Ark Angels II / Divine Might II (Discussion)

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Ark Angels II / Divine Might II (Discussion)
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Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 102
By Carbuncle.Legato 2013-12-30 14:40:04
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i wasn't trying to be condescending i really apologize comeatmebro i thought you were advocating for SMN so i was just saying like you guys (as in SMNs) will do great.

maybe my english is bad, im really sorry.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2013-12-30 14:40:22
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the smn they brought has mythic, and they still barely beat the fight in time. telling someone who likely has a less geared group than them they can bring smn isn't good advice.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2013-12-30 14:40:45
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Telling someone they're wrong based on absolutely nothing is pretty much the definition of condescending.

Everyone knows you're just trying to land a smart comment on me, though, Dray. Keep trying if you want.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 102
By Carbuncle.Legato 2013-12-30 14:41:53
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I'm sorry Austar i was just trying to help...
we barely won 1st time you're right.

we had 5mins to spare 2nd time, im sorry though. Didn't mean to offend
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2013-12-30 14:45:50
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I'm not offended, I just don't think advocating SMN is a good idea. Obviously the one you brought is well geared, and your group is above average for DD, so having someone play their favorite isn't too much of a hindrance. Most reading this thread for advice won't have those things, though, and will likely time out.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2013-12-30 14:46:25
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Stop apologizing to that filth, just ignore it and enjoy your wins with your LS.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 102
By Carbuncle.Legato 2013-12-30 14:47:20
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Totally understand Austar.
i'm fairly new to posting and where i thought i was helping i may have just been causing confusion.

i'll stop.
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-12-30 14:50:17
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You don't have to stop posting, but people are usually blunt when replying so expect it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22
By Carbuncle.Bechynu 2013-12-30 15:16:30
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Winning once with a SMN does not make SMN a good use of a party slot. You said yourself that it did less than half of any of the top 3 DDs. Earthen armor is pointless for elvaan, unless your PLD is complete trash.

Don't confuse winning it with having some unique understanding of mechanics, anyone with a handful of relic RNGs or geared NINs can do it easily.

Twice. While SMN may not be "ideal' it served its purpose in that alliance. EA reducing AI on elvaan to 0 most of the time is hardly pointless. While it may only take a handful of relic RNGs to beat it, with the player base being as low as it is the harder part is finding intelligent people. So yeah it's "easy".
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2013-12-30 15:21:56
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I'm not really sure what point you're making there, we've been over it already. Your setup worked for you, but if you want to argue for SMN's utility you'd need to go for something like:

-PLD is at risk of dying to AI without earthen armor. (it's not, unless you have a terrible or taru pld)
-The CE lost from AI's damage will result in PLD losing hate. (nope, rngs don't even cap CE before they die in optimal setup)
-SMN provides more utility than any other job in that slot. (would depend on your exact setup, but i can assure you the ideal setup doesn't have them)

If you want to provide an argument, I'll gladly debate with you. If you want to agree to disagree, that's fine too. Not seeing anything new brought to the table with that post.
By 2013-12-30 15:24:25
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22
By Carbuncle.Bechynu 2013-12-30 15:27:57
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It had more to do with the last sentence in that post. While it might not deserve a spot in the ideal or optimal setup, actually having the means to make the optimal or ideal setup this late in the game is nearly impossible.

So like I said, it served it's purpose in the alliance which was do some damage, debuff, Odin the GK, EA for EV and makes it to where we don't have to invite people to the alliance that are not the brightest.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22
By Carbuncle.Bechynu 2013-12-30 15:28:42
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Phoenix.Josiahfk said: »
Apparently a group won in 16 minutes before you guys went? or would that record be any difficulty, not just very difficult?

It posts the time from any difficulty. That run was on normal.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Xenhas
Posts: 664
By Carbuncle.Xenhas 2013-12-30 20:09:19
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If anyone cared about loot distribution, here it is.

On top of that, every single character gets four boxes/pouches of the REM 119 upgrade items, along with 8 of a random Rem's Tale from chapters 6-10 (ie, 8 Rem's Tales chapter 7)
Server: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2013-12-30 20:19:14
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Looks like even if you know you can't kill them all, would be nice to just do what you can on VD for dem Kyujutsugis~
By 2013-12-30 20:28:02
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2013-12-30 20:29:51
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A lot of items are like that for the DM battlefield. Kyujutsugi can drop off any AA.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Xenhas
Posts: 664
By Carbuncle.Xenhas 2013-12-30 20:29:58
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Phoenix.Josiahfk said: »
Seraphcaller dropped on the mithra there yet ffxidb claims it drops from galka, hmmm

Check ffxidb again
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2013-12-30 21:45:20
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Seems like Animator/Satchet/SAM+RNG Body and such things drop from all AA's upon checking them in FFXIDB.
Server: Remora
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user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2013-12-30 21:51:28
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What's the lowest tier you can get Armor drops on?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-12-30 22:42:19
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I've gotten armor on VE
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: sorce
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Sorce 2014-01-02 10:59:41
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what is the deal with comeatmebro.... This guy keeps rippin on your group for taking a smn.... and says u dont know the game mechanics.... wow... this dude should spend another $60/month and level 6 more characters just because he can .... why do ppl think they have to correct everyone on what jobs to take to what.... when clearly, this LS has no issues clearing the hardest content in the game
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Xenhas
Posts: 664
By Carbuncle.Xenhas 2014-01-02 11:06:51
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It was more so pointing out that smn wasn't optimal, which it probably isn't. Then again, I don't know enough decent players to do this 100% optimally. It could probably be done with 14 or maybe even less, but the SMN is a decent player and brought along a couple of players that were 100% necessary for the win, so it worked for us.

