Random Politics & Religion #00
By Jassik 2015-11-29 16:32:44
Then what is the point? Why ignore the Supreme Court, countless medical professionals, and civil rights consultants and try to outlaw what has been a fundamental liberty for women in developed nations for 40 years? Unless it's just the emotional crap, which gives even less credibility to pro-life. Why don't lifers seem to give a crap about the child after its born?
There's some gaping holes in the argument as it's presented and the evidence.
Murder is generally accepted as being wrong. Many pro-lifers view abortion as murder. Agree or not, it's not a hard concept to grasp. I'm sure you disagree with the Supreme Court on a regular basis, so that's a dumb point to bring up anyway. As far as how children are viewed after they're born, well, as valid as a concern as that might be, it's a tangent that is hardly related to the issue.
Believing it's murder doesn't make it so. In fact, there are pretty clear definitions of murder and life, but that's what I mean by ignoring facts and arguing from emotion.
How a child and the mother are treated after birth are not tangential in the slightest. Lifers want a woman to be forced legally to carry a fetus to term but have no mercy for how both their lives play out afterward.
I also never see any response to the fact that a typical sexually active woman will expel hundreds if not thousands of fertilized eggs without medical intervention throughout her life and how many non-viable pregnancies result in miscarriage late term or cause serious complications to the health of the mother. That's not even getting into the topic of rape/coercion/incest/etc.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 16:50:34
Then what is the point? Why ignore the Supreme Court, countless medical professionals, and civil rights consultants and try to outlaw what has been a fundamental liberty for women in developed nations for 40 years? Unless it's just the emotional crap, which gives even less credibility to pro-life. Why don't lifers seem to give a crap about the child after its born?
There's some gaping holes in the argument as it's presented and the evidence.
Murder is generally accepted as being wrong. Many pro-lifers view abortion as murder. Agree or not, it's not a hard concept to grasp. I'm sure you disagree with the Supreme Court on a regular basis, so that's a dumb point to bring up anyway. As far as how children are viewed after they're born, well, as valid as a concern as that might be, it's a tangent that is hardly related to the issue.
Believing it's murder doesn't make it so. In fact, there are pretty clear definitions of murder and life, but that's what I mean by ignoring facts and arguing from emotion.
How a child and the mother are treated after birth are not tangential in the slightest. Lifers want a woman to be forced legally to carry a fetus to term but have no mercy for how both their lives play out afterward.
I also never see any response to the fact that a typical sexually active woman will expel hundreds if not thousands of fertilized eggs without medical intervention throughout her life and how many non-viable pregnancies result in miscarriage late term or cause serious complications to the health of the mother. That's not even getting into the topic of rape/coercion/incest/etc.
Pro-lifers have no mercy for mothers and children? Pure hyperbole, you can do better than that.
As for your last paragraph, what sexually active women expel so many fertilized eggs without medical intervention unless they're consciously not using birth control (and thus probably trying to get pregnant) in the first place? Seems weird to care about that when it's just the course of nature and not a conscious decision to destroy. Many pro-lifers make exceptions for non-viable pregnancies and life-threatening circumstances to the mother, so I have no clue why you even bring that up either. As far as rape/coercion/incest/etc. go, those have been shown to be such a small minority in abortion cases that it hardly matters in context, and pretty much only the hardliners are completely against those types of abortions anyway.
By Jassik 2015-11-29 17:00:26
Pro-lifers have no mercy for mothers and children? Pure hyperbole, you can do better than that.
Why is it always the same crowd bitching about social welfare programs and treating single mothers with disrespect?
As for your last paragraph, what sexually active women expel so many fertilized eggs without medical intervention unless they're consciously not using birth control (and thus probably trying to get pregnant) in the first place?
That's completely subjective. Contraceptives can fail in any number of ways. None are 100% effective, either. It's entirely possible for a woman who isn't promiscuous and uses contraceptives to become pregnant. Lifers portray women who get abortions as indiscriminate murders, sleeping around and getting abortions as a contraceptive. They're also outright opposed to contraception in general. Sexuality has been shown to be fundamental to the human psyche, but reproduction is not. Lots of animals have sex for pleasure as well, outside of normal breeding cycles and even with the same gender. To say one thing is natural and another is not is pathetic cherry-picking and almost certainly the result of religious ideals.
