Limit Break Radio Is Back

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Limit Break Radio is back
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2014-02-14 10:54:29
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I was so happy to find out that the limit break radio podcast is back even if it is about 14 and not 11 i do not care it is just nice to i the only one here who likes them before or even now?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2014-02-14 11:56:08
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I really enjoyed the show during it's XI years. I don't play XIV, so I honestly haven't checked it out since it's return.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2014-02-14 13:59:55
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Odin.Foxmulder said: »
I really enjoyed the show during it's XI years. I don't play XIV, so I honestly haven't checked it out since it's return.
I find it hard they made one of the guys they used to poke fun at a host now.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Siviard
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2014-02-14 14:41:27
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Wasn't that Juxtaposition they would make fun of?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-02-14 14:41:54
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Shiva.Siviard said: »
Wasn't that Juxtaposition they would make fun of?

Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: feary
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2014-02-14 14:58:30
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do have any interest in 14 so dont really care. 11 is still here and people want to treat it like its gone. there is no reason for them to stop covering 11. however if they arent playing it then i guess it just better that way.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-02-14 15:00:21
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Sylph.Feary said: »
do have any interest in 14 so dont really care. 11 is still here and people want to treat it like its gone. there is no reason for them to stop covering 11. however if they arent playing it then i guess it just better that way.

they quit covering it long, long, ago.

(11 is leaps & bounds better than 14, in my stupid opinion)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2014-02-14 15:10:16
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Shiva.Siviard said: »
Wasn't that Juxtaposition they would make fun of?
yes it was i was like o crap they made him a host and why.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: feary
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2014-02-14 15:58:31
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Siren.Mosin said: »
Sylph.Feary said: »
do have any interest in 14 so dont really care. 11 is still here and people want to treat it like its gone. there is no reason for them to stop covering 11. however if they arent playing it then i guess it just better that way.

they quit covering it long, long, ago.

(11 is leaps & bounds better than 14, in my stupid opinion)

i know, i listened to LBR and PFA religiously. ironically the longer they were on the worst they were and the more out of touch they became. oh well what can do you do? once wotg failed, chin/kallo left it was just nostagia to listen to them. they didnt try as much and very rarely posted.

few weeks ago i downloaded an episode to see what was up and they were with very forgettable hosts and some new ppl for 14.

id wish they would cover 11 so i can know what the hell they are talking about or get some of the jokes. however im not in to hearing about them trashing 11 because they are on the 14 bandwagon.

the content is not what it was. the quality in hosting is there and i hope them the best. however. if its not 11, i have no reason to care to listen.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-02-14 16:04:44
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Sylph.Feary said: »
id wish they would cover 11 so i can know what the hell they are talking about or get some of the jokes. however im not in to hearing about them trashing 11 because they are on the 14 bandwagon.

yeah I have no idea, I don't think I've heard those guys in 4+ years.
Posts: 7
By aniero 2014-02-23 16:32:38
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Oh Kawar. LBR <3's Kawar!

I'd just like to point out that we stopped covering FFXI as a show because none of us play the game anymore. We also didn't try to keep people on the show beyond their interest in the game. I think that would have made a far worse show.

however im not in to hearing about them trashing 11 because they are on the 14 bandwagon.

I dont think we've ever done this.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2014-02-25 21:06:15
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aniero said: »
Oh Kawar. LBR <3's Kawar!

I'd just like to point out that we stopped covering FFXI as a show because none of us play the game anymore. We also didn't try to keep people on the show beyond their interest in the game. I think that would have made a far worse show.

however im not in to hearing about them trashing 11 because they are on the 14 bandwagon.

I dont think we've ever done this.
Hey aniero i did not know you had an account on this site how did you find this post may i ask?
Posts: 7
By aniero 2014-03-01 21:00:32
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Im the only one who compulsively Googles myself and the things I make?

I'm a narcissist
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: danz
Posts: 692
By Bismarck.Danz 2014-03-01 22:20:47
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love LBR but i wish they would still do XI episodes as well!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Vivivivi
Posts: 176
By Quetzalcoatl.Vivivivi 2014-03-01 23:23:03
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I dont even care they don't, those guys are hilarious lol juxta is funny as hell
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [2710 days between previous and next post]
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2021-08-02 08:20:48
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wish i could find the link and still see if there going i need a taste of them in my life again.

anyone want here you go.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2021-08-02 08:27:17
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aniero said: »
Im the only one who compulsively Googles myself and the things I make?

