Gearswap Support Thread

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Gearswap Support Thread
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Subadai
Posts: 184
By Sylph.Subadai 2018-11-25 19:36:52
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Asura.Alkk said: »
Having an issue with my current corsair lua, can't for the life of me get Luzaf's ring to be used during Phantom rolls. I know it's a toggle and I make sure it's on but still doesn't work.

I've also tried without gearinfo and gearinfo ugs off.
Getting quite desperate, been looking into this for too many hours to mention.
I had a look at a friend's lua and the only difference is his lua doesn't combine sets.precast.CorsairRoll with Luzaf's to make sets.precast.Luzaf, it is simply sets.precast.LuzafRing = {ring2="Luzaf's Ring"}. Strangely enough, Gearswap combines the sets itself anyway and equips sets.precast.CorsairRoll along with Luzaf's, even though that's not specified in the lua anywhere that I can find.

Also "Luzaf's Ring" is always capitalized in his lua, you have "Luzaf's ring" in there once. Shouldn't make a difference, but you never know.

The full lua is here if you want to take a look.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Alkai
Posts: 39
By Asura.Alkk 2018-11-25 20:55:55
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Bahamut.Ayasha said: »
My guess is its line 699-702 causing the problem.

It may very well be equipping your Luzaf's ring during precast, but since you have it re-equip your normal COR roll set in post_precast, it will unequip the ring. A way around this would be to either remove the post precast check altogether, or alternatively you can delete line 258 (your normal COR Roll ring1). No need to have all 16 gear slots defined for rolls when only half of them have any affect. It will swap to idle/engaged/whatever set nearly immediately after the roll anyway.

Had already tried your 2nd suggestion but combined with your 1st it FINALLY works now, phew.. that's one less headache. Many thanks <3

Edit: Thank you Subadai also for taking the time :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2018-11-25 22:58:24
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how do I turn this:


which does this in Game:
Elizabet: Fun

into the auto-translated:

Elizabet: (Fun)
By Shichishito 2018-11-26 10:01:46
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Asura.Elizabet said: »
how do I turn this:


which does this in Game:
Elizabet: Fun

into the auto-translated:

Elizabet: (Fun)

recently asked a similar question and somone replied that windower can't do autotranslate
By Shichishito 2018-11-26 10:41:35
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i want to check current active buffs against a dictionary in a loop each time the player gains a new buff/debuff.
if one of the keys in the dictionary checks true against current buffs i want to insert the value for that key into a table.
once the table collected all values i want to turn the table into a string so i can print it into party chat.
finally clear the table and the consequent string so its empty next time the player gets hit by a debuff.

full code:

the problem is it only prints "!!" as if the for loop doesn't add any values to the table or the if condition doesn't return true.
i checked wether buff returns a buff with "send_command('input /p '..buff..')" so the if condition should return true, why does the for loop not add any values to the table??
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2018-11-26 10:43:48
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Shichishito said: »
trying to write a addon that requires to know current ready and stratagem charges.
is it reasonable to assume that everyone is using kinematics BST / SCH luas or if they made custom ones, built upon kinematics ones?

I use my own SCH.lua, that is not using Kinematics or mote includes.

However could you not just implement the below function for your addon to get the number of strats?
-- Gets the current number of available strategems based on the recast remaining and the level of the sch.
function get_current_strategem_count()
    -- returns recast in seconds.
    local allRecasts = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()
    local stratsRecast = allRecasts[231]
    local maxStrats = math.floor(player.main_job_level + 10) / 20
    -- assuming level 90+, if not 550JP replace 5*33 by 5*45 below
    local fullRechargeTime = 5*33
    local currentCharges = math.floor(maxStrats - maxStrats * stratsRecast / fullRechargeTime)

    return currentCharges
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2018-11-26 11:00:03
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I tried:
windower.send_command('input /p '..tostring(table.concat(elements, ", "))..'!!')

Where elements is:
elements = {'Ice', 'Air', 'Dark', 'Light', 'Earth', 'Lightning', 'Water', 'Fire'}

and it returned in pt chat:

(Elizabet) Ice, Air, Dark, Light, Earth, Lightning, Water, Fire!!

