Ark Angels II / Divine Might II (Discussion)
By cervelo84 2013-12-13 17:38:25
Good post- keep us updated on what to expect here. I just saw my friends go out with 3 mnk pld brd whm , typical setup that did good with the hard mode SKC fights. But sounds like they will get owned with this setup. They are doing hard mode right off the bat!
By cervelo84 2013-12-13 17:41:16
Oh I have a question, do you have to repurchase the KI to do the fight again?
Is it like a SKC in that each KI opens the fight up?
so 6x ppl = 6 fights?
By pchan 2013-12-13 18:18:27
Judging by how DDs got raped by AoE on normal difficulty i think RNGs and BLMs gonna make a come back....again! That being said might be smoother to try SC+MBs, any thoughts?
MNKs (as always). But really w/ madrigal and sushi+1 Normal difficulty hume still evades alot
Not for me, but I'm not a gimp. And no pld/rng/sc = bad as always. MNK or bust as always. So far after doing 3 of the diffcults fights with 2 MNks as tank and dd, the only things required are acc (SV GH madrigals) and 50% pdt/mdt.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 44
By Sylph.Guebotermico 2013-12-13 18:46:24
what should prty set be for AA gk tried the galka a few times and havent beat him was wonder what paty setup should be
MNK MNK MNK BRD SCH WHM is what we used for him 1/1 normal mode though
took 12min use sushi +1 + acc set mantra rotation (x3 mantras).
pdt gear up in all hes tp moves, also /nin for shadows. and ofcurse pdt up when your no full hp or have hate. when your hp is full and have no hate and hes no doing a tp move then you can DD/Acc gear up, thas what we did and it was smooth nice and safe.
i hope that helps. GL
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1029
By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2013-12-13 20:49:57
In case anyone was curious about the same thing I was, AA EV's Arrogance Incarnate is circular AoE, not conal AoE.
Easy win on Normal mode with MNK/NIN x3, BRD (3 song), WHM, SCH.
By pchan 2013-12-14 14:25:18
Hard HM very easy on difficult mode, 15 minutes, MNKx2, WHMx2, BRDx2, the VHM is probably going down soon.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2013-12-14 14:50:29
Bismarck.Josiahkf said: »Hard HM very easy on difficult mode, 15 minutes, MNKx2, WHMx2, BRDx2, the VHM is probably going down soon. Scherzo acc acc march march minuet minuet minuet? +Defender, Defender?
By pchan 2013-12-17 03:45:17
Scherzo is useless except on galka because he is the only one with 1 hit WS. Difficult battles don't require anything else than pdt. We do accx2 marchx2 minuetsx4.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-12-17 03:59:03
How much hp, def and pdt do you melee in?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2013-12-17 04:11:47
All very difficult fights are easily beatable with RNGx2 WHM PLD BRD and a 6th spot for either COR(Rolls/WC/Enhanced Dia2), SMN(EA if your PLD needs it) or another RNG, plus you can use outside buffers before you enter the BC, which makes it even easier. There have even been reports that relic isn't needed for the RNGs and that decoy shot with a none-relic weapon can work.
Pchan's only been doing difficult fights because all except Galka are too much work/effort/waste of time to bother with melee method. Not saying it's impossible, but we've beat all 5 in the time they couldn't even clear one(well, maybe galka, but that one's a joke).
Since starting the BCs I've got over 300 plutons, 250 beit and 300 boulders just from my personal pools of cases and boxes, which is nice, because the material drop rate hasn't been so great for us.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 452
By Quetzalcoatl.Elysien 2013-12-17 04:20:45
Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »In case anyone was curious about the same thing I was, AA EV's Arrogance Incarnate is circular AoE, not conal AoE.
