Bushido - The Way Of The Samurai (A Guide) V. 2.0

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Bushido - The Way of The Samurai (A Guide) V. 2.0
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Server: Bismarck
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user: Keichan
Posts: 323
By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-02-23 12:01:54
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Sylph.Nikia said: »
Far as few posts up pretty much all had "situ" next to them so was unaware if the post was just preliminary data or was the new gospel.(side note I am really anal about gearing right in this game)

I always have to do that because if there is "one" situation that one piece is better than another, someone is almost absolutely going jump me down for it. Lithlimb is better if you cap, but based on the fact that you're typically not capped, Sakonji+1 will be better most of the time. All depends on what you usually do with your bow.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2014-02-23 12:11:57
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Sylph.Nikia said: »
I also post a lot because I would like to gear properly and it seems that what items I thought would be best end up not for one reason or another. Since it is an open forum and there are many more knowledgeable folks than myself on gear I wanted to get the experts input.
Shouldn't everyone be an expert at how this game works by now ? Why don't you actually take the time to see why the "experts" say something is BiS instead of crying when someone makes fun of you because you don't know *** ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Posts: 885
By Sieha1 2014-02-23 12:40:17
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camaroz said: »
No I expect players to take some initiative and as I stated there is a difference between asking a question then hand holding. Moreover I mostly do skip over things, but when I see someone being referred to as “he’s being an ***” because he is simply stating his point of view is pretty ridiculous.

I didn't know that it was bad for someone who might not understand how damage works to ask questions and still want to do their job right in spite of not fully understanding or being sure. I guess its better for people to just be terrible and never get anything done.

After all only the awesome people would be able to enjoy the game right?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2014-02-23 12:44:40
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Nikia isn't that bad Sieha, geez. ;(
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 71
By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2014-02-23 12:45:19
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Sieha1 said: »
camaroz said: »
No I expect players to take some initiative and as I stated there is a difference between asking a question then hand holding. Moreover I mostly do skip over things, but when I see someone being referred to as “he’s being an ***” because he is simply stating his point of view is pretty ridiculous.

I didn't know that it was bad for someone who might not understand how damage works to ask questions and still want to do their job right in spite of not fully understanding or being sure. I guess its better for people to just be terrible and never get anything done.

After all only the awesome people would be able to enjoy the game right?
I didn't know that after being out for years and many a posts on how dmg works and how things are tested that ppl that are terrible would get any better by getting things handed to them as far as BiS gear for X situation. You telling someone what gear to wear doesn't make them a better player it just makes a terrible player do better terrible dmg.
By 2014-02-23 13:40:44
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-02-23 13:43:14
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The amount of butthurt people in this thread, man.

And on both sides I mean.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Starkzz
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2014-02-23 13:50:09
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but I'm having fun though
Server: Cerberus
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user: Reiden
Posts: 322
By Cerberus.Reiden 2014-02-23 13:57:18
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To update motenten's spreadsheet, go to gear list and add the item you would like to add in the correct category.
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-02-23 14:02:48
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Pic is breaking rules.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 71
By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2014-02-23 14:03:56
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My bad :(
Posts: 885
By Sieha1 2014-02-23 14:17:48
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I think these guys are against having guides for jobs. I mean the gear sets posted here kinda gives away the secrets to what gear to use. By doing that no one is special and even a 'terrible player' can do the same damage as them. oh my.

new forum rule: someone asks a question on gear, dont answer!
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-02-23 14:23:42
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Sieha1 said: »
I think these guys are against having guides for jobs. I mean the gear sets posted here kinda gives away the secrets to what gear to use. By doing that no one is special and even a 'terrible player' can do the same damage as them. oh my.

new forum rule: someone asks a question on gear, dont answer!

Or just refer them to the sets listed in the OP. There may be legitimate sidegrade/downgrade questions for specific slots, but the same questions do get asked way too often.
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-02-23 14:24:50
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Sieha1 said: »
I think these guys are against having guides for jobs. I mean the gear sets posted here kinda gives away the secrets to what gear to use. By doing that no one is special and even a 'terrible player' can do the same damage as them. oh my.

new forum rule: someone asks a question on gear, dont answer!
I don't really care about the discussion at hand but holy carrot, all the posts I read from you on these boards are always bitching about "elitists" and good players in general. If you're bad don't blame it on others, k?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 71
By Ragnarok.Haxetc 2014-02-23 14:28:17
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Sieha1 said: »
I think these guys are against having guides for jobs. I mean the gear sets posted here kinda gives away the secrets to what gear to use. By doing that no one is special and even a 'terrible player' can do the same damage as them. oh my.

new forum rule: someone asks a question on gear, dont answer!
Yes. That's completely what I'm saying. I'm very glad you understand. It's not like there are sites like BGwiki that have dmg formulas posted or anything of that sort. Forgive me. It's been a half a year since I've played. I forgot the mechanics of FFXI have changed
Server: Remora
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user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2014-02-23 14:50:56
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What was the nerf to Saotome Domaru +2's Save TP on Overwhelm effect?

