Gearswap Support Thread
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2015-12-19 20:38:25
Organizer will not pull both my Taming Saris or Nibiru Cudgels/Blades. Cudgel's are same path, and Blades aren't. Sometimes, it'll pull my path B blade but not my path A, which is listed in my gs lua with the augments.
Any reason why and a fix to this?
Quote: Code organizer_items = {
claid="Claidheamh Soluis",
nblade={name="Nibiru Blade", augments={'DEX+10','Accuracy+20','Mag. Acc.+15'}},
nclub="Nibiru Cudgel"}
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10
By Cerberus.Decimation 2015-12-20 00:50:18
So for some time now I have been having the issue of "blinking" as nin even tho I always use one of my lockstyle files. I was told to put a throwing equip into my /lockstyle equip sets and that would solve the problem, but it has not. I am blinking on others screen as well as my own when I engage/disengage and use a weapon skills. Any help would be appreciated!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2015-12-21 17:10:21
I need help prioritizing Chironic Slippers over Arbatel Loafers +1 during MACC casting mode, Klimaform/Matching weather. http://pastebin.com/4wiWGwEG
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Odin.Niteanjel 2015-12-21 17:13:11
Hi my SCH Lua started acting weird. It is no longer swapping to the Elemental Cape and Obi when i have the assigned Weather on.
If you see lines 76 and 77 i placed the
gear.default.obi_waist = "Aswang Sash"
gear.default.obi_back = "Bookworm's Cape"
and in sets.midcast['Elemental Magic'] on line 239 for the back and waist pieces i have
back=gear.ElementalCape, on lines 253 and 254.
It is still putting on the Aswang Sash and Book Cape when i nuke w/ the correct element and idk why. This is the only of my Lua's that is acting up cuz it works on my RDM and GEO Lua's
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 356
By Asura.Fiv 2015-12-21 17:29:18
I need help prioritizing Chironic Slippers over Arbatel Loafers +1 during MACC casting mode, Klimaform/Matching weather. http://pastebin.com/4wiWGwEG
I'm a bit rusty, but a quick look, this should work;
Code function apply_grimoire_bonuses(spell, action, spellMap)
if state.Buff.Perpetuance and spell.type =='WhiteMagic' and spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' then
if state.Buff.Rapture and (spellMap == 'Cure' or spellMap == 'Curaga') then
if spell.skill == 'Elemental Magic' and spellMap ~= 'ElementalEnfeeble' then
if state.Buff.Immanence then
if state.Buff.Klimaform and spell.element == world.weather_element and not state.MagicBurst.value then
if state.CastingMode.value ~= 'MACC' then
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2015-12-21 17:54:25
I need help prioritizing Chironic Slippers over Arbatel Loafers +1 during MACC casting mode, Klimaform/Matching weather. http://pastebin.com/4wiWGwEG
I'm a bit rusty, but a quick look, this should work;
Code function apply_grimoire_bonuses(spell, action, spellMap)
if state.Buff.Perpetuance and spell.type =='WhiteMagic' and spell.skill == 'Enhancing Magic' then
if state.Buff.Rapture and (spellMap == 'Cure' or spellMap == 'Curaga') then
if spell.skill == 'Elemental Magic' and spellMap ~= 'ElementalEnfeeble' then
if state.Buff.Immanence then
if state.Buff.Klimaform and spell.element == world.weather_element and not state.MagicBurst.value then
if state.CastingMode.value ~= 'MACC' then
Wasn't exactly it, but had the essential part that I needed! Messed around and got it to work. Thank you!
By Sonicrich05 2015-12-23 13:07:18
Hello, I'm trying to get gearswap to lock my weapons if I'm above a certain TP, I tried this below:
Code function job_status_change(new,old)
if player.tp > 500 then
My weapons get locked all the time, it still won't switch back to what I want at idle no matter what TP I'm at. If I remove this whole function, they will switch when going to idle from engaged but I lose my TP that way. Any ideas how to lock my weapons above a certain TP?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2015-12-24 07:32:03
Is it possible when using the export command to be able to to set a filename?
Like //gs export idle.lua creates that file. That way you can spend your time in game building sets and exporting. With timestamp names it can be confusing to find the right file to open unless you do with each.. Export, copy/paste, export, copy/paste, export, copy/paste.
Love gearswap!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6204
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-12-24 11:23:25
I'd recommend sorting your export folder by file creation time, so the newest files will be at the top (or bottom). I don't think I'll be adding file name specification, because I'd have to be able to identify the intended file name out of the list of arguments.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2015-12-25 20:05:20
No disrespect intended, and I'm sorry for hackifying glorious work, but I gave it a shot. There's probably a more effective way, but this worked. I use a simple matching pattern to look for a filename ending in lua or xml.
I added an iterator to collect the key names of options as a simple string ("onames"), and then edited the if a little immediately after you create local path.
Right now, to export as xml, it would look something like //gs export custom.xml xml. I could have went deeper and changed it so that if cname .xml, it auto-switched to xml mode but that seemed perhaps too far.
