Gearswap Support Thread

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Gearswap Support Thread
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Posts: 105
By Dsuza 2018-12-22 09:11:33
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Hey guys, I hope you all have been well.

I have 2 issues going on right now

For my WAR, I want specific/different gear to equip for WS when Mighty Strikes is up.

And for my THF:

I want Frenzy Sallet to equip when I am engaged and asleep.

Thank you very much in advance for your time and help

WAR: Please look at line(s) 1-6 and 211-216
Posts: 105
By Dsuza 2018-12-22 09:14:25
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And for THF:
Posts: 209
By Zyla 2018-12-27 02:49:31
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Hello, I'm looking to see if someone could help me fix a few problems with my RUN lua.

1st problem: It seems that my idle set absolutely refuses to equip my Runist Coat +2. I have 2 different idle sets, a 'Normal' set and a 'DT' set. When I use either Valiance or Vallation, it will equip the body piece with no problems, but will not equip it when I switch my idle mode to 'Normal'.

2nd problem: none of my gear switches when I change either my 'Defense Mode' (PDT, Parry, HP) or 'Magical Defense Mode' (MDT, Status). The modes seem to cycle fine, but there are no gear changes when cycling, either while engaged or idle.

3rd problem: my CP cape will not equip when I switch it over to 'CP Mode' with the @+c keybind. I get the message that it has switched to 'CP Mode' but it does not equip the cape nor lock the back slot as far as I can tell.

Everything else seems to work fine, and I'd prefer to keep this lua due to the many keybinds I use. Any help is appreciated.

Here is a link to the pastebin file:
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2018-12-27 05:50:05
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Zyla said: »
Hello, I'm looking to see if someone could help me fix a few problems with my RUN lua.

1st problem: It seems that my idle set absolutely refuses to equip my Runist Coat +2. I have 2 different idle sets, a 'Normal' set and a 'DT' set. When I use either Valiance or Vallation, it will equip the body piece with no problems, but will not equip it when I switch my idle mode to 'Normal'.

You have +3 in the Valiance set but only +2 in the idle set.
So i take it since Valiance works but not your idle then you possess the +3 and will need to change the +2 in idle to +3.
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2018-12-27 05:55:27
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Zyla said: »

3rd problem: my CP cape will not equip when I switch it over to 'CP Mode' with the @+c keybind. I get the message that it has switched to 'CP Mode' but it does not equip the cape nor lock the back slot as far as I can tell.

the function to do all this for your CP cape is dashed out
    --if state.CP.current == 'on' then
    --    equip(sets.CP)
    --    disable('back')
    --    enable('back')
like so

remove the "--" for each line and try again also make sure it has the right cape you want to use
sets.CP = {back="Aptitude Mantle +1"}

Atm it has Appitude Mantle +1 as your CP cape. Not sure if that is the correct cape or not for you.
Posts: 209
By Zyla 2018-12-27 07:03:48
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aisukage said: »
Zyla said: »
Hello, I'm looking to see if someone could help me fix a few problems with my RUN lua.

1st problem: It seems that my idle set absolutely refuses to equip my Runist Coat +2. I have 2 different idle sets, a 'Normal' set and a 'DT' set. When I use either Valiance or Vallation, it will equip the body piece with no problems, but will not equip it when I switch my idle mode to 'Normal'.

You have +3 in the Valiance set but only +2 in the idle set.
So i take it since Valiance works but not your idle then you possess the +3 and will need to change the +2 in idle to +3.
Hmm, I don't actually have the +3 version of the coat, I have the +2 version. I'll have to double check that again and see if it's actually equipping the +2 coat when I use those abilities, cause if it is there's definitely something screwy going on. Either way it still doesn't equip it in the idle set. I'll have to double check it all later. Thnx though and I'll post again once I've confirmed things.
Posts: 209
By Zyla 2018-12-27 08:04:35
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@aisukage ok so I checked it out, and it's equipping my Runeist's Coat +2 even though it says +3 in the lua when I use either Valiance or Vallation, so that's super weird.

Beyond that, neither of my idle sets seems to switch gear when I hit the keybind to switch them. *update on this specific issue, whenever I'm outside of town it seems that I can switch my idle sets, however the Runeist's Coat +2 still won't equip. So basically when I'm in town I can't switch my idle set, but I don't have a town idle set so this is another issue that seems rather odd.

