Gearswap Support Thread

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Gearswap Support Thread
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Posts: 157
By Azurea 2015-09-24 17:19:19
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Still results in "unexpected symbol near ')'" which is the "end)" line

Edit: nevermind, works now with the newest Inference edit! Thanks guys :D Legends, both of you :)
Posts: 157
By Azurea 2015-09-24 18:00:26
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This is going to sound ridiculous, but I'm getting an insane amount of frame drops from gearswap after adding that last bit. Unloading gearswap (as well as just deleting that section of code) causes it to stop. Like on off on off game stutter
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Inference
Posts: 417
By Bismarck.Inference 2015-09-24 18:06:02
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Yeah, don't use mine. I wrote it on the fly but forgot to tweak it for all the other things that could trigger that chunk.
Server: Cerberus
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user: onagh
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By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-24 18:06:08
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Azurea said: »
This is going to sound ridiculous, but I'm getting an insane amount of frame drops from gearswap after adding that last bit. Unloading gearswap causes it to stop. Like on off on off game stutter

Considering the fact gearswap is supposed to add such a small amount of system load, you must be playing on a Toaster if it's causing an FPS Drop.


With that said, the second you make the game parse incoming packet chunks it is possible you're asking it to double the work it does, doesn't FFXI Client respond to incoming packets and send a responce back? if you create a check for this which triggers another event are you not effectively doubling the packets you send out and thereby doubling the packets you receive, effectively creating a DDOS effect? And then factor in other events that are contained within the packet, or create that packet from other players - this was a method to Lag tanks out on Fafnir and Despot at one point!

TDLR Delete that Rule.
Posts: 157
By Azurea 2015-09-24 18:12:16
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Cerberus.Conagh said: »
you must be playing on a Toaster if it's causing an FPS Drop.

That couldn't be farther from the truth, but thank you for your input. I'll just lock main/sub manually and bypass the issue completely. Was more or less just looking for convenience.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-24 18:15:53
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Why not add it to a trigger that already exists in the Gearswap programming, changes to HP/TP/MP? You could just create a timer plugin using the time.lua plugin that's installed and do it that way, or you can create a check everytime TP updates


if > 999 and player.status == 'Engaged' then
Define w.e you want it to

FFXI is a wierd programme, I have a better motherboard in my laptop than my home PC, so it runs better on my Laptop with around 3GB of less RAM, because it's more reliant on using a motherboard than other parts in a PC, so don't always assume that having "good Spec" means it's a good spec for this game.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: woVow
Posts: 125
By Leviathan.Vow 2015-09-24 18:23:24
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If you're using windower.register_event, switch to windower.raw_register_event.
Posts: 157
By Azurea 2015-09-24 18:35:22
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Cerberus.Conagh said: »
so don't always assume that having "good Spec" means it's a good spec for this game.

Yeah, it took forever to find video drivers that handled XI at its FPS cap, then running unlimited it still has its moments where frames drop.

Leviathan.Vow said: »
If you're using windower.register_event, switch to windower.raw_register_event.

Inference deleted his post, but upon hitting Ctrl+Z to get the code back and making this change, now it does nothing, lol.
By Aeyela 2015-09-25 03:04:43
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The code I posted will achieve the same effect without parsing the packets, so it shouldn't lag you out. Did you try it and get the same slow down?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2015-09-25 12:00:26
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Hachirin-no-obi isn't swapping in for my nukes. Any idea why? Here's my pastebin
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-25 12:57:45
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Shiva.Hiep said: »
Hachirin-no-obi isn't swapping in for my nukes. Any idea why? Here's my pastebin
Hiep, you don't have a call in your sets to use the obi. A couple things need to happen to your file:

1) You really should update it to Mote v2, following the walkthrough here

2) Once you upgrade, you can use this in your sets:
and have a default waist named like this:
gear.default.obi_waist = "Refoccilation Stone"
3) You can delete all the sets['Lightning'] and company since those will all be covered by the above changes.
By 2015-09-25 13:04:30
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By Aeyela 2015-09-25 13:11:20
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if buffactive['Blind'] then

It's under buffs even though it's a debuff, as it includes everything that can be active on your character.