Code local path = windower.addon_path..'data/export/'..player.name
local cname = string.match(onames,"[%w_-]+\.lua") or string.match(onames,"[%w_-]+\.xml")
if cname then
path = path..'_'..windower.ffxi.get_player().main_job.."_"..string.sub(cname,1,#cname-4)
elseif use_job_in_filename then
I know how to use github, but wanted to know your thoughts.
Regular Expressions (in other languages) are a little finicky with what class tokens sometimes represent so I went ahead and just stated [%w_-]. For obvious reasons, permitting a space could be a result in messes if people tried to use an option name in their filename, like "inv cast.lua" (contrived example).
Edit: It does automatically stick the player's mjob in there when they choose a custom filename. Just seemed sensible.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2015-12-25 20:15:32
Hello, I'm trying to get gearswap to lock my weapons if I'm above a certain TP, I tried this below:
Code function job_status_change(new,old)
if player.tp > 500 then
My weapons get locked all the time, it still won't switch back to what I want at idle no matter what TP I'm at. If I remove this whole function, they will switch when going to idle from engaged but I lose my TP that way. Any ideas how to lock my weapons above a certain TP?
If that is your code, and it's locking properly (just not unlocking), the problem is that you never enable the weapons. It should look something like
Code function job_status_change(new,old)
if player.tp > 500 then
Disable is permanent until it is enabled (vanilla commands, /equip main Nirvana, still work, but GS is telling itself to ignore commands directed at those slots) until told otherwise.
You could also include the enable as part of ws aftercast, though you may still want to check tp if fotia is involved, for instance.
By Teapo 2015-12-26 02:12:35
Im trying to make a MB toggle-able set but im running into this error and its stumping me.
Motes-Libs:Toggle: Unknown field [MagicBurst]
There is no motes Lib file and this is super confusing me.
edit : Found the Error, well I didn't but it now works so I dont know.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1245
By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2015-12-28 10:13:43
Quick little annoyance i found with gearswap i hope to remove
I have some macro that i uses
"exec macrowhatever.txt"
to run. inside those i call WS by the command
/ws "Whateverws" <t>
Now my issues is that gearswap will swap into WS gear even if the WS is never activated E.G. by low TP.
Is ther a way to make Gearswap only swap gear if WS or JA commands actually "goes through" ?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2015-12-29 03:30:36
Is there a function or table to look up disabled slots? Or else some way to look up whether a slot is enabled/disabled.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2015-12-29 11:58:50
Is there any kind of zone change function?
For instance, say whenever I zone, I want to equip whatever movement gear that job has, or gear that enhances protect/shell recieved etc, or whatever regen/refresh gear I have.
I don't want to actually idle in such gear, but I want to equip it when I zone as I head towards a fight, as nearly any action will swap it to something else.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2015-12-29 15:01:11
Can somebody explain why sometimes when I'm casting nukes like Tenebral Crush, do my Luhluza Charuqs +1 and/or Assimilator's Shalwar +1 equip instead of my Amalric? This seems to happen only after I've already used on of my JA's. They're no longer active when I'm casting my nuke (on cooldown). Many thanks!
Quote: Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Setup functions for this job. Generally should not be modified.
-- Initialization function for this job file.
function get_sets()
mote_include_version = 2
-- Load and initialize the include file.
-- Setup vars that are user-independent. state.Buff vars initialized here will automatically be tracked.
function job_setup()
state.Buff['Burst Affinity'] = buffactive['Burst Affinity'] or false
state.Buff['Chain Affinity'] = buffactive['Chain Affinity'] or false
state.Buff.Convergence = buffactive.Convergence or false
state.Buff.Diffusion = buffactive.Diffusion or false
state.Buff.Efflux = buffactive.Efflux or false
state.Buff['Unbridled Learning'] = buffactive['Unbridled Learning'] or false
state.MagicBurst = M(false, 'Magic Burst')
blue_magic_maps = {}
-- Mappings for gear sets to use for various blue magic spells.
-- While Str isn't listed for each, it's generally assumed as being at least
-- moderately signficant, even for spells with other mods.
-- Physical Spells --
-- Physical spells with no particular (or known) stat mods
blue_magic_maps.Physical = S{
-- Spells with heavy accuracy penalties, that need to prioritize accuracy first.
