Random Politics & Religion #00
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-12-23 18:52:08
The editor already issued a retraction. No one other than the comic has defended it. So, still sitting on one person. They issued the retraction after it was published and commented on.
It doesn't matter how many people defend it, what matters is that it was published in the first place.
I'm sure if Wall Street Journal published a cartoon of Obama as a monkey, you would be screaming bloody murder.
Actually I wouldn't care at all. The editor missed it. Slore doesn't know the difference between an editor and an owner, and nausi can't back up his empty accusations. Safe to say no one other than the comic was ok with this cartoon.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2015-12-23 18:54:23
The editor already issued a retraction. No one other than the comic has defended it. So, still sitting on one person. They issued the retraction after it was published and commented on.
It doesn't matter how many people defend it, what matters is that it was published in the first place.
I'm sure if Wall Street Journal published a cartoon of Obama as a monkey, you would be screaming bloody murder.
Actually I wouldn't care at all. The editor missed it. Slore doesn't know the difference between an editor and an owner, and nausi can't back up his empty accusations. Safe to say no one other than the comic was ok with this cartoon.
OK ok everyone else gets what I am saying except the liberal defender....I see it now.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-12-23 19:04:55
OK ok everyone else gets what I am saying except the liberal defender....I see it now.
You are a person that thinks the owner of a newspaper is involved in the day to day operations of said paper. I don't think you see anything.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2015-12-23 19:17:21
OK ok everyone else gets what I am saying except the liberal defender....I see it now.
You are a person that thinks the owner of a newspaper is involved in the day to day operations of said paper. I don't think you see anything.
So let me get this straight. A Liberal owner has absolutely no idea what goes on in a liberal company. None whatsoever? I do not buy that one for a second. I am sure he doesn't manage the day to day operations but he knows what hes doing.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-12-23 19:24:31
OK ok everyone else gets what I am saying except the liberal defender....I see it now.
You are a person that thinks the owner of a newspaper is involved in the day to day operations of said paper. I don't think you see anything.
So let me get this straight. A Liberal owner has absolutely no idea what goes on in a liberal company. None whatsoever? I do not buy that one for a second. I am sure he doesn't manage the day to day operations but he knows what hes doing.
This is the only sentence that matters. Its a concession. You just admitted that the owner doesn't manage the day to day operations of the newspaper. He is not involved in the day to day articles/comics/editorials that get published. He doesn't write them, he doesn't approve them, he doesn't even see them until their final form in the paper. Therefore, when talking about this specific situation, the owner is irrelevant, because he was not involved at all.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-23 19:36:24
I thought the common consensus is that we are all monkeys.
(Although I disagree with this, humans are not monkeys!) We are not monkeys. We are great apes.
Arguably the greatest apes. That's primate-ist!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2015-12-23 19:39:14
OK ok everyone else gets what I am saying except the liberal defender....I see it now.
You are a person that thinks the owner of a newspaper is involved in the day to day operations of said paper. I don't think you see anything.
So let me get this straight. A Liberal owner has absolutely no idea what goes on in a liberal company. None whatsoever? I do not buy that one for a second. I am sure he doesn't manage the day to day operations but he knows what hes doing.
This is the only sentence that matters. Its a concession. You just admitted that the owner doesn't manage the day to day operations of the newspaper. He is not involved in the day to day articles/comics/editorials that get published. He doesn't write them, he doesn't approve them, he doesn't even see them until their final form in the paper. Therefore, when talking about this specific situation, the owner is irrelevant, because he was not involved at all.
It does by extension, that's what you do not see. If I am a liberal owner, of a liberal paper, promoting liberal agenda, I am going to make sure the business is run and operated by like minded liberal people. How is that so hard to comprehend? I am sure they aren't going to hire Allen West there anytime soon.
By Jassik 2015-12-23 19:42:32
Let's say the owner personally inspects every piece of wordpress that the paper prints... what does that have to do with anything?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-12-23 19:43:32
It does by extension, that's what you do not see. If I am a liberal owner, of a liberal paper, promoting liberal agenda, I am going to make sure the business is run and operated by like minded liberal people. How is that so hard to comprehend? I am sure they aren't going to hire Allen West there anytime soon.