Also I tried the fix you suggested for the CP mode and it hasn't changed. The text showing that it has switched CP mode on shows up, but it doesn't actually equip the cape.

Other than that I'm still having the same issue with my defensive sets not working either.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2018-12-27 09:11:40
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Are you checking that you're editing the correct lua? Sometimes when people send luas back and forth, the person asking for help ends up editing/saving the lua that's in the downloads folder. Make sure to check in the top left corner of Notepad++ (assuming you're using this) to see if you're editing the correct lua, Windower4\addons\Gearswap\data\Zyla\RUN
Posts: 209
By Zyla 2018-12-27 10:08:32
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Hmm, I'll check it.

update* ok so apparently I'm a retard that had the file I was editing in the wrong spot... seems every single issue is now fixed, sry for wasting your time ><
But ty for all the help lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lewyo
Posts: 86
By Asura.Lewyo 2018-12-27 10:13:00
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Recently i stared playing Dnc but i keep running into the same problem and it has to do with Climactic Flourish.

The issue i have is that when i use Climactic Flourish and follow it up with a WS the buffactive part of gearswap cannot read the buff is active and removes the head before the 1st WS is used.

I do not want to change from the lua that i currently use so i'm looking for some code that can solve this, ATM i have been using a switch to unlock the head after the buff Climactic Flourish goes but i would like gearswap to handle this with out the need for a switch to turn it off.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10254
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-27 14:40:32
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I'd be curious to see what solution people use for this.
I had this issue with SCH and Perpetuance.
I think it's likely it applies to any other similar situation.
It takes some time for the buffactive to get to the client and be cycled/noticed by Gearswap. Meaning if you rely on Buffactive and have macros that use JAs in an incredibly rapid (fastest) sequence, chances are the second line of your macros will come before Gearswap can detect the buffactive from the first action.

The way I "solved" this on SCH is through the use of custom variables.
Whenever I use a certain JA which I know will grant me a certain buff, I initialize a custom variable to "True".
Whenever that JA wears off I initialize that variable to "False".
That way I can check "customvar == true" instead of checking for "buffactive[buffname]".

Another way to do that is to use //gs disable. Can bind it to a manual trigger or automatize it, but it's still the same logic.

Curious to hear how other people solved this "problem".
Posts: 209
By Zyla 2018-12-27 15:31:17
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Ok, so I was wrong again, it seems my defense modes aren't taking priority when I select them, whether I'm engaged or not. I was under the impression that when you select those it forces that gear until you hit the keybind for 'defense mode: none', at least that's how it seems to work in my other luas. any ideas?

*nevermind, again I'm an idiot, I figured it out lol
Posts: 43
By Blackhalo714 2019-01-02 20:01:37
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Hello, looking for some help on how to get this to work. Keeps giving me a nil value element day error.

sets.WSDayBonus = { head="Gavialis Helm" }

if is_sc_element_today(spell) then
if state.OffenseMode.current == 'Normal' and wsList:contains(spell.english) then
--do nothing

(Taken from
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2019-01-02 20:28:35
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You are asking what's the value of "state.OffenseMode.current" but it's never defined in the LUA, therefore it'll always be 'nil'

make state.OffenseMode.current to state.OffenseMode.value and see how it goes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-01-03 03:33:01
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Asura.Lewyo said: »
Recently i stared playing Dnc but i keep running into the same problem and it has to do with Climactic Flourish.

The issue i have is that when i use Climactic Flourish and follow it up with a WS the buffactive part of gearswap cannot read the buff is active and removes the head before the 1st WS is used.

I do not want to change from the lua that i currently use so i'm looking for some code that can solve this, ATM i have been using a switch to unlock the head after the buff Climactic Flourish goes but i would like gearswap to handle this with out the need for a switch to turn it off.

