Ark Angels II / Divine Might II (Discussion)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Quetzalcoatl.Kainstryder 2014-02-08 19:32:01
Really, cause my group has been going 4 or 5/6 on 119 materials, a bit less for a double drop of a 109 material as well. (This is on demons also, and the other was Anticans recently.) The drop rates are decent, don't listen to Pchan, especially if you can do VD.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 709
By Bismarck.Hsieh 2014-02-08 20:29:05
So apparently the BC are still packed, plutons are down to 130k ish which is garbage, even 6 man DM is starting to fade which I assume is due to TH actualy being efficient in D/VD single battles (forcing craft mats to drop more often).
Difficult SKC20 battles have ~1/6 chance of dropping from experience, take 5 minutes to kill. SKC20 battle are way too long to be worth the gil/hour. Cannot break 4M per hour spamming SKC20 the fastest of which is demons since you don't have to zone. Just stop.
By pchan 2014-02-09 04:31:18
Quetzalcoatl.Kainstryder said: »Really, cause my group has been going 4 or 5/6 on 119 materials, a bit less for a double drop of a 109 material as well. (This is on demons also, and the other was Anticans recently.) The drop rates are decent, don't listen to Pchan, especially if you can do VD.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 68
By Lakshmi.Kyera 2014-02-12 03:31:56
Does anyone know if Arrogance Incarnate scales with difficulty? Thinking of trying to lowman spam AAEV for sword, with THF PLD BRD, or would it just do too much damage?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2014-02-12 07:02:53
So I heard someone duo`d EV normal with BST+SMN, anybody ever tried this setup? What pet would the bst use and what kind of gear would they need?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 163
By Carbuncle.Tyleron 2014-02-13 21:08:08
Anyone can confirm hp on AA's on D or VD?
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 659
By Sylph.Systematicchaos 2014-02-13 21:18:55
Carbuncle.Tyleron said: »Anyone can confirm hp on AA's on D or VD?
Hume should have around 235-240k HP on difficult. At least assuming scoreboard was working and I'm remembering correctly.
By pchan 2014-02-14 01:26:49
THF PLF BRD lol ? You will get raped. Mdk tried once with WHM+MNK duo on normal and failed because it spams debuff and does heavy damage. It could work with something like MNK BRD WHM or outside buffs plus MNKx2 WHM. You'll need at least one whm if you melee it..
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Leviathan.Kidnoftle 2014-02-14 15:07:49
Does anyone know if Arrogance Incarnate scales with difficulty? Thinking of trying to lowman spam AAEV for sword, with THF PLD BRD, or would it just do too much damage?
That would actually probably work assuming your brd is of the gjallar99/daur99 variety. Might run close to the time limit but yeah: march march mad scherzo, sushi+1, appropriate acc sets, the thf will probably spend some of the time out of AoE if you need time to get hps up. Have the brd spam finales so it causes EV to rebuff instead of diagaII/banishga3.
As long as scherzo never drops I don't see a reason it can't be done with that set up. Might even work w/ a daur90 brd if you sacrifice madrigal and just amp up your tp sets w/ acc. Def need good/great gear to do it though.
edit: weapon droprates on norm are ***though, so expect do do at least 15-20 before you see a weap lol.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 68
By Lakshmi.Kyera 2014-02-14 15:10:24
Leviathan.Kidnoftle said: »Does anyone know if Arrogance Incarnate scales with difficulty? Thinking of trying to lowman spam AAEV for sword, with THF PLD BRD, or would it just do too much damage?
That would actually probably work assuming your brd is of the gjallar99/daur99 variety. Might run close to the time limit but yeah: march march mad scherzo, sushi+1, appropriate acc sets, the thf will probably spend some of the time out of AoE if you need time to get hps up. Have the brd spam finales so it causes EV to rebuff instead of diagaII/banishga3.
As long as scherzo never drops I don't see a reason it can't be done with that set up. Might even work w/ a daur90 brd if you sacrifice madrigal and just amp up your tp sets w/ acc. Def need good/great gear to do it though.
edit: weapon droprates on norm are ***though, so expect do do at least 15-20 before you see a weap lol.
I probably should have clarified that I meant VE or E.
Also I got the drop yesterday from a Difficult, so I guess I don't have to do this after all.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2014-02-14 15:11:57
Do you need ochain 100% to do this or can i get away with doing it with spark -3 damage taken,till i get done with ochain?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Leviathan.Kidnoftle 2014-02-14 15:22:11
Grats! Should be doable on normal regardless. You 100% need ochain. Probably can get by w/o aegis, but it would still provide a nice safety net for banishgas.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 189
By Bismarck.Bigheadkitty 2014-02-15 00:12:48
Quick question about Ranger on AAs. I have pretty decent accuracy on difficult with just a brd, while using the eminent gun. Anni will be ready next week and soon after it will be 119 level. Even with Anni 119 is it necessary to have a brd and a cor for VD. I personally have not tried VD so I am curious before I attempt it. Brd and Cor with eminent gun or wait for the 119 anni?
