Plugins Broken Via Version Update

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Plugins broken via Version Update
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Posts: 12
By interceptor 2021-02-10 09:03:46
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Organizer got broken after the update ? :/
doesn't seem to store my current job gear/put everything else away outside of mog now
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: auron86
Posts: 371
By Shiva.Spynx 2021-02-10 09:09:24
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interceptor said: »
Organizer got broken after the update ? :/
doesn't seem to store my current job gear/put everything else away outside of mog now
This usually happens after updates if you have a just released item on your char and the windower resources haven't been updated (organizer doesn't find that item and throws errors). If you close everything and start windower again it should refresh the resource files and organizer should start working.
Posts: 12
By interceptor 2021-02-10 09:46:18
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Shiva.Spynx said: »
interceptor said: »
Organizer got broken after the update ? :/
doesn't seem to store my current job gear/put everything else away outside of mog now
This usually happens after updates if you have a just released item on your char and the windower resources haven't been updated (organizer doesn't find that item and throws errors). If you close everything and start windower again it should refresh the resource files and organizer should start working.

I tried that but sadly it didn't work.the addon acknowledges the items count but for some odd reason it doesn't call them.I tried removing the data file from the addon then reloading everything and still no dice

edit : I should add that it's integrated to my lua file and it's not giving me any errors or anything,but after the update it just won't call the gear for the current job
Posts: 841
By Lili 2021-02-10 11:04:38
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Be patient until windower resources get updated. This happens anytime they introduce new items. Won't take long.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-14 09:09:30
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Uh, so, did something break unityNPC, today it is unable to locate the unity npc, that's it's literal only job.

Never seen that one before.

Edit: there was a windower update that may or may not have caused/fix it... Dunno, can't won't test it till I cap again now. But launching windower prompted the file update.
By LightningHelix 2021-02-14 09:55:58
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If they hardcoded the npc IDs, the removal of some linkshell NPCs may have changed those. So it might have needed an update.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radec
Posts: 151
By Bismarck.Radec 2021-02-14 10:05:58
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Uh, so, did something break unityNPC, today it is unable to locate the unity npc, that's it's literal only job.

Never seen that one before.

Edit: there was a windower update that may or may not have caused/fix it... Dunno, can't won't test it till I cap again now. But launching windower prompted the file update.

LightningHelix said: »
If they hardcoded the npc IDs, the removal of some linkshell NPCs may have changed those. So it might have needed an update.


I had to update the NPC IDs in ~/unitynpc/data/npcs.lua to make it work.

Turn on targetinfo and the [177.....] number it shows there when targetting the NPC is what needs to be changed.
Posts: 69
By verohawke 2021-02-26 00:25:25
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tyalangan said: »
eslim said: »
guildwork addon isnt working (not auto-updating or able to force-update), tf does work mean if it doesnt work ????


(thanks for the help)
>sidenote: im not talkin angry.

This problem started for me a few days ago, the plugin automatically updates to just fine, but it is not updating on the page.

Edit: now I come to think of it, might have something to do with the free to play for everyone -every character unlocked- return home campaign?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [73 days between previous and next post]
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-05-10 03:53:10
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5/10/21- DistancePlus seems borked. Getting spam messaging of the following:

DistancePlus lua runtime error: distanceplus/distanceplus.lua:124: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

happening when targeting anything, be it self, npc, in town targets, pc.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2021-05-10 03:58:33
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Windower updates will be way late tonight didn't realize it was update night till my phone notified me that Funk had gone live on twitch.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-05-10 04:04:02
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Bahamut.Unagihito said: »
Asura.Chiaia said: »
Windower updates will be way late tonight didn't realize it was update night till my phone notified me that Funk had gone live on twitch.

Aye. Figured it didn't hurt to draw attention for a team that's very small and works their butt off for our benefit rather than just assuming it would happen on its own.

If taken as a whiny complaint on my part, definitely not my intent.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2021-05-10 04:15:04
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Was just cross-posting it so people saw it, no idea if this will fix your problem.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Soybean
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2021-05-10 04:36:09
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I only see the error while on RNG, and it's just the details for Hover Shot (ability id 395) missing in res/job_abilities.lua.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-05-10 06:15:44
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Just pushed resources 30 seconds ago.

IDK if it'll fix distance plus though. Never really looked at it's code. Will look tonight if it's still an error.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-05-10 06:24:54
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Just pushed resources 30 seconds ago.

