Predictions Of Job Point Enhancments

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Predictions of Job Point enhancments
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Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-03-06 23:03:51
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Okay so right off the bat, DRG doesn't have any self buff JAs which would make for obvious enhancements(like WAR/DRK/MNK) so we have to be creative. I'll make 3 lists entitled: 1)Wishlist, 2)What SE will likely give us, 3) Unlikely but SE has made poor choices with regard to DRG before so who knows(crit def bonus etc..)

Wish List
-Enhances Call Wyvern(+2atk/+2acc for both player and wyvern while Wyvern is out) This would incentivize you keeping your Wyvern alive more than just by proxy for Spirit/Soul Jump TP.

-Jump TP Bonus(applies to ALL Jumps): Gives 0.5TP per Jump, PER ENHANCEMENT)

-Jump DA(+1% DA per enhancement) This sounds strong but to be honest we all know MNK is going to get some crazy strong Impetus boost and SAM will probably get some crazy Weapon Skill Damage+%, so why not?

-Wyvern Haste(+1% per enhancement) +30% wyvern haste? hell yeah. It would add up to a lot when stacked with Spirit Link'd haste and maybe actually let our wyverns deal considerable damage. 30% isn't much considering DRGs don't rock pet haste gear like BST and PUP do(would be magic haste not gear haste). In ig difficult fights, wyverns hardly deal any damage, less than 1% actually to be sure. Why not increase their damage potential hardily?

-Spirit Link draws more than 50% TP from Wyvern(+1% more per merit up to 80% TP transfered to player when Spirit Linking)

-Ancient Circle augment(Would give some kind of AoE boost to one or more of the following(Acc/Atk/Haste/Crit%/Conserve TP/WSD% while in effect, just because DRG doesn't have any JA that boosts their stats and would be nice to have one that grants like AoE +30 attack or acc for 4:30. DRG is supposed to be a very accurate job, why not let us AoE a small acc boost and give parties and alliances an incentive to have a DRG in a DD party and not a tank/outcast party as an angon bot.

What we'll probably get:

-Wyvern HP Boost (+10 HP per enhance)
-Conserve TP Boost(+1 cTP per enhance)
-Jump TP Bonus(+1 TP per Boost but only for Jump and High Jump)
-Jump Accuracy(+1 accuracy per enhancement)
-Steady Wing Boost(+1% more HP is converted into Stoneskin)
-Wyvern ATK/ACC (+1 acc/atk per enhancment)

What SE will give us if they truly hate us
-Enhanced Dragon Breaker effect
- More Crit Defense Bonus
- Breath Accuracy
- Call Wyvern recast(-10 seconds per enhancement)
- Wyvern Subtle Blow+
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Zerowone
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By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2014-03-06 23:57:13
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It will probably be just a cut and dry approach to native traits and abilities of every job allowing you to boost their effects to correlate with ilvls.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-07 00:07:30
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Not that I object to jump TP bonus, as long as it works on all jumps. But I dislike that it only works on the first hit. Would be nice if they changed that.

Jump DA+, again, don't mind, but not what I'd focus on(Largely cause I have a Ryu, so multi-hit in general doesn't appeal as much.)

If I did anything for jumps, It'd be more recast reduction. -1 second per JP. For a total off -30 seconds on jump recasts.... /dreams.

Wyvern haste... is pretty damn pointless for anything but low buff/solo. What with the huge *** delay on breaths eating up all the wyvern's melee time. Yes, give him haste so he can waste even more DPS potential getting JA delayed into oblivion. Before we try to boost a wyverns melee output, we'd need him to shut his mouth and melee.

Spirit link. Again, shut your mouth and melee, wyvern. Still, even as is, more TP transferred would be somewhat useful as an AM3 rebuilding tool. You don't WS while building 300%, so he might actually get some TP.

Ancient Circle. Agreed. I've wanted some kinda non mob family bonus on AC for a long time. Just some reason to actually use DRG's only self buff. <,<;;

I actually wouldn't mind Call wyvern recast-. There are better things they could add, but there are worse things too. Although I'd hope for more than -10 seconds per. Losing your wyvern is a big FU, considering spirit/soul jump. And that 20 min recast is even more reason to NOT use spirit surge. As it is, I've only got 1 back up wyvern for a wipe or unlucky Tera Slash on ADL. Blowing it on Spirit surge, then going without a wyvern if I get unlucky is less than appealing.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-03-07 00:11:54
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Would be nice if Fly High restored Call Wyvern. Actually if I had to choose, I'd rather it do that than restore Jumps.