Easy win on Normal mode with MNK/NIN x3, BRD (3 song), WHM, SCH. to add on this, damage is also dependent on # of people in range.
to add to the thread; double bard is preferred for soul voice ghorn mad rotations. mnk always being the preferred dd of choice due to higher survivability with larger native base hp, subtle blow, and, of course, mantra. most of these are a breeze with /nin. the only issue I see is obtaining enough accuracy to actually hit the mithra on very difficult, which ranger may be useful for.
all difficult are easily doable with: 2x brd(4 songs preferred), 3x mnk/nin(pdt/mdt sets, accuracy tp+ws. if support is good, can get by with rcb excluding mithra), whm(boost str or dex depending on acc buffs/mob). can adapt by replacing a brd with a cor(hunters+chaos relic hat pls). brds should have at least three songs (99 ghorn preferred for madrigals, but +3 is doable). just need to bounce hate between tanks, pdt swap if attention is on you or shadows are down (this also means to turn so you dont retain hate to recast). depending on players, can be done between 10-20 min consistently.
By pchan 2013-12-17 16:09:05
All very difficult fights are easily beatable with RNGx2 WHM PLD BRD and a 6th spot for either COR(Rolls/WC/Enhanced Dia2), SMN(EA if your PLD needs it) or another RNG, plus you can use outside buffers before you enter the BC, which makes it even easier. There have even been reports that relic isn't needed for the RNGs and that decoy shot with a none-relic weapon can work.
Pchan's only been doing difficult fights because all except Galka are too much work/effort/waste of time to bother with melee method. Not saying it's impossible, but we've beat all 5 in the time they couldn't even clear one(well, maybe galka, but that one's a joke).
Since starting the BCs I've got over 300 plutons, 250 beit and 300 boulders just from my personal pools of cases and boxes, which is nice, because the material drop rate hasn't been so great for us.
It's funny how beating stuff before pchan is the new trend among BG losers. I feel important now.
By pchan 2013-12-17 16:15:47
Quetzalcoatl.Elysien said: »Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »In case anyone was curious about the same thing I was, AA EV's Arrogance Incarnate is circular AoE, not conal AoE.
Easy win on Normal mode with MNK/NIN x3, BRD (3 song), WHM, SCH. to add on this, damage is also dependent on # of people in range.
to add to the thread; double bard is preferred for soul voice ghorn mad rotations. mnk always being the preferred dd of choice due to higher survivability with larger native base hp, subtle blow, and, of course, mantra. most of these are a breeze with /nin. the only issue I see is obtaining enough accuracy to actually hit the mithra on very difficult, which ranger may be useful for.
all difficult are easily doable with: 2x brd(4 songs preferred), 3x mnk/nin(pdt/mdt sets, accuracy tp+ws. if support is good, can get by with rcb excluding mithra), whm(boost str or dex depending on acc buffs/mob). can adapt by replacing a brd with a cor(hunters+chaos relic hat pls). brds should have at least three songs (99 ghorn preferred for madrigals, but +3 is doable). just need to bounce hate between tanks, pdt swap if attention is on you or shadows are down (this also means to turn so you dont retain hate to recast). depending on players, can be done between 10-20 min consistently.
None of the VDM battle are evasive, soulvoice is enough too cap on them with DD gear, it's just that you have to full time 50% pdt. The mithra is the easiest battle and I never really noticed it's evasiveness. If someone is interested I'm currently upgrading towards
otronif body/hands/legs/feet augmented with 10 acc and 4% pdt
Lithelimb cap (new ilevel 119 head with 3% pdt and acc)
patrcius ring + black belt
2x 8 acc earring from delve
ammo 15 accuracy
statless dt gear on neck/back/waist.
This has potential to cap accuracy on very difficult with soulvoice.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2013-12-17 16:51:58
Quetzalcoatl.Elysien said: »Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »In case anyone was curious about the same thing I was, AA EV's Arrogance Incarnate is circular AoE, not conal AoE.
Easy win on Normal mode with MNK/NIN x3, BRD (3 song), WHM, SCH. to add on this, damage is also dependent on # of people in range.
to add to the thread; double bard is preferred for soul voice ghorn mad rotations. mnk always being the preferred dd of choice due to higher survivability with larger native base hp, subtle blow, and, of course, mantra. most of these are a breeze with /nin. the only issue I see is obtaining enough accuracy to actually hit the mithra on very difficult, which ranger may be useful for.
all difficult are easily doable with: 2x brd(4 songs preferred), 3x mnk/nin(pdt/mdt sets, accuracy tp+ws. if support is good, can get by with rcb excluding mithra), whm(boost str or dex depending on acc buffs/mob). can adapt by replacing a brd with a cor(hunters+chaos relic hat pls). brds should have at least three songs (99 ghorn preferred for madrigals, but +3 is doable). just need to bounce hate between tanks, pdt swap if attention is on you or shadows are down (this also means to turn so you dont retain hate to recast). depending on players, can be done between 10-20 min consistently.
