Random Politics & Religion #00
By Altimaomega 2016-02-04 19:52:05
Also, I know. "GAGH, THINKPROGRESS IS EVIL! EVIL LEFTY TRASH SITE!", but speaking in the political sense this one seems interesting.
So does this.
LaVoy Finicum's body was returned to his family with nine gunshot wounds including one to the face.
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By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 19:56:59
Also, I know. "GAGH, THINKPROGRESS IS EVIL! EVIL LEFTY TRASH SITE!", but speaking in the political sense this one seems interesting.
So does this.
LaVoy Finicum's body was returned to his family with nine gunshot wounds including one to the face.
YouTube Video Placeholder 9 gunshot wounds, but the video claimed 7, and seemed to have "witness accounts", from people who were never there, or were watching horrible versions of the video itself.
I'm right handed and I keep things in my left pocket all the time. It's somewhat of an ocd thing. One hand may indeed be dominant, but in most cases, it's only for certain things. Even better still, people assume someone is a righty or lefty, when in fact they may be ambidextrous.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-04 19:57:57
Regurgitated information and stuff about Canada.
Not surprised you didn't do what you promised.
If you can find at least 5 things you can actively criticize, or would like to see change about Cruz and his platform, I'll give you a real vote out of the list of Candidates.
9 gunshot wounds, but the video claimed 7, and seemed to have "witness accounts", from people who were never there, or were watching horrible versions of the video itself.
I'm right handed and I keep things in my left pocket all the time. It's somewhat of an ocd thing. One hand may indeed be dominant, but in most cases, it's only for certain things. Even better still, people assume someone is a righty or lefty, when in fact they may be ambidextrous.
7 that are seen from that crystal clear perfect video with no sound. We can say for certain it was more than one or two that some people claimed.
You would have a point but it is known he wore his gun on the right side.
By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 20:05:29
I did what was asked.
I gave you my honest assessment about who I would vote for, and offered a write in because none of the candidates were worth voting for.
Hell, I even agreed with you about Cruz.
Though I took a jab back at your own little insult towards Canadians, with one about Americans - it's called *** for tat.
It's not my fault you only seem to see what you want, and cry foul when it's not something you want to see or personally attack someone over.
If you aren't prepared for an actual discussion, just say so. You could have opened the floor to discussion by asking me to go in depth about my reasons for a write in, or basically a "throw away vote", since you were willing to concede the whole write in idea to someone else. But let's continue to ignore reality, for your sake, since it's really all you know how to do.
And in all seriously, you only had 3, maybe 4 things about Cruz and his political platform to criticize. And you still couldn't do that, or perhaps you were lost on a potential 5th item, and all of your... *ahem* grievances about Cruz, were ultimately vague at best, and none had to do with his actual platform or policies.
By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 20:13:15
You're right, I would have a point, but if it was well known he wore it on the right, it becomes irrelevant, and I'm willing to concede that.
With known threats of violence from *someone potentially armed* towards officers and FBI, I think the Police and FBI were in the right (and wrong) to take the situation as it unfolded - potentially violent person attempting to flee and bypass a roadbloack. There are procedures officers are trained to take in that situation. On the flip side though, most officers (not to speak for the ones in that incident), would much rather take someone in peacefully, and to prevent a situation like this from occurring in the first place, and deeply regret ever having to pull their gun out of the holster to begin with.
Anyways, the video: It's easy to paint a picture from a video any way you want with any kind of narrative. Even with corrected vision having glasses, much of that video isn't as clear as people are claiming. It's certainly a start, and video experts (not just the FBI experts, but many from across the web) agree that it doesn't paint the whole picture, since it's only being recorded from a certain point.
Regardless, I do hope there is a good inquiry into the whole incident.
Edit: I'm aware it was more than a single shot. That much is clear, considering multiple officers on the scene. And considering the kind of training the officers get when dealing with potentially violent threats (even when that potential is not as great as originally assessed) Call me a smelly hippie liberal for saying an ideal situation is where everyone comes out alive.
Aside from the asinine take over of government land, I do give props to Ammon for telling the last of his group to go home, hug their kids, and be with the loved ones, etc. It's about the most sensible thing he's done out of this.
Edit: I wrote in Ammon Bundy by mistake, because I couldn't remember the name of the guy shot.
By Altimaomega 2016-02-04 20:14:47
But not what you said.
] I'll give you a real vote out of the list of Candidates.
It's not my fault you only seem to see what you want, and cry foul when it's not something you want to see or personally attack someone over. I only see what you wrote and it wasn't what you said you would.