It will probably be just a cut and dry approach to native traits and abilities of every job allowing you to boost their effects to correlate with ilvls.

Yeah but most jobs have easy things to boost
+Attack on Berserk
+Haste on Last Resort
+Crit dmg on Impetus
+Store TP during Hasso
+JA Haste during Conspirator
+R. Accuracy on Barrage
+Accuracy/Magic Accuracy during Composure

DRG has no self buffs which means either Wyvern boosts or Jump boosts. Jump boosts have sucked since AF reforged came out since they only gave extra TP to NQ jumps. Wyvern boosts are hard because as a matter of design, Wyvern is fundamentally turbo-flawed and was generally a terrible idea from the start.

TBH I can see why Jump buffs would annoy Ryu users but tbh, I know you Ryus dont wanna hear it but you make up <1% of the DRG population and your weapon is pretty ridonkulous already =/
If anything should be trying to close the gap a bit since most other mythics are meh compared to their other options(only GK/GA and Polearm are the only good melee mythics. Scythe and h2h are pretty meh, so if anything i'd rather them make DRG's native abilities stronger without touching Ryu much since for some reason Ryu completely changes DRG into a different job, it adds that much DPS, probably more DPS than any other single piece of gear for any other job other than KC on RNG.

While TP gain is nice, I'd like to see ways to make our WS hit harder or more frequently. I've always been a proponent of a trait/ja that allows DRG to ignore defense. A perfect 'theme' for DRG would have been ignoring defense rather than WAR's method of having huge attack/crits. Our SP2 COULD have been, ignore all defense for 30 seconds, basically capped pdif. And a level 97 JA could be "Your next hit/jump/WS ignore all def(only applies to first hit of WS) and call it Wyrm Charge." I don't see it being any stronger than Mighty Strikes(which lasts longer and applies to all hits of WS) or Hundred Fists which lasts longer and does dot while building insane TP. 30 seconds of capped pdif would be perfect for hard mobs while being rather pointless when fully buffed. It's a perfect balance of usefulness without being broken(wouldn't do anything with zerg buffs on most content, but useful when SV minuets/angon wear off)...alas....
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-07 00:49:40
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The only jump buff that actually annoys me, is the one we see most often. ATK+. So many pieces do that. And it's mostly pointless. Spirit and Soul jump already have +25% and +50% atk bonuses. Jump has a +35% bonus with Ryu. Can I have some STP, crit DMG, or even multihit for jumps instead?

Now if that atk bonus was for WS, I'd take in in an instant... the atk- on drakes is still really obnoxious.

I'd have loved to have just kept the test server version of SP2. 1 min, of 0 recast jumps. It was marvelous stuff. All of a sudden, haste stopped mattering. Cause timed right, you never land a melee hit. Just jump, WS, jump, WS, jump WS. Or if AM3 was down, it'd be a matter of seconds to soul jump spam it back up. And you could do the same level of DMG weakened, since your melee delay was irrelevant. This kinda tells you why they didn't do this. ; ;

But yes, I fully support DRG getting to be broken as *** overpowered for a while. <,< Cause even if it happened, you know it'd get nerfed shortly after.

It's annoying how DRG's SP are actually completely at odds with each other. Using spirit surge is a nerf to flyhigh. It's directly detrimental to stack them. -.-;; I'd really like to see wyvern present jump bonuses active during spirit surge. I mean, your wyvern is there... in spirit, right..? sorry, terrible pun.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Eriina
Posts: 294
By Ragnarok.Eriina 2014-03-07 00:51:52
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Anything that shortens jump timers or increases jump STP (all jumps) would be very welcome.

Anything that increases wyvern survivability (hp or -dt) or decreases wyvern recast would be very welcome.

Anything that increased crit rate (in a way that could apply to WS), would probably be welcome as well^^
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-03-07 01:13:51
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There's our buff for ancient circle... Crit rate/DMG. <,< Do it SE!
Server: Odin
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user: Sheelay
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By Odin.Sheelay 2014-03-07 02:28:56
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
There's our buff for ancient circle... Crit rate/DMG. <,< Do it SE!

