Trust Ciphers!

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Trust Ciphers!
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By Justuas 2016-10-24 03:09:07
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Don't know if this is already asked, but what are the best trusts to use that can proc NMs in Abyssea and Voidwatch?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2016-10-24 11:19:50
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For magic I liked Shanntoo. For red procc that depends.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2016-10-24 12:42:25
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
I was bored at Qilin today and decided to play with random trusts.

Chacharoon was interesting, and I can't find much info about him. He appears to be something of a gamble.

He's a THF with TH1. Most of the time he uses Pocket Sand & Sharp Eye. The latter is a sweet defense down that overrides or possibly even stacks with itself. It worked whether Qilin was facing Cha or not.

However, occasionally he will use Tripe Grip, which gives the target a potent Attack Boost. Qilin's Heat Breath went from doing 50 damage to 898.

I have to say, I actually enjoyed using him! It added a little element of surprise to the dull fights. I wouldn't advise using him against anything dangerous, though... unless you're looking for a real challenge!
i doubt it gives an attack boost and even if it did it wouldn't affect heat breath. you just didn't resist it.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Neb 2016-10-24 12:56:11
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Go Nin/War and you can pretty much proc any weapon and some magic at least Trusts are really hit and miss.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2016-10-26 10:44:44
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
i doubt it gives an attack boost and even if it did it wouldn't affect heat breath. you just didn't resist it.
He did it twice in a row, both for exactly 898 damage. The second time he did it, it was right after a Stonega 4 that was also unresisted. Trust didn't cure me fast enough, and the Heat Breath actually killed me. First time dying on Qilin during these voidwatch campaigns.

Also, the log message when it uses Tripe Gripe is very explicit. Something along the lines of "The Qilin gains the effect of attack boost."

I'm not disagreeing that it seems odd that "attack boost" would make his magic attacks stronger, just stating what I observed. Aside from that one time I used Chacharoon for ~30 kills, Qilin has never done that kind of damage to me in the last 2500 voidstones or so.
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Posts: 162
By Luthiene 2016-12-01 17:29:39
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Hey, i just got back to the game and found out we can summon 5 trusts now! Woah! So I used to use Kupipi + Joachim + Ulmia previously.

What are good combinations now for all round survivability? (soloing stuff to upgrade AF3 and any other gear before attempting endgame)
Posts: 164
By Bamboom 2016-12-01 18:00:54
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Hmm if you are working to upgrade AF I highly recommend you use Amchuchu if you have her, and do the avatar fights for chapters. She can tank those even on normal, with the right support.

For soloing battlefields where I can tank/be main hate holder, I currently use: Sylvie(unity), Selteus(sp), Mihli(sp), Ulmia and Koru-Moru.

For soloing battlefields where I need to use a tank I: Replace Selteus with one of 3 tank trusts:

Amchuchu for when the fight involves elemental magic dangers. She rocks at tanking those and providing some protection.

August or any other pld trust for when the fight is mostly physical

Gessho when the fight is physical and shadows are required or ease the fight. I use him for the AA high tier battlefields.

For soloing regular monsters for exp/job points I use:

Sylvie, Joachim, Ulmia, Koru-Moru, Qultada/Selteus/WHM/RDM for the last slot depending on whether or not I'm ok on heals or need more support.

However if you just got back I highly recommend you use one of the unity white mage trusts. They are really good WHMs and have good mp regeneration abilities. I believe Yoran is current deemed as better than Apuru.

So a good setup would be something like:

Yoran, August/Amchuchu/Gessho, Ulmia/Joachim, Koru/King/Arciela II, Selteus/Qultada/Stunner/DPS...

I really like Selteus because his AoE cure tp move has saved my arse a lot and it's tp based it can be helpful when you are silenced.

Sylvie is really great and provides great attack buffs and some cures but she lacks ant curaga spells which is why I tend to pair her up with Selteus.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Fallyn
Posts: 29
By Lakshmi.Aesyr 2016-12-02 06:21:04
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For EXP I use:

Apururu (WHM)
- I honestly read everywhere that he's better than Yoran, and his use is wider than Sylvie. Yes her GEO spells are good, even for exp, but the dedicated healing Apururu puts out > Sylvie for anything harder than EXP mobs imo.