Try skipping the variable current_debuffs_string cast? and go for this directly:
windower.send_command('input /p '..tostring(table.concat(current_debuffs_table, ", "))..'!!')
By Shichishito 2018-11-26 12:02:10
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Asura.Elizabet said: »
Try skipping the variable current_debuffs_string cast? and go for this directly:
windower.send_command('input /p '..tostring(table.concat(current_debuffs_table, ", "))..'!!')
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
    if state.Buff[buff] ~= nil then
        state.Buff[buff] = gain
    secondary_debuffs = {['poison'] = 'Poisoned',['curse'] = 'Cursed',['bind'] = 'Bound',['weight'] = 'Weighed down',
        ['stun'] = 'Stunned',['terror'] = 'Terrorized'}
    local current_debuffs_table = {}
    local current_debuffs_string = ""
    if gain then
        for key,value in ipairs(secondary_debuffs) do
            if key == buff then
                current_debuffs_table = table.insert(current_debuffs_table, value)
        windower.send_command('input /p '..tostring(table.concat(current_debuffs_table, ", "))..'!!')
        current_debuffs = {}
        current_debuffs_string = ""

like this? still returns "!!".
i think "tostring()" only turns numbers (1, 2, 3..) into strings ("1","2","3"...) since i don't have any numbers in the dicitionary nor the table it probably doesn't do anything in this case.

does anyone know what lua version windower is using? are the functions "table.insert()" or "table.concat()" already supported with that version?

*edit* this (is this for windower4 or the windower5 beta?) states windower uses lua version 5.1 and the lua 5.1 manual also lists "table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])" under "5.5Table Manipulation"

so that can't be the error either.

i already figured the issue with sch stratagems/bst charges out, currently only that empty table gives me headaches.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-11-26 20:45:40
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Shichishito said: »
*edit* this (is this for windower4 or the windower5 beta?) states windower uses lua version 5.1 and the lua 5.1 manual also lists "table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])" under "5.5Table Manipulation"
W4 Uses Lua 5.1 and that wiki you linked is for W4 also.

W5 uses LuaJIT and this is the wiki for it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2018-11-26 22:29:13
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I can confirm that table.concat() works. I used it with my table and it printed out as expected.

Derp, see post below.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2018-11-26 22:42:42
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To debug it you could do this:
    if gain then
        windower.add_to_chat(211,'gain is true')     
        for key, value in ipairs(secondary_debuffs) do
            windower.add_to_chat(211,'value is: '..tostring(value)) -- Is value any good           
            windower.add_to_chat(211,'key is: '..tostring(key)) -- is key any good
            if key == buff then
                windower.add_to_chat(211,'adding '..tostring(key)..' to table.') -- check if key is any good
                current_debuffs_table = table.insert(current_debuffs_table, value)
        windower.send_command('input /p '..tostring(table.concat(current_debuffs_table, ", "))..'!!')
        current_debuffs = {}
        current_debuffs_string = ""

Then see what happens...

Edit: just reading through but shouldn't your if check be:

if value == buff then

instead of

if key == buff then

As you are trying to match "buff" to one that's in the secondary_debuffs list represented by "value" ?
By Shichishito 2018-11-27 14:43:05
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Asura.Elizabet said: »
Edit: just reading through but shouldn't your if check be:

if value == buff then

instead of

if key == buff then

As you are trying to match "buff" to one that's in the secondary_debuffs list represented by "value" ?

i assumed key stands for the left side of a dictionary entry thats in the square brackets and value is on the right side. if i print '..buff..' into party chat it also posts the lower case words written in the square brackets on the left of the table entries.

thanks for suggesting the windower.add_to_chat line, should help with debuging. when run that code i get the usuall "!!" and a "gain is true", doesn't that mean the code doesn't even enter the for loop?

