Trust Ciphers!

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Trust Ciphers!
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Posts: 40
By Aralays 2015-11-11 06:06:29
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Updated my Trust Magic List with the new Records of Eminence to get some of the former extravaganza-trusts, with Arciela II, Iroha and Iroha II.
Still missing weaponskill attributes for most of what Arciela does and special effects (if any are there) of the ladies weaponskills.

Have to check if there are any synergy-effects between the 6 glow-girls.
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2015-11-11 07:34:08
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Iroha II:
-Uses Meditate, Hasso, and Third Eye.
-Has double attack trait and possibly Zanshin.
-Cast Protectra V, Shellra V, and Flare II. Seems to be her only spells? I went /rdm and converted to put myself in red hp but she never cured me.
-Amatsu: Hanadoki (closes Reverberation/Fragmentation)
-Amatsu: Suien (closes Fusion/Light)
-Amatsu: Kyori (closes Light)
-Amatsu: Gashirin (Closes double Light)
-She will attempt to magic burst Flare II when closing a fusion/light skillchain.
-Rise From Ashes: AoE heal ability for 600ish hp that also recovers mp by the same amount.
-She performs a multi-step skillchain after using Meditate. Note: She always builds 2000 tp before doing this.
Amatsu: Kyori > Amatsu: Hanadoki = Fragmentation > Amatsu: Suien = Light > Amatsu: Gashirin = Double Light (she will always third eye then flare II which makes her miss the magic burst sadly :/)

-Arciela II and Iroha II mention each other when used together so they may have some sort of synergy. Both attempt to magic burst off Amatsu: Suien also which is a nice chunk of damage.

Just some notes so far with the few hours I have used Iroha II. She is a really solid support DD and seems amazing for mages to who like to magic burst!

Iroha's double light skillchain:
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Server: Fenrir
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user: Shinun
Posts: 81
By Fenrir.Shinun 2015-11-11 08:34:30
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Dunno if it's been stated yet. But all the female RoV II's seem to talk to each other Summoned Iroha II > Arciela II > Lilisette II> Nashmeira II > Prishe II and they all talked to the previous one. No idea on the synergy
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 208
By Cerberus.Immortalmoon 2015-11-11 16:44:38
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if you missed the following trust, Valanineral, Mihli Aliapoh, Tenzen, adelheid, an joachim. You can get them through ROE quest tutorial > basics
just thought I would let people know that want to collect them all
Posts: 5
By katsuko 2015-11-11 20:34:23
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Rise from the Ashes also gives a pretty potent stoneskin.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2015-11-12 15:44:08
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Besides the login ones, are there any temporarily available trusts from conquest points, imperial standing, etc.?
Posts: 177
By runeghost 2015-11-12 18:36:31
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Cerberus.Immortalmoon said: »
if you missed the following trust, Valanineral, Mihli Aliapoh, Tenzen, adelheid, an joachim. You can get them through ROE quest tutorial > basics
just thought I would let people know that want to collect them all
Also as a note, as they are non-sendable and non sellable, if you already have them there is nothing to do except drop them.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Shinun
Posts: 81
By Fenrir.Shinun 2015-11-12 20:20:57
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Dunno if it's 100% all the time. But while leveling today on Mandagoras everytime I would be asleep from Dream Flower. Iroha II would only use Rise from Ashes. Quite often I would be asleep with full HP and she would spam 2-3x Rise from Ashes
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Shinun
Posts: 81
By Fenrir.Shinun 2015-11-13 00:24:06
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Trusts WILL trigger !! in Dynamis. Using the dancer trusts Mayakov/Uka/Mumor are useful for that because they spam steps.

What I would like to find out is if they can trigger white if you go in without a subjob
Server: Siren
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user: Clinpachi
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By Siren.Clinpachii 2015-11-13 00:51:17
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Fenrir.Shinun said: »
Trusts WILL trigger !! in Dynamis. Using the dancer trusts Mayakov/Uka/Mumor are useful for that because they spam steps.

What I would like to find out is if they can trigger white if you go in without a subjob

Well apparently their kills count as pet kills, so treat them as pets.

I feel dirty for saying that somehow. *eyeballs his favorite female npcs*
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 305
By Phoenix.Frankbrodie 2015-11-13 18:39:50
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For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, there's ROE pages for calling a trust out. Under the tutorial ones.

You have to call Valaneriel for the first one. And it gives you a Mihli cipher and opens up an ROE to call her next.

Not sure after that. Not done it yet.
Posts: 105
By ibm2431 2015-11-14 04:14:08
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I suspect Iroha II's SC properties are special. She often closes Fusion off of Rudra's Storm. I've seen it multiple times thus far and still have difficulty believing it.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 12
By Asura.Nunzio 2015-11-14 04:46:04
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Phoenix.Frankbrodie said: »
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, there's ROE pages for calling a trust out. Under the tutorial ones.

You have to call Valaneriel for the first one. And it gives you a Mihli cipher and opens up an ROE to call her next.

Not sure after that. Not done it yet.

I tried this. Next in line are Tenzen, Adelheid and Joachim. After Joachim it's over, no more quests and no more ciphers awarded, so in short the trust ciphers obtainable this way are one per role: tank, healer, mage, DD and BRD.
Posts: 40
By Aralays 2015-11-14 11:51:49
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Shantotto II uses magical auto-attacks, casts extremely powerful tier 1 spells and has some weaponskills with so-so damage but awesome special effects.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Shinun
Posts: 81
By Fenrir.Shinun 2015-11-14 11:52:55
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Shantotto II is great. I haven't spent much time with her but she Auto Attacks with her floating Orbs on Colonization Reives for ~500-600 damage. She casts T1 Nukes that are doing ~1400 and will MB T1 Nukes that are doing ~5600-6000 Damage. Will try on Wildskeeper Reive in a second to see if she does anything higher then T1 Nukes/MB on big HP mobs


She only uses T1 Nukes,Auto Attacks, and somewhat meh WS but they look great. Went to solo Tchakka and it was noticeably faster thanks to her because she is a BLM trust done right. She has no MP issues because of the low cost of T1. She was constantly MBing when I was Light Spamming. Her normal nukes when not MB'd did upwards of 3.4k (Thunder), while most of her spells were in the 2k-2.5k Range. Her MB did upwards of 8.5K (Thunder) while most were in the 5.6-7k Range.