I'm a narcissist
I know the chances you will see this are low buddy. But older me here and I want to say you and the team were a big part of just having a good time back in the day man. we love you guys and miss you.

if after the 20th year SE has a big plan or some new type of 11 game or story or what ever i hope you cover it.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1427
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2021-08-02 08:51:18
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Sylph.Kawar said: »
aniero said: »
Im the only one who compulsively Googles myself and the things I make?

I'm a narcissist
I know the chances you will see this are low buddy. But older me here and I want to say you and the team were a big part of just having a good time back in the day man. we love you guys and miss you.

if after the 20th year SE has a big plan or some new type of 11 game or story or what ever i hope you cover it.

Aniero has been streaming FFXI lately, as early as 4 days ago. His twitch is here:
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-02 13:58:15
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I wonder what brought him back, after letting the original LBR website get deleted and many of the network shows/episodes now not being available. Figured he was done with FF MMOs and moved on.
Posts: 7
By aniero 2021-08-02 16:14:03
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Sylph.Kawar said: »
aniero said: »
Im the only one who compulsively Googles myself and the things I make?

I'm a narcissist
I know the chances you will see this are low buddy. But older me here and I want to say you and the team were a big part of just having a good time back in the day man. we love you guys and miss you.

if after the 20th year SE has a big plan or some new type of 11 game or story or what ever i hope you cover it.

Hey Kawar! Hope you are well! Thank you very much!

Sylph.Funkworkz said: »
Aniero has been streaming FFXI lately, as early as 4 days ago. His twitch is here:

Not only have I been streaming XI I've finished a Caladbolg and a Aegis. Actually, XI is just as much fun now as it was back in the day! Thanks for sharing the Twitch stream!

Odin.Foxmulder said: »
I wonder what brought him back, after letting the original LBR website get deleted and many of the network shows/episodes now not being available. Figured he was done with FF MMOs and moved on.

Welp, in 2018 the radio show I was producing along with members of the LBR crew, Checkpoint, got bought out by Beasley Media. We all went to work full time for Beasley, and we all had non-compete clauses which prevented us from even working on our own projects. Essentially anything we created at Beasley was property of Beasley. So we did our final episode for FFXIV out at FanFest and had a big goodbye, but Nika, Juxta and Strife carried the show until the Shadowbringers release so that we felt we had fulfilled out obligation to our wonderful and supportive Patreon members.

Fast forward to April 2020 when the pandemic was just starting, Beasley released me from my contract. After some time freelancing for various podcasts I decided that I really wanted to stream again - it didnt make any sense NOT to use the LBR channel since nobody else was using it. And it made me think about what followers of LBR would most like to see me play. Final Fantasy, of course! So I decided to start streaming some XIV, once that ran out of content a viewer, Avixrim, convinced me to give XI a shot again and I just fell right back in. I had a few friends that had recently started playing again, Dyamalos, Gordor and Raisyx, so we all started helping each other.

I've met so many awesome and fun ppl playing XI again that it just keeps me there.

So, I have given thought to making more XI content. It's actually even a part of our Patreon campaign. I wont link it cause I dont want people to think Im just self promoting but we're using the resources from the Patreon to bring the archive of both XIV and XI shows back online along with their podcast feeds. We actually didnt delete our website, someone broke into the backend and installed a ***ton of like popups and spyware so the hosting service had to take the site offline. We're working with them currently to recover the data. We just finished recovering the FFXIV episodes

I know it's just a directory but we will eventually get a site up.

Anyway, thanks so much guys, I really appreciate that you guys still remember the show after all these years.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-08-02 19:17:08
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Awe. I saw this thread and didn't realize it's like nearly a decade old. I'd love to hear some hosts talk about FFXI again, but if you don't play, what can you do? Maybe resub for their 20th anniversary thing they have been hyping for 2 years now. It's been 2 bad years and the world doesn't show any sign of getting better so I'm really hopeful for FFXI's anniversary, but I only really resub a month at a time and get bored of all of the damn daily login incentives and chores. All my friends quit long ago.

