Gearswap Support Thread
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Bismarck.Dachan 2016-04-26 22:54:45
I just noticed that since the April update my elemental gear no longer equips with the weather/day. It use to work before the update but now it doesn't. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a change i have to make to my gearswap to get this working again?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-26 22:57:37
Your weather/day stuff has likely never worked and no one can troubleshoot your file if they can't see it. Try posting your file on pastebin and linking it here.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Bismarck.Dachan 2016-04-26 23:03:26
it did before with all the includes and mappings files. I just needed to have waist=gear.ElementalObi. Not sure if something happened that that doesn't work for me anymore (same thing happened with the gorgets and belts) but i did notice if I add a rule directly to the job lua file itself it works again. So that's what I did and all seems to be well. Sorry for the post.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2016-04-28 20:35:24
You want to "Save as..." Lua. I have it saved as Sch.lua and I'm still getting the same message. I'm sure I might be missing the smallest thing.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Fenrir.Divinian 2016-04-28 20:39:29
You want to "Save as..." Lua. I have it saved as Sch.lua and I'm still getting the same message. I'm sure I might be missing the smallest thing.
Mine are all saved like so:
So maybe try putting your character name, then an underscore, then job in all caps, then .lua.
Hope this helps.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Shiva.Nokturnall 2016-04-28 20:50:59
I just noticed that since the April update my elemental gear no longer equips with the weather/day. It use to work before the update but now it doesn't. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a change i have to make to my gearswap to get this working again?
Mine stopped working after the update and it's because I threw my day/weather stuff in Wardrobe2. It's back in Wardrobe1 and works fine again.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2016-04-28 20:58:00
You want to "Save as..." Lua. I have it saved as Sch.lua and I'm still getting the same message. I'm sure I might be missing the smallest thing.
Mine are all saved like so:
So maybe try putting your character name, then an underscore, then job in all caps, then .lua.
Hope this helps. I thought that would of done it but still nothing :(
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Fenrir.Divinian 2016-04-28 21:03:42
You want to "Save as..." Lua. I have it saved as Sch.lua and I'm still getting the same message. I'm sure I might be missing the smallest thing.
Mine are all saved like so:
So maybe try putting your character name, then an underscore, then job in all caps, then .lua.
Hope this helps. I thought that would of done it but still nothing :(
Is the file in the correct folder? It should be in the following folder:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2016-04-28 21:08:37
You want to "Save as..." Lua. I have it saved as Sch.lua and I'm still getting the same message. I'm sure I might be missing the smallest thing.
Mine are all saved like so:
So maybe try putting your character name, then an underscore, then job in all caps, then .lua.
Hope this helps. I thought that would of done it but still nothing :(
Is the file in the correct folder? It should be in the following folder:
Windower4\addons\GearSwap\data Yes its there that's whats confusing me the most right now
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Fenrir.Divinian 2016-04-28 21:12:43
Ok. If you switch TO scholar FROM another job, do you get any message from the windower console, like:
Gearswap: Loaded your SCH Lua file!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2016-04-28 21:29:12
Ok. If you switch TO scholar FROM another job, do you get any message from the windower console, like:
Gearswap: Loaded your SCH Lua file! Bleh still nothing. I feel like I'm missing something small/stupid but I'm not sure exactly what it is
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Fenrir.Divinian 2016-04-28 21:32:06
Hmm, you sure gearswap is loaded? Try typing the following into chat and see what the windower console message is:
//lua load gearswap
If it is loaded, then we've reached the limits of my helpfulness, unfortunately.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-04-28 21:41:02
Ok. If you switch TO scholar FROM another job, do you get any message from the windower console, like:
Gearswap: Loaded your SCH Lua file! Bleh still nothing. I feel like I'm missing something small/stupid but I'm not sure exactly what it is You didn't answer the question though. Does the msg that your SCH lua has loaded appear?
If no, then either GS isn't loaded or it can't find the LUA file, meaning it's not in the gearswap/data folder or it's not saved as a LUA file.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2016-04-28 22:02:39
Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »Ok. If you switch TO scholar FROM another job, do you get any message from the windower console, like:
Gearswap: Loaded your SCH Lua file! Bleh still nothing. I feel like I'm missing something small/stupid but I'm not sure exactly what it is You didn't answer the question though. Does the msg that your SCH lua has loaded appear?