Shantotto II (BLM)
- MB's x2 on all SCs for stupid high damage. Uses T1s so never runs out of MP either.

Tenzen/Zeid II/Iroha II
- DPS to SC with me so that Shantotto MBs for crazy damage (choose one that can either keep up TP with you, or can open/close Light/Dark).

Qultada or Joachim (COR/BRD)
- If you have EXP+ on Qultada will COR+DRK roll, otherwise it'll be DRK+WAR or SMN (Quldata pairs well with Zeid II)
- Joachim for Marches, choose as appropriate.

Koru-Moru/King of Hearts (RDM)
- Koru is best, but if you're on BLU, he won't refresh you, and if you're on COR melee he will try and Flurry you instead of Haste.

For soloing stuff with more support, swap DPS/Shan2 out for Seltheus/Kupipi/Chebukki or some other support, and add in a tank like Amchuchu/Mnejing, or August if you have.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2016-12-02 06:47:52
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Koru will refresh blu, dunno what you smoke.
Posts: 21
By Delmania 2016-12-02 07:05:56
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Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »
For EXP I use:

Apururu (WHM)
- I honestly read everywhere that he's better than Yoran, and his use is wider than Sylvie. Yes her GEO spells are good, even for exp, but the dedicated healing Apururu puts out > Sylvie for anything harder than EXP mobs imo.

First, a nitpick, Apururu is female. Female tarus have names that end with a repeated syllable, whereas males have hyphenated, rhyming names. Second, from a mechanic standpoint, Yoran is better only if you have either Iroha II or Selh'teus. He's the best single target healer, so you need something for those times when you need an AoE heal.
Posts: 21
By Delmania 2016-12-02 07:07:27
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geigei said: »
Koru will refresh blu, dunno what you smoke.

BLU is the one job he won't Refresh. Long standing bug.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Fallyn
Posts: 29
By Lakshmi.Aesyr 2016-12-02 07:53:35
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geigei said: »
Koru will refresh blu, dunno what you smoke.

I smoke da reefer m8.

But no, he won't refresh a BLU. I play BLU.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Fallyn
Posts: 29
By Lakshmi.Aesyr 2016-12-02 07:55:45
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Delmania said: »
Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »
For EXP I use:

Apururu (WHM)
- I honestly read everywhere that he's better than Yoran, and his use is wider than Sylvie. Yes her GEO spells are good, even for exp, but the dedicated healing Apururu puts out > Sylvie for anything harder than EXP mobs imo.

First, a nitpick, Apururu is female. Female tarus have names that end with a repeated syllable, whereas males have hyphenated, rhyming names. Second, from a mechanic standpoint, Yoran is better only if you have either Iroha II or Selh'teus. He's the best single target healer, so you need something for those times when you need an AoE heal.

1. Noted, I almost wrote 'she' but didn't!
2. I don't actually have Iroha2 yet (new character and haven't got though RoV yet) and I don't really use Selhteus that often.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Godofgods 2016-12-02 08:32:57
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all hail Apururu!
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2016-12-02 08:53:17
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I've found myself using Ingrid II over Sehl'teus, as she gives me another AoE heal that's TP based and chains light well (and she'll burst on that light skill chain,to boot). Just a thought for sword users in particular when dealing with AoE attacks.
Server: Asura
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user: Delmania
Posts: 16
By Asura.Delmania 2016-12-02 09:08:23
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Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »

1. Noted, I almost wrote 'she' but didn't!
2. I don't actually have Iroha2 yet (new character and haven't got though RoV yet) and I don't really use Selhteus that often.