Just curious, as I don't know what lua you're using.
Do you have these lines in yours:
function job_setup()
    state.Buff['Climactic Flourish'] = buffactive['Climactic Flourish'] or false

sets.buff['Climactic Flourish'] = {head="Maculele Tiara +1"}

function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)	
-- Used to optimize Rudra's Storm when Climactic Flourish is active.
    if spell.type == 'WeaponSkill' then
        if spell.english == "Rudra's Storm" and buffactive['Climactic Flourish'] then
			equip({head="Maculele Tiara +1", left_ear="Ishvara Earring"})
-- Forces Maculele Tiara +1 to override your WS Head slot if Climactic Flourish is active.	Corresponds with sets.buff['Climactic Flourish'].
    if spell.type == "WeaponSkill" then
        if state.Buff['Climactic Flourish'] then
            equip(sets.buff['Climactic Flourish'])

My lue is arguably the least fancy thing possible, but these are the lines I have in mine, and don't believe I've run into any issues thus far, but I might not be looking as hard as I should either, so no promises.
Posts: 43
By Blackhalo714 2019-01-03 04:02:22
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Still pulling up a nil value attempt to call global 'is_sc_element_today'

This one has is set up different but not sure how to define it this way.

if spell.english == 'Stardiver' and Stardiver_ind ~= 1 and (check_ws_day[]:contains(spell.skillchain_a) -- Remove the and _ind ~=1 (not equal) for Gavialis if you don't have Ptero +2/3.
or check_ws_day[]:contains(spell.skillchain_b)
or check_ws_day[]:contains(spell.skillchain_c)) then
--Tested, Aeonic AM Doesn't work with Gavialis, but I will keep the extra rule on ice for now below:
--or (check_ws_day[]:contains("Darkness") and == 'Trishula' and (buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] or buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.2'] or buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.1']))) then
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2019-01-03 04:20:17
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Blackhalo714 said: »
Still pulling up a nil value attempt to call global 'is_sc_element_today'

Ok I looked into mote and your files and looks like that function is not defined anywhere.

From the repository you linked your lua, I found the function.

Try copy pasting the below function into your lua under the file_unload() funtion, before the init_gear_sets() function.
function is_sc_element_today(spell)
    if spell.type ~= 'WeaponSkill' then

   local weaponskill_elements = S{}:

    if weaponskill_elements:contains(world.day_element) then
        return true
        return false

Posts: 43
By Blackhalo714 2019-01-03 04:49:11
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Will try thank you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10254
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-03 05:05:19
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Asura.Cambion said: »
My lue is arguably the least fancy thing possible, but these are the lines I have in mine, and don't believe I've run into any issues thus far, but I might not be looking as hard as I should either, so no promises.
The problem is in the "buffactive" function.
Or actually in how the game communication works.
It takes a bit of time for the client to be notified that a certain buff is up.

This means that you could use a JA and buffactive['janame'] could return "false" for like 1-2 seconds after you used that specific JA.
In such a situation a Lua like yours and Lewyo's won't equip the Maculele Tiara even if Climactic flourish is actually up.
It happens often if you have for instance an in-game macro like this

/ja "Climactic Flourish" <me>
/wait 1
/ws "Rudra's Storm" <t>.

This is very very fast and often a lua code relying on buffactive['Climactic Floruish'] will return "false" because of client<>server lag.
It depends on several factors, most of which are beyond your control and there's not much you can do about it, other than avoid using Buffactive and relying on other (more convoluted) methods to track wether or not Climactic is up.

As I mentioned before I think there are mostly three ways
1) Avoid using in-game macros like that above lol
2) Use a custom boolean variable. Initialize it to "true" the moment you use Climactic Flourish. This way you won't check for the "buff" that Climactic Flourish gives, you will check wether or not the JA got used and assume that, if it did, the related buff has to be up. Multiple concurrent ways to reset it back to False
3) Use the disable function, force equip maculele tiara in the head slot and concurrently disable the head slot. Multiple ways to re-enable the slot as well (status_change, buff_change, aftercast etc)

Each method has different pros and cons. The most reliable is the third I think, but it can get pretty annoying when strange sequence of things happen. If you wanna go this route I think you realistically need to bind a manual lock/unlock command somewhere on your keyboard to solve such situations.

Method 2 is not 100%, but more reliable than just buffactive. I currently use that one in most of my jobs that need it, and I never really had any big issues.

Method 1 is also very effective lol, but it's tipically a small dps loss. Depends on the job and/or the JA we're talking of.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10254
By Asura.Sechs 2019-01-03 05:09:35
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Speaking of update cycles and JAs I noticed that if you use a second JA that forces an update on the client or something like that.

We said that JA1 > WS in the same macro can often create the situation where the "buffactive['ja1buff']" command will return false, even if ja1buff from JA1 is already up. Problem with client<>server update, blahblah.

