Random Politics & Religion #00
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 01:28:10
You are confusing amendments to the Constitution with making/repealing laws.
The republicans merely need to hold onto the majority in both house and senate, which they will, easily. The reason the law hasn't been changed or repealed now is because the current president will not sign what the house and senate pass. They could/should impeach him, but that would be considered racist and we can't have that now can we...
So please take your conjecture and misinformation somewhere else.
Oh and just for fun. Any Republican President could simply tell the IRS to stop collecting the life tax, just like Obama tells government agencies not enforce the laws he chooses. Then the law will collapse in on itself with lack of funding and w/e democrat holdouts in the senate or house who refuse to vote for its repeal will be blamed for shutting down the government, which will happen if this scenario comes to pass.
But considering every single democrat I know is a massive hypocrite they will all whine and cry about Republicans blah blah blah.
Because the penalty is now designated as a tax, Congress could simply repeal it using a somewhat complex procedure known as “reconciliation.” Under that procedure, a bill cannot be filibustered in the Senate, so it would require only a majority vote to pass that chamber. Thank you scotus!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Phoenix.Xantavia 2016-02-11 02:06:43
You are confusing amendments to the Constitution with making/repealing laws.
The republicans merely need to hold onto the majority in both house and senate, which they will, easily. The reason the law hasn't been changed or repealed now is because the current president will not sign what the house and senate pass. They could/should impeach him, but that would be considered racist and we can't have that now can we...
So please take your conjecture and misinformation somewhere else.
Oh and just for fun. Any Republican President could simply tell the IRS to stop collecting the life tax, just like Obama tells government agencies not enforce the laws he chooses. Then the law will collapse in on itself with lack of funding and w/e democrat holdouts in the senate or house who refuse to vote for its repeal will be blamed for shutting down the government, which will happen if this scenario comes to pass.
But considering every single democrat I know is a massive hypocrite they will all whine and cry about Republicans blah blah blah.
Because the penalty is now designated as a tax, Congress could simply repeal it using a somewhat complex procedure known as “reconciliation.” Under that procedure, a bill cannot be filibustered in the Senate, so it would require only a majority vote to pass that chamber. Thank you scotus! I could see people making that claim. If they try to impeach and he hasn't done anything illegal, it would have to be either race political ideology.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Phoenix.Xantavia 2016-02-11 02:08:58
Quote: Bigotry discussion Do some of you still not see the difference when it comes to saying "tolerate my intolerance!" One group is hating because of what some people are, like sexual orientation or religion. The other is based on people's behavior. Guess which one is practical to change?
By Jassik 2016-02-11 02:11:15
You are confusing amendments to the Constitution with making/repealing laws.
The republicans merely need to hold onto the majority in both house and senate, which they will, easily. The reason the law hasn't been changed or repealed now is because the current president will not sign what the house and senate pass. They could/should impeach him, but that would be considered racist and we can't have that now can we...
So please take your conjecture and misinformation somewhere else.
Oh and just for fun. Any Republican President could simply tell the IRS to stop collecting the life tax, just like Obama tells government agencies not enforce the laws he chooses. Then the law will collapse in on itself with lack of funding and w/e democrat holdouts in the senate or house who refuse to vote for its repeal will be blamed for shutting down the government, which will happen if this scenario comes to pass.
But considering every single democrat I know is a massive hypocrite they will all whine and cry about Republicans blah blah blah.
Because the penalty is now designated as a tax, Congress could simply repeal it using a somewhat complex procedure known as “reconciliation.” Under that procedure, a bill cannot be filibustered in the Senate, so it would require only a majority vote to pass that chamber. Thank you scotus!
Amendments require 2/3 of both houses and state legislatures. Repealing federal laws requires a simple majority AND presidential signature or 60% to override a veto. Budget reconciliation is just the tax associated with the mandate.
Really, none of that has anything to do with Trump, which is why I asked in the first place.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 02:16:26
Amendments require 2/3 of both houses and state legislatures. Um.. That is exactly what I said..
This is what you said!
Repealing a law requires a supermajority in both houses of congress. Which means republicans will either have to win ~2/3 of both house and the presidency or stop stonewalling and come to the table with real alternatives. Repealing federal laws requires a simple majority AND presidential signature or 60% to override a veto. Which is exactly what I said in response to your misinformation! Are you being serious right now??!! ?