I have a love/hate relationship with Selh'teus. Rejuvenation is great, but he doesn't seem to use all that often. It might just be I don't pay attention, but my observation is that he tends to just float and occasionally use Luminous Lance. If Iroha II was a bit more predictable with her Rise from the Ashes, I'd probably just use her with Zeid II.
Posts: 162
By Luthiene 2016-12-02 13:45:44
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These are all really good inputs guys, thanks! Im almost done with RoV and will start looking into getting all these important trusts, I feel like i only have half of those mentioned so far.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2016-12-02 14:02:42
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Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »
geigei said: »
Koru will refresh blu, dunno what you smoke.

I smoke da reefer m8.

But no, he won't refresh a BLU. I play BLU.

Turns out it was the card.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-12-02 16:01:26
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
I've found myself using Ingrid II over Sehl'teus, as she gives me another AoE heal that's TP based and chains light well (and she'll burst on that light skill chain,to boot). Just a thought for sword users in particular when dealing with AoE attacks.

Selhteus is a lot better than Ingrid Cele. His aoe heal heals, gives mp, and TP +. Has regain, and you can manipulate him for skillchains. Since he will hold TP until 2000, and will use Luminous Lance or Revelation. If on BLU, it will do Fusion with Expiacion, or say on RDM you can open with Savage Blade and do double light with him.

Ingrid 2 gets tp very slow(like most trust DDs). Her delay is pretty bad and only gets 100 tp per hit.
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Server: Sylph
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Posts: 294
By Sylph.Agentblade 2017-01-01 10:55:07
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Is there a list out yet for the available trust to acquire during the New Years alter ego campaign?
Posts: 371
By Justuas 2017-01-01 10:56:38
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Sylph.Agentblade said: »
Is there a list out yet for the available trust to acquire during the New Years alter ego campaign?
Server: Cerberus
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user: Nekdal
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By Cerberus.Nekdal 2017-01-01 11:12:58
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Lakshmi.Aesyr said: »
geigei said: »
Koru will refresh blu, dunno what you smoke.

I smoke da reefer m8.

But no, he won't refresh a BLU. I play BLU.

Its true i play on blu soloing cp and not a single refresh once koru sucks *** but will refresh a drk....
Posts: 433
By veddertehtaco 2017-01-01 13:31:39
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Actually he doesn't anymore, think he use to but now I find myself using entropy or aspir because of this. I honestly thought he use to, could be mistaken (refresh drk I mean. Arciela does though.
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Server: Sylph
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user: lazarius
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By Sylph.Illidarius 2017-02-25 11:11:36
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Sorry for the necro, but i just got the galka AA cipher, trying to trade it to unlock it and "you cannot read this cipher due to an event occuring in rhapsodies of vanadiel" Do i need to finish RoV to trade it, because i am now at mission "Darkness beckons" and it was not talking about the AA so far....(on bg wiki it say you might not be able to unlock if you are in an event with the AA, wich im not) Just want a clear answer, thanks :)
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2017-02-25 12:58:39
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yes. can't confirm if you have to complete, but when i got that issue i hadn't bothered to try to trade again until i finished rhapsody
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Louisoix
Posts: 91
By Leviathan.Louisoix 2017-03-28 22:18:56
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I'm not sure, but it's a possibility that I got a cipher in the past(and in the past in game) and perhaps dropped it? I went to downs[S] and talked to Shanene, but all i get is dialog about her being the little sister of a famous scholar. Is there anyway to check to see if you've gotten a cipher besides checking your trust list. And is there a way to re obtain a cipher if you DID drop it? thanks.

Perhaps those three in the past are dependent on which nation you chose to do missions with?

Because i got no cipher for Excenmille, just the messege that i learned the trust.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-03-28 22:32:36
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You can get all three of the ones in the past depending on your story quest progression in the past. If you dropped the Cipher itself, no way to get it back that I'm aware of.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Louisoix
Posts: 91
By Leviathan.Louisoix 2017-03-28 22:42:23
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I did just what was required on sandy path to obtain moonshade, so i assume that i just havent done enough in the past to obtain the other two then. Thanks for the quick response! cheers!
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Godofgods 2017-04-10 16:51:36
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did anyone ever figure out the line between keeping UC's trust and losing it week to week?
By clearlyamule 2017-04-10 16:53:17
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Same as to earn them I thought
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