*edit* apparently lua ignores table entries that have anything other than a integer as a key. since all the key values in my table were strings and not integers it didn't loop thru any keys.

i think this makes it more complicated as i'd need at least 2 tables for each dictionary i made.

if i feed a ordinary table like this:
secondary_debuffs_test = {'poison','curse','weight'}

it does iterate over all indexes/values but i get the error:
Gearswap: Lua runtime error: GearSwap/flow.lua:346:
Gearswap has detected an error in the user function buff_change:
...Windower4//addons/libs/functions.lua:363: bad argument #1 to 'next' (table expected, got nil)[s][/s]

the functions the error points to:
By Shichishito 2018-11-27 16:45:40
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managed to fix the previous flow.lua/functions.lua error, i was referencing to the wrong table.

now i get a even worse error:
Gearswap: Lua runtime error: GearSwap/flow.lua:346:
Gearswap has detected an error in the user function buff_change:
not enough memory

causes a freeze for a couple of seconds, if i'm lucky it throws the memory error, if not the game crashes.

current code:
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
    if state.Buff[buff] ~= nil then
        state.Buff[buff] = gain

    secondary_debuffs_test = {'poison','curse','weight'}
    local current_debuffs_table = {}
    local current_debuffs_string = ""
    current_buff = buff
    if gain then
        for key, value in ipairs(secondary_debuffs_test) do
            if value == current_buff then
                current_debuffs_table = table.insert(secondary_debuffs_test, value)
        current_debuffs_string = table.concat(current_debuffs_table, ", ")
        send_command('input /p '..current_debuffs_string..'!!')

how can a for loop over a table with only 3 entries cause a not enough memory error!?

even had to edit out the windower.add_to_chat lines as those would always cause a crash.

just found this thread. someone mentions that the motes "function job_buff_change(buff, gain)" is actually "buff_change(name,gain,buff_details)" in gearswap cause motes haven't been updated in a long while.

that means even if i'd get it running with my motes-inlcude it would probably lead to errors without motes-include, so its most likely best i leave it out of the addon.

thanks for the help though.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: dlsmd
Posts: 93
By Carbuncle.Kigensuro 2018-11-27 17:30:08
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Shichishito said: »
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
    if state.Buff[buff] ~= nil then
        state.Buff[buff] = gain

    secondary_debuffs_test = {'poison','curse','weight'}
    local current_debuffs_table = {}
    local current_debuffs_string = ""
    current_buff = buff
    if gain then
        for key, value in ipairs(secondary_debuffs_test) do
            if value == current_buff then
                current_debuffs_table = table.insert(secondary_debuffs_test, value)
        current_debuffs_string = table.concat(current_debuffs_table, ", ")
        send_command('input /p '..current_debuffs_string..'!!')
this is pointless as for each job_buff_change is triggered you will only see one buff at a time unless you look through like this
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
    if state.Buff[buff] ~= nil then
        state.Buff[buff] = gain

    local secondary_debuffs_test = {'poison','curse','weight'}
    local current_debuffs_table = T{}
    if gain and then
        if secondary_debuffs_test:contains(buff) then
            table.append(current_debuffs_table, buff)
        for _, value in ipairs(secondary_debuffs_test) do
            if buffactive[value] and not current_debuffs_table:contains(value) then
                current_debuffs_table = table.append(current_debuffs_table, value)
        send_command('input /p '..table.concat(current_debuffs_table, ", ")..'!!')

this is also most likely what you want
By Shichishito 2018-11-27 21:04:28
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Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
this is also most likely what you want

its not what i want but gave me a idea.

does anyone know why the buffs.lua has multiple entries for the same debuffs?
[9] = {id=9,en="curse",ja="呪い",enl="cursed",jal="呪い"},
[20] = {id=20,en="curse",ja="呪い",enl="cursed",jal="呪い"},
[2] = {id=2,en="sleep",ja="睡眠",enl="asleep",jal="睡眠"},
[19] = {id=19,en="sleep",ja="睡眠",enl="asleep",jal="睡眠"},

the entries are identical with the exception of the index number and the id.

also, how do i distinguish between regular debuffs and auras?

in case anyone still cares, i think this is what i was after:

for loops make my head spin... i guess i could have achieved the same thing without the 3rd nested for loop by making a copy of the prim_db_strs table and then use table.remove on it and finaly table.insert the removed parts into the current_debuffs_table, not sure which is more performance efficient.

with the current code i only have 2 issues:
- i don't understand what "T{}" does, although i noticed i could only use :contains on a table that had a S ("S{}") infront of it and i think i couldn't iterate in a for loop over a table with a S{} or a T{}.
- notepad doesn't recognize "table.append" as a method (doesn't color it differently) but it still works just like i'd expect table.insert to, however table.insert only returns the error "bad argument to the #1 to 'next' (table expected, got nil)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: dlsmd
Posts: 93
By Carbuncle.Kigensuro 2018-11-28 12:20:06
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Shichishito said: »
does anyone know why the buffs.lua has multiple entries for the same debuffs?