But only VS Dragon family mobs!
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-03-07 08:38:39
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I kinda hope we get save tp or conserve tp bonuses. It would bring back "penta spam" if we got like 30-40% tp after every stardiver. It wouldn't be broken i mean sam get a freakin 3-4 hit build with tsusmaru which in capped haste situations, they basically Shoha as an autoattack every 2-3 seconds. Seriously when sams in my ls are fully buffed all I see is Shoha and then before the animation ends they overlap it with another shoha it's retardedly strong.
Would it even be that bad if drg got like 20-45% to back every ws? Compared to what other melee get, I don't think so, specially because our ws are weaker(no berserk, overwhelm, souleater,restraint)

I was hoping since they lifted the ban on having more than 12 ja timers, they'd immediately give lacking jobs a slew of new stances and self buffs(THF, DRG, DNC, DRG). But they never did. Drk and sam have self haste buffs, war subs sam without detriment since they have berserk and da from main then get hasso and meditate from sub. Drg is the only melee that has to choose between attack speed or damage whilst the other 2 handlers get both. It would make sense if every 2 handed got their own ja haste ability like how most 1h dd got their own dual wield l, so their subs could flexible. If they gave us something like berserk or something like hasso(preferably the former since we still need the stp from /sam) then drg will get the best of both worlds like war which gets both native attack buffs and haste from war/sam, drk/sam which gets hasso and last resort and high attack traits, and sam/war which gets hasso berserk and like a ridiculous 10-15% da from hassozanshin plus what they get from /war and all of sam's main job goodies.

Not sure why they're against giving drg some self buffs. They could borrow some from ff14, primarily blood for blood and speed surge.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4201
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2014-03-07 13:23:38
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Spirit surge should just set call wyvern recast to 0. It can't even be abused since you can't spirit surge without your wyvern.

I'd like the job enhancements to be STP. I know it isn't something we have by default but it's something that would help a lot. *** continuity!
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-03-07 19:51:43
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Never thought of that. Would be pretty sweet. Also waiting for that JA they discussed on official forums to prevent wyverns from using breaths while active(so it can melee more) or at least drastically increase Breath damage so it deals more damage than the 2-3 melee hits it could have done while charging it up). A JA like 'Restraint' was discussed on the OF a while ago. It would be a stance, increases Wyvern Attack, Accuracy and Attack Speed but restricts use of auto-breaths(will only use breath if you use smiting/restoring). This would allow your wyvern to do more DoT while also keeping it from wasting it's TP on a 50 dmg breath every time you WS. This would enable you to get a free 150 TP every 90 seconds from Spirit Link.

Its like they enabled us to take 50% of our wyvern's TP when we use Spirit Link a few years ago but that property has such limited functionality outside of Empathy+Tacticians Roll, WS,Spirit Link,WS at the start of a fight, or when soloing weak mobs as DRG/mage where you don't need Heal Breaths.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2014-03-07 19:57:50
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You guys joke, but I actually think enhancements to all Circle effects based not only on potency but also enough duration/recast to achieve 100% uptime would be a really solid addition.

It might not be a big deal for DRG but it'd be wonderful for BST.
Server: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-03-07 20:05:00
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Ophannus said: »
we all know MNK is going to get some crazy strong Impetus boost
You're going to feel silly when it turns out to be a boost to Chakra.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2014-03-17 13:49:30
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more laughably, Monk's bonus is to Evasion while under the effect of Dodge. at least Chakra would be worth a damn.

pretty spot on about the Circle effects (which we ALL knew was what they were going to do....)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Javarr 2014-03-17 15:21:18
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From the Update thread:

Spirit Surge Effect: Increases the DMG value of weapons while under the effects of Spirit Surge. Increase DMG value by 1.

Ancient Circle Effect: Reduces the amount of damage taken from dragons while under the effects of Ancient Circle. Reduce damage taken by 1.

Not too impressed to be honest, but all the circles got messed with, so should of seen that coming.
Server: Asura
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user: rocs42
Posts: 119
By Asura.Originalkord 2014-03-17 17:59:55
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Can't complain really. COR was the real winner, it seems. Other job's points are just as lame as DRG's, so at least we can't really be butt hurt. They'll expand it some day...but for now, we won't be able to impress our friends with the ability to sit on a pineapple.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 239
By Bismarck.Bongarippa 2014-03-17 18:07:40
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BRD got the ever so important "enhanced minne effect". Would've been nice to maybe get a song that gets used, but hey, maybe new delve will require some extra def. The soul voice enhancement seems rather useless because when do brds use sv without night/troub? Was pretty bummed when I saw the job points for brd :/
Server: Siren
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user: skanless
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By Siren.Skanless 2014-03-18 00:42:51
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Wow TY SE in my eye's i think they did something right with this job points for blu giving us 10 more point's i think that is kinda on same lvl of cor's points in my eye's.
Server: Asura
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user: L30x
Posts: 410
By Asura.Jezzus 2014-03-18 01:20:33
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Idk about any predictions just hope with little faith. JP's fell severely short of my expectations but it was foolish to expect anything more from SE, especially lately. SAM was the first job I checked and despite the total 20% bonus for Meikyo Shisui its rather underwhelming considering its a 1-hour ability. Then Warding Circle... Really? Oh joy that will help with... ugh... Akvan I guess... >.>