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalAcc = S{
'Heavy Strike',
-- Physical spells with Str stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalStr = S{
'Battle Dance','Bloodrake','Death Scissors','Dimensional Death',
'Empty Thrash','Quadrastrike','Sinker Drill','Spinal Cleave',
'Uppercut','Vertical Cleave'
-- Physical spells with Dex stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalDex = S{
'Amorphic Spikes','Asuran Claws','Barbed Crescent','Claw Cyclone','Disseverment',
'Foot Kick','Frenetic Rip','Goblin Rush','Hysteric Barrage','Paralyzing Triad',
'Seedspray','Sickle Slash','Smite of Rage','Terror Touch','Thrashing Assault',
'Vanity Dive'
-- Physical spells with Vit stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalVit = S{
'Body Slam','Cannonball','Delta Thrust','Glutinous Dart','Grand Slam',
'Power Attack','Quad. Continuum','Sprout Smack','Sub-zero Smash'
-- Physical spells with Agi stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalAgi = S{
'Benthic Typhoon','Feather Storm','Helldive','Hydro Shot','Jet Stream',
'Pinecone Bomb','Spiral Spin','Wild Oats'
-- Physical spells with Int stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalInt = S{
'Mandibular Bite','Queasyshroom'
-- Physical spells with Mnd stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalMnd = S{
'Ram Charge','Screwdriver','Tourbillion'
-- Physical spells with Chr stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalChr = S{
-- Physical spells with HP stat mod
blue_magic_maps.PhysicalHP = S{
'Final Sting'
-- Magical Spells --
-- Magical spells with the typical Int mod
blue_magic_maps.Magical = S{
'Blastbomb','Blazing Bound','Bomb Toss','Cursed Sphere','Dark Orb','Death Ray',
'Diffusion Ray','Droning Whirlwind','Embalming Earth','Firespit','Foul Waters',
'Ice Break','Leafstorm','Maelstrom','Rail Cannon','Regurgitation','Rending Deluge',
'Retinal Glare','Subduction','Tem. Upheaval','Water Bomb', 'Searing Tempest', 'Blinding Fulgor',
'Spectral Floe', 'Scouring Spate', 'Anvil Lightning', 'Silent Storm', 'Entomb', 'Tenebral Crush'
-- Magical spells with a primary Mnd mod
blue_magic_maps.MagicalMnd = S{
'Acrid Stream','Evryone. Grudge','Magic Hammer','Mind Blast'
-- Magical spells with a primary Chr mod
blue_magic_maps.MagicalChr = S{
'Eyes On Me','Mysterious Light'
-- Magical spells with a Vit stat mod (on top of Int)
blue_magic_maps.MagicalVit = S{
'Thermal Pulse'
-- Magical spells with a Dex stat mod (on top of Int)
blue_magic_maps.MagicalDex = S{
'Charged Whisker','Gates of Hades'
-- Magical spells (generally debuffs) that we want to focus on magic accuracy over damage.
-- Add Int for damage where available, though.
blue_magic_maps.MagicAccuracy = S{
'1000 Needles','Absolute Terror','Actinic Burst','Auroral Drape','Awful Eye',
'Blank Gaze','Blistering Roar','Blood Drain','Blood Saber','Chaotic Eye',
'Cimicine Discharge','Cold Wave','Corrosive Ooze','Demoralizing Roar','Digest',
'Dream Flower','Enervation','Feather Tickle','Filamented Hold','Frightful Roar',
'Geist Wall','Hecatomb Wave','Infrasonics','Jettatura','Light of Penance',
'Lowing','Mind Blast','Mortal Ray','MP Drainkiss','Osmosis','Reaving Wind',
'Sandspin','Sandspray','Sheep Song','Soporific','Sound Blast','Stinking Gas',
'Sub-zero Smash','Venom Shell','Voracious Trunk','Yawn'
-- Breath-based spells
blue_magic_maps.Breath = S{
'Bad Breath','Flying Hip Press','Frost Breath','Heat Breath',
'Hecatomb Wave','Magnetite Cloud','Poison Breath','Radiant Breath','Self-Destruct',
'Thunder Breath','Vapor Spray','Wind Breath'
-- Stun spells
blue_magic_maps.Stun = S{
'Blitzstrahl','Frypan','Head Butt','Sudden Lunge','Tail slap','Temporal Shift',
'Thunderbolt','Whirl of Rage'
-- Healing spells
blue_magic_maps.Healing = S{
'Healing Breeze','Magic Fruit','Plenilune Embrace','Pollen','Restoral','White Wind',
'Wild Carrot'
-- Buffs that depend on blue magic skill
blue_magic_maps.SkillBasedBuff = S{
'Barrier Tusk','Diamondhide','Magic Barrier','Metallic Body','Plasma Charge',
'Pyric Bulwark','Reactor Cool',
-- Other general buffs
blue_magic_maps.Buff = S{
'Amplification','Animating Wail','Battery Charge','Carcharian Verve','Cocoon',
'Erratic Flutter','Exuviation','Fantod','Feather Barrier','Harden Shell',
'Memento Mori','Nat. Meditation','Occultation','Orcish Counterstance','Refueling',
'Regeneration','Saline Coat','Triumphant Roar','Warm-Up','Winds of Promyvion',
'Zephyr Mantle'
-- Spells that require Unbridled Learning to cast.
unbridled_spells = S{
'Absolute Terror','Bilgestorm','Blistering Roar','Bloodrake','Carcharian Verve',
'Crashing Thunder','Droning Whirlwind','Gates of Hades','Harden Shell','Polar Roar',
'Pyric Bulwark','Thunderbolt','Tourbillion','Uproot','Mighty Guard','Cruel Joke','Cesspool','Tearing Gust'
-- User setup functions for this job. Recommend that these be overridden in a sidecar file.