the entries are identical with the exception of the index number and the id.

also, how do i distinguish between regular debuffs and auras?
there is no difference except that it is caused by different things

1. the biggest issue with using buff_change is you only see one buff at a time

2. if you want to see a full list of buffs you are currently are afflicted with you need to check buffactive

3. most if not all debuffs are all lower case in spelling (except for Down debuffs) while all positive buffs are capitalized (at lest the first letter of every word)
--this is except for KO but if you have this buff you cant do anything anyways
By Shichishito 2018-11-28 12:38:17
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Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
there is no difference except that it is caused by different things
so i also have to put the copies of the debuffs in my tables to make sure i'll catch them everytime? damn...

Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
2. if you want to see a full list of buffs you are currently are afflicted with you need to check buffactive
with the following line i got around "buffactive".
current_buff_ids_table = (windower.ffxi.get_player().buffs)

you can conveniently iterate over that table in a for loop. (you need to use the buff/debuff ids, not the names)

Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
3. most if not all debuffs are all lower case in spelling (except for Down debuffs) while all positive buffs are capitalized (at lest the first letter of every word)
i mean debuff auras, not geo bubbles or auras from gear. how do i for example tell apart a regular doom from a doom caused by a aura (for example some urganite NM in delve or some caturae NM from geas-fete ru'aun have those)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: dlsmd
Posts: 93
By Carbuncle.Kigensuro 2018-11-28 20:08:14
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Shichishito said: »
Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
there is no difference except that it is caused by different things

so i also have to put the copies of the debuffs in my tables to make sure i'll catch them everytime? damn...

Shichishito said: »
Carbuncle.Kigensuro said: »
3. most if not all debuffs are all lower case in spelling (except for Down debuffs) while all positive buffs are capitalized (at lest the first letter of every word)

i mean debuff auras, not geo bubbles or auras from gear. how do i for example tell apart a regular doom from a doom caused by a aura (for example some urganite NM in delve or some caturae NM from geas-fete ru'aun have those)
if it does not give you a debuff there is nothing you can do as it is only server side
however if you get a buff because of it you will see it
By Shichishito 2018-11-29 18:45:24
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how can i set keybinds inside a addon?
function user_setup()
    state.AutoRecasts = M{['description']='AutoRecasts', 'Off', 'Silent', 'Sound'}
    state.ManualPostRecasts = M(false, 'ManualPostRecasts') -- to post recasts/charges on button push
    state.AutoDebuffs = M{['description']='AutoDebuffs', 'Off', 'PrimarySilent', 'PrimarySound', 'AllSilent', 'AllSound'}
    state.ManualPostDebuffs = M(false, 'ManualPostDebuffs') -- to post current afflicted debuffs on button push

    send_command('bind !c gs c toggle AutoRecasts')
    send_command('bind @c gs c toggle ManualPostRecasts')    
    send_command('bind !v gs c toggle AutoDebuffs')
    send_command('bind @v gs c toggle ManualPostDebuffs')
function file_unload()
    send_command('unbind !c')
    send_command('unbind @c')
    send_command('unbind !v')
    send_command('unbind @v')

this usually works in my job.lua files but it doesn't in the addon.
no error message, just acts as if the bind commands never happened
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: SSJAV
By Bismarck.Uzugami 2018-12-09 23:46:29
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Trying to setup different sets for different types of spells; like when /blu, using SIRD set for spells like Geist Wall/Blank Gaze, and just a normal set for Cocoon or Jettatura.
function job_setup()
blue_magic_maps = {}
blue_magic_maps.Enmity = S{
    'Blank Gaze', 'Geist Wall', 'Jettatura', 'Soporific', 'Poison Breath', 'Blitzstrahl',
    'Sheep Song', 'Chaotic Eye'
blue_magic_maps.Cure = S{
    'Wild Carrot', 'Healing Breeze'
blue_magic_maps.Buff = S{
    'Cocoon', 'Refueling'
sets.midcast['Blue Magic'] = {ammo="Staunch Tathlum",
        head="Souveran Schaller +1",neck="Moonbeam Necklace",ear1="Friomisi Earring",ear2="Knightly Earring",
        body="Souveran Cuirass +1",hands="Eschite Gauntlets",ring1="Moonbeam Ring",ring2="Defending Ring",
        back={ name="Rudianos's Mantle", augments={'HP+60','Enmity+10','Spell interruption rate down-10%',}},waist="Flume Belt",legs="Carmine Cuisses +1",feet="Eschite Greaves"}