Its not hard to comprehend at all. You are failing to comprehend that the direction of the paper has nothing to do with this specific comic. Nothing. It is an isolated incident, plain to see. If the editor had done his job properly it would have never made the paper. Once again, no one supports it.
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11581
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-12-23 19:49:34
Texas declares war on venereal disease prevention.
Texas to cut HIV prevention funds to Planned Parenthood facility
Quote: The Texas health department is cutting off federal funding to a Houston Planned Parenthood affiliate for a nearly three-decade old HIV prevention program, officials said on Wednesday.
"We have the discretion to extend the contract and elected not to," said Texas Department of State Health Services spokesman Chris Van Deusen, without elaborating. "The services will be provided by local health departments in the area."
The contract is federally funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention but managed by the state.
In a letter sent to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast on Monday, state officials said the $600,000 annual grant set to expire on Dec. 31 will be cut off indefinitely.
The program launched in 1988 has administered more than 138,000 HIV tests and identified 1,182 people with the virus. It also tests for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and hepatitis C.
"It's cruel to play games with people's health care," the Houston-area Planned Parenthood affiliate said in a statement, noting that the move was politically motivated. "Another provider will be hard pressed to fill the gap."
Texas Republican leaders have intensified efforts to cut funding for Planned Parenthood after an anti-abortion group released videos it said showed officials of the reproductive health agency negotiating prices for fetal tissues from abortions it performs.
Planned Parenthood has said the videos were heavily edited and denied profiting from fetal tissue donation. It has filed lawsuits to halt attempts to cut its Medicaid funding.
A CDC spokeswoman said the agency does not provide money directly to Planned Parenthood and the state is within its rights to reallocate the money.
By maldini 2015-12-23 20:55:34
Texas declares war on venereal disease prevention.
Texas to cut HIV prevention funds to Planned Parenthood facility
Quote: The Texas health department is cutting off federal funding to a Houston Planned Parenthood affiliate for a nearly three-decade old HIV prevention program, officials said on Wednesday.
"We have the discretion to extend the contract and elected not to," said Texas Department of State Health Services spokesman Chris Van Deusen, without elaborating. "The services will be provided by local health departments in the area."
The contract is federally funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention but managed by the state.
In a letter sent to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast on Monday, state officials said the $600,000 annual grant set to expire on Dec. 31 will be cut off indefinitely.
The program launched in 1988 has administered more than 138,000 HIV tests and identified 1,182 people with the virus. It also tests for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and hepatitis C.
"It's cruel to play games with people's health care," the Houston-area Planned Parenthood affiliate said in a statement, noting that the move was politically motivated. "Another provider will be hard pressed to fill the gap."
Texas Republican leaders have intensified efforts to cut funding for Planned Parenthood after an anti-abortion group released videos it said showed officials of the reproductive health agency negotiating prices for fetal tissues from abortions it performs.
Planned Parenthood has said the videos were heavily edited and denied profiting from fetal tissue donation. It has filed lawsuits to halt attempts to cut its Medicaid funding.
A CDC spokeswoman said the agency does not provide money directly to Planned Parenthood and the state is within its rights to reallocate the money.
*** for tat politics - I love it.
About the Monkey thing:
I think the entire Monkey-African American stigma is based on the previous 200 years of slavery where slaves were treated like and compared to Monkeys.
It's a relic of the past specific to the oppression and disgusting treatment of human beings of a certain skin tone. So I'm going to be crazy and say that it's not the same as George. W Bush, who was an idiot, being compared to a monkey.
There's a difference between poking at a public official's performance and lack of intelligence through satire and comparisons to animals of lesser intelligence and making it policy to view groups of people as monkeys/apes based on their skin tone.
I find it much more appropriate to poke at someone's intelligence (which George W. Bush had very little of) by comparing him to an Ape because they are less intelligent, than trying to demonize someone based on their perfectly legitimate beliefs.