I noticed that if you change your sequence to JA1 > action > WS, the use of "action" and the consequent exchange of information through packets, will "force" the update and make so that by the time you get to the WS part of that sequence, "buffactive['ja1buff']" will always return the correct value of "true".
To my experience it never failed not even a single time. Maybe just a coincidence but we're talking about a pretty large sample here so I think it's at least moderately unlikely for it to be just a coincidence.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-01-03 12:48:10
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Asura.Sechs said: »
In such a situation a Lua like yours and Lewyo's won't equip the Maculele Tiara even if Climactic flourish is actually up.
It happens often if you have for instance an in-game macro like this

/ja "Climactic Flourish" <me>
/wait 1
/ws "Rudra's Storm" <t>.

Interesting, Luckily I don't use any macro's like that, so I haven't had any issues thus far that I'm aware of.
Posts: 10
By Pechvarry 2019-01-09 16:06:57
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I noticed export.lua mentions overwrite_existing and has some filename stuff that I couldn't decipher -- Is there a way to name the file you'll export to, or overwrite an existing file you've already given a name?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: dlsmd
Posts: 93
By Carbuncle.Kigensuro 2019-01-09 23:09:21
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it should be something like

//gs export filename yourfilename
//gs export overwrite

gs exports current command set
inventory/inv/i                 exports your current inventory
all                             exports all your items
xml                             exports as xml
sets/set/s                      exports your current sets table
mainjob                         names export file with current main job
mainsubjob                      names export file with current main and sub job
overwrite                       overwrites existing named export file if needed
filename/file/f <filename>      names new export file <filename>
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-01-10 04:09:57
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Can someone help me figure out the correct code for Dancer's new split recasts?

The first part is probably simple.

Here is Mote's base code for Waltz:
function refine_waltz(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
    if spell.type ~= 'Waltz' then
    -- Don't modify anything for Healing Waltz or Divine Waltzes
    if spell.english == "Healing Waltz" or spell.english == "Divine Waltz" or spell.english == "Divine Waltz II" then

    local newWaltz = spell.english
    local waltzID
    local missingHP
    -- If curing ourself, get our exact missing HP
    if == "SELF" then
        missingHP = player.max_hp - player.hp
    -- If curing someone in our alliance, we can estimate their missing HP
    elseif then
        local target = find_player_in_alliance(
        local est_max_hp = target.hp / (target.hpp/100)
        missingHP = math.floor(est_max_hp - target.hp)
    -- If we have an estimated missing HP value, we can adjust the preferred tier used.
    if missingHP ~= nil then
        if player.main_job == 'DNC' then
            if missingHP < 40 and == then
                -- Not worth curing yourself for so little.
                -- Don't block when curing others to allow for waking them up.
                add_to_chat(122,'Full HP!')
                eventArgs.cancel = true
            elseif missingHP < 300 then
                newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz'
                waltzID = 190
            elseif missingHP < 700 then
                newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz II'
                waltzID = 191
                newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz III'
                waltzID = 192
        elseif player.sub_job == 'DNC' then
            if missingHP < 40 and == then
                -- Not worth curing yourself for so little.
                -- Don't block when curing others to allow for waking them up.
                add_to_chat(122,'Full HP!')
                eventArgs.cancel = true
            elseif missingHP < 150 then
                newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz'
                waltzID = 190
            elseif missingHP < 300 then
                newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz II'
                waltzID = 191
                newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz III'
                waltzID = 192
            -- Not dnc main or sub; bail out

    local tpCost = waltz_tp_cost[newWaltz]

    local downgrade
    -- Downgrade the spell to what we can afford
    if < tpCost and not buffactive.trance then
        --[[ Costs:
            Curing Waltz:     200 TP
            Curing Waltz II:  350 TP
            Curing Waltz III: 500 TP
            Curing Waltz IV:  650 TP
            Curing Waltz V:   800 TP
            Divine Waltz:     400 TP
            Divine Waltz II:  800 TP
        if < 200 then
            add_to_chat(122, 'Insufficient TP ['..tostring(']. Cancelling.')
            eventArgs.cancel = true
        elseif < 350 then
            newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz'
        elseif < 500 then
            newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz II'
        elseif < 650 then
            newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz III'
        elseif < 800 then
            newWaltz = 'Curing Waltz IV'
        downgrade = 'Insufficient TP ['..tostring(']. Downgrading to '..newWaltz..'.'

    if newWaltz ~= spell.english then
        send_command('@input /ja "'..newWaltz..'" '..tostring(
        if downgrade then
            add_to_chat(122, downgrade)
        eventArgs.cancel = true

    if missingHP and missingHP > 0 then
        add_to_chat(122,'Trying to cure '..tostring(missingHP)..' HP using '..newWaltz..'.')