-- Setup vars that are user-dependent. Can override this function in a sidecar file.
function user_setup()
state.OffenseMode:options('Normal', 'Acc', 'Refresh', 'Learning')
state.WeaponskillMode:options('Normal', 'Acc')
state.CastingMode:options('Normal', 'Resistant')
state.IdleMode:options('Normal', 'PDT', 'Refresh', 'Learning')
state.HybridMode:options('Normal', 'PDT')
state.MagicBurst = M(false, 'Magic Burst')
-- Additional local binds
send_command('bind ^` input /ja "Chain Affinity" <me>')
send_command('bind !` input /ja "Burst Affinity" <me>')
send_command('bind @` input /ja "Efflux" <me>')
send_command('bind ` input /ma "Sudden Lunge" <t>')
send_command('bind delete input /ws "Chant du Cygne" <t>')
send_command('bind end input /ja "Diffusion" <me>')
send_command('bind home input /ja "Unbridled Learning" <me>')
send_command('bind ^- input /ma "Carcharian Verve" <me>')
send_command('bind ^= input /ma "Mighty Guard" <me>')
send_command('bind !- gs c toggle MagicBurst')
-- Called when this job file is unloaded (eg: job change)
function user_unload()
send_command('unbind `')
send_command('unbind ^`')
send_command('unbind ^-')
send_command('unbind ^=')
send_command('unbind !`')
send_command('unbind !-')
send_command('unbind !=')
send_command('unbind @`')
send_command('unbind @-')
send_command('unbind @=')
send_command('unbind delete')
send_command('unbind end')
send_command('unbind home')
-- Set up gear sets.
function init_gear_sets()
-- Start defining the sets
sets.buff['Burst Affinity'] = {legs="Assimilator's Shalwar +1",feet="Hashishin Basmak +1"}
sets.buff['Chain Affinity'] = {head="Hashishin Kavuk", feet="Assimilator's Charuqs +1"}
sets.buff.Convergence = {}
sets.buff.Enchainment = {}
sets.buff.Diffusion = {feet="Luhlaza Charuqs +1"}
sets.buff.Efflux = {legs="Hashishin Tayt +1"}
-- Precast Sets
organizer_items = {
claid="Claidheamh Soluis",
nblade={name="Nibiru Blade", augments={'DEX+10','Accuracy+20','Mag. Acc.+15'}},
nblade2={name="Nibiru Blade", augments={'STR+10','Attack+20','"Store TP"+3'}},
nclub="Nibiru Cudgel"}
-- Precast sets to enhance JAs
sets.precast.JA['Azure Lore'] = {hands="Luhlaza Bazubands"}
-- Waltz set (chr and vit)
sets.precast.Waltz = {}
-- Don't need any special gear for Healing Waltz.
sets.precast.Waltz['Healing Waltz'] = {}
-- Fast cast sets for spells
sets.precast.FC = {ammo="Impatiens",
head="Carmine Mask",neck="Orunmila's Torque",ear1="Enchanter Earring +1",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Luhlaza Jubbah +1",hands="Leyline Gloves",ring1="Weatherspoon Ring",ring2="Prolix Ring",
back="Swith Cape +1",waist="Witful Belt",legs="Psycloth Lappas",feet="Chelona Boots +1"}
sets.precast.FC['Blue Magic'] = set_combine(sets.precast.FC, {body="Hashishin Mintan +1"})
-- Weaponskill sets
-- Default set for any weaponskill that isn't any more specifically defined
sets.precast.WS = {ammo="Expeditious Pinion",
head="Adhemar Bonnet",neck=gear.ElementalGorget,ear1="Cessance Earring",ear2="Brutal Earring",
body="Abnoba Kaftan",hands="Rawhide Gloves",ring1="Ramuh Ring",ring2="Epona's Ring",
back="Rancorous Mantle",waist=gear.ElementalBelt,legs="Samnuha Tights",feet="Thereoid Greaves"}
sets.precast.WS.acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {ammpo="Honed Tathlum"})
-- Specific weaponskill sets. Uses the base set if an appropriate WSMod version isn't found.