Anyways, thinking positively as in SE doing something at all notable or for once responding to their fan's disappointments I guess I would predict for SAM...

Konzen-ittai and/or Sekkanoki with DMG bonus to one and recast time reduction to another.

Seigan enhanced Zanshin and Third Eye effects

Hasso with like +1% haste per JP(would be pretty sweet)
Posts: 885
By Sieha1 2014-03-18 01:56:08
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I predict more suckage as is SE's style.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Eriina
Posts: 294
By Ragnarok.Eriina 2014-03-19 22:29:43
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Do we even know if the added 10%dt vs. dragons exceeds the cap?
Server: Valefor
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user: Endoq
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By Valefor.Endoq 2014-03-19 23:34:58
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Give DRG breath accuracy bonus :D
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-03-20 12:15:07
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The ancient circle buff might be interesting when the cal is raised to 30 as it would be 17+30% which is pretty good(if only it buffed dmg too). If the final Delve is a dragon area(implied by last naalual being a dragon) this could be pretty sweet. They will increase the number of ja enhances through Jp so maybe we will see jump enhancements to come...probably weak though like +3 attack per upgrade on Jump, +1 acc per upgrade for high jump, spirit link up healed +10 per upgrade etc
Server: Bismarck
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user: Keichan
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By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-03-20 12:18:23
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Asura.Jezzus said: »
SAM was the first job I checked and despite the total 20% bonus for Meikyo Shisui its rather underwhelming considering its a 1-hour ability.

It's worse than that. It's not Weapons Skill Damage.. It's SKILLCHAIN damage. I'd be all over that if it was a 20% bonus for Meikyo WSD!
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-03-22 04:31:11
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I guess the spirit surge buff is kinda neat. At 10/10 it's +-0 base damage but when they raise the cap it will be +30 which is pretty cool, but still I hope they make jp easier to accrue. I soloed 117 mobs all day literally for 12 hours and only got 4 jp. If each upgrade only cost 1 jp and they didn't require incremental costs(1>2>3 etc) it would still take a long *** time to cap your jobs. The fact that it IS incremental makes it so much more of a grind. I feel for support jobs that will have so much grinding to do.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2014-03-22 05:19:43
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I'm pretty biased because blus was amazing. They will continue to add good stuff though.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-03-22 06:18:48
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30 blue points is pretty ridiculous. Blu is only hindered by spell slots now. Pretty crazy that they're getting 30 points, that's huge. Although that also gives them liberty to add blu spells that cost 6-7+ points now.
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Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2014-05-18 16:49:08
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Guess +Attack on Jumps isn't bad. Unnoticable but not bad.

I would have rather had seen:
Jump/Spirit Jump: DMG+3/upgrade. Maxed out = +30DMG(great since Spirit Jump doesn't have the WSC that Jump does.

Fly High: Increase jump damage by 2% per upgrade= Maxed out = All jumps deal 20% more damage during Fly High.

P.S Anyone else worried about SAM when they raise the category cap for Job Points to 30, Hasso is going to be +30 fulltime STR for them? +42 STR fulltime is pretty ridiculous >.>
Server: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
Posts: 3621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-05-18 17:46:25
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Ophannus said: »
P.S Anyone else worried about SAM when they raise the category cap for Job Points to 30, Hasso is going to be +30 fulltime STR for them? +42 STR fulltime is pretty ridiculous >.>
a.) SE will be cognizant and probably try to balance it. Given their track record, they'll fail, but they'll at least make a token effort.

b.) How many hundreds or thousands of merit points will be accumulated along the way to getting a maxed out effect? If the trend continues, it may take as many as 465 Job Points. Even if we assume SE caps at a cost of 10, that's still about half that figure. If they don't change the system, I won't expect people to be capped easily, readily, or with much enthusiasm.
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