If no, then either GS isn't loaded or it can't find the LUA file, meaning it's not in the gearswap/data folder or it's not saved as a LUA file. No messages appears at all. The file is saved as a Lua file and is in the addon/gearswap/data folder. Also GS is loading
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-04-28 23:57:23
I highly doubt all 3 are correct.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2016-04-29 00:25:55
Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »I highly doubt all 3 are correct. Am I missing something here?
 ]Your text to link here...[/url]
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-04-29 00:35:35
Gearswap loaded 100%?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-04-29 00:38:53
Please go to http://www.pastebin.com, click the green "new paste" button, copy/paste your lua, select "LUA" as the syntax highlighting and hit "create new paste".
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2016-04-29 00:45:47
Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »Please go to http://www.pastebin.com, click the green "new paste" button, copy/paste your lua, select "LUA" as the syntax highlighting and hit "create new paste". Done would you like me to paste it here next? Also yes loaded 100%
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2016-04-29 00:48:35
I'm not familiar with your OS, but given that your txt file isn't displaying an extension, are you sure that your file isn't actually called SCH.lua.lua?
By lurchingbushpig 2016-04-29 01:55:23
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »I'm not familiar with your OS, but given that your txt file isn't displaying an extension, are you sure that your file isn't actually called SCH.lua.lua?
That's exactly what it was Flippant. I just helped him in game, had him email me his .lua and could see right away it was ".lua.lua". He's up and running now!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-04-29 02:07:02
Hmm, the "LUA file" type threw me off. Should've seen it.
Good job Flippant and Lurchahdhasdhlaufhuiasfulagdf!
By lurchingbushpig 2016-04-29 03:11:06
Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »Hmm, the "LUA file" type threw me off. Should've seen it.
Good job Flippant and Lurchahdhasdhlaufhuiasfulagdf! That's the name I originally tried to get, but the game said it was too long :(.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-04-29 14:15:22
This isn't working. It's equipping the earrings at any TP%. Any clues?
Code if spell.type == 'WeaponSkill' then
if spell.english == "Rudra's Storm" or spell.english == "Evisceration" and player.tp > 2900 then
equip({ear1="Brutal Earring",ear2="Ishvara Earring"})
Edit: Fixed the issue. It was in my job_post_precast section, moved it to job_precast.
Edit2: Nevermind, it's still not working. Halp me!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2016-04-29 16:53:20
'and' comes before 'or' in the "order of operations," which means once the first condition is true (spell.english=="Rudra's Storm"), it will satisfy the entire condition.
Just need to add some parentheses: Code if (spell.english == "Rudra's Storm" or spell.english == "Evisceration") and player.tp > 2900 then
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Bismarck.Dachan 2016-05-01 17:28:03
Mine stopped working after the update and it's because I threw my day/weather stuff in Wardrobe2. It's back in Wardrobe1 and works fine again.
That worked! I knew it worked before the update. Thanks!
By mrpresident 2016-05-02 10:27:55
Hey just to update for the record, my problem got resolved. If anyone is interested at all shoot me a p.m., thanks!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2016-05-03 22:37:03
Hello, I'm trying to get my Gearswap to add put my Enhances refresh gear on self when I am the target but I cant seem to get it to put it on:
function job_post_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.skill == 'Enfeebling Magic' and state.Buff.Saboteur then
elseif spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' then
if buffactive.composure and spell.target.type == 'PLAYER' then
elseif spellMap == 'Refresh' and spell.target.type == 'SELF' then
elseif spellMap == 'Cure' and spell.target.type == 'SELF' then
I have a set called sets.midcast.RefreshSelf but even when I cast refresh without the rule, GS never puts on a midcast set.
Any help is appricatied thanks!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2016-05-03 23:14:14
I've never used spell.target.type, so I can't really tell you what might be flawed, but I recall someone else having the same issue as well.
I just use Code if spell.target.name==player.name then
Just looking for someone to explain this addon a bit for me. It looks like it is an alternative to Spellcast.
Is it going to be replacing Spellcast? In which ways is it better or worse. I don't know any programming but I've slowly learned more and more about spellcast and the 'language' used in gearswap is confusing to me.
It says it uses packets so it potentially could be more detectable? but does that also eliminate any lag that spellcast may encounter?
I plan on redoing my PUP xml to include pet casting sets thanks to the new addon petschool. I'm just not sure if it's worth it to just wait until gearswap gets more popular or to go ahead and do it in spellcast.
If anyone could give me more info I'd greatly appreciate it.