None of the VDM battle are evasive, soulvoice is enough too cap on them with DD gear, it's just that you have to full time 50% pdt. The mithra is the easiest battle and I never really noticed it's evasiveness. If someone is interested I'm currently upgrading towards
otronif body/hands/legs/feet augmented with 10 acc and 4% pdt
Lithelimb cap (new ilevel 119 head with 3% pdt and acc)
patrcius ring + black belt
2x 8 acc earring from delve
ammo 15 accuracy
statless dt gear on neck/back/waist.
This has potential to cap accuracy on very difficult with soulvoice. VD not evasive

You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2013-12-17 17:08:39
Bismarck.Josiahkf said: »You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs. I wonder if keeping a thief there to feint constantly and (accomplice when people have tp) and TA/TA-ws the pld to help enmity is a wasted slot. Plus they can evasion down step with each TA or SA for 100% acc step too
Definitely sounds viable for DM if not the AA, oui? accuracy is main issue in there, ppl farming GK/TT easily on asura, have to have at least +100 acc though with a brd and cor t5s im talkin about
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2013-12-17 17:09:22
It's funny how beating stuff before pchan is the new trend among BG losers. I feel important now.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Leviathan.Kidnoftle 2013-12-17 17:13:40
It's funny how beating stuff before pchan is the new trend among BG losers. I feel important now.
Not hard to beat up a downsy kid. Not to mention all of the AAs were downed on VD <24hrs of update being released...
By pchan 2013-12-18 03:02:47
accuracy is main issue in there, ppl farming GK/TT easily on asura, have to have at least +100 acc though with a brd and cor t5s im talkin about
Accucary is not as issue on any level battle if your gear doesn't suck, but you have to put pdt in pretty much any slot to survive vdm. SV is enough to cap with acc gear but you get raped.
By pchan 2013-12-18 03:06:27
Bismarck.Josiahkf said: »You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs. I wonder if keeping a thief there to feint constantly and (accomplice when people have tp) and TA/TA-ws the pld to help enmity is a wasted slot. Plus they can evasion down step with each TA or SA for 100% acc step too
Definitely sounds viable for DM if not the AA, oui? Quetzalcoatl.Elysien said: »Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »In case anyone was curious about the same thing I was, AA EV's Arrogance Incarnate is circular AoE, not conal AoE.
Easy win on Normal mode with MNK/NIN x3, BRD (3 song), WHM, SCH. to add on this, damage is also dependent on # of people in range.
to add to the thread; double bard is preferred for soul voice ghorn mad rotations. mnk always being the preferred dd of choice due to higher survivability with larger native base hp, subtle blow, and, of course, mantra. most of these are a breeze with /nin. the only issue I see is obtaining enough accuracy to actually hit the mithra on very difficult, which ranger may be useful for.
all difficult are easily doable with: 2x brd(4 songs preferred), 3x mnk/nin(pdt/mdt sets, accuracy tp+ws. if support is good, can get by with rcb excluding mithra), whm(boost str or dex depending on acc buffs/mob). can adapt by replacing a brd with a cor(hunters+chaos relic hat pls). brds should have at least three songs (99 ghorn preferred for madrigals, but +3 is doable). just need to bounce hate between tanks, pdt swap if attention is on you or shadows are down (this also means to turn so you dont retain hate to recast). depending on players, can be done between 10-20 min consistently.
None of the VDM battle are evasive, soulvoice is enough too cap on them with DD gear, it's just that you have to full time 50% pdt. The mithra is the easiest battle and I never really noticed it's evasiveness. If someone is interested I'm currently upgrading towards
otronif body/hands/legs/feet augmented with 10 acc and 4% pdt
Lithelimb cap (new ilevel 119 head with 3% pdt and acc)
patrcius ring + black belt
2x 8 acc earring from delve
ammo 15 accuracy
statless dt gear on neck/back/waist.
