Gearswap Support Thread

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Gearswap Support Thread
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-10 01:03:21
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
Not 100% GS but figured I'd ask.
I have Autoexec equipping Sacrifice torque, or Frenzy Sallet to auto wake me.

Is there a way to set it to change back to what the current GS mode has, or would it be better to just do it in GS instead?
You can just change your "input /equip ..." lines to "gs c update" which should work, but, since you're already using GS, I would recommend just using GS to detect it and not rely on anything else.

If you're using a Mote-base lua, use this:
I'm almost 100% positive that should work, but I cannot verify it with the server being down right now and I have to leave for work soon. If you're not using a Mote-based lua, it will be very similar, but the syntax will need changed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-10 01:12:30
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
Also, found this on motes BST lua, but I can't seem to get it to work on my SMN GS
function job_handle_equipping_gear(playerStatus, eventArgs)    
        if == 'Mecisto. Mantle' or == 'Aptitude Mantle' or == 'Aptitude Mantle +1' then
any suggestions?
As for this, I have it rigged up in my customize_idle_set and customize_melee_set functions to check for Commitment before enabling it, because any time I'm in a high-CP area, I'll have Commitment enabled, too. That code I have like this:
To break it down, it checks for Commitment, that I'm in Ulbuka (basically only CP granting areas) and not in a city (in this case, Adoulin-proper)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-10 05:01:07
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hello guys,
i'm looking to make BLM Aspir Rules to use only one macro slot but i'm not good enouth to do that alone.
My goal is using Aspir III macro only and the rules rules downgrade the spell tier if cooldown isn't ready.

function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.type == 'Aspir III' then
refine_Aspir(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if Aspir III not ready then
preferredAspir = 'Aspir II'
elseif 'Aspir II' not ready then
preferredAspir = 'Aspir'

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-10 05:18:13
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
hello guys,
i'm looking to make BLM Aspir Rules to use only one macro slot but i'm not good enouth to do that alone.
My goal is using Aspir III macro only and the rules rules downgrade the spell tier if cooldown isn't ready.

function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.type == 'Aspir III' then
refine_Aspir(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if Aspir III not ready then
preferredAspir = 'Aspir II'
elseif 'Aspir II' not ready then
preferredAspir = 'Aspir'

There's a lot more to it than just that. I'll write up some code for you when I get home from work. If you want to take a stab at it, you can copy the refine_waltz function in the file Mote-Utility.lua inside /libs and alter it for Aspir.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-10 05:41:21
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yeah i tryed since waltz code but it's based on missing HP i need based on cooldown and i have look on RDM SCH DNC DRK files and i didn't find any similar code
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-10 13:25:25
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
yeah i tryed since waltz code but it's based on missing HP i need based on cooldown and i have look on RDM SCH DNC DRK files and i didn't find any similar code
This should work for you, let me know if it doesn't:
Make sure to put a call for it in your job_precast function, so that will look something like this:
The ... to signify any other code in the function.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-10 17:33:17
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that work perfectly /kneel !
i do the same for Sleep > Sleep II that work
i do the same for Sleep-ga > Sleepga II that didn't work
i think is cause of 'sle'EP and 'sle'EPGA is same

"if spell.skill ~= 'Enfeebling Magic' and not spell.english:startswith('Sle') then

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-10 23:38:34
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
that work perfectly /kneel !
i do the same for Sleep > Sleep II that work
i do the same for Sleep-ga > Sleepga II that didn't work
i think is cause of 'sle'EP and 'sle'EPGA is same

"if spell.skill ~= 'Enfeebling Magic' and not spell.english:startswith('Sle') then