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-02 19:23:24
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Any chance at resurrecting more of the old XI episodes as well? I know some of it's on, but it's definitely incomplete.
Posts: 7
By aniero 2021-08-02 19:59:20
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Yes, we will be working on those next. I expect to have them restored by the end of August.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-08-02 21:07:53
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This is a delightful surprise. Thought for a second this was a troll necro.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-02 22:27:43
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aniero said: »
Yes, we will be working on those next. I expect to have them restored by the end of August.

Nice, even a chance for us old timers to grab it and archive it would be appreciated.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2021-08-03 10:09:31
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Odin.Foxmulder said: »
I wonder what brought him back, after letting the original LBR website get deleted and many of the network shows/episodes now not being available. Figured he was done with FF MMOs and moved on.
You know whats funny i think i am going to dig my old computer out and try to get the lbr stuff i downloaded from itunes and tryed to save cuss i loved it so much and see if i can listen to it again.

still my best rusty armor and dripping.

Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2021-08-03 10:37:13
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aniero said: »
Sylph.Kawar said: »
aniero said: »
Im the only one who compulsively Googles myself and the things I make?

I'm a narcissist
I know the chances you will see this are low buddy. But older me here and I want to say you and the team were a big part of just having a good time back in the day man. we love you guys and miss you.

if after the 20th year SE has a big plan or some new type of 11 game or story or what ever i hope you cover it.

Hey Kawar! Hope you are well! Thank you very much!

Sylph.Funkworkz said: »
Aniero has been streaming FFXI lately, as early as 4 days ago. His twitch is here:

Not only have I been streaming XI I've finished a Caladbolg and a Aegis. Actually, XI is just as much fun now as it was back in the day! Thanks for sharing the Twitch stream!

Odin.Foxmulder said: »
I wonder what brought him back, after letting the original LBR website get deleted and many of the network shows/episodes now not being available. Figured he was done with FF MMOs and moved on.

Welp, in 2018 the radio show I was producing along with members of the LBR crew, Checkpoint, got bought out by Beasley Media. We all went to work full time for Beasley, and we all had non-compete clauses which prevented us from even working on our own projects. Essentially anything we created at Beasley was property of Beasley. So we did our final episode for FFXIV out at FanFest and had a big goodbye, but Nika, Juxta and Strife carried the show until the Shadowbringers release so that we felt we had fulfilled out obligation to our wonderful and supportive Patreon members.

Fast forward to April 2020 when the pandemic was just starting, Beasley released me from my contract. After some time freelancing for various podcasts I decided that I really wanted to stream again - it didnt make any sense NOT to use the LBR channel since nobody else was using it. And it made me think about what followers of LBR would most like to see me play. Final Fantasy, of course! So I decided to start streaming some XIV, once that ran out of content a viewer, Avixrim, convinced me to give XI a shot again and I just fell right back in. I had a few friends that had recently started playing again, Dyamalos, Gordor and Raisyx, so we all started helping each other.

I've met so many awesome and fun ppl playing XI again that it just keeps me there.

So, I have given thought to making more XI content. It's actually even a part of our Patreon campaign. I wont link it cause I dont want people to think Im just self promoting but we're using the resources from the Patreon to bring the archive of both XIV and XI shows back online along with their podcast feeds. We actually didnt delete our website, someone broke into the backend and installed a ***ton of like popups and spyware so the hosting service had to take the site offline. We're working with them currently to recover the data. We just finished recovering the FFXIV episodes

I know it's just a directory but we will eventually get a site up.

Anyway, thanks so much guys, I really appreciate that you guys still remember the show after all these years.
aniero my friend please let us know on this thread as soon as the ffxi stuff is back up i really want to make a back up for my self again so i can listen to it when ever i want. cuss you and the team make me smile. if making a back up is ok with you?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Bismarck.Nylaninja 2021-08-03 22:07:14
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I loved both shows. I'm excited to see you are playing XI again. After a 10 year break myself, I fell right back in. Good luck to you and hope you have a great time playing Xi again.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2021-08-06 19:22:43
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btw forgot to ask anyone know what happaned to pet food Alpha
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