You can make it change when you receive blind by using

function status_change(new,old)
if new == 'Blind' then
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2015-09-25 13:21:44
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Thanks alot vay ^^
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cdublov
Posts: 83
By Bahamut.Cdubs 2015-09-25 13:27:44
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Asura.Pedohbearino said: »
Bahamut.Cdubs said: »
I am getting this same error but its on line 230.

if player_mob_table.race ~= nil then
player.race_id = player.race
player.race = res.races[player.race][language] <--- this is line230

Any suggestions? MNK and THF work fine, but BLM and WHM lua receive this error, and it actually locks gear from being equipped. I was not able to equip Hagondes Hat +1, was greyed out and was on BLM.
I'm getting the exact same error. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I deleted GS off my pc then redownloaded it from windower and seems to work now.

Edit: Save your .luas to another folder first.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-25 15:56:44
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »


How do I make certain sets equip from status effects?

I am happy toggling my Acc sets with a macro (couldn't I just bind that to F9 anyway? That be a little better too.) however adding a 9th toggle just for DW from lack of anything other than haste 2 on the loop. That I don't need too often is just too annoying. So while I want it, it has to be an automatic thing or else I just suck it up and hope for buffs.
You would be using a non-Mote lua and ask me for help, lol. For all his files being included with the GearSwap download, there's no reason to not use them. Anyway, to answer your questions...

Aeyela was correct in application, but I'm not sure status_change is the correct function. In Mote's files, it's buff_change, but I'm not sure if he has that separated out and it's combined in base, idk.

In the DNC file Mote made, he has this function:
and a call for it:
Directly, this will only work with his files, but it could easily be tweaked for a non-Mote file. I've seen buffactive check for buff IDs (buffactive[###]), as in the event of Haste 2 or Victory March instead of Advancing March, but I've had poor experiences with it in the past. You can play with it if you want, as all the buff IDs are listed in /Windower4/res/buffs.lua
By 2015-09-25 16:12:00
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-25 16:26:55
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
normal mobs with only flutter on vs Sinister Reign with only flutter
I know you can do this with Mote-based files, doing something like:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-25 16:28:37
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Asura.Vafruvant said: »
with Mote-based files
As to implement this with non-Mote files, I would have to tool around with it a bit. I'm not well-versed with normal GS, as I have focused on his files since they generally have less redundancy and are easier to work with.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2015-09-25 19:24:07
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Asura.Vafruvant said: »
Shiva.Hiep said: »
Hachirin-no-obi isn't swapping in for my nukes. Any idea why? Here's my pastebin
Hiep, you don't have a call in your sets to use the obi. A couple things need to happen to your file:

1) You really should update it to Mote v2, following the walkthrough here

2) Once you upgrade, you can use this in your sets:
and have a default waist named like this:
gear.default.obi_waist = "Refoccilation Stone"
3) You can delete all the sets['Lightning'] and company since those will all be covered by the above changes.

I have tried this and obi does swap in fine, but refoccilation stone doesn't swap in for any other elements.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2015-09-25 20:12:16
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I don't know if anyone else was having the same issues that I was having with pet modes since the update, but I figured out a roundabout fix.
		if pet.status == 'Engaged' and state.Buff["Avatar's Favor"] then
			idleSet = set_combine (idleSet, sets.idle.Avatar.FavorMax)
		if pet.status == 'Engaged' and state.IdleMode.value == 'PDT' then
			idleSet = set_combine (idleSet, sets.idle.PDT.Avatar)
		if pet.status == 'Engaged' and state.IdleMode.value == 'PDT' and state.Buff["Avatar's Favor"] then
			idleSet = set_combine (idleSet, sets.idle.Avatar.FavorPDT)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: NiteAnjel
Posts: 18
By Odin.Niteanjel 2015-09-26 16:46:40
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Apologies, I'm still learning atm. I'm having an issue with Kinematics SCH.Lua for GS. I want to have it use my Obi, and Twilight Cloak If the corresponding weather is on me for the corresponding elemental spell. Here's a link to the Lua. It is the basically the Kinematics Lua with my gear


Thank you again.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-09-26 19:37:46
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regarding that, says there is an unexpected line near ')'

but i set it up just like my dnc one cause i had problem with augments on the feet before... help? lol
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Shiva.Nitroustaru 2015-09-27 00:43:58
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Why do you have the parenthesis there? It ties to nothing in the set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-27 02:41:49
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Seraph.Jacaut said: »

regarding that, says there is an unexpected line near ')'

but i set it up just like my dnc one cause i had problem with augments on the feet before... help? lol
Just remove the ) at the very end and you're fine, Jacaut.
Shiva.Nitroustaru said: »
Why do you have the parenthesis there? It ties to nothing in the set.
I assume it used to be a set_combine and they missed it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-27 02:51:36
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Odin.Niteanjel said: »
Apologies, I'm still learning atm. I'm having an issue with Kinematics SCH.Lua for GS. I want to have it use my Obi, and Twilight Cloak If the corresponding weather is on me for the corresponding elemental spell. Here's a link to the Lua. It is the basically the Kinematics Lua with my gear