Though I took a jab back at your own little insult towards Canadians, with one about Americans - it's called *** for tat. w/e.. I could care less. If that bothered me I wouldn't be here. It's actually what makes this half interesting.
If you aren't prepared for an actual discussion, just say so. You are the one dodging promises here.
You could have opened the floor to discussion by asking me to go in depth about my reasons for a write in, or basically a "throw away vote", since you were willing to concede the whole write in idea to someone else. But let's continue to ignore reality, for your sake, since it's really all you know how to do. You could have opened the floor to discussion by asking me to go in depth about my reasons for a write in, or basically a "throw away vote", since you were willing to concede the whole write in idea to someone else. But let's continue to ignore reality, for your sake, since it's really all you know how to do. I gave you exactly what you asked for, more actually.
And in all seriously, you only had 3, maybe 4 things about Cruz and his political platform to criticize. And you still couldn't do that, or perhaps you were lost on a potential 5th item, and all of your... *ahem* grievances about Cruz, were ultimately vague at best, and none had to do with his actual platform or policies. Please learn how to count, last I checked Canadian math is the same as the USA.
By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 20:23:13
And I just realized the name I wanted was attached to the video.
Damn it.
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-02-04 21:05:00
Canada got a "Celebrity" Prime Minister with Justin Trudeau. And honestly, he's very much the same as Trump, but also very much involved as a political dynasty family, since his father was also a former Prime Minister. His whole campaign was basically being in the spot light, much like a celebrity rather than a politician. Like taking selfies with fans while at a memorial service for the leader of our Official Opposition, Jack Layton's funeral.
Sounds vaguely familiar....
By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 21:07:21
Canada got a "Celebrity" Prime Minister with Justin Trudeau. And honestly, he's very much the same as Trump, but also very much involved as a political dynasty family, since his father was also a former Prime Minister. His whole campaign was basically being in the spot light, much like a celebrity rather than a politician. Like taking selfies with fans while at a memorial service for the leader of our Official Opposition, Jack Layton's funeral.
Sounds vaguely familiar....
 Obviously with some fans, but was that at a funeral, or just some kind of political gathering? Still not really appropriate, unless time was made for it.
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-02-04 21:09:04
It was Nelson Mandela's funeral with a couple other European leaders. So yeah, not exactly the same thing, but your comment reminded me of it.
By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 21:09:55
Also, while rare, even among Canadian politics, Jack Layton was highly respected by both sides of the political spectrum.
Obviously Obama isn't respected by both sides, and I don't think any candidate in the past 15 years has been? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this, as that's the impression I've gotten from both sides.
Edit: I should clarify - What I mean to say when he isn't respected by both sides, is that he's only respected by one side, instead of both. People can criticize him from his own camp, and still respect him. Where as some will attack him (going beyond criticizing him), simply because they don't respect him, and never will, even if he were to personally save their lives from a disaster like a fire or a flood.
By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 21:10:51
It was Nelson Mandela's funeral with a couple other European leaders. So yeah, not exactly the same thing, but your comment reminded me of it. Eh, details of who and where, but I'd say it's pretty damn close.
By Bloodrose 2016-02-04 21:39:49
While it doesn't justify the behavior, there were groups of politicians from all over the world doing selfies with fans at Mandela's funeral - though I think they all waited until after the ceremony when it was appropriate do to so. And I think Stephen Harper didn't bother to attend that event. Though in his case, he had a lot of official duties to attend to on his schedule that couldn't wait, due to the severity of some of them that demanded immediate action.
Justin Trudeau, on the other hand, was doing selfies and celebrating with fans, in the moments, and during part of the ceremony that lead friends, family, and colleagues into the church.
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-02-04 23:50:57
A-10 Thunderbolt will remain in service through 2022
Quote: Unlike the multirole F-35, the A-10 is the only airplane in the Air Force specifically designed for close air support, a mission that has become urgent in the fight against ISIS.
Able to circle over a target for long periods, the straight-winged Warthog is supremely maneuverable at low speeds and altitudes. So when ground troops find themselves in trouble -- and too close to the enemy for fighter jets to drop bombs without risking friendly fire casualties -- A-10 pilots can skim hillsides day and night, under any type of weather, and accurately and punishingly engage ground targets with its powerful 30 mm, seven-barrel Gatling gun, which fires depleted uranium bullets at 3,900 rounds per minute.