IDK if it'll fix distance plus though. Never really looked at it's code. Will look tonight if it's still an error.

all kosher. As Teorem said, the only problems were in the resources. Much appreciated^^
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Aarahs
Posts: 5
By Quetzalcoatl.Aarahs 2021-05-10 12:32:15
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Treasury isn't dropping items I add.
Posts: 234
By GwenStacy 2021-05-11 20:18:11
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I think organizer is having some issues with gearswap

only happening when //gs org on my smn job, i think all other jobs are working okay, so a bit confused
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Soybean
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2021-05-12 10:09:37
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organizer-lib.lua:101 is trying to find the length of tables that don't exist, as the range of the loop iterator id (1,2,3,4) in line 100 doesn't match the previously initialized values in ward_ids (8,10,11,12) in line 63 (and the T-table constructed in line 70).

The loop control in line 100 should probably be changed from:

for id=1,4 do


for _,id in pairs(ward_ids) do

, as in line 67.

I don't use either of these addons--and could certainly be wrong---but am academically curious how that section would have ever worked properly before.
Posts: 234
By GwenStacy 2021-05-12 10:23:43
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Phoenix.Teorem said: »
organizer-lib.lua:101 is trying to find the length of tables that don't exist, as the range of the loop iterator id (1,2,3,4) in line 100 doesn't match the previously initialized values in ward_ids (8,10,11,12) in line 63 (and the T-table constructed in line 70).

The loop control in line 100 should probably be changed from:

for id=1,4 do


for _,id in pairs(ward_ids) do

, as in line 67.

I don't use either of these addons--and could certainly be wrong---but am academically curious how that section would have ever worked properly before.

I'll check this out when I get home! Thank you
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2021-05-12 13:16:40
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porterpacker does not work with new moogle in Odyssey

Eidt: I assume zones just need to be added to the list, but i am not sure what the 2nd number refers to
local zones = {
    [26]  = 621,    -- Tavnazian Safehold - (F-8)
    [50]  = 959,    -- Aht Urhgan Whitegate - (I-11)
    [53]  = 330,    -- Nashmau - (H-6)
    [80]  = 661,    -- Southern San d'Oria [S] - (M-5)
    [87]  = 603,    -- Bastok Markets [S] - (H-7)
    [94]  = 525,    -- Windurst Waters [S] - (L-10)
    [231] = 874,    -- Northern San d'Oria - (K-8)
    [235] = 547,    -- Bastok Markets - (I-9)
    [240] = 870,    -- Port Windurst - (L-6)
    [245] = 10106,  -- Lower Jeuno - (I-6)
    [247] = 138,    -- Rabao - (G-8)
    [248] = 1139,   -- Selbina - (I-9)
    [249] = 338,    -- Mhaura - (I-8)
    [250] = 309,    -- Kazham - (H-9)
    [252] = 246,    -- Norg - (G-7)
    [256] = 43,     -- Western Adoulin - (H-11)
    [280] = 802,    -- Mog Garden
Posts: 234
By GwenStacy 2021-05-12 17:39:10
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GwenStacy said: »
Phoenix.Teorem said: »
organizer-lib.lua:101 is trying to find the length of tables that don't exist, as the range of the loop iterator id (1,2,3,4) in line 100 doesn't match the previously initialized values in ward_ids (8,10,11,12) in line 63 (and the T-table constructed in line 70).

The loop control in line 100 should probably be changed from:

for id=1,4 do


for _,id in pairs(ward_ids) do

, as in line 67.

I don't use either of these addons--and could certainly be wrong---but am academically curious how that section would have ever worked properly before.

I'll check this out when I get home! Thank you

This didn't work. When I first load the game before my inventory loads, i can //gs org and it works fine but once everything is loaded it throws the error.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-05-12 18:38:33
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Asura.Bippin said: »
porterpacker does not work with new moogle in Odyssey