At the end of the day, my biggest question is why they think that their warped personal belief needs to be the law. Hundreds of people are put to death by the state, there's no objection. Thousands are killed by drone strikes including innocent children that do have consciousness and do suffer, no objection. Millions live in abject poverty and suffer from preventable and treatable diseases without access to healthcare, no objection. Why is an unborn life worth more consideration than the billions already here?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 17:06:00
They're also outright opposed to contraception in general.
LOL. So, what, all pro-lifers are Catholic? I'm not even going to address the rest of your post if you can't even get simple claims like this correct.
Some pro-choicers actually have decent arguments and know what they're talking about, I'll gladly discuss this again with one of them. I'm not wasting my time fact-checking every one of your frickin' posts.
By Jassik 2015-11-29 17:09:45
They're also outright opposed to contraception in general.
LOL. So, what, all pro-lifers are Catholic? I'm not even going to address the rest of your post if you can't even get simple claims like this correct.
Some pro-choicers actually have decent arguments and know what they're talking about, I'll gladly discuss this again with one of them. I'm not wasting my time fact-checking every one of your frickin' posts.
Yeah, it's easier to purposefully mistake generalities as absolutes or dismiss things you have no answer to.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 17:19:58
They're also outright opposed to contraception in general.
LOL. So, what, all pro-lifers are Catholic? I'm not even going to address the rest of your post if you can't even get simple claims like this correct.
Some pro-choicers actually have decent arguments and know what they're talking about, I'll gladly discuss this again with one of them. I'm not wasting my time fact-checking every one of your frickin' posts.
Yeah, it's easier to purposefully mistake generalities as absolutes or dismiss things you have no answer to.
I have answers to all of it, I'm just sick of wasting my time on someone who is basing his arguments on generalities that don't even represent the majority of people who hold said views.
You're trying to make this about sex when it's really about the value of human life. It's a distraction from the issue.
Why is an unborn life worth more consideration than the billions already here? Why is it that people are starving, dying, and suffering from untold horrors around the world and the only recent story that some people shed tears over was the death of a freaking lion? How much money is wasted over frivolous lawsuits that could have been used to feed and clothe people in need? Humans in general lack perspective, don't pretend this is a pro-lifer-only problem.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-11-29 17:20:28
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »I don't argue with people that are cold and disgusting enough to condone brutally killing an unborn child. Their humanity is too far gone. So you make decisions for her instead? I can think of many reasons a woman might decide to terminate a pregnancy. None of them which are any of your business. Are those whom side with pro-life really that against woman's rights? She's allowed to drive. Get a job. Join the army but deciding not to give birth to someone else's baby.... "that's MY business ...now I'm drawing the line." Really? So since the life grows within the woman it's the woman's "right" to take away the life of the child inside her?
There is no such thing as "someone else's baby" inside her.
Not only that, but the life is now independent of it's parents and new to the world. Yet you and so many others give the power of life and death to a second party rather than letting the new life decide their own path.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-11-29 17:23:28
How is it independent? It's in a parasitic state as long as it's within the mother. That's complete dependancy.
By Jassik 2015-11-29 17:26:31
I have answers to all of it, I'm just sick of wasting my time on someone who is basing his arguments on generalities that don't even represent the majority of people who hold said views.
You're trying to make this about sex when it's really about the value of human life. It's a distraction from the issue.
If the majority of anti-abortion activists are outside of that generality, why is that exactly what they put on their protest signs and yell at women going into clinics? I don't care about the pro-lifers who have a belief and aren't trying to affect women's access to reproductive care. Everyone is welcome to their opinion. I'm talking about the ones that are protesting, shooting up PP clinics, pushing legislation to limit or outlaw abortions, etc. And I don't see a single bit of evidence that those people aren't exactly the stereotypical lifers everyone thinks of.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-29 17:29:08
Why is it that people are starving, dying, and suffering from untold horrors around the world and the only recent story that some people shed tears over was the death of a freaking lion?
Probably because there are 7 billion people and less than 50000 lions left (when there were about half a million 60 years ago)
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-11-29 17:30:51
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Why is it that people are starving, dying, and suffering from untold horrors around the world and the only recent story that some people shed tears over was the death of a freaking lion?