This has potential to cap accuracy on very difficult with soulvoice. VD not evasive

You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs.
Really ? even though I was 40-50 accuracy from my max potential gear wise, and even though we don't use cheat outside CORs yet, we've brought hume and MR down to 20% with 2 MNK/WAR. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean anyone else can't.
By Pantafernando 2013-12-18 03:16:26
Bismarck.Josiahkf said: »You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs. I wonder if keeping a thief there to feint constantly and (accomplice when people have tp) and TA/TA-ws the pld to help enmity is a wasted slot. Plus they can evasion down step with each TA or SA for 100% acc step too
Definitely sounds viable for DM if not the AA, oui? Quetzalcoatl.Elysien said: »Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »In case anyone was curious about the same thing I was, AA EV's Arrogance Incarnate is circular AoE, not conal AoE.
Easy win on Normal mode with MNK/NIN x3, BRD (3 song), WHM, SCH. to add on this, damage is also dependent on # of people in range.
to add to the thread; double bard is preferred for soul voice ghorn mad rotations. mnk always being the preferred dd of choice due to higher survivability with larger native base hp, subtle blow, and, of course, mantra. most of these are a breeze with /nin. the only issue I see is obtaining enough accuracy to actually hit the mithra on very difficult, which ranger may be useful for.
all difficult are easily doable with: 2x brd(4 songs preferred), 3x mnk/nin(pdt/mdt sets, accuracy tp+ws. if support is good, can get by with rcb excluding mithra), whm(boost str or dex depending on acc buffs/mob). can adapt by replacing a brd with a cor(hunters+chaos relic hat pls). brds should have at least three songs (99 ghorn preferred for madrigals, but +3 is doable). just need to bounce hate between tanks, pdt swap if attention is on you or shadows are down (this also means to turn so you dont retain hate to recast). depending on players, can be done between 10-20 min consistently.
None of the VDM battle are evasive, soulvoice is enough too cap on them with DD gear, it's just that you have to full time 50% pdt. The mithra is the easiest battle and I never really noticed it's evasiveness. If someone is interested I'm currently upgrading towards
otronif body/hands/legs/feet augmented with 10 acc and 4% pdt
Lithelimb cap (new ilevel 119 head with 3% pdt and acc)
patrcius ring + black belt
2x 8 acc earring from delve
ammo 15 accuracy
statless dt gear on neck/back/waist.
This has potential to cap accuracy on very difficult with soulvoice. VD not evasive

You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs.
Really ? even though I was 40-50 accuracy from my max potential gear wise, and even though we don't use cheat outisde CORs yet, we've brought hume and MR down to 20% as with 2 MNK/WAR. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean anyone else can't.
EXPLAIN what you mean "cheats outside cors".
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2013-12-18 03:22:53
Bismarck.Josiahkf said: »You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs. I wonder if keeping a thief there to feint constantly and (accomplice when people have tp) and TA/TA-ws the pld to help enmity is a wasted slot. Plus they can evasion down step with each TA or SA for 100% acc step too
Definitely sounds viable for DM if not the AA, oui? Quetzalcoatl.Elysien said: »Bismarck.Llewelyn said: »In case anyone was curious about the same thing I was, AA EV's Arrogance Incarnate is circular AoE, not conal AoE.
Easy win on Normal mode with MNK/NIN x3, BRD (3 song), WHM, SCH. to add on this, damage is also dependent on # of people in range.
to add to the thread; double bard is preferred for soul voice ghorn mad rotations. mnk always being the preferred dd of choice due to higher survivability with larger native base hp, subtle blow, and, of course, mantra. most of these are a breeze with /nin. the only issue I see is obtaining enough accuracy to actually hit the mithra on very difficult, which ranger may be useful for.
all difficult are easily doable with: 2x brd(4 songs preferred), 3x mnk/nin(pdt/mdt sets, accuracy tp+ws. if support is good, can get by with rcb excluding mithra), whm(boost str or dex depending on acc buffs/mob). can adapt by replacing a brd with a cor(hunters+chaos relic hat pls). brds should have at least three songs (99 ghorn preferred for madrigals, but +3 is doable). just need to bounce hate between tanks, pdt swap if attention is on you or shadows are down (this also means to turn so you dont retain hate to recast). depending on players, can be done between 10-20 min consistently.