The fact that the right wing in the US call Obama a "secret Muslim" and demand to see his Birth Certificate is a clear example of just how the Republicans in the US, for the most part, still don't understand their own political system.
Republicans are children in a grown up world. Whenever they win elections it's like a riot and food fight in the school cafeteria. The adults (all other parties) have to come in and clean up the mess, scold the children and educate them.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-12-24 00:25:49
That doesn't mean one cannot see the difference between murder vs failure to comply. Regardless of wether you fancy yourself a warrior of civil liberties or not. There's a big difference between these scenarios.
Failure to comply with an unlawful order? You tell me where he messed up since you know more than I where he crossed the line. Three requests - 1) Put out cigarette, 2) Step out of the car, or 3) Forcefully removing her from the car. Quote: You are required to comply with a lawful order under penalty of law. If a cop is detaining or arresting you lawfully, yeah, you have to comply or face further charges. After step 3) she assualts him. So you tell me what brought her to be arrested? Probly assualt possibly? Quote: If a cop just tells you to do something, like stops you to ask for your ID when you aren't suspected of a crime, you can tell him to get bent, and should. That's the smart thing to do? Quote: And there is NEVER a situation where it is justifiable to shoot a person for not complying with a lawful order unless they present a clear and eminent danger to the officer or other civilians. NEVER... EVER... This in context to what story exactly?
Quote: I'm not saying that's what a person should do, So shooting a Cop is not as dumb as trying to get into a heated situation with one?
- If you want tell the police to *** off cuz your cigarettes are way too AMAZING to be parted with for 2min then go for it.
- If you want to stay in your vehicle when they tell you to please step out. Have fun.
- If you want to create a big deal out of nothing then GL to you.
Personally idgaf what you do or do not do. Understood? Everyone has been in such a situation. It happens daily. Police asking you to put out your cigarette. Police asking you to step out of your vehicle. Police ask many things..... If you want to be a rebel w/e idc like I said repeatedly idgaf. Do as you please.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By maldini 2015-12-24 01:32:49
You tell me where he messed up since you know more than I where he crossed the line. Three requests - 1) Put out cigarette, 2) Step out of the car, or 3) Forcefully removing her from the car.
I assume first the order to put our the cigarette which they were smoking in their own property.
Refusing to do this (put it out) was perfectly within one's rights. The officer should have backed off (as hurt as his ego would be) after being told "No" to his "put out that cigarette" request. But he went on a power trip. The resulting "Step out of the car" instruction/order was an unlawful one because the police need probable cause to search someone.
I don't care which way you look at this, the officer, employed by the state and paid for by YOUR TAX DOLLARS, was abusing his role.
A police officer, like many other civil servants, is an employee. You treat them like you would any other civil servant. Their interaction with you is not an open, unlimited one. It is within parameters with clearly defined limits and procedures.
This is what you're not understanding it seems.
That doesn't mean she was smart to deal with him that way. Obviously not. Just like you don't start talking trash and insulting a mugger or bank robber when they've got a gun pointed at your head and are saying 'give me your money'. Doesn't mean the robber or mugger is right if you comply, it just means you're not a dumbass and not trying to be a hero.
I may not be a US citizen but I've been there frequently and often for long periods of time. I've never interacted with a police officer in the context of anything other than me asking them for directions or if I can park in the location. I've never encountered a cop that seemed unhinged or out to get me. I've seen some that are rude to me, but w/e.
Also, posting a video of Chris Rock satire and parody about the cops being brutal doesn't do anything but highlight what a widespread phenomenon police brutality is.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-12-24 02:26:52
posting a video of Chris Rock satire and parody about the cops being brutal doesn't do anything but highlight what a widespread phenomenon police brutality is. I'm sure the police could be more friendly in some cases. Without a doubt. Chris Rock is obviously joking but in all seriousness, which I thought was obvious enough in the video, if you want to fight the police and act hostile then prepare yourself for the *** cop behavior. It's that simple.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-24 03:01:27
You're both right...
You should fight against cops abusing their power.