sets.precast.WS['Chant du Cygne'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
ear1="Moonshade Earring",legs="Samnuha Tights"})
sets.precast.WS['Requiescat'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {ammo="Hydrocera",
head="Carmine Mask",ear1="Moonshade Earring",ring1="Aquasoul Ring",back="Bleating Mantle"})
sets.precast.WS['Requiescat'].acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Requiescat'], {back="Bleating Mantle"})
sets.precast.WS['Sanguine Blade'] = {
head=gear.hag_mab_hat,neck="Eddy Necklace",ear1="Friomisi Earring",ear2="Novio Earring",
body="Amalric Doublet",hands="Amalric Gages",ring1="Shiva Ring +1",ring2="Shiva Ring +1",
back="Cornflower Cape",waist="Yamabuki-no-Obi",legs="Hagondes Pants +1",feet="Hashishin Basmak +1"}
sets.precast.WS['Flash Nova'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Sanguine Blade'], {ring1="Weatherspoon Ring"})
sets.precast.WS['Realmrazer'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
head="Adhemar Bonnet",ring1="Aquasoul Ring",ring2="Aquasoul Ring",
back="Bleating Mantle",legs="Samnuha Tights"})
-- Midcast Sets
sets.midcast.FastRecast = {}
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'] = {}
-- Physical Spells --
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical = {ammo="Honed Tathlum",
head="Adhemar Bonnet",neck="Caro Necklace",ear1="Vulcan's Pearl",ear2="Flame Pearl",
body="Adhemar Jacket",hands="Rawhide Gloves",ring1="Pyrosoul Ring",ring2="Pyrosoul Ring",
back="Cornflower Cape",waist="Prosilio Belt +1",legs="Samnuha Tights",feet="Rawhide Boots"}
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalAcc = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {
neck="Clotharius Torque",hands="Leyline Gloves",back="Grounded Mantle +1",waist="Olseni Belt",feet=gear.accdt_feet})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalStr = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalDex = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalVit = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalAgi = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalInt = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalMnd = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalChr = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].PhysicalHP = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Physical, {})
-- Magical Spells --
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical = {ammo="Ghastly Tathlum +1",
head=gear.hag_mab_hat,neck="Eddy Necklace",ear1="Friomisi Earring",ear2="Novio Earring",
body="Amalric Doublet",hands="Amalric Gages",ring1="Shiva Ring +1",ring2="Shiva Ring +1",
back="Cornflower Cape",waist="Yamabuki-no-Obi",legs="Amalric Slops",feet="Amalric Nails"}
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical.Resistant = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical,
{ammo="Mavi Tathlum",ear1="Enchanter Earring +1",ear2="Gwati Earring",head="Helios Band",body="Hashishin Mintan +1",
hands="Leyline Gloves",ring1="Weatherspoon Ring",legs="Psycloth Lappas",feet="Hashishin Basmak +1"})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].MagicAccuracy = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical, {ammo="Mavi Tathlum",
head="Helios Band",ear1="Enchanter Earring +1",ear2="Gwati Earring",body="Hashishin Mintan +1",ring1="Weatherspoon Ring",legs="Psycloth Lappas"})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].MagicalMnd = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical,
{hands="Telchine Gloves",ring1="Aquasoul Ring",ring2="Aquasoul Ring",back="Cornflower Cape",
legs="Telchine Braconi",feet="Medium's Sabots"})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].MagicalChr = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical)
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].MagicalVit = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].MagicalDex = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic']['Tenebral Crush'] = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Magical, {head="Pixie Hairpin +1"})
-- Breath Spells --
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Breath = {ammo="Mavi Tathlum",
neck="Sanctity Necklace",ear1="Enchanter Earring +1",ear2="Gwati Earring",
hands="Amalric Gages",back="Cornflower Cape",legs="Psycloth Lappas",feet="Medium's Sabots"}
-- Other Types --
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Stun = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].MagicAccuracy, {head="Carmine Mask",neck="Sanctity Necklace",ear1="Steelflash Earring",ring2="Patricius Ring",
waist="Olseni Belt",feet=gear.herc_feet_TP})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic']['White Wind'] = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Healing, {})
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Healing = {
head="Telchine Cap",neck="Colossus's Torque",ear1="Lifestorm Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Hashishin Mintan +1",hands="Telchine Gloves",ring1="Aquasoul Ring",ring2="Aquasoul Ring",
back="Tempered Cape +1",waist="Bishop's Sash",legs="Telchine Braconi",feet="Medium's Sabots"}
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].SkillBasedBuff = {ammo="Mavi Tathlum",
body="Assimilator's Jubbah +1",back="Cornflower Cape",legs="Hashishin Tayt +1",feet="Luhlaza Charuqs +1"}
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].Buff = set_combine(sets.midcast['Blue Magic'].SkillBasedBuff, {})
sets.midcast.Protect = {ring1="Sheltered Ring"}
sets.midcast.Protectra = {ring1="Sheltered Ring"}
sets.midcast.Shell = {ring1="Sheltered Ring"}
sets.midcast.Shellra = {ring1="Sheltered Ring"}
sets.midcast.Refresh = {waist="Gishdubar Sash"}
-- Sets to return to when not performing an action.
-- Gear for learning spells: +skill and AF hands.