This is what get used for every BLU spell regardless, and adding another set for Enmity/Cure/Buff doesn't take. Is there a way/how would I go about making them independant?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-12-11 21:58:59
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Here's a video tutorial for GearSwap basics...

Now I'm not a programmer myself, and there's lots I don't know, but at the same time I know this is one of the most requested videos anyone asks for so, here it is.

I was going to put this in a new topic, and I still may... I honestly wasn't sure whether it would be more appropriate to put it here or not... I'm open to making a new Topic with this if you guys think I should.

I'm open to feedback on that and the contents of the vid, and what I should do next. My first idea was maybe a more in-depth troubleshooting guide?

Any suggestions?
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2018-12-11 22:06:33
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Asura.Byrne said: »

Here's a video tutorial for GearSwap basics...

Now I'm not a programmer myself, and there's lots I don't know, but at the same time I know this is one of the most requested videos anyone asks for so, here it is.

I was going to put this in a new topic, and I still may... I honestly wasn't sure whether it would be more appropriate to put it here or not... I'm open to making a new Topic with this if you guys think I should.

I'm open to feedback on that and the contents of the vid, and what I should do next. My first idea was maybe a more in-depth troubleshooting guide?

Any suggestions?

Make three videos.

1 for gearswap itself and how versatile it is in of itself.

1 for mote luas since a lot of users seem to favor his sidecars.

1 for the Windower Resources.lua aka “Not all Job Ablities are Job Abilities”
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Quintow
Posts: 150
By Cerberus.Quintow 2018-12-21 04:39:55
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Thinking about starting to job point my bard which has been in storage for years (no REMA). Attempting to setup basic 3 song lua before I do anything else. I am using Motes and changed daurdabla to terpander and songlimit from 2 to 1 in the setup functions but even when using the console shortcut command to dummy before my 3rd song my terpander never equips so I can never get the 3 song effect to go off. Although, the random gear I have on me like the Nahtirah Hat, Psystorm Earring, Lifestorm Earring, and Goading Belt do show as equipped during midcast so it appears it wants to work. Thus far, I have barely edited this lua from Kinematics. Like I said I changed the setup functions, placed a basic song fast cast set, an in town idle set, and placed eminent flute instead ghorn in the 3 main song categories. Anyone able to look at this and explain why it's not working? Thanks for your time.

lua without gear


Also, I have noticed if I start casting a 2nd song before the 1st song casting bar is not fully gone I will cast the 2nd song without a instrument (doesn't seem 100% replicable so IDK).
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Latravant
Posts: 32
By Phoenix.Latravant 2018-12-22 05:26:56
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i'm having trouble with my keybinds. i'm trying to use them on my thf but theyre not working, i used the thf file in the gearswap file and the only thing i changed was the equipment. my blu keybinds work. when i hit f11 it just makes my screen go dark/brighter. when i use them on blu it switches between gear sets.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Xurion
Posts: 694
By Bismarck.Xurion 2018-12-22 06:40:34
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Phoenix.Latravant said: »
i'm having trouble with my keybinds. i'm trying to use them on my thf but theyre not working, i used the thf file in the gearswap file and the only thing i changed was the equipment. my blu keybinds work. when i hit f11 it just makes my screen go dark/brighter. when i use them on blu it switches between gear sets.
My guess is you're seeing a bind shadowing another on a key. You can have the following on a Q key bind:
//bind q input /echo q bind triggered
//bind %q input /echo %q bind triggered

The % sign tells the bind to not execute when Q is pressed if you're currently typing text into the text input (the main one where you type messages in /say or /party).

I can't remember which takes precedence, but one of them does.
Posts: 105
By Dsuza 2018-12-22 09:07:04
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Too many characters.
Posts: 105
By Dsuza 2018-12-22 09:09:44
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Too many characters.
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