However, there is a time and place and method for doing this.
That time for opposing their abuse of power is not during the time of the abusing of power.
If someone does this in the face of a cop abusing their power, don't be surprised if the cop gives them a beating.
Be more surprised if the power tripping cop doesn't give a beating or even worse.
Instead find a legal AND acceptable way to fight against their illegal actions.
Being a jerk, while legal, is not wize.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Phoenix.Xantavia 2015-12-24 04:57:29
The editor already issued a retraction. No one other than the comic has defended it. So, still sitting on one person.
Well of course with all the bad pr and complaints revolving around it if I was the owner I wouldn't own up to it either. I'd say it slipped through too. You do not go after peoples kids. Hillary used her daughter in campaign ads and she went untouched. Respect is 2 way. So I guess you don't recall all the stories about Chelsea being less than attractive while her dad was running/in office? I do agree that you shouldn't attack the family unless the candidate uses them in ads first. I also think you should take the high road and not use minors in any case, but spouse/adult children are fair game if they make the first move.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-12-24 09:02:04
The editor already issued a retraction. No one other than the comic has defended it. So, still sitting on one person. They issued the retraction after it was published and commented on.
It doesn't matter how many people defend it, what matters is that it was published in the first place.
I'm sure if Wall Street Journal published a cartoon of Obama as a monkey, you would be screaming bloody murder.
Actually I wouldn't care at all. The editor missed it. Slore doesn't know the difference between an editor and an owner, and nausi can't back up his empty accusations. Safe to say no one other than the comic was ok with this cartoon.
By maldini 2015-12-24 09:19:55
By Ramyrez 2015-12-24 09:44:19
The editor already issued a retraction. No one other than the comic has defended it. So, still sitting on one person. They issued the retraction after it was published and commented on.
It doesn't matter how many people defend it, what matters is that it was published in the first place.
I'm sure if Wall Street Journal published a cartoon of Obama as a monkey, you would be screaming bloody murder.
Actually I wouldn't care at all. The editor missed it. Slore doesn't know the difference between an editor and an owner, and nausi can't back up his empty accusations. Safe to say no one other than the comic was ok with this cartoon.
Gotta be honest. Without context I have no idea what that cartoon is referencing. I feel like it might be at least vaguely racist, but even that's a bit of an assumption.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-12-24 09:49:57
The editor already issued a retraction. No one other than the comic has defended it. So, still sitting on one person. They issued the retraction after it was published and commented on.
It doesn't matter how many people defend it, what matters is that it was published in the first place.
I'm sure if Wall Street Journal published a cartoon of Obama as a monkey, you would be screaming bloody murder.
Actually I wouldn't care at all. The editor missed it. Slore doesn't know the difference between an editor and an owner, and nausi can't back up his empty accusations. Safe to say no one other than the comic was ok with this cartoon.
Gotta be honest. Without context I have no idea what that cartoon is referencing. I feel like it might be at least vaguely racist, but even that's a bit of an assumption. Obama wrote up the last stimulus plan, so...
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-12-24 14:22:48
Evidence of BigFoot !! Unbelievable....
Quote: Dr. Melba Ketchum, a Texas veterinarian, led the study and claims her company, DNA Diagnostics, has broken the genetic code of more than 100 DNA samples collected from bigfoot encounters. Fresno resident Jeffrey Gonzalez is the founder of the Sanger Paranormal Society, who also does a weekly Internet radio show.
5-year-old long DNA study that claims Bigfoot is a human relative, which arose about 15,000 years ago.
Jeffrey Gonzalez says, “These things are for real"
By Jassik 2015-12-24 15:46:10
You tell me where he messed up since you know more than I where he crossed the line. Three requests - 1) Put out cigarette, 2) Step out of the car, or 3) Forcefully removing her from the car.
He was antagonistic and escalated the situation. She wasn't required by law to put out her cigarette and told him that, then he threatened her, then assaulted her and said she was under arrest but refused to tell her the charges, then unlawfully confiscated her personal property... What was her mistake? Not signaling in view of a *** cop who not only doesn't know the limits of his authority but doesn't have a problem beating up on a woman.