Really, none of that has anything to do with Trump, which is why I asked in the first place. Then why say this? You know full well you are wrong!
That's why the law hasn't been changed and why even Trump won't be able to get rid of it.
Quoting this before you change it. You have a lot of conjecture and misinformation here. Repealing a law requires a supermajority in both houses of congress. Which means republicans will either have to win ~2/3 of both house and the presidency or stop stonewalling and come to the table with real alternatives. That's why the law hasn't been changed and why even Trump won't be able to get rid of it. PPACA is sticking around, and many of the states that initially opposed expanding medicaid as a way to try and make it insolvent are now introducing bills to do so under public pressure from even conservatives who feel that they're getting the short end of the stick.
I don't particularly like ACA, it's weak and ineffective in a lot of ways. I don't particularly like single payer systems, either. But, the thing I like far less is the old system. And you can't expect people to support tearing down the system if you don't have a real alternative besides "let insurance companies compete across state lines", because there's no reason that couldn't be added to ACA and it alone won't fix anything.
By Mesic 2016-02-11 02:20:22
Every GOP candidate is running on that platform, thats just a cop out. What policy unique to Trump has he proposed that would make a better America?
Nope not a cop out. A cop out is you not ever posting anything relevant and thinking I need to justify anything to you. You want me to go more in depth tell me who you would vote for and why.
Am I the only one that appreciates this cop-out^2? It even attempts to change the commonly held definition of cop out. Which if he honestly believes might help to explain why he so confused over how what he failed to say is a cop out.
If you don't think you need to justify any claim you make then you shouldn't even be talking, just go live in a box where no one will question you. And you definitely shouldn't get upset if anyone makes any fallacious/ridiculous claim as no one else needs to justify anything to you as well, cant have double standards.
Think about what you said here. You basically attempted to dismantle the vehicle of intellectual discourse, and you did it all to give yourself the right to ignore a question. Thats crazy man.
By Jassik 2016-02-11 02:24:17
Why is this so hard, repealing the law is different than reconciling the mandate tax. They can reconcile the tax, but that doesn't repeal the law and has nothing to do with Trump. Either you don't understand the difference between budget reconciliation and repealing a law or you're just being a dumbass. Either way, you never answered the question I asked, and I really don't care anymore.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 02:25:54
cant have double standards. You aren't from around here huh..
If you were, you would realize this is exactly what vic does.
attempted to dismantle the vehicle of intellectual discourse
By Mesic 2016-02-11 02:33:56
Why is this so hard, repealing the law is different than reconciling the mandate tax. They can reconcile the tax, but that doesn't repeal the law and has nothing to do with Trump. Either you don't understand the difference between budget reconciliation and repealing a law or you're just being a dumbass. Either way, you never answered the question I asked, and I really don't care anymore.
To be fair I dont think you ever asked a question.
You said you need to have a super majority to repeal a law. That was wrong.
The fact of the matter is is congress can repeal the law with a majority vote. The President could stop the tax. So what exactly are you arguing couldnt happen?
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 02:34:20
Why is this so hard, repealing the law is different than reconciling the mandate tax. They can reconcile the tax, but that doesn't repeal the law and has nothing to do with Trump. Either you don't understand the difference between budget reconciliation and repealing a law or you're just being a dumbass. Either way, you never answered the question I asked, and I really don't care anymore.
You said Trump couldn't repeal the ACA without a super majority, you are wrong. I simply tossed in the reconciliation part for fun because that is ANOTHER option. You are the one spreading misinformation here.
I dunno.. You tell me.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-11 02:36:17
Why is this so hard, repealing the law is different than reconciling the mandate tax. They can reconcile the tax, but that doesn't repeal the law and has nothing to do with Trump. Either you don't understand the difference between budget reconciliation and repealing a law or you're just being a dumbass. Either way, you never answered the question I asked, and I really don't care anymore.
To be fair I dont think you ever asked a question.
You said you need to have a super majority to repeal a law. That was wrong.
The fact of the matter is is congress can repeal the law with a majority vote. The President could stop the tax. So what exactly are you arguing couldnt happen?
Holy crap, a sane person! You had me wondering for a minute.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-02-11 07:40:26
Arguing to argue. We realize that ***is stupid and wrong, but apparently the proper way to oppose the sentiment is with a Care Bear care beam. No matter. Bigots lose in the long run one way or another.