Somewhere in here, I want to add a simple rule.
If I use Divine Waltz II
and the cooldown is > 0
Then use Divine Waltz

I have tried numerous variations to the code, but have failed miserably. I know it's going to look something like the following:
    if spell_recasts[spell.recast_id] > 0 then
        if spell.english == 'Divine Waltz' then
            add_to_chat(122,'All Divine Waltz on cooldown, cancelling Waltz.')
            eventArgs.cancel = true
        elseif spell.english == 'Divine Waltz II' then
            newDivine = 'Divine Waltz'
	if newDivine ~= spell.english then
        send_command('@input /ja "'..newDivine..'" '..tostring(
        eventArgs.cancel = true

But as stated, I just can't get it to work. I've tried all of the logical ways I can think of to adjust the above, as well as tweaking the potentially conflicting rules of Mote's script just above these lines, but nothing has worked.

The less important, but still helpful code:
In Mote's original code above, the missing HP waltz refine works great, however now that we have separate recast timers, it can be refined even further. In my testing this evening, I am running into scenario's where due to my missing HP, Gearswap wants to use Waltz 3 back to back. Obviously the cooldown won't let this happen, but the code "should" now be updated, for an automatic downgrade of 'if Waltz 3 is on cooldown, use Waltz 2', if 3 and 2 are on cooldown use 1. In theory this should start at 5 and go down for all 5 tiers of Waltz, but in practice it'll never actually happen, so the 3 downgraded to a 2 is all that really matters.

If someone is smart enough to essentially rewrite this entire section to properly update for January's Dancer adjustments, I would be extremely appreciative.

Pretty Please!
Posts: 35
By Karuma 2019-01-10 05:58:03
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So I was poking at waltzes right after the patch. The issue is that all the waltzes are returning the same number with spell.recast_id.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Asura.Conor 2019-01-10 09:00:18
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How do I go about using more defined gear sets for specific spells?

On a Rdm lua, it already contains enhancing magic and stone skin, however I want to add in a phalanx set which differs from normal enhancing set. Also want to add in elemental sets specifically for tier 5 nukes instead of a broad elemental set. Hope this made sense and thanks!

P.S. I've tried this on my own and the result seems to be my gearswap freezes for 60 seconds or so.

I tried adding sets.midcast['Phalanx'] = {}
Also tried using combine sets. Lua still freezes frequently.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karuma
Posts: 33
By Asura.Karumac 2019-01-10 13:08:53
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if'spell') then

Like this.
Posts: 10
By Pechvarry 2019-01-10 15:38:00
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Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
it should be something like

//gs export filename yourfilename
//gs export overwrite

gs exports current command set
inventory/inv/i                 exports your current inventory
all                             exports all your items
xml                             exports as xml
sets/set/s                      exports your current sets table
mainjob                         names export file with current main job
mainsubjob                      names export file with current main and sub job
overwrite                       overwrites existing named export file if needed
filename/file/f <filename>      names new export file <filename>

I don't know where you found all of that (I checked the Variables spreadsheet and didn't see it in there), but bless you.

Bless you.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: dlsmd
Posts: 93
By Carbuncle.Kigensuro 2019-01-11 05:38:16
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Pechvarry said: »
Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
it should be something like

//gs export filename yourfilename
//gs export overwrite

gs exports current command set
inventory/inv/i                 exports your current inventory
all                             exports all your items
xml                             exports as xml
sets/set/s                      exports your current sets table
mainjob                         names export file with current main job
mainsubjob                      names export file with current main and sub job
overwrite                       overwrites existing named export file if needed
filename/file/f <filename>      names new export file <filename>

I don't know where you found all of that (I checked the Variables spreadsheet and didn't see it in there), but bless you.

Bless you.
i looked at the export code
Posts: 209
By Zyla 2019-01-11 19:21:14
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Hello again, it's ffxi's resident GS idiot lol.
Was having a problem with my cor lua where the gun cycling keybind doesn't seem to work. I can't particularly see anything wrong with the code and the lua loads fine.

The rules for the gun cycling start at line 839 and end at line 845 as far as I can tell. And there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the keybind itself at the top of the lua. Any ideas as to what the issue is or how to fix it?
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