Plugins Broken Via Version Update

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Plugins broken via Version Update
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Dylaudid
Posts: 89
By Odin.Lygre 2016-04-05 15:44:28
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Thank you to the devs from me as well. The best Fail-Nots around.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Flareon
Posts: 96
By Bahamut.Flareon 2016-04-05 17:56:04
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Can we assume it's already safe to use organizer?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-05 18:00:43
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It's safe to use organizer. It'll just ignore Wardrobe 2 at the moment.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-04-05 18:04:08
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
It's safe to use organizer. It'll just ignore Wardrobe 2 at the moment.

Ignore Wardrobe # 2 ?

Why , there is no instance of it on the repo ?


If you let us know, maybe we can help out XD
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Flareon
Posts: 96
By Bahamut.Flareon 2016-04-05 18:04:15
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Nice. Ty a lot!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9999
By Asura.Saevel 2016-04-05 18:46:18
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*** awesome guys, SE should totally hire you :D

Thanks for all your hard work
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-04-05 20:22:29
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Please let us know when Acorn gets home from work and if he managed to fix Wardrobe # 2 for GearSwap :D

Thanks Byrth
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Herzins
Posts: 172
By Bismarck.Herzins 2016-04-05 20:28:31
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Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »
Please let us know when Acorn gets home from work and if he managed to fix Wardrobe # 2 for GearSwap :D

Thanks Byrth

Yeah Dude, do you also want their number and home address? ...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-05 20:33:44
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I posted that it was fixed more than 6 hours ago and everyone else understood.

Also, his is Arcon.
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-05 20:50:13
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Bahamut.Neb said: »
I'm getting an error on line 258 the the equip_processing.lua every time i cast anything and no swaps are taking place.

Are you still getting this error because I am as well. Tuesday 9:48 PM EST I completely deleted my gearswap folder out of addons and re-downloaded it using windower and it is still giving me "GearSwap: Lua runtime error: gearswap/equip_processing.lua:255: attempt to index field '? (a nil value).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-05 21:02:22
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That indicates your resources aren't updated.
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2016-04-05 21:20:06
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im getyting a error on line 413 of gearswap.lua everytime i put something in the wardrobe2
Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-04-05 21:22:49
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zaxtiss said: »
im getyting a error on line 413 of gearswap.lua everytime i put something in the wardrobe2

Shut down/re-log-in and make sure you have the most recent hook/luacore/resources
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-05 21:23:57
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Thank you. I put this into every folder in gearswap but I still is giving me the same error. Its also weird that these two lua files were not downloaded automatically. Maybe there is something else that I am missing? Is there a place I can go look to make sure everything that should be downloaded is there?

Edit: Like somewhere in I am also going to try what Rooks suggested and I just found a libs folder with a res folder that has bags and items lua in it. But it is dated 4/1/16.
Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-04-05 21:30:21
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Takisan said: »

Thank you. I put this into every folder in gearswap but I still is giving me the same error. Its also weird that these two lua files were not downloaded automatically. Maybe there is something else that I am missing? Is there a place I can go look to make sure everything that should be downloaded is there?

Edit: Like somewhere in

Windower\res, actually. There were occasionally issues with resources not updating, but I haven't seen that in a while.
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2016-04-05 22:53:51
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shutdown the game or my computer? ive restarted my computer lik3 timesand the game
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10254
By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-06 01:35:46
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I was noticing a strange behaviour yesterday with Organizer.

I'm on SCH.
Swap to GEO.
//gs o
Gear gets correctly put out of my inventory and into the correct repositories.
Most of the GEