Bushido - The Way Of The Samurai (A Guide) V. 2.0

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Bushido - The Way of The Samurai (A Guide) V. 2.0
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Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2025-01-14 09:40:06
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Dodik said: »
Here's what you get with Tatenash Hands + Ryuo feet vs Mpaca's gloves and feet:

Tatenashi/Ryuo: def 192, hp 110, str 45, dex 69, vit 53, attack 52, accuracy 81, meva 112, mdef 3, zanshin 5 + zoat 11, TA 4, TA dmg 0, pdt 0, crit rate 0
Mpaca hands/feet R15: def 243, hp 111, str 48, dex 76, vit 61, attack 110, accuracy 80, meva 155, mdef 23, zanshin 0, TA 6, TA dmg 5, pdt 14, crit rate 8

Using Mpaca vs the other two gives you:

def 51, hp 1, str 3, dex 7, vit 8, attack 58, accuracy -1, meva 43, mdef 20, zanshin -5, zoat -11, TA 2, TA dmg 5, pdt 14, crit rate 8

You get a bunch more def, a ton of mdef, more attack, 14 PDT, 2 TA and 5 TA dmg, 8 crit rate at the cost of 5 zanshin + 11 zoat and one less accuracy. This is at R15.

Use what you want. The person using UNM/ryuo gear to try to get that extra 1-2 zanshin attacks per round is the first to die or get enfeebled and lose any potential DPS they would be getting.

Personally I love not dying while every other Sam drops like a fly.

Kendatsuba+1 feet/hands are better for this purpose imo. They are slightly higher DPS even over R30 Mpaca and have WAY higher meva (229 vs 155), which is imo better than PDT, unless you fight something with massive physical damage.
By Dodik 2025-01-14 09:55:05
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Kenda is Def 189, vit 58, TA 8, meva 229 mdef 11.

Mpaca instead of Kenda is Def 54, vit 3, meva -74, mdef 12 and TA -2.

Sam gets hurt a lot more with physical and magical damage rather than resisting enfeebles.

You could use nyame hands/feet if you want both I guess, at the cost of TA and bit mdef compared to mpaca.

People sleep on def/mdef a lot. It's weird.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2025-01-14 10:54:06
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SimonSes said: »

EDIT: There was an error in sim

I am using Kastras SIM, I admit I could break it down a bit more to figure out what its doing.

I also pretty much look for the best sets w/ and w/o Lehkos / Cornelias / Ephra and spend a good amount of time going through different settings, mobs and buff availability.

A good example would be like Cornelia / Ephra pulling ahead in a fully pdifed situation (both are about equal) by slight margins while Lehko's pulls ahead the less damaging buffs you have. This is w/ AM3 Fudo spam

The "TP Phase" of Samurai is arguably the most measurable thing we have. Just have to trust our feelings for now when it comes to SCs and how Meditate and SP1 play into the outcome.

As an aside, I've seen a lot of people tout the 10% haste as saving a bunch of TP sets too, but I've never had trouble or felt like I was sacrificing much, if anything, to cap haste. There's at most 1 piece that is slightly sub-optimal, but still strong. BLU and BRD legs come to mind. The alternatives are like...2% behind at worst though.

I've found it's something like 3-4%? To be fair, SAM is the least worrisome of the melees when building defensive sets because of how gassed empy+3 is. DRG/WAR gains a lot from having Lehko's in the ring slot and trying to maintain high PDT values (DRG also has jumps which benefit from the extra STP).

I'm also not really trying to advocate that one ring is better than the other. I just don't think Lehko's is "trash" for SAM, at the very least it's a minor loss in damage for a minor gain in defensive optimization.
Posts: 3649
By Taint 2025-01-14 10:54:28
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I personally use Nyame hands and feet when doing anything that warrants that much DT. (v20-25s)

Edit: It is trash for SAM. That's why you bring up other jobs to defend it.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2025-01-14 10:55:05
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I feel like 74 meva in this range is much better than 12 mdef and I have already said that for specific physical heavy fight you would choose Mpaca, but otherwise def and PDT might not be as important.
By Dodik 2025-01-14 10:55:58
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You use Sam on v20/v25? That's new. Every time I tried it sucked big time.

On Meva - IME that is not the case. Any time you are taking heavy magic dmg, mdef cuts the dmg you get a lot more than stacking more meva. Eg fetters in Ody/Sortie, elemental magic in the same.

Meva makes it so you have a chance to resist. Un-resisted damage does not change. Mdef cuts magic damage across the board whether you resist or not.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2025-01-14 10:57:20
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People sleep on def/mdef a lot. It's weird.

No one is sleeping on it, we just have multiple engaged setups based on the content we are doing. Why am I going to TP in Mpaca while fighting a kited sortie boss? It's a timed fight where even shaving 10-20s off of the kill means a lot.

I have like 5 different defensive styles and 3 different accuracy profiles for my SAM.
By Dodik 2025-01-14 10:59:15
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If you think using tate/ryou hands/feet shaves 20sec off a Sortie fight I got a bridge to sell you.
Posts: 3649
By Taint 2025-01-14 10:59:52
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Dodik said: »
You use Sam on v20/v25? That's new. Every time I tried it sucked big time.

It does great on Kalunga, but we ultimately used WAR and BLU for our clear.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2025-01-14 11:10:10
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eliroo said: »
I'm also not really trying to advocate that one ring is better than the other. I just don't think Lehko's is "trash" for SAM, at the very least it's a minor loss in damage for a minor gain in defensive optimization.

For Kusanagi with standard high buffs Null belt, Chirich+1 and Hasty Pinion+1 are only 2.5% DPS behind Lehko, Null belt and Aurgelmir Orb +1, so it's not really that big of an argument for Lehko. Especially that if you consider Ephramad's in WS set then Lehko is actually 2.5% behind.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2025-01-14 11:23:53
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Edit: It is trash for SAM. That's why you bring up other jobs to defend it.

The scope of that specific response seemed broader than just SAM. I do not need to bring in other jobs to discuss Lehko's viability on SAM. I mean I have ran a lot of sims and comparisons. I am not sure what you bring to table other than anecdotal experiences and feelings. Not that I think that is a problem, all three TVR rings are so close that feeling one way or another isn't going to make a big difference in the macro of things.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2025-01-14 11:38:20
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SimonSes said: »
For Kusanagi with standard high buffs Null belt, Chirich+1 and Hasty Pinion+1 are only 2.5% DPS behind Lehko, Null belt and Aurgelmir Orb +1, so it's not really that big of an argument for Lehko. Especially that if you consider Ephramad's in WS set then Lehko is actually 2.5% behind.

I'm assuming you are examining Fudo / Masa?

This lines up with what I've found too. As you start losing buffs the damage gained from Ephra and Cornelia falls off though bringing Lehko's ahead.

I would try other WS's too, like Jinpu is a different story where Lehko's appears to be favored. Kagero seems to be about equal between Lehko's and Cornelia's.

Again just to pretext, this is a TP phase examination that ignores like SC damage.
Posts: 184
By buttplug 2025-01-14 12:12:34
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^ 2015 Me

ItemSet 397907

ItemSet 397844

YouTube Video Placeholder

ItemSet 397816

ItemSet 397851

^ 2025 Me
By K123 2025-01-14 13:54:19
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Taint said: »
Dodik said: »
You use Sam on v20/v25? That's new. Every time I tried it sucked big time.

It does great on Kalunga, but we ultimately used WAR and BLU for our clear.
I found SAM ends up tanking even more than WAR and DRK on Kalunga. Don't know why.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2025-01-14 15:29:27
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eliroo said: »
I'm assuming you are examining Fudo / Masa?

Well I wrote for Kusanagi, so Kusanagi + Mumei :)
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2025-01-14 16:27:17
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SimonSes said: »
eliroo said: »
I'm assuming you are examining Fudo / Masa?

Well I wrote for Kusanagi, so Kusanagi + Mumei :)

Oh yeah, I haven't even looked into Kusanagi sets. Does the sim account for AM PDL on mumei? I feel like that + Aria + Empy Boots + JSE Neck may make it harder to PDiF with ephra.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10001
By Asura.Saevel 2025-01-14 16:29:11
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Dodik said: »
You use Sam on v20/v25? That's new. Every time I tried it sucked big time.

On Meva - IME that is not the case. Any time you are taking heavy magic dmg, mdef cuts the dmg you get a lot more than stacking more meva. Eg fetters in Ody/Sortie, elemental magic in the same.

Meva makes it so you have a chance to resist. Un-resisted damage does not change. Mdef cuts magic damage across the board whether you resist or not.

Which one is better is very content dependent, Mdef reduces the maximum damage you can possibly take while MEVA might reduce the average. Mdef is the better stat anytime your at risk of being one shoted or taking massive burst damage, most of the V25's basically.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2025-01-14 20:11:02
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Dodik said: »
You use Sam on v20/v25? That's new. Every time I tried it sucked big time.

On Meva - IME that is not the case. Any time you are taking heavy magic dmg, mdef cuts the dmg you get a lot more than stacking more meva. Eg fetters in Ody/Sortie, elemental magic in the same.

Meva makes it so you have a chance to resist. Un-resisted damage does not change. Mdef cuts magic damage across the board whether you resist or not.

It's 100% better to stack meva against fetters. Especially now with null belt and back being an option. You can probably push meva now to constantly cut 75-87.5% of damage (with the right bar spell).
Posts: 184
By buttplug 2025-01-15 23:02:29
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Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-16 00:17:33
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buttplug said: »

Is this your way of asking for help with your lua, or are you trying to suggest that we should switch to Odnowa earring and Yacuruna rings, for 71% MDT?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-16 00:19:57
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All I know is your Window1 has all of your action-ja-ready chat, but your Window2 (the one above it) has the damage posted. I don't know how you manage to play like that, looks ultra annoying and hard on the eyes, but it must work for you. Is there a reason why you're not just putting all damage/action in one window vs two?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-16 01:16:17
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buttplug said: »
It's DT set with no buffs
An i will play however
i want ***

Go Blow A Goat

Seems like you are asking for help then.
One of your trusts, the one called "Monbereaux", is giving you Shell V. You can see this buff on your buff bar, it's the green diamond-looking thing.

Some more hints here: Even if you didn't have Shell V, you probably don't need a "DT" set with 50% MDT, because Dhalmel don't do any magic damage.

Hope this helps. You'll get there champ.
Posts: 98
By Ninjaxtasy 2025-01-20 00:31:49
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anyone have an updated TP set for 2025? Anyone using Null in your sets?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-20 00:38:15
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Taint said: »

The highly upvoted one from the last page.

Don't wear any Null unless you absolutely have no other option (desperately need acc, eva, or meva). None of the pieces are optimal for any TP set.

You can put it in your Ageha sets.
Posts: 336
By zixxer 2025-01-20 11:20:42
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Ninjaxtasy said: »
anyone have an updated TP set for 2025? Anyone using Null in your sets?

I only have some of the Null for high acc requirements (might be useful later) and ageha.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3696
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-01-20 19:55:26
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Why Sweordfaetels +1 and not Sailfi +1 or Ioskeha +1?

All of them cap haste, so it's a choice of:
Sweord+1: Atk+18 STP+6
Sailfi+1: STR+15 Atk+10~15 DA+6 TA+2
Ioskeha +1: Acc+17 DA+9

I've always gone for the multiattack there, and that seems supported by Kastra's sim too - Sailfi +1 or Ioskeha +1 are very close to each other, and both win pretty significantly over Sweord +1.

EDIT: Playing around with the sim more, above is what I'm seeing for either Kusanagi/Mumei or Masa/Fudo, though for Doji/Fudo I do get Sweord+1 winning for waist slot (but overall DPS lower than the former two).
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-20 20:13:31
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Why Sweordfaetels +1 and not Sailfi +1 or Ioskeha +1?

All of them cap haste, so it's a choice of:
Sweord+1: Atk+18 STP+6
Sailfi+1: STR+15 Atk+10~15 DA+6 TA+2
Ioskeha +1: Acc+17 DA+9

I've always gone for the multiattack there, and that seems supported by Kastra's sim too - Sailfi +1 or Ioskeha +1 are very close to each other, and both win pretty significantly over Sweord +1.

EDIT: Playing around with the sim more, above is what I'm seeing for either Kusanagi/Mumei or Masa/Fudo, though for Doji/Fudo I do get Sweord+1 winning for waist slot (but overall DPS lower than the former two).

Do you have the version where he fixed the Zanhasso bug?

The conventional wisdom for Sweord over the MA options is because MA cockblocks Zanhasso therefore MA is less valuable than STP, which counts for all hits including regular hits, QA hits, and Zanhasso hits. DA not only blocks Zanhasso but also can't proc if you QA or TA. STP is more consistently beneficial whereas DA is only beneficial on a certain % of your attacks and is actively detrimental (to a degree) when it procs.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2025-01-20 21:26:31
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
EDIT: Playing around with the sim more, above is what I'm seeing for either Kusanagi/Mumei or Masa/Fudo, though for Doji/Fudo I do get Sweord+1 winning for waist slot (but overall DPS lower than the former two).

Are you looking at strictly TP gain or are you incorporating white damage into the equation?
Posts: 159
By Veydal1 2025-01-20 21:52:43
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The sim accounts for white dmg in DPS calculations, including providing a breakdown of % of dmg done by white dmg vs WS.

In my experience, it matches what I see in parses from actual content. A lot of jobs are in the 90/10 area, meaning 90% of dmg is coming from WS and 10% coming from white dmg. Some will lean one way or the other, but not considerably so.

The current state of the game leans heavily in favor of optimizing WS dmg / frequency.
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