Probably because there are 7 billion people and less than 50000 lions left (when there were about half a million 60 years ago) The life one just one human is far more priceless than all the lions on earth.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-29 17:31:42
No lol
We can make more, lions will be gone forever
By Jassik 2015-11-29 17:32:47
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Why is it that people are starving, dying, and suffering from untold horrors around the world and the only recent story that some people shed tears over was the death of a freaking lion?
Probably because there are 7 billion people and less than 50000 lions left (when there were about half a million 60 years ago) The life one just one human is far more priceless than all the lions on earth.
Why? What objective reason do you have for that?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 17:33:06
I have answers to all of it, I'm just sick of wasting my time on someone who is basing his arguments on generalities that don't even represent the majority of people who hold said views.
You're trying to make this about sex when it's really about the value of human life. It's a distraction from the issue.
If the majority of anti-abortion activists are outside of that generality, why is that exactly what they put on their protest signs and yell at women going into clinics? I don't care about the pro-lifers who have a belief and aren't trying to affect women's access to reproductive care. Everyone is welcome to their opinion. I'm talking about the ones that are protesting, shooting up PP clinics, pushing legislation to limit or outlaw abortions, etc. And I don't see a single bit of evidence that those people aren't exactly the stereotypical lifers everyone thinks of.
You're basing your perception of an entire group based on the protestors? What is... I don't even....
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 17:34:31
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Why is it that people are starving, dying, and suffering from untold horrors around the world and the only recent story that some people shed tears over was the death of a freaking lion?
Probably because there are 7 billion people and less than 50000 lions left (when there were about half a million 60 years ago)
Oh, phew. I'm sure glad that I can disregard ISIS raping young girls in the meantime. That's not nearly as bad as a lion getting shot by a dentist.
By Jassik 2015-11-29 17:35:06
I have answers to all of it, I'm just sick of wasting my time on someone who is basing his arguments on generalities that don't even represent the majority of people who hold said views.
You're trying to make this about sex when it's really about the value of human life. It's a distraction from the issue.
If the majority of anti-abortion activists are outside of that generality, why is that exactly what they put on their protest signs and yell at women going into clinics? I don't care about the pro-lifers who have a belief and aren't trying to affect women's access to reproductive care. Everyone is welcome to their opinion. I'm talking about the ones that are protesting, shooting up PP clinics, pushing legislation to limit or outlaw abortions, etc. And I don't see a single bit of evidence that those people aren't exactly the stereotypical lifers everyone thinks of.
You're basing your perception of an entire group based on the protestors? What is... I don't even....
No, the whole group IS the protesters. I don't care about the people who are content to have a belief and not attempt to force it on everyone else.
I made that pretty clear at the beginning.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-29 17:36:23
That's also being reported all the time, maybe you should look at other news sites.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-29 17:37:57
It was also a big deal because of how the lion was killed (just like ISIS kills people, it's a big deal in the news too). It's not that a lion died, it was how it died and for what reason.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 17:39:19
I have answers to all of it, I'm just sick of wasting my time on someone who is basing his arguments on generalities that don't even represent the majority of people who hold said views.
You're trying to make this about sex when it's really about the value of human life. It's a distraction from the issue.
If the majority of anti-abortion activists are outside of that generality, why is that exactly what they put on their protest signs and yell at women going into clinics? I don't care about the pro-lifers who have a belief and aren't trying to affect women's access to reproductive care. Everyone is welcome to their opinion. I'm talking about the ones that are protesting, shooting up PP clinics, pushing legislation to limit or outlaw abortions, etc. And I don't see a single bit of evidence that those people aren't exactly the stereotypical lifers everyone thinks of.
You're basing your perception of an entire group based on the protestors? What is... I don't even....
No, the whole group IS the protesters. I don't care about the people who are content to have a belief and not attempt to force it on everyone else.
You were referring to them as "pro-lifers". Why the frick would you refer to the protesters by the general term for the entire group and make all of your arguments based on that? That's the stupidest way to argue a point in the history of ever.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 17:41:47
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »It was also a big deal because of how the lion was killed (just like ISIS kills people, it's a big deal in the news too). It's not that a lion died, it was how it died and for what reason.