I'll rework it when I get back home. It's close, just not quite there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-11 01:40:07
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
that work perfectly /kneel !
i do the same for Sleep > Sleep II that work
i do the same for Sleep-ga > Sleepga II that didn't work
i think is cause of 'sle'EP and 'sle'EPGA is same
Try this, it should work for aspirs, sleeps and sleepgas. Just remove the refine_aspirs function so it doesn't overlap.
If adding other spells into the function, you always start with the Tier 1 and make that the cancelling one, then T2, T3, etc.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-11 03:26:29
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ok i change the sleep order for more logic and that work like a charm (i think many BLM would use it for save macro ^^)

so definitive code is:

thank a lot for this code, it's an quality life improvement like SE like to say !
i'm pretty impress how you make it work so quickly in few hours, (than took me like 3 weeks of research for nothing works)
so one more time thank you !
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-11 22:44:52
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
ok i change the sleep order for more logic and that work like a charm (i think many BLM would use it for save macro ^^)

so definitive code is:

thank a lot for this code, it's an quality life improvement like SE like to say !
i'm pretty impress how you make it work so quickly in few hours, (than took me like 3 weeks of research for nothing works)
so one more time thank you !
It could go either way with the Sleepgas. Using Sleepga as your macro, and then changing to II with cooldown is ok, but I think most people probably default to Sleepga II first, which you can't do in your changed code. To each his own, though.

In fairness, I just tweaked it off the cooldown functionality I use in my Cure downgrade function, which was based off the refine_waltz Mote function. As such, I've used that model for a nuke downgrade as well, so I only have to macro the highest-tier nuke available and it will automatically downgrade based on the cooldown. Compared to the nuking one, this was pretty simple, lol.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-12 00:40:23
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that seem easy like that but for an no code-friendly it's a hard task, for exemple i try since 6+ month to make auto swith+lock on specific equipment when i get "Doom" until "Doom" wear off and i try so many scrip i find on different GS and nothing work.

all of this didn't do anything, that seem's not detect the "Doom"
i took all of this code on different existing .lua files and nothing work.
For this rules i'm looking for :
i have used print fonction for check if doom was print like "doom" or "Doom" but that didn't seem have any change on the fonction problem ^^;
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-12 02:35:08
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
that seem easy like that but for an no code-friendly it's a hard task, for exemple i try since 6+ month to make auto swith+lock on specific equipment when i get "Doom" until "Doom" wear off and i try so many scrip i find on different GS and nothing work.

all of this didn't do anything, that seem's not detect the "Doom"
i took all of this code on different existing .lua files and nothing work.
For this rules i need :
All you need here is:

This set with your normal sets:
And this function:
Also, to my knowledge, there is not a doom counter on the buff-side of it, so you might need to look further for that. I normally have a WHM with me that has max Cursna gear, so I don't have rules like that.

And, just to clarify, status_change if for changing modes, like, idle, attacking, etc. buff_change is what you're looking for here.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-12 06:39:16
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that didn't work, he seems detect buffchange but didn't do any action after (i tryed engaged and disengaged)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-12 16:02:11
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
that didn't work, he seems detect buffchange but didn't do any action after (i tryed engaged and disengaged)
I'll have to fully debug it after work. I didn't have time to test it last night. You put the sets.buff.doom in with all your normal sets right? In the init_gear_sets function
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-12 16:08:24
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on line 277 is the doom set
my cover's rules didn't work too ^^(probably cause of Respite Cloak);
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-13 22:51:23
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
on line 277 is the doom set
my cover's rules didn't work too ^^(probably cause of Respite Cloak);