sets.Learning = {ammo="Mavi Tathlum",body="Assimilator's Jubbah +1",hands="Assimilator's Bazubands",
back="Cornflower Cape",legs="Hashishin Tayt +1",feet="Luhlaza Charuqs +1"}
--head="Luhlaza Keffiyeh"
sets.latent_refresh = {}
-- Resting sets
sets.resting = {
head="Iuitl Headgear +1",neck="Wiglen Gorget",
body="Assimilator's Jubbah +1",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Sheltered Ring",ring2="Paguroidea Ring",feet="Chelona Boots +1"}
-- Idle sets
sets.idle = {ammo="Impatiens",
head="Rawhide Mask",neck="Wiglen Gorget",ear1="Ethereal Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Assimilator's Jubbah +1",hands="Serpentes Cuffs",ring1="Sheltered Ring",ring2="Paguroidea Ring",
back="Umbra Cape",waist="Flume Belt",legs="Crimson Cuisses",feet="Serpentes Sabots"}
sets.idle.PDT = {
head="Iuitl Headgear +1",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Ethereal Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Emet Harness +1",hands="Umuthi Gloves",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2=gear.DarkRing.physical,
back="Umbra Cape",waist="Flume Belt",legs="Hagondes Pants +1",feet=gear.accdt_feet}
sets.idle.Town = {
head="Adhemar Bonnet",neck="Clotharius Torque",ear1="Cessance Earring",ear2="Brutal Earring",
body="Adhemar Jacket",hands=gear.herc_hands_TP,ring1="Epona's Ring",ring2="Petrov Ring",
back="Bleating Mantle",waist="Windbuffet Belt +1",legs="Crimson Cuisses",feet=gear.herc_feet_TP}
sets.idle.Learning = set_combine(sets.idle, sets.Learning)
sets.idle.Refresh = set_combine(sets.idle, {legs="Lengo Pants"})
-- Defense sets
sets.defense.PDT = {
head="Iuitl Headgear +1",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Ethereal Earring",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
body="Emet Harness +1",hands="Umuthi Gloves",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2=gear.DarkRing.physical,
back="Umbra Cape",waist="Flume Belt",legs="Hagondes Pants +1",feet=gear.accdt_feet}
sets.defense.MDT = {
head="Helios Band",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Mujin Stud",ear2="Sanare Earring",
body="Hashishin Mintan +1",hands="Amalric Gages",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Shadow Ring",
back="Engulfer Cape +1",waist="Flume Belt",legs="Hashishin Tayt +1",feet="Amalric Nails"}
sets.Kiting = {legs="Crimson Cuisses"}
-- Engaged sets
-- Variations for TP weapon and (optional) offense/defense modes. Code will fall back on previous
-- sets if more refined versions aren't defined.
-- If you create a set with both offense and defense modes, the offense mode should be first.
-- EG: sets.engaged.Dagger.Accuracy.Evasion
-- Normal melee group
sets.engaged = {ammo="Ginsen",
head="Adhemar Bonnet",neck="Asperity Necklace",ear1="Cessance Earring",ear2="Brutal Earring",
body="Adhemar Jacket",hands=gear.herc_hands_TP,ring1="Petrov Ring",ring2="Epona's Ring",
back="Bleating Mantle",waist="Windbuffet Belt +1",legs="Samnuha Tights",feet=gear.herc_feet_TP}
sets.engaged.Acc = set_combine(sets.engaged, {ammo="Honed Tathlum",
head="Carmine Mask",neck="Clotharius Torque",ear2="Steelflash Earring",
hands="Leyline Gloves",back="Grounded Mantle +1",waist="Olseni Belt"})
sets.engaged.PDT = {
head="Iuitl Headgear +1",neck="Twilight Torque",ear1="Cessance Earring",ear2="Brutal Earring",
body="Emet Harness +1",hands="Umuthi Gloves",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2=gear.DarkRing.physical,
back="Umbra Cape",waist="Windbuffet Belt +1",legs="Samnuha Tights",feet=gear.accdt_feet}
sets.engaged.Refresh = set_combine(sets.engaged, {head="Rawhide Mask",body="Assimilator's Jubbah +1",legs="Lengo Pants"})
sets.engaged.DW = set_combine(sets.engaged, {})
sets.engaged.DW.Acc = set_combine(sets.engaged.Acc, {})
sets.engaged.DW.Refresh = set_combine(sets.engaged.Refresh, {})
sets.engaged.Learning = set_combine(sets.engaged, sets.Learning)
sets.engaged.DW.Learning = set_combine(sets.engaged.DW, sets.Learning)
sets.self_healing = {ring1="Kunaji Ring",ring2="Asklepian Ring",waist="Gishdubar Sash"}
sets.MagicBurst = {head="Helios Band",hands="Helios Gloves",ring1="Locus Ring",ring2="Mujin Band",back="Seshaw Cape",feet="Helios Boots"}
-- Job-specific hooks for standard casting events.
-- Set eventArgs.handled to true if we don't want any automatic gear equipping to be done.
-- Set eventArgs.useMidcastGear to true if we want midcast gear equipped on precast.
function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if unbridled_spells:contains(spell.english) and not state.Buff['Unbridled Learning'] then
eventArgs.cancel = true
windower.send_command('@input /ja "Unbridled Learning" <me>; wait 1.5; input /ma "'..spell.name..'" '..spell.target.name)
if (spell.type:endswith('Magic') or spell.type == "Ninjutsu") and buffactive.silence then -- Auto Use Echo Drops If You Are Silenced --
send_command('input /item "Echo Drops" <me>')
if spell.english == 'Berserk' then
if buffactive.Berserk then -- Change Berserk To Aggressor If Berserk Is On --
send_command('input /ja Aggressor <me>')
-- Run after the default midcast() is done.
-- eventArgs is the same one used in job_midcast, in case information needs to be persisted.
function job_post_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
-- Add enhancement gear for Chain Affinity, etc.
if spell.skill == 'Blue Magic' then
for buff,active in pairs(state.Buff) do
if active and sets.buff[buff] then
if spellMap == 'Healing' and spell.target.type == 'SELF' and sets.self_healing then
-- If in learning mode, keep on gear intended to help with that, regardless of action.
if state.OffenseMode.value == 'Learning' then
if state.MagicBurst.value and spellMap:contains('Magical') then
if buffactive['Burst Affinity'] or buffactive['Azure Lore'] then
-- Set eventArgs.handled to true if we don't want any automatic gear equipping to be done.
function job_aftercast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if not (buffactive['Burst Affinity'] or buffactive['Azure Lore']) then
-- Job-specific hooks for non-casting events.