I'd love to see what she can do with a Geomancer
Posts: 164
By Bamboom 2015-11-14 12:48:40
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Her accuracy is also very high. She was hitting 125 mobs unbuffed
Posts: 40
By Aralays 2015-11-14 12:52:34
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Magical autoattacks have 100% accuracy, I think ;)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Tilanna
Posts: 28
By Shiva.Tilanna 2015-11-14 13:42:51
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ibm2431 said: »
I suspect Iroha II's SC properties are special. She often closes Fusion off of Rudra's Storm. I've seen it multiple times thus far and still have difficulty believing it.

Not sure why this would be special. Rudra's has Darkness/Distortion properties, so following Rudra's with a WS that has a Fusion property (like Hexa Strike, Jishnu's Radiance, etc), would create Fusion.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Starkzz
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2015-11-14 14:36:28
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with how magically ferocious Shan. II looks, her casting T1's is kinda....lame.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Shinun
Posts: 81
By Fenrir.Shinun 2015-11-14 16:03:12
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Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
with how magically ferocious Shan. II looks, her casting T1's is kinda....lame.

I like that she only casts T1. The problem with blm trusts is burning through their MP and being worthless or having to resummon them. Because she only casts T1 (for big damage at that) she has no MP issues. This is the correct way for blm trusts to be made. SE did a good job
Posts: 40
By Aralays 2015-11-14 16:27:45
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Shantotto II gains the same synergy with King of Hearts as Shantotto I. Awesome.

Kings "Bludgeon" is Fusion, Shantottos "Empirical Research" is Fragmentation, do the math :D
By Draylo 2015-11-14 16:36:50
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Same synergy? What is the bonus?
Posts: 40
By Aralays 2015-11-14 16:44:48
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King of Hearts normally just buffs himself and his player, but not other trusts or players. He *does* buff Shantotto.
Posts: 10
By makenshi123 2015-11-14 17:05:59
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Is there any point is using the first Iroha or the second version? adding them both in 1 update seems odd.

Also any word on the arc angel trusts?
Posts: 194
By Xijaah 2015-11-14 17:51:21
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Hello guys, im coming back after a LOOOONG break (4 years+); i understand trusts have become way more relevant and i can solo most things to catch up with them, but the only good (maybe?) ones i got are ulmia, joachim and f. coffin... (which are probably bad anyway, now). Which ones should i get (or CAN i still get) in order to: 1) solo most content to catch up; 2) farm dynamis to FINALLY get annihillator done?
Posts: 105
By ibm2431 2015-11-14 17:59:07
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Shiva.Tilanna said: »
Not sure why this would be special. Rudra's has Darkness/Distortion properties, so following Rudra's with a WS that has a Fusion property (like Hexa Strike, Jishnu's Radiance, etc), would create Fusion.

I blame old wiki; it only lists Darkness for Rudra's properties. BG states it also has Distortion as the second property, so yeah, I guess it does make sense.

makenshi123 said: »
Is there any point is using the first Iroha or the second version? adding them both in 1 update seems odd.

I've tried to find a use for Iroha I, but haven't been able to yet. She doesn't Rise from Ashes and won't even SC with you. It is kind of neat watching her Hagakure before a SC, and Meditate after the first WS so the ticked TP carries her to third WS after she does second WS. She plays SAM better than some players I've seen.

As for why she exists, I suspect SE derped and originally intended her to be a reward for completing Chapter 2, so that she could help you with Chapter 3. Either that, or my personal theory that the penultimate fight of Chapter 3 (reward: Iroha I) was supposed to be the final fight of Chapter 3, and the next fight (reward: Iroha II) was supposed to be part of a Chapter 4 that got cut. The two fights and the cutscenes between them gave off a Xenogears Disc 2 vibe.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 305
By Phoenix.Frankbrodie 2015-11-14 18:37:55
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Xijaah said: »
Hello guys, im coming back after a LOOOONG break (4 years+); i understand trusts have become way more relevant and i can solo most things to catch up with them, but the only good (maybe?) ones i got are ulmia, joachim and f. coffin... (which are probably bad anyway, now). Which ones should i get (or CAN i still get) in order to: 1) solo most content to catch up; 2) farm dynamis to FINALLY get annihillator done?

Well I'll tell you for starters that you can swap to Apururu's or Yoran's unity and ditch Ferrous Coffin as your WHM.

Ulmia has an occasional place in my team for those 2X marches or ballads.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Tilanna
Posts: 28
By Shiva.Tilanna 2015-11-14 20:31:03
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Some SC properties for Shantotto II's WS:

Empirical Research: Fragmentation/Transfixion
Final Exam: Light/Fusion
Doctor's Orders: Darkness/Gravitation
Lesson in Pain: Distortion/Scission

She'll close SCs when possible, don't know if she'd open a chain, but she seemed to wait for me or another trust to WS so she could close and MB it.
Posts: 517
By Zubis 2015-11-14 20:32:55
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As Unity now gives you a 20% CP bonus for using the lowest ranking Unity, Apururu's no longer a desirable Trust for me.

Who's the best next to her?
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