None of the VDM battle are evasive, soulvoice is enough too cap on them with DD gear, it's just that you have to full time 50% pdt. The mithra is the easiest battle and I never really noticed it's evasiveness. If someone is interested I'm currently upgrading towards
otronif body/hands/legs/feet augmented with 10 acc and 4% pdt
Lithelimb cap (new ilevel 119 head with 3% pdt and acc)
patrcius ring + black belt
2x 8 acc earring from delve
ammo 15 accuracy
statless dt gear on neck/back/waist.
This has potential to cap accuracy on very difficult with soulvoice. VD not evasive

You're getting to the point of too obvious trolling, with a BRD outside to pre SV mad x2, hunters roll, and the main brd + full acc set and sushi Accuracy is NOT capped, its between 80~85% still enough to get the job done in 15m> as /nin since i call bs on anyone claiming to kill t5s with DD/WAR bar RNGs.
Really ? even though I was 40-50 accuracy from my max potential gear wise, and even though we don't use cheat outisde CORs yet, we've brought hume and MR down to 20% as with 2 MNK/WAR. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean anyone else can't.
EXPLAIN what you mean "cheats outside cors".
I think he means having and extra COR outside the entrance, to give rolls right before you enter, so you have an extra set of buffs for 5-6 minutes.
By pchan 2013-12-18 03:44:25
You can enter any BC with 12 songs, and I think 4 rolls from outside buffs as they don't wear off uppon entering, so in theory you could use 3x soul voice madrigals (1 outside and 2 inside). Beside outside CORs (=more proof that it is a fail job) have all the time they want to put at least a 11 in hunter's roll. I'm certain my group will clear them once our COR mules have access to sky and once I have the few acc+pdt gear I still need. Unfortunately those BC come at a point where REM upgrade mats are worth basically nothing except pluton which is a considerable limit. The ratio time/gil seems pretty fail overall.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2013-12-18 08:50:17
accuracy is main issue in there, ppl farming GK/TT easily on asura, have to have at least +100 acc though with a brd and cor t5s im talkin about
Accucary???? is not as issue on any level battle if your gear doesn't suck, but you have to put pdt in pretty much any slot to survive vdm. SV is enough to cap with acc gear but you get raped. How is anyone supposed to believe you know anything about ACCURACY when you can't even spell it? You are more full of ***then Shanahan and his 5 year rebuild plan for the Redskins. There is no way you are clearing t5 /war no whm will keep up with that esp when most AA dispel buffs when using a certain TP move if you dont blink it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-12-18 09:28:12
accuracy is main issue in there, ppl farming GK/TT easily on asura, have to have at least +100 acc though with a brd and cor t5s im talkin about
Accucary???? is not as issue on any level battle if your gear doesn't suck, but you have to put pdt in pretty much any slot to survive vdm. SV is enough to cap with acc gear but you get raped. How is anyone supposed to believe you know anything about ACCURACY when you can't even spell it? You are more full of ***then Shanahan and his 5 year rebuild plan for the Redskins. There is no way you are clearing t5 /war no whm will keep up with that esp when most AA dispel buffs when using a certain TP move if you dont blink it.
F*ck the WHM "keeping up", you'll be one shoted left and right, no time for them to even hit the cure macro. Normal mode hits hard as hell and has ridiculous evasion, VD is just plain bullsh!t with evasion and offensive power. It's very obvious that SE created VD them to entertain the "accomplishments have to mean something" super elite crowd, though as predicted they are finding the absolute easiest / reliable /dumbest way to farm VD.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2013-12-18 10:14:24
I hate to be "that guy" but "frog" is kind of an inappropriate slur, don't you think?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2013-12-18 10:19:36
I hate to be "that guy" but "frog" is kind of an inappropriate slur, don't you think? frog? never heard that 1 b4
Judging by how DDs got raped by AoE on normal difficulty i think RNGs and BLMs gonna make a come back....again! That being said might be smoother to try SC+MBs, any thoughts?