Carter's announcement drew immediate praise from Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
"There is no weapon in our arsenal that offers more effective close-air support to American ground troops serving in harm's way than the A-10 aircraft," McCain said in a statement. "I look forward to seeing our A-10 pilots continue to make important advances in the fight against ISIL in the Middle East, boosting NATO's efforts to deter Russian aggression in Eastern Europe, and supporting vital missions for U.S. national security wherever they are needed."
Looks like the A-10's stellar performance against ISIS has earned it another 3 years of service, having previously been scheduled for decommission in 2019. I can understand why the Air Force needs to save money, but the F-35 has been a train wreck and I don't even think it will be able to provide the close air support the A-10 can. Its great for troop morale, and its been over performing in the Middle East since Desert Storm. The terrorists have nothing for it.
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By Anna Ruthven 2016-02-05 07:17:29
Alright, that's enough with the personal insults and educated/uneducated ***. Rooks cocked the shotgun yesterday and at this point, I will gladly pull the trigger for him seeing as he left it unattended in the corner. Knock it off.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-02-05 07:37:03
So, paraphrasing the latest news:
Russia: Turkey wanna invade Syria, that would mean war!!
Turkey: No way, we're not doing that. Right USA?
USA: ...
Turkey: USA?? Friends???
NATO: ...
Saudi: Might as well send in troops too cause it's not gonna upset anyone lololol.
Syria: Rez pls.
(in my head nations are funny characters)
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-02-05 07:38:12
Call me a smelly hippie liberal Ok, you smelly hippie liberal.
Edit: I was backreading, Kojo.
Don't point that shotgun at me!
By fonewear 2016-02-05 10:01:20
Last I heard Obama was doing this:
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By Garuda.Chanti 2016-02-05 10:40:06
So does this.
LaVoy Finicum's body was returned to his family with nine gunshot wounds including one to the face.
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By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-05 10:40:52
Alright, that's enough with the personal insults and educated/uneducated ***.
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By Garuda.Chanti 2016-02-05 10:43:24
Ted Cruz and the Art of the Dirty Trick
The New Yorker
Quote: here has never been a more tainted victory in the Iowa caucuses,” a spokesman for Ben Carson’s campaign said on Tuesday. He was referring to what he called Ted Cruz’s “abject lies” and, particularly, to what appears to have been a concerted effort on the part of the Cruz campaign to persuade voters at caucuses that Carson had dropped out. Carson himself told Fox News that his wife had had to personally refute that rumor at one caucus site—and once she had, he said, he won there. “Isn’t this the exact kind of thing that the American people are tired of? Why would we want to continue that kind of, you know, shenanigans?” Donald Trump put the charge in his own terms in a tweet: “Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”
That was only part of what Trump had to say. He threatened to sue Cruz; he made himself the champion of the honor of Ben Carson, a man who Trump has suggested is “pathological.” He tweeted that “the State of Iowa should disqualify Ted Cruz from the most recent election on the basis that he cheated—a total fraud!” Cruz had also sent out a mailer marked “Voter Violation,” which purported to contain information about voters and their neighbors, and was printed on yellow paper to look like a real ticket—which, as Ryan Lizza noted, was just the beginning of its problems. It was a “disgrace,” Trump said, adding what was, for a New York real-estate developer, the ultimate insult: “It looks right out of municipal government.” Cruz tried to dismiss it all as a “Trumpertantrum.” The problem was that, in the whirlwind of Trump’s rage, there were some hard objects swirling around and banging into Cruz’s story.
Cruz has said that he won Iowa by being uncompromising and clever, with all those data-driven, micro-targeted canvassing runs—part of what his campaign reportedly called the Oorlog Project. According to Sasha Issenberg, of Bloomberg News, it was “named by a Cruz data scientist who searched online for ‘war’ translated into different languages and thought the Afrikaner word looked coolest.” (“War” is cool; “war” with a hint of an illiberal siege mentality in its orthography is, apparently, coolest.) And it was, by all accounts, a get-out-the-vote drive like none other—even better than Barack Obama’s, in 2008, which had set the standard.
Then, on Monday evening, as the caucuses were assembling, Chris Moody, a CNN reporter, sent out three tweets in the space of two minutes. The first referred to a flight that Carson would be catching that night; the second said that “Carson won’t go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He’ll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.” The third, seconds later, noted that “Ben Carson’s campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.” CNN’s on-air report also made it clear that the Florida trip was just a detour. Nevertheless, the Cruz campaign sprung into action and retailed the second tweet, out of context, as news of the suspension of Carson’s campaign. The Cruz camp’s emphasis on quick, sophisticated communications meant that it could send a directive to spread the story to campaign workers in every Iowa precinct, but it also left behind a digital trail of tweets and e-mail alerts. One of the tweets, from Representative Steve King, the campaign’s national co-chair, said, “Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope”—and it was sent after the Carson campaign had issued clarifications.