After step 3) she assualts him. So you tell me what brought her to be arrested? Probly assualt possibly?
He dragged her out of the car unlawfully and then arrested her without cause, I don't see her assaulting him at all, only resisting an unlawful arrest.
Quote: Quote: If a cop just tells you to do something, like stops you to ask for your ID when you aren't suspected of a crime, you can tell him to get bent, and should. That's the smart thing to do? It's a pretty good indicator that you're part of the problem when you think it's smarter to let a cop harass, assault, and unlawfully detain you instead of voicing your rights. And it's a pretty sad commentary when a very real penalty for stating your rights is execution.
Quote: Quote: And there is NEVER a situation where it is justifiable to shoot a person for not complying with a lawful order unless they present a clear and eminent danger to the officer or other civilians. NEVER... EVER... This in context to what story exactly? Over 100 reported this year alone.
Quote: Quote: I'm not saying that's what a person should do, So shooting a Cop is not as dumb as trying to get into a heated situation with one?
- If you want tell the police to *** off cuz your cigarettes are way too AMAZING to be parted with for 2min then go for it.
- If you want to stay in your vehicle when they tell you to please step out. Have fun.
- If you want to create a big deal out of nothing then GL to you.
Personally idgaf what you do or do not do. Understood? Everyone has been in such a situation. It happens daily. Police asking you to put out your cigarette. Police asking you to step out of your vehicle. Police ask many things..... If you want to be a rebel w/e idc like I said repeatedly idgaf. Do as you please.
Don't EVER say anything about your rights if you aren't willing to fight for them when the stakes are high. You wouldn't let a mall cop treat you that way, and they have exactly the same authority to do what this cop did as he did; none.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11581
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-12-24 16:09:43
Trooper who arrested Bland remains under criminal scrutiny
No decision yet on his actions in Bland arrest
Chron.com (Houston Chronicle)
Quote: Waller County jailers and sheriff's office officials will not face criminal charges in the death of Sandra Bland, but the state trooper who stopped her, and whose dashcam recording of their encounter enraged the nation, is still facing criminal scrutiny.
Darrell Jordan, one of the five special prosecutors assigned to the case, said a grand jury that already met three times, clearing on Monday county employees in Bland's death in the county jail, will reconvene in January to review other issues. Jurors still have not issued any decision on Department of Public Safety Trooper Brian Encinia's treatment or arrest of Bland, who he stopped for an improper lane change near Prairie View A&M University on July 10. Dashcam video showed an increasingly confrontational encounter, with Encinia at one point brandishing a stun gun and yelling at Bland, "I will light you up!"
Protesters around the country have called for the grand jury to indict Encinia.
"If she wouldn't have been wrongfully arrested ... then she would probably still be alive today," said Kristina Jacobs, a 23-year-old activist with the National Black United Front, which had planned several protests Tuesday in response to the grand jury's announcement.
Tom Vinger, a DPS spokesman, said Encinia remains on administrative duty. DPS Director Steve McCraw has said that Encinia violated DPS' courtesy policy during the stop and when he detained Bland.
Calls for accountability
An administrative investigation remains pending, Vinger said.
Bland, a 28-year-old African-American, was jailed for assaulting a public officer - Encinia claimed she kicked him, though that incident was not captured on dashcam video. She wasn't able to raise the $500 necessary to post bail and was found hanging in her jail cell from a ligature made with a plastic bag three days after being arrested.
Medical examiners ruled the case a suicide, though Bland's family and friends have disputed that finding. Her arrest and death was one of many over the last year that have sparked greater scrutiny of law enforcement and their interactions with civilians. The case sparked calls for greater accountability on the part of law enforcement and a firestorm on social media, spawning hashtags like #SandySpeaks and #IfIDieinPoliceCustody, and led state lawmakers to call for hearings on jail procedures and safety and for state regulators to change how inmates are evaluated for mental health issues after they are arrested.