You can't have multiple functions of the same name, they won't work. I tidied up a lot of your gear, merged duplicated functions and ensured the doom set works.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-14 14:56:40
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i just tried the modified version, doom is detected and equip change correctly ( but with no lock so it's was removed as soon you do anything and not unlocked by the doom off)

this actually work on my spellcast

so if i understood well i need to put all in one fonction to avoid repetition problem of "function job_buff_change(buff, gain")?
and i need to put "end" of each "if" or "elseif" i open
like this :
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-14 16:09:15
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
i just tried the modified version, doom is detected and equip change correctly ( but with no lock so it's was removed as soon you do anything and not unlocked by the doom off)
Whoops, forgot to put a lock in. I was testing it with no other gear so it never changed for me. fixed in the link.
Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
so if i understood well i need to put all in one fonction to avoid repetition problem of "function job_buff_change(buff, gain")?
and i need to put "end" of each "if" or "elseif" i open
You have the right idea, but the wrong implementation. Anytime you start an "elseif" you have to put the command for it directly after, otherwise it won't execute. For things like Rampart and Sentinel, you only need the item on at the time of use, so having them on any other time is worthless.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2015-07-15 05:20:05
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yeah don't blame me, i'm very interested to learn how to code for gearswap.
i greatly thank you yo your support and your explanation.
so doom now work like a charm (that gonna change my life)

- cover fonction don't hold equipment until cover off
- options.HybridDefenseModes = {'None', 'Charm', 'Reraise'} have deseapear
- How can i make "state.CastingMode:options('Normal','Noblink')"
in the "Noblink" casting mode gs didn't swap precast and midcast set to avoid take big damage during cast (i hope it's possible).
- why we don't include in each .lua file all content to avoid pick up external ressource like the "include('Mote-Include.lua')" ?
- one last question about the change you made on similar name equipement pices
i didn't catch why change that GS seem's pick the good one if you use the export fonction

i ask code-noob questions but i'm interest ^^
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: yurmy123
Posts: 115
By Asura.Pintseyes 2015-07-15 07:21:47
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Quick question.

Somehow my ring1 has become "defaulted" to Adoulin ring, for example, no matter what I put into a set other than precasting, ring1 will always be adoulin ring. I've looked through every mote, every sets function, I'm not seeing why this is happening? In fact searching all the lua files for Adoulin, all I'm finding is Towns, Idle. Nothing that has to do with this ring.

I'm not sure if this helps, it's also not even showing up as a /showswap, only reason I know it's happening is because it's always on ring1 no matter what any other function tells ring1 what to be, adoulin ring has slot priority?

Anyone happen to know why this is happening and/or where I can change it back to allowing my sets to define ring1?

Sorry lots of text for a quick question lol. As always, your time and effort is much appreciated.
MSPaint Winner
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2015-07-15 08:10:30
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Post your gearswap file or no one is going to be able to help.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: yurmy123
Posts: 115
By Asura.Pintseyes 2015-07-15 09:44:37
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Cerberus.Tidis said: »
Post your gearswap file or no one is going to be able to help.

Really, which lua would you like? My blm lua where this is NOT entered in the sets as i stated.. Would you like me to post every lua and mote?

This is a global effect. NO it's not in the globals.lua either. This should not be something in my jobs.lua files as, like I stated, I've searched those and it's not in them.

If it's really necessary I'll post whatever is needed. Thing is, this seems pretty obvious to someone that understands how the motes work. That person is obviously not me. Again just so it's clear, THIS function is NOT in my job.lua files. It IS effecting every job. It is NOT in my globals.lua. What should I post?


Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-15 11:16:54
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Asura.Pintseyes said: »
Really, which lua would you like? My blm lua where this is NOT entered in the sets as i stated.. Would you like me to post every lua and mote?

This is a global effect. NO it's not in the globals.lua either. This should not be something in my jobs.lua files as, like I stated, I've searched those and it's not in them.

If it's really necessary I'll post whatever is needed. Thing is, this seems pretty obvious to someone that understands how the motes work. That person is obviously not me. Again just so it's clear, THIS function is NOT in my job.lua files. It IS effecting every job. It is NOT in my globals.lua. What should I post?
Turn on debug mode (gs debugmode) and show swaps (gs showswaps) and post screenshots. Right now, that will probably help more than any lua.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: yurmy123
Posts: 115
By Asura.Pintseyes 2015-07-17 00:23:36
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Asura.Vafruvant said: »
Turn on debug mode (gs debugmode) and show swaps (gs showswaps) and post screenshots. Right now, that will probably help more than any lua.