-- Called when a player gains or loses a buff.
-- buff == buff gained or lost
-- gain == true if the buff was gained, false if it was lost.
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
if state.Buff[buff] ~= nil then
state.Buff[buff] = gain
-- User code that supplements standard library decisions.
-- Custom spell mapping.
-- Return custom spellMap value that can override the default spell mapping.
-- Don't return anything to allow default spell mapping to be used.
function job_get_spell_map(spell, default_spell_map)
if spell.skill == 'Blue Magic' then
for category,spell_list in pairs(blue_magic_maps) do
if spell_list:contains(spell.english) then
return category
-- Modify the default idle set after it was constructed.
function customize_idle_set(idleSet)
if player.mpp < 51 then
set_combine(idleSet, sets.latent_refresh)
if world.area:contains('Adoulin') then
idleSet = set_combine(sets.idle.Town, {body="Councilor's Garb"})
return idleSet
-- Called by the 'update' self-command, for common needs.
-- Set eventArgs.handled to true if we don't want automatic equipping of gear.
function job_update(cmdParams, eventArgs)
-- Utility functions specific to this job.
function update_combat_form()
-- Check for H2H or single-wielding
if player.equipment.sub == "Genbu's Shield" or player.equipment.sub == 'empty' then
-- Select default macro book on initial load or subjob change.
function select_default_macro_book()
-- Default macro set/book
if player.sub_job == 'WAR' then
set_macro_page(2, 9)
set_macro_page(1, 9)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2015-12-29 23:29:51
Is there any kind of zone change function?
For instance, say whenever I zone, I want to equip whatever movement gear that job has, or gear that enhances protect/shell recieved etc, or whatever regen/refresh gear I have.
I don't want to actually idle in such gear, but I want to equip it when I zone as I head towards a fight, as nearly any action will swap it to something else.
GearSwap doesn't, but the Windower API allows you to register an event. You can put it in any lua file you're loading, including your GS or a standalone file. (EDIT: I meant in general; if you're doing stuff that involves your GS, then you should put it in your GS file.)
Code windower.register_event('zone change', function(new, old)
--do stuff
Other events:
Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »Can somebody explain why sometimes when I'm casting nukes like Tenebral Crush, do my Luhluza Charuqs +1 and/or Assimilator's Shalwar +1 equip instead of my Amalric? This seems to happen only after I've already used on of my JA's. They're no longer active when I'm casting my nuke (on cooldown). Many thanks!
I know nothing about BLU, but it could help tp know what you mean by "my JAs," because if you mean Burst Affinity and Diffusion, that could explain it.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2015-12-29 23:43:05
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »Can somebody explain why sometimes when I'm casting nukes like Tenebral Crush, do my Luhluza Charuqs +1 and/or Assimilator's Shalwar +1 equip instead of my Amalric? This seems to happen only after I've already used one of my JA's. They're no longer active when I'm casting my nuke (on cooldown). Many thanks!
I know nothing about BLU, but it could help tp know what you mean by "my JAs," because if you mean Burst Affinity and Diffusion, that could explain it. Yeah, Diffusion, Burst and Chain Affinity.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2015-12-30 00:57:35
If you don't want to equip those during BLU spells when you have the buffs on, then take the gear out of the sets from line 232-237.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2015-12-30 01:03:58
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2015-12-30 01:24:23
Posted on BG, but no response. So posting here.
Starting to work on JPs on BLM, but when I toggle on MB it refuses to equip my Obi with Obi toggle also on. Probably derp'd somewhere
Lines 713-715 should be added after then end on 716.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2015-12-30 01:31:00
That did it. Thanks a lot.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2015-12-30 05:11:17
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »If you don't want to equip those during BLU spells when you have the buffs on, then take the gear out of the sets from line 232-237. I do want to equip those pcs during their respective job abilities. The problem is on whatever I cast next, it'll still equip that pc as if the JA is still active, when it's not any longer.
Ex.: I'll use Diffusion + Battery Charge , then a few seconds later I'll cast Entomb and my Charuqs +1 will still equip.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2015-12-30 05:12:44
Phoenix.Gaiarorshack said: »Quick little annoyance i found with gearswap i hope to remove
I have some macro that i uses
"exec macrowhatever.txt"
to run. inside those i call WS by the command
/ws "Whateverws" <t>
Now my issues is that gearswap will swap into WS gear even if the WS is never activated E.G. by low TP.
Is ther a way to make Gearswap only swap gear if WS or JA commands actually "goes through" ?
Sort of. By the time GS knows if your action was successful, it's obviously too late to equip precast gear, defeating the purpose. If you want to prevent this from happening based a condition that can be recognized before the WS attempts to go off (such as TP or recast timer), you'd have to write a rule for it in your precast rules.