So, it's not about bringing about a lasting change in the right way, it's about winning. Glad we got that cleared up. Lol, really? Those two aren't mutually exclusive. Bigots should and will be laughed at. Why do you think we all laugh at you?
Not only are you just as bigoted as the bigots, but you don't see yourself as a bigot, even if we point it out to you.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2016-02-11 07:42:15
After Crushing Defeat, DNC Quirk Still Gives Hillary More New Hampshire Delegates Than Sanders
Socialism at work. It's only fair. Why should Bernie get to keep all of the delegates that he has earned? Hillary worked hard for votes too.
The DNC is so crooked. The fix was in for Hillary a long time ago. Voters be damned.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-02-11 07:48:58
I thought it was already obvious that the democrats/liberals don't give a damn about the people and voters.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2016-02-11 08:08:24
Equal pay for equal work. Amirite?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-11 08:10:57
What policy unique to Trump has he proposed that would make a better America?
would you accept "snapping necks and cashing checks" as an answer?
that and the "making america great again" part which we have already been over...
it's like... you don't want america to be great again or something...
trumps makin deals every day of the week son
dollar dollar bill y'all
By Siren.Mosin 2016-02-11 08:35:38
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Equal pay for equal work. Amirite?
time to re-institute child labor, I say. It's the only way to compete in the global market.
By fonewear 2016-02-11 08:41:30
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Equal pay for equal work. Amirite?
time to re-institute child labor, I say. It's the only way to compete in the global market.
That is why I only buy Nike shoes !
By fonewear 2016-02-11 08:45:34
Speaking of dumb things this is what they are doing at Ivy League schools:
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By fonewear 2016-02-11 08:49:23
Mom Dad I got good news I'm majoring in tree climbing !
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-02-11 09:29:33
You need 60 votes to pass any kind of bill in the Senate unless its a budget reconcilation which the ACA is not. So, good luck with that.
Every GOP candidate is running on that platform, thats just a cop out. What policy unique to Trump has he proposed that would make a better America?
Nope not a cop out. A cop out is you not ever posting anything relevant and thinking I need to justify anything to you. You want me to go more in depth tell me who you would vote for and why.
Am I the only one that appreciates this cop-out^2? It even attempts to change the commonly held definition of cop out. Which if he honestly believes might help to explain why he so confused over how what he failed to say is a cop out.
If you don't think you need to justify any claim you make then you shouldn't even be talking, just go live in a box where no one will question you. And you definitely shouldn't get upset if anyone makes any fallacious/ridiculous claim as no one else needs to justify anything to you as well, cant have double standards.
Think about what you said here. You basically attempted to dismantle the vehicle of intellectual discourse, and you did it all to give yourself the right to ignore a question. Thats crazy man.
I thought it was funny too. He can't answer the question so he lies.
cant have double standards. You aren't from around here huh..
If you were, you would realize this is exactly what vic does.
attempted to dismantle the vehicle of intellectual discourse
So was this. Never happens, but hey, he can dream and pretend he is on the moral high ground.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 09:30:16
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Equal pay for equal work. Amirite?
time to re-institute child labor, I say. It's the only way to compete in the global market.
I'll accept it. But only if we relegate retirees to a death forest.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 09:32:10
Mom Dad I got good news I'm majoring in tree climbing !
Definitely sure not serious but this is a course available to anyone.
Considering the obesity epidemic in the US, more people should climb some trees, move some limbs, quit scarfing down Donald's droppings etc.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 400
By Bahamut.Omael 2016-02-11 09:34:50
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Equal pay for equal work. Amirite?
time to re-institute child labor, I say. It's the only way to compete in the global market.
I'll accept it. But only if we relegate retirees to a death forest.
Just put us all in a warehouse with Gunsmoke on the TV. We'll be fine.
By fonewear 2016-02-11 09:36:08
I climbed a tree once and it changed my life forever !
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-02-11 09:36:09
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Equal pay for equal work. Amirite?
time to re-institute child labor, I say. It's the only way to compete in the global market.
I'll accept it. But only if we relegate retirees to a death forest.
Just put us all in a warehouse with Gunsmoke on the TV. We'll be fine.
What, can't secure the rights to M*A*S*H?
By fonewear 2016-02-11 09:38:01
Cornell got the idea from this guy:
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-11 09:41:18
Just put us all in a warehouse with Gunsmoke on the TV. We'll be fine.
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