That attack on Comeatmebro was a bit pathetic though, as he does bring up some valid points, where you just came off like a moron for no reason and didn't really contribute much that hasn't been said.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Kerron
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2014-01-02 11:35:44
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Bismarck.Sorce said: »
what is the deal with comeatmebro.... This guy keeps rippin on your group for taking a smn.... and says u dont know the game mechanics.... wow... this dude should spend another $60/month and level 6 more characters just because he can .... why do ppl think they have to correct everyone on what jobs to take to what.... when clearly, this LS has no issues clearing the hardest content in the game
To sensitive.

Carbuncle.Xenhas said: »
It was more so pointing out that smn wasn't optimal, which it probably isn't. Then again, I don't know enough decent players to do this 100% optimally. It could probably be done with 14 or maybe even less, but the SMN is a decent player and brought along a couple of players that were 100% necessary for the win, so it worked for us. That attack on Comeatmebro was a bit pathetic though, as he does bring up some valid points, where you just came off like a moron for no reason and didn't really contribute much that hasn't been said.
What he said
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kerron
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2014-01-02 11:37:50
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I'm going to assume since there is no differance in the drops depending on the difficulty it's saefe to say all that changes is the drop rate?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Keichan
Posts: 323
By Bismarck.Keityan 2014-01-02 13:46:21
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Bleusummers said: »
SMN does great everyone, we had a SMN named Papesse (Nirvana and everything else a SMN could dream of lol) very great player and she did roughly 89k in total while the top 3 DDs did 220 200 189
she had of course no buffs whatsoever and she helped maintain EA with Sz during Elvaan (we didn't use EA for Galka Mr. P chan. . .? why would we?) Comeatmebro and wordspoken SMN is very useful DMG and Support and Debuff wise i would say she was a critical part to us winning.

Going to peep in here since Legato seems to just be defending and over apologetic and I think that people are needlessly bashing SMN without knowing the situation. I don't know what their setup is exactly but I'll provide an alliance point of view why I personally don't think it's a bad idea.

First off, melees are too much of a liability. Everyone knows that. Honestly, despite Pchan being arrogant, I'm using his experience as a ruler; he may be an ***, but he's a competent ***. If he can't manage to beat a VD while a simple RNG strat farms is daily with 0 issue, it's obvious that a RNG strategy is superior to melee. (The only melee job that I can see shining right now on VD is NIN). This leads me to believe that their strategy uses many RNG (3-6).

There is a common consensus each strategy requires 1 tank party and 2 DD parties. Each of those DD parties are ideally equipped with the same exact setup that people have been using for Delve:

3 DD
1 BRD (swapping)
1 COR (swapping)
1 Mage capable of healing
In delve, the only time you used RNG was for the Bee. Because the RNG's go on a rape-fest, they'll pull hate and they tank. This is why you need a WHM. In DM, RNGs don't tank (and if they did, they'd be running the hell away to get the "too far away message" on WS.) So essentially, that last mage spot can be any mage that is capable of spot healing and the occasional raise. The 1 mage capable of healing need not be a WHM. It can be a SMN. It can be a RDM, BLM, SMN, WHM, SCH, GEO and others. It has to be "SOME SORT" of healing job however, you can't fill that hole with no healing what-so-ever because you'll risk the safety of the run as a whole.

Legato states that the SMN did 90k damage while the top DD (likely RNG) did 200k. If you placed a WHM in that spot, that 90k would be 0. I'm sure everyone had benefitted from the debuffs that the SMN provided. It's basically balancing an aggressive-defensive strategy. Sure, I'd feel safer with a WHM but if a SMN can manage to play the role correctly, that's 90k of damage that you wouldn't have otherwise.

That's not the only place you can place a SMN. The tank party can also be a good spot as well. There is simply no room and resources to keep a single DD in that party. A SMN is self sufficent damage and a 3rd party debuffer. It's good for what it is used for.

No one is telling you to put a SMN in to replace a RNG as a main source of DD. People need to stop thinking of a job just purely on damage or purely on healing. Adding SMN isn't about purely healing or purely damage. It's there for balance. You're giving up a lot of healing (WHM) for moderate healing (SMN), moderate damage, and moderate debuffs. If you can afford the tradeoff, it's a great job to use. Unfortunately, it has been a job that has been has been sitting on the bench for so long that there aren't many good players that you can trust to do the job right and that is the real issue.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Smasher
Posts: 878
By Lakshmi.Konvict 2014-01-02 15:37:20
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Bismarck.Sorce said: »
what is the deal with comeatmebro.... This guy keeps rippin on your group for taking a smn.... and says u dont know the game mechanics.... wow... this dude should spend another $60/month and level 6 more characters just because he can .... why do ppl think they have to correct everyone on what jobs to take to what.... when clearly, this LS has no issues clearing the hardest content in the game
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2014-01-03 16:57:36
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ItemSet 317930

I'm trying to get a RACC set for my SAM in case I catch a well timed WS and drop. With Sushi, Preludes, and such can I get something above floored ACC with this setup? I have Archery merited as well if that means anything any more.

I'm aware the set could be improved but it's still a work in progress. Working on a Matanki Earring, another Hajduk +1, and obviously a Kyujutsu Gi.

Edit: Yoichi is 119.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-01-03 17:42:03
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ideal setup is

rng rng rng rng brd cor
rng rng rng rng brd cor
pld pld brd whm whm geo

i've never once said smn can't be used, i said it's not ideal, there's no place to put it.. it's not difficulty understanding what it does, it's that you need to compromise other parts of your setup to use it

if you want to win as fast and reliably as possible, this is the setup to use

if you can't get this setup, don't like this setup, or whatever.. that's your choice and it's none of my business, but saying something's superior just because you scraped through a 29 min win with it or can think of a marginal use for some job is a joke

Lakshmi.Konvict said: »
trying too hard
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