You're arguing just to argue, and you also missed my point. The death of the lion was stupid, but many people cared far, far more about that lion than they ever cared about any of the more egregious atrocities committed against humans this year.
By Jassik 2015-11-29 17:47:35
You were referring to them as "pro-lifers". Why the frick would you refer to the protesters by the general term for the entire group and make all of your arguments based on that? That's the stupidest way to argue a point in the history of ever.
You either didn't read my original post and skimmed all the others or you just plain don't care what someone who disagrees says. It makes less sense to write "anti-abortion activists" on a mobile phone 20 times than to just assume someone already understands the topic. Especially, as I clearly differentiated the two groups more than once.
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »It was also a big deal because of how the lion was killed (just like ISIS kills people, it's a big deal in the news too). It's not that a lion died, it was how it died and for what reason.
You're arguing just to argue, and you also missed my point. The death of the lion was stupid, but many people cared far, far more about that lion than they ever cared about any of the more egregious atrocities committed against humans this year.
Or they just saw it as something they actually could affect. What is Facebook going to do to change opinions on ISIS?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-11-29 17:51:37
You either didn't read my original post and skimmed all the others or you just plain don't care what someone who disagrees says. It makes less sense to write "anti-abortion activists" on a mobile phone 20 times than to just assume someone already understands the topic. Especially, as I clearly differentiated the two groups more than once.
Hardly. But regardless, if you had specifically used "anti-abortion activists" in place of "lifers" I probably would have nodded and said, "Yeah, those peeps be cray cray."
Server: Siren
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Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-11-29 21:33:38
As far as rape/coercion/incest/etc. go, those have been shown to be such a small minority in abortion cases that it hardly matters in context I still don't understand at all. Under what rational way of thinking does anyone think they should enforce thier personal opinions upon others? We all have our own personal choices in life to make. Denying someone else the ability to choose for themselves what the outcome will be makes no sense to me. I don't care how much you fancy yourself the champion for the civil rights of all unborn baby fetus. It's none of your business to even do so in the first place. Period.
At the end of the day, my biggest question is why they think that their warped personal belief needs to be the law. Exactly.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-11-29 21:49:56
Hundreds of people are put to death by the state, there's no objection Pro-life people see a distinction between those who choose crimes punishable by death and those who are innocent by the fact they haven't even been born yet. I mean surely you can understand the distinction?
Thousands are killed by drone strikes including innocent children that do have consciousness and do suffer, no objection. Collateral damage in war is unfortunate but war is war. Grownups understand that there is always evil in the world and it's better to fight it someplace else than here. Does that mean we can't bomb a school when our enemies hide their rockets inside it?
Millions live in abject poverty and suffer from preventable and treatable diseases without access to healthcare, no objection. Our government and promotion of capitalism has done more to eradicate poverty in the world than anything else in the history of mankind. The notion that we don't object to or do enough to fight it is simply absurd.
What have you personally done about the death penalty, collateral damage in war, and worldwide poverty? Or are you somehow off the hook because your "feelz" are in the right place?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-11-29 21:51:47
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Why is it that people are starving, dying, and suffering from untold horrors around the world and the only recent story that some people shed tears over was the death of a freaking lion?
Probably because there are 7 billion people and less than 50000 lions left (when there were about half a million 60 years ago) But it's JUST a lion.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-11-29 21:57:05
And people are so awesome?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-11-29 22:01:08
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »And people are so awesome?
If you heart bleeds for a lion but not for an innocent fetus, you're nothing but a misanthrope. You see people as disposable, and the last thing you ever get to do is claim to be "compassionate".
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-11-29 22:02:54
I'm not sure how credible this is, but apparently the shooter in CO identifies as a woman.
COURT RECORDS: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter NOT Republican, Identifies as Woman
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-11-29 22:06:53
Suddenly everywhere millions of liberals suddenly stopped salivating...
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-11-29 22:09:14
Suddenly everywhere millions of liberals suddenly stopped salivating...
Actually, no. This was never red vs blue, but somehow everyone knew nausi would try to make it so. This deranged lunatic is going to jail for the rest of their life, a murderer.
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