Thank you again.
Two things:

1) Change the beginning of your function init_gear_sets() to the following:
-- Define sets and vars used by this job file.
function init_gear_sets()
    gear.default.obi_waist = "item name"
    gear.default.obi_back = "item name"

    -- Start defining the sets
where the item name parts are whatever you want to cast in if you don't have matching weather/day.

2) In your actual gear sets, rename your back and waist slots to:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-27 02:54:22
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
I don't know if anyone else was having the same issues that I was having with pet modes since the update, but I figured out a roundabout fix.
		if pet.status == 'Engaged' and state.Buff["Avatar's Favor"] then
			idleSet = set_combine (idleSet, sets.idle.Avatar.FavorMax)
		if pet.status == 'Engaged' and state.IdleMode.value == 'PDT' then
			idleSet = set_combine (idleSet, sets.idle.PDT.Avatar)
		if pet.status == 'Engaged' and state.IdleMode.value == 'PDT' and state.Buff["Avatar's Favor"] then
			idleSet = set_combine (idleSet, sets.idle.Avatar.FavorPDT)
I think there's a problem with buffactive; if you change the
state.Buff["Avatar's Favor"] = buffactive["Avatar's Favor"] or false
state.Buff["Avatar's Favor"] = buffactive[431] or false
I bet everything will work just fine. Something happened this update where GearSwap's buffactive function isn't working properly and isn't reading names, only buff IDs. I just had to debug my entire library yesterday because it wasn't detecting anything.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-27 02:58:52
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Shiva.Hiep said: »
I have tried this and obi does swap in fine, but refoccilation stone doesn't swap in for any other elements.
-- Set eventArgs.handled to true if we don't want any automatic gear equipping to be done.
-- Set eventArgs.useMidcastGear to true if we want midcast gear equipped on precast.
function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spellMap == 'Cure' or spellMap == 'Curaga' then
gear.default.obi_waist = "Goading Belt"
elseif spell.skill == 'Elemental Magic' then
gear.default.obi_waist = "Sekhmet Corset"
if state.CastingMode == 'Proc' then
classes.CustomClass = 'Proc'
The bolded line needs to go away.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cocl
Posts: 6
By Asura.Zaffre 2015-09-28 05:12:29
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So I haven't really looked into updating my gearswap until I started using BLM again. I don't know if i'm using an old outdated gearswap for BLM or not but since I kinda suck with it, I was wondering how to edit this to include swaps for magic bursting and how to make it to where I can cycle between normal nuking and magic bursting, with macc sets for both.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-09-28 14:28:41
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Asura.Zaffre said: »
So I haven't really looked into updating my gearswap until I started using BLM again. I don't know if i'm using an old outdated gearswap for BLM or not but since I kinda suck with it, I was wondering how to edit this to include swaps for magic bursting and how to make it to where I can cycle between normal nuking and magic bursting, with macc sets for both.

Thanks in advance for the help.
First off, I suggest never swapping your main/sub slots on BLM, as Myrkr is a fantastic WS and really increases your DPS as BLM. Swapping is OK if you have a full MP refresh support team, but otherwise, Myrkr > Fast Cast.

Second, and I could be wrong on this, I think you need something like:
elseif spell.skill == 'Elemental Magic' and BurstIndex == 1 then
	equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,sets.magic_burst)
and of course, you need an index point, which would default to off, so right after your stun index:
BurstIndex == 0
then a toggle to turn it on in your self commands:
        elseif command == 'C4' then -- Magic Burst Toggle --
                if BurstIndex == 1 then
                        BurstIndex = 0
                        add_to_chat(123,'Magic Burst Set: [Unlocked]')
                        BurstIndex = 1
                        add_to_chat(158,'Magic Burst Set: [Locked]')
and obviously a set in your get_sets:
sets.magic_burst = {}
That should all work for you to overlay the sets.magic_burst on top of whatever accuracy nuking set you're in.
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