Cannon Lambert, who is representing Bland's family in a wrongful death lawsuit, expressed frustration and skepticism Encinia would be charged.
"They've had video of what Encinia did - there's 52 minutes that shows exactly what Encinia did. He had no probable cause to pull her out of car and make her get out. He was just upset she didn't want to put her cigarette out," he said.
Family skeptical
Lambert said the family is also skeptical of the grand jury process, adding that they would be asking again for the results of DPS' investigation into Encinia's actions. He said they have been barred from receiving that information because of the grand jury proceedings.
"It makes them really, really question the whole process and whether or not they're taking this seriously," he said.
Across the country, meanwhile, the news of the grand jury's decision continued to spark outrage and debate.
"This is not over, and people should not interpret it as such," said the Rev. Hannah Bonner, a pastor and activist who spent 80 days holding a vigil outside the Waller County Jail after Bland's death.
Bonner and other activists and supporters of Bland and her family scheduled a news conference and protest in Hempstead on Tuesday afternoon. They also planned a separate gathering later in the evening, in Hermann Park. Elsewhere, protests were planned in Boston, Washington, D.C., Kansas City, Mo., and New Orleans.
Politicians weigh in
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders released a statement following the ruling, criticizing Bland's arrest and detention.
"There's no doubt in my mind that she, like too many African-Americans who die in police custody, would be alive today if she were a white woman," he said, in a statement released on Twitter.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee again called upon federal officials to investigate.
"It is disappointing that the local officials have not produced answers that Ms. Bland's family and the rest of this country expect and deserve," the Houston Democrat said.
Reached Tuesday, Waller County Sheriff R. Glenn Smith said he was pleased the grand jury had declined to press criminal charges against anyone in his office or in the jail.
"We're happy with the decision and felt comfortable that decision was going to be made, because as we've said from the beginning, it was a tragic incident that she inflicted on herself," he said, before offering his condolences to Bland's family. "I don't wish this on any family, and I hate the tragic incident, all the way around. And I really do. And that's the truth."
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-24 18:44:27
Trump thread is demained?
By Jassik 2015-12-24 19:52:01
Has been for a long time
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-12-24 21:07:31
After step 3) she assualts him. So you tell me what brought her to be arrested? Probly assualt possibly? He dragged her out of the car unlawfully and then arrested her without cause, I don't see her assaulting him at all, only resisting an unlawful arrest. 10:03
If a cop just tells you to do something, like stops you to ask for your ID when you aren't suspected of a crime, you can tell him to get bent, and should. That's the smart thing to do? It's a pretty good indicator that you're part of the problem when you think it's smarter to let a cop harass, assault, and unlawfully detain you instead of voicing your rights. "part of the problem"I'm sure the police could be more friendly in some cases. Without a doubt.
By Jassik 2015-12-24 21:23:27
After step 3) she assualts him. So you tell me what brought her to be arrested? Probly assualt possibly? He dragged her out of the car unlawfully and then arrested her without cause, I don't see her assaulting him at all, only resisting an unlawful arrest. 10:03
The part that's not on tape and based solely on the officer's claim? Heck, even if she did, she was assaulted first.
Quote: If a cop just tells you to do something, like stops you to ask for your ID when you aren't suspected of a crime, you can tell him to get bent, and should. That's the smart thing to do? It's a pretty good indicator that you're part of the problem when you think it's smarter to let a cop harass, assault, and unlawfully detain you instead of voicing your rights. "part of the problem"
Traffic stops are slightly different than a pedestrian stop, which is what I was talking about when I said if an officer stops you and asks you for ID, tell them to get bent. Even in this case, he was ordering her out of her vehicle without cause, just to be an ***, after he tried to intimidate her and it backfired. Then he said she was under arrest and refused to tell her why.
Really, dude, it's pretty obvious you've never had any interaction with a cop on a power trip or been the target of their aggression.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-12-24 21:28:18
I showed Supreme Court ruling saying otherwise unless you can prove me wrong. I'm more than happy to understand your point of view. I don't know the laws as well as yourself or the rest of the civil liberties gurus here whom have posted.
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