By pchan 2014-02-15 03:16:01
Did you level just for this *** ? Anyway not a ranger but on melee the gap is guge so being decent on D is not going to provide good results on VD. D > VD takes about twice as much time using the same setups.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 189
By Bismarck.Bigheadkitty 2014-02-15 03:37:14
Nope RNG was 2nd 75 after blm like 9 years ago. Just never made a relic for it. Question was do you need a brd and a cor for VD or just a brd? D is easy with a brd and non relic so the question is after 119 relic with the boosts to racc and the +skill would the setup be pld rng rng brd cor whm for VD run?
By pchan 2014-02-15 03:41:27
Everyone and their sister uses outside cors but inside, nope you don't need. If you are gimp you are better off with a geo inside.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 373
By Asura.Aikchan 2014-02-15 06:09:07
Bismarck.Bigheadkitty said: »Quick question about Ranger on AAs. I have pretty decent accuracy on difficult with just a brd, while using the eminent gun. Anni will be ready next week and soon after it will be 119 level. Even with Anni 119 is it necessary to have a brd and a cor for VD. I personally have not tried VD so I am curious before I attempt it. Brd and Cor with eminent gun or wait for the 119 anni?
I did VD MR, setup was 2x RNG, PLD, WHM, COR, BRD, fight lasted 13 mins, brd started w/ SV, but that's not the point, even with non SV songs and rolls downs I still had pretty good acc, would say capped.
(On iPhone ATM can't post gear) but yea practically had acc on every slot I could and used sushi.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 751
By Leviathan.Krysten 2014-02-25 15:19:35
i heard somone emntion one AA fights is soloable is this true or were they confused? lol
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1274
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2014-02-25 15:29:07
Leviathan.Krysten said: »i heard somone emntion one AA fights is soloable is this true or were they confused? lol
Yeah I often solo'd Easy Mode TT on scholar, T1 nuking and helix spells
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 232
By Bismarck.Davorin 2014-02-25 15:32:30
Leviathan.Krysten said: »i heard somone emntion one AA fights is soloable is this true or were they confused? lol
Found a vid of a SCH do TT-Normal a lil while back:
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 751
By Leviathan.Krysten 2014-02-25 15:44:11
Wonder if Pup could do it
is Taru the only soloable one?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 709
By Bismarck.Hsieh 2014-02-25 17:31:51
Bismarck.Bigheadkitty said: »Nope RNG was 2nd 75 after blm like 9 years ago. Just never made a relic for it. Question was do you need a brd and a cor for VD or just a brd? D is easy with a brd and non relic so the question is after 119 relic with the boosts to racc and the +skill would the setup be pld rng rng brd cor whm for VD run? My group does WHM RNGx2 PLD COR BRD. For elvaan, the COR switches to SMN for earthen armor. So yes, your set up would be ideal. The COR can do some damage, but they lack Decoy shot so be careful pulling hate.
Everyone and their sister uses outside cors but inside, nope you don't need. If you are gimp you are better off with a geo inside. A GEO is useless. The luopan dies too fast and the GEO would be wasting MP casting it over and over.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2014-02-25 18:23:24
Leviathan.Krysten said: »i heard somone emntion one AA fights is soloable is this true or were they confused? lol Soloing AA's is a real pain in the *** for everyone else on the server trying to get in to AA fights. Also, you're wasting your time.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 751
By Leviathan.Krysten 2014-02-25 23:16:46
ya ill remember to remember them when they dont invite me cuz there too job specific. lol
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 185
By Asura.Chefm 2014-03-28 09:49:32
what is a good set up for Divine Might v2 all 5 Normal+ fight?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-03-28 09:56:15
what is a good set up for Divine Might v2 all 5 Normal+ fight?
We did a 12-man run last night on Normal. For Difficult, if your 12-man team isn't geared/skilled to win, you can go with a full alliance of 18 and just take Party#2 and multiply it.
Party#1: PLDx2 WHMx2 THF BRD
Party#2: RNGx4 BRD COR
Party#3: RNGx4 BRD COR (Add Party#3 for Difficult)
EDIT: There's some wiggle room here on jobs in the event you don't have access to 8 RNG's. I've had NIN, MNK, GEO, SMN etc in my DM II runs before.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2014-03-31 10:32:56
Party#1: PLDx2 WHMx2 THF BRD Gonna be pretty rough on your THF trying to survive Arrogance Incarnate. Or do you have one of the bards /smn?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2014-03-31 10:35:40
Party#1: PLDx2 WHMx2 THF BRD Gonna be pretty rough on your THF trying to survive Arrogance Incarnate. Or do you have one of the bards /smn?
If we do the hallway strategy, my THF's know they're at risk from AOE's and TP moves, which is why I don't have them melee full-time.
Judging by how DDs got raped by AoE on normal difficulty i think RNGs and BLMs gonna make a come back....again! That being said might be smoother to try SC+MBs, any thoughts?