Recession.
By Ramyrez 2016-02-11 13:17:38
just skipped over the Bush years that drove us into the Great Recession.
Let's be fair.
That was a bipartisan effort in many, many ways.
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