But Carson’s precinct captains, in turn, texted in reports of what they were hearing: dirty tricks are easier to disseminate and to document when everyone has a smartphone. At first, Cruz’s campaign said that Carson’s complaints were “absurd.” Then Cruz apologized to Carson for “a mistake” on the part of some of his staff members, but added that the campaign’s real error was to trust CNN’s report that Carson was “not carrying on” without following up on it. He loved Carson, Cruz said, at a news conference on Wednesday—“I will praise his character”—and everything else was just the media stirring up trouble. “Is it a dirty trick to pass on your news stories? You’re in the business!” Cruz said. With a glint, as if struck by the aptness of his own retort, he added, “Would you think it was a dirty trick if I was forwarding an ABC story? Or is it just a dirty trick to pass on a CNN story?”
CNN, which was covering the press conference, cut back to the anchor Brooke Baldwin. “O.K.,” she said. She paused and collected herself. “Just so we’re all crystal clear here, when Senator Cruz, with all due respect, tries to throw my network and CNN under the bus, let me stand up for my colleagues and journalists here.” Her face bore an expression that, if Cruz stays in the campaign much longer—and he will, maybe to the end—will need its own name. After explaining, again, what CNN had reported, Baldwin turned back to her guest, Representative Mark Meadows, of North Carolina, who has endorsed Cruz, and apologized for getting “fired up.” Meadows smiled and said that he knew how hard the job was—“it’s one thing to report, it’s another to verify it”—as if, again, Cruz’s only error had been to trust the media. Baldwin squinted, tilted her head, and stopped him.
“Congressman, forgive me, but I’m going to call out B.S. when I hear B.S. And that was B.S.,” Baldwin said. If only someone would do that during the debates. Later on Wednesday night, Cruz acknowledged that “CNN got it correct.” He added, “Miracles happen.” He had moved on to attacking Trump. During the months when Cruz was flattering Trump and mimicking his bigotry, he seems also to have been building up his own store of personal insults, which he is deploying now. But Cruz’s blunt objects are always finely sanded and polished. Donald, as he refers to him, is “fragile” and a “child.” He is a Twitter addict, and, Cruz said, “We’re liable to wake up one morning and Donald, if he were President, would have nuked Denmark.” One couldn’t dispute that general picture, though the choice of Denmark is odd. (Perhaps it was a backhanded way to also irritate supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders, who points to Scandinavia as an economic model.) But Cruz is also working hard to portray Trump as soft on immigration and as someone who wouldn’t be as ruthless a deporter as he would be. How is it that when a leading G.O.P. candidate finally, forcefully turns on Trump, it only serves to underscore the ugliness that Trump has added to our political discourse? This week, Cruz released a video decrying not just Trump’s deals but the whole concept of deal-making. The video also attacks Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate Majority Leader, and John Boehner, who was, until recently, the Speaker of the House, to the extent that one might think they were also running against him in the primary. Cruz himself is introduced with a closeup shot of his cowboy boots.
Many politicians are shameless; what seems to set Cruz apart is his unhidden pride in the craft of the political slur, the artistry of nastiness. Even his opponents were impressed by his get-out-the-vote operation, but Cruz couldn’t stop himself from offering an additional factor: his persistent attacks on “New York values” had resonated, he told ABC News. “Everyone knows what New York values are,” he said. We do, in this town. Does anyone know what Ted Cruz’s values are?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-02-05 10:46:08
Do you even try to read anything anymore Chanti?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-02-05 10:57:43
I don't know, that article Chanti posted didn't seem coherent enough to be considered journalism.
But then again, it came from The New Yorker, so there is no journalistic integrity at all....
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-05 10:59:23
what's the problem here ...?
how much time do you have?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-02-05 11:00:20
what's the problem here ...?
how much time do you have? Alright, that's enough with the personal insults and educated/uneducated ***. Rooks cocked the shotgun yesterday and at this point, I will gladly pull the trigger for him seeing as he left it unattended in the corner. Knock it off.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-02-05 11:01:59
what's the problem here ...?
how much time do you have? Alright, that's enough with the personal insults and educated/uneducated ***. Rooks cocked the shotgun yesterday and at this point, I will gladly pull the trigger for him seeing as he left it unattended in the corner. Knock it off.
Do you even try to read anything anymore Chanti?
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