Code if spell.type=="WeaponSkill" then
if player.tp < 1000 then
-- handle gear
elseif spell.type=="JobAbility" then
if windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[spell.recast_id] > 0 then
-- handle gear
I'm not sure why you find your macro worth mentioning though. Or why you would be executing a text file for something as simple as a weaponskill.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2015-12-30 05:24:50
Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »Ragnarok.Flippant said: »If you don't want to equip those during BLU spells when you have the buffs on, then take the gear out of the sets from line 232-237. I do want to equip those pcs during their respective job abilities. The problem is on whatever I cast next, it'll still equip that pc as if the JA is still active, when it's not any longer.
Ex.: I'll use Diffusion + Battery Charge , then a few seconds later I'll cast Entomb and my Charuqs +1 will still equip.
Sounds like somehow the buff table that Mote is handling globally is not properly updating after you lose the buff. I've never really worked with his GS, but what I see doesn't look to me like there should be any issue (and we'd probably hear more about it if there was). Try adding print(buff) after line 492. It will print every buff it thinks you have on in your console (the red text), and see if it's printing out buffs that you do NOT have on.
It shouldn't, but knowing it doesn't could at least narrow down the issue.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2015-12-30 07:41:31
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »Ragnarok.Flippant said: »If you don't want to equip those during BLU spells when you have the buffs on, then take the gear out of the sets from line 232-237. I do want to equip those pcs during their respective job abilities. The problem is on whatever I cast next, it'll still equip that pc as if the JA is still active, when it's not any longer.
Ex.: I'll use Diffusion + Battery Charge , then a few seconds later I'll cast Entomb and my Charuqs +1 will still equip.
Sounds like somehow the buff table that Mote is handling globally is not properly updating after you lose the buff. I've never really worked with his GS, but what I see doesn't look to me like there should be any issue (and we'd probably hear more about it if there was). Try adding print(buff) after line 492. It will print every buff it thinks you have on in your console (the red text), and see if it's printing out buffs that you do NOT have on.
It shouldn't, but knowing it doesn't could at least narrow down the issue. Seemed working at first. Once I used UL>Diffusion>Mighty Guard, it kept recognizing Diffusion still active (console red text).
Same occurs when I manually clicked MG off.
Waiting for Diffusion to cooldown completely and casted again, same.
Next, I used UL>Diffusion>Carcharian Verve. This time, it did NOT detect Diffusion active. Weird.
I will further troubleshoot tomorrow during Salvage, which is where I notice it the most.
By Ramyrez 2015-12-30 07:56:25
Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »I will further troubleshoot tomorrow during Salvage, which is where I notice it the most.
What, you haven't obtained your banana yet?
I hereby declare we must call you simply "Jim" in perpetuity, there's nothing "speedy" about this situation!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Phoenix.Syane 2015-12-30 19:13:11
Quick question, i'm not even sure if its possible at this point but I've been attempting to bind the PDT/MDT cycle (^F10 in my lua) to the R1 button on my controller unsuccessfully. I've downloaded AutoHotkey in an attempt to force the keypress but im not having any luck there either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 43
By Cerberus.Keshan 2015-12-31 00:29:16
Forgive my ignorance ahead of time, I am slowly learning my way around Gearswap! I am wanting to know if Gearswap can recognize if you are Magic Bursting, to change equips appropriately.
I took a BLM.lua file from elsewhere and changed it around to fit my needs. In this lua, there is a set called
sets.magic_burst = {}
I tried to use it on my SCH, filled in my equips, and it did not change my equips on MB. I don't know what I'm doing! :D
I decided if this is not a capability, I would make a CastingMode set called 'Burst' and I'll just change to that when I need to MB.. Thanks for any help!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2015-12-31 01:46:05
Forgive my ignorance ahead of time, I am slowly learning my way around Gearswap! I am wanting to know if Gearswap can recognize if you are Magic Bursting, to change equips appropriately.
I took a BLM.lua file from elsewhere and changed it around to fit my needs. In this lua, there is a set called
sets.magic_burst = {}
I tried to use it on my SCH, filled in my equips, and it did not change my equips on MB. I don't know what I'm doing! :D
I decided if this is not a capability, I would make a CastingMode set called 'Burst' and I'll just change to that when I need to MB.. Thanks for any help! You need a toggle. Put this in function user_setup: state.MagicBurst = M(false, 'Magic Burst'). It may already be there too.
Then, set a macro or key bind to toggle it on/off. Key binds are in the same function user_setup, mine is: send_command('bind ^` gs c toggle MagicBurst'). If you want to macro instead, enter: /console gs c toggle MagicBurst.
Just looking for someone to explain this addon a bit for me. It looks like it is an alternative to Spellcast.
Is it going to be replacing Spellcast? In which ways is it better or worse. I don't know any programming but I've slowly learned more and more about spellcast and the 'language' used in gearswap is confusing to me.
It says it uses packets so it potentially could be more detectable? but does that also eliminate any lag that spellcast may encounter?
I plan on redoing my PUP xml to include pet casting sets thanks to the new addon petschool. I'm just not sure if it's worth it to just wait until gearswap gets more popular or to go ahead and do it in spellcast.
If anyone could give me more info I'd greatly appreciate it.