Eidt: I assume zones just need to be added to the list, but i am not sure what the 2nd number refers to
local zones = {
    [26]  = 621,    -- Tavnazian Safehold - (F-8)
    [50]  = 959,    -- Aht Urhgan Whitegate - (I-11)
    [53]  = 330,    -- Nashmau - (H-6)
    [80]  = 661,    -- Southern San d'Oria [S] - (M-5)
    [87]  = 603,    -- Bastok Markets [S] - (H-7)
    [94]  = 525,    -- Windurst Waters [S] - (L-10)
    [231] = 874,    -- Northern San d'Oria - (K-8)
    [235] = 547,    -- Bastok Markets - (I-9)
    [240] = 870,    -- Port Windurst - (L-6)
    [245] = 10106,  -- Lower Jeuno - (I-6)
    [247] = 138,    -- Rabao - (G-8)
    [248] = 1139,   -- Selbina - (I-9)
    [249] = 338,    -- Mhaura - (I-8)
    [250] = 309,    -- Kazham - (H-9)
    [252] = 246,    -- Norg - (G-7)
    [256] = 43,     -- Western Adoulin - (H-11)
    [280] = 802,    -- Mog Garden
[298] = 20975717, -- Sheol Gaol - (?-?)
Posts: 113
By Heck 2021-05-12 19:23:19
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Asura.Bippin said: »
porterpacker does not work with new moogle in Odyssey

Eidt: I assume zones just need to be added to the list, but i am not sure what the 2nd number refers to
local zones = {
    [26]  = 621,    -- Tavnazian Safehold - (F-8)
    [50]  = 959,    -- Aht Urhgan Whitegate - (I-11)
    [53]  = 330,    -- Nashmau - (H-6)
    [80]  = 661,    -- Southern San d'Oria [S] - (M-5)
    [87]  = 603,    -- Bastok Markets [S] - (H-7)
    [94]  = 525,    -- Windurst Waters [S] - (L-10)
    [231] = 874,    -- Northern San d'Oria - (K-8)
    [235] = 547,    -- Bastok Markets - (I-9)
    [240] = 870,    -- Port Windurst - (L-6)
    [245] = 10106,  -- Lower Jeuno - (I-6)
    [247] = 138,    -- Rabao - (G-8)
    [248] = 1139,   -- Selbina - (I-9)
    [249] = 338,    -- Mhaura - (I-8)
    [250] = 309,    -- Kazham - (H-9)
    [252] = 246,    -- Norg - (G-7)
    [256] = 43,     -- Western Adoulin - (H-11)
    [280] = 802,    -- Mog Garden
[298] = 20975717, -- Sheol Gaol - (?-?)

I tried it out just now and it still funky. It lets me deposit things fine, but when I try to withdraw it just brings up the slip selection for me to choose and wont stop even if I click esc. Ody Porter Packer Error
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2021-05-12 19:35:36
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
[298] = 20975717, -- Sheol Gaol - (?-?)
Where is second number from?

Also its both WoE zone right so 298 and 279?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-05-12 21:06:12
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I haven't really played in like 6+ months so I could only go by the data given to me, since I don't have access to Gaol. I don't really have any answers for you. It's also not an official addon so less people look into things. We did ping Ivaar about it though but they took forever to respond with the last slip change that happened so who knows.
Posts: 270
By eeternal 2021-05-12 21:09:28
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Thank you Chiaia for all the hard work, we do really appreciate your efforts, responding to the community and helping others. If we can support through donations, let us know.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-05-12 21:14:38
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eeternal said: »
Thank you Chiaia for all the hard work, we do really appreciate your efforts, responding to the community and helping others. If we can support through donations, let us know.
The Windower team doesn't accept any form of donations but also being part of the BG Wiki team you can donate some time and help us edit the wiki with missing info or corrections. Especially when you run into them and figure out the solution yourself but then decide to leave the wiki un-updated.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2021-05-12 21:52:06
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
I haven't really played in like 6+ months so I could only go by the data given to me, since I don't have access to Gaol. I don't really have any answers for you. It's also not an official addon so less people look into things. We did ping Ivaar about it though but they took forever to respond with the last slip change that happened so who knows.
I appreciate trying and the info. What makes an addon official?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radec
Posts: 151
By Bismarck.Radec 2021-05-12 21:58:17
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[279] = 13, -- Sheol Gaol - (?-?)
[298] = 13, -- Sheol Gaol - (?-?)

The number you're looking for in the 2nd column is the menu ID on 0x034 after you trade a slip to the porter moogle.

ID was the same in P2 after a few tries got me there, but feel free to verify with packetviewer if you have gaol access.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2021-05-12 22:01:17
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Hmmm thought P2 was 279.

Thanks for sharing
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