Here ya go.

What's debugmode for besides showing phases in showswaps? Did it happen to create a output file we can view or was that it's whole effect?

Lookin at the picture I just noticed that neither ring1 or 2 is showing in showswaps. I can verify ring2 does change when I set it in sets.. Ring1 stays locked and will not change no matter what sets has defined. <--- Upon looking at my lua you may see that, geez stupid guy you dont have anything set in sets to change ring1.. Ya I took them all out when I realized they had no gs effect. I didnt know or want it to create some kind of laggy conflict or errors, so I removed ring1 all together.

Thanks for your time
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6204
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-07-17 08:15:37
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Debugmode enables //gs eval "code" and causes some debug messages, but it's mostly for people that are actually debugging gearswap.

Overall, I'd guess that you're having a disable issue.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: yurmy123
Posts: 115
By Asura.Pintseyes 2015-07-17 13:44:09
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Debugmode enables //gs eval "code" and causes some debug messages, but it's mostly for people that are actually debugging gearswap.

Overall, I'd guess that you're having a disable issue.

Ahh ok, so debugmode isnt very effective for a user then. Just a simple text output.

Could you elaborate a little on the disable? If I had to think I caused this I would think I edited a mote like modes or something and seen a default ring and added mine. Thing is, I've opened all the lua's in the core folder, rev1,libs, my data folder,its rev1.. Using NP++ to search every lua and I don't see this ring listed anywhere, the only hits I get is for town/idle sets.

It will precast though or it's just stuck enabled and never swapping.

Being this isn't within my lua, likewise I don't recall editing any of the motes other than to change them to username.lua, so would simply removing my data folder and reinstalling motes fix this you think or even just removing gs as a whole and reinstalling it and motes then moving my data folder back? Sorry for the obvious question of a fix, I'm not sure what or where a disable would be to say if that would work.

Thanks for your time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-17 14:20:31
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Asura.Pintseyes said: »
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Debugmode enables //gs eval "code" and causes some debug messages, but it's mostly for people that are actually debugging gearswap.

Overall, I'd guess that you're having a disable issue.

Ahh ok, so debugmode isnt very effective for a user then. Just a simple text output.

Could you elaborate a little on the disable? If I had to think I caused this I would think I edited a mote like modes or something and seen a default ring and added mine. Thing is, I've opened all the lua's in the core folder, rev1,libs, my data folder,its rev1.. Using NP++ to search every lua and I don't see this ring listed anywhere, the only hits I get is for town/idle sets.

It will precast though or it's just stuck enabled and never swapping.

Being this isn't within my lua, likewise I don't recall editing any of the motes other than to change them to username.lua, so would simply removing my data folder and reinstalling motes fix this you think or even just removing gs as a whole and reinstalling it and motes then moving my data folder back? Sorry for the obvious question of a fix, I'm not sure what or where a disable would be to say if that would work.

Thanks for your time.
So, I just looked over your entire .lua and none of the sets have a ring1 slot, so GS has nothing it would ever change to. It has ring1="Adoulin Ring" in your sets.precast.WS['Myrkr'] set and nothing until sets.resting. I missed it too, but I almost guarantee that will fix your problem. If you put it back in at the very least precast & midcast for a spell, and idle than screencap showswaps, that might get us somewhere other than seeing GS do exactly what your posted file would tell it, which, in the case of ring1, was nothing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vafruvant
Posts: 363
By Asura.Vafruvant 2015-07-17 14:21:16
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Debugmode enables //gs eval "code" and causes some debug messages, but it's mostly for people that are actually debugging gearswap.

Overall, I'd guess that you're having a disable issue.
Main reason I wanted him to debugmode was to see exactly which sets were being called and what might have been triggering his ring.
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