All I saw was they halved the bonus per merits, did they also remove the effect on subsequent hits? Is it just +5 Save TP on Overwhelm WS?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2014-02-23 15:01:29
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Been a while so I don't remember, but it was either that or it used to grant the TP return bonus to each hit of a multi-hit weapon skill. They removed that so it's just an additional 5 TP return on all Overwhelmed WSs. It's not necessarily Save TP since you'd still get the 5 TP even without any other forms of Save TP.

Edit: Digging through old posts on this forum it looks like it originally was +5 TP per hit.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Reiden
Posts: 322
By Cerberus.Reiden 2014-02-23 15:02:52
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i dont even remember that nerf
Server: Remora
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user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2014-02-23 16:17:50
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Wasn't the original Augment +2 TP per overwhelm merit? And gave that bonus on each hit lol.

Well it not being Save TP is cool I suppose. It's like the TP bonus for RNG hat then. How does it stack with Save TP?

If it's only 5tp back no matter what now, it's kinda lame. Was really hoping they just halved the bonus and called it a day, but wishful thinking.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2014-02-23 16:27:37
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Like I said, it's been a long time so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I'm pretty positive it was 1 TP per merit and applied to all hits. Reading the posts, it looks like people mistook it as 2 TP per augment for a total of 10 TP because they were using Shoha to test.

I used to use that along with Stardiver back when it was still OP and I certainly don't recall any 50+ tp returns.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-02-23 16:28:51
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Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »
Like I said, it's been a long time so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I'm pretty positive it was 1 TP per merit and applied to all hits. Reading the posts, it looks like people mistook it as 2 TP per augment for a total of 10 TP because they were using Shoha to test.

I used to use that along with Stardiver back when it was still OP and I certainly don't recall any 50+ tp returns.

Sure you don't mean Penta? Thought they nerfed it a long time ago.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2014-02-23 16:31:46
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I'm sure I don't mean Penta. If Shoha was around pre-nerf then Stardiver was also.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-02-23 16:33:00
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Ya I misread what you said.
Server: Valefor
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user: Hjui
Posts: 34
By Valefor.Hjui 2014-02-26 18:11:36
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Comments or improvements for accuracy besides Ej necklace +1 and Usukane sune-ate +1?

Assuming 450 delay should only require 34 STP in gear if you are 5/5 STP merits for a 5-hit build.

STP calculation:
TP/HIT=Floor(Base TP/HIT x (100+ STP Value) / 100

Working backwards 5 hit would be 2000
2000/11.5 = 173.91 STP
100(Formula gives you 100) +30 Base at SAM 99 +10 Merits
140-173.91 = 34 Required from gear

26.5% Haste (Gear 24%, enhances Hasso 2.5%)
43 STP
132 Accuracy
14 GKT Skill
65 DEX
60% Zanshin (currently without merits, 50% base, 10% Unkai Domaru +2)

ItemSet 320122

If anything in this post is incorrect or needs editing please let me know.

Server: Cerberus
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user: Reiden
Posts: 322
By Cerberus.Reiden 2014-02-26 18:55:51
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what ilvl gkt you using?

edit: nvm i clicked your name and you have mythic and amano. you need to do 2 separate sets for acc.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2014-02-26 19:39:39
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Are you going for a full accuracy set or something? Don't actually need that much accuracy for anything that I can think of except maybe VD AAs, though I've never done those with a melee setup; always used RNGs.

Also, SAM isn't on Ej Necklace. Best option for neck slot is Ziel Charm.
Server: Remora
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user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2014-02-26 19:43:59
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Depening on your Save TP you need to consider your WS TP return as it shouldn't be the same as your regular TP hits.

Also, if you're going for max ACC, You should sub in Wakido Domaru +1, Takaha Mantle, and Tzacab Grip.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Xenhas
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By Carbuncle.Xenhas 2014-02-26 19:58:35
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And ditch that addler ring for patricius or something. If you're struggling on acc, chances are that you'd still benefit from the extra ATT
Server: Remora
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user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2014-02-26 20:12:28
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Oh wow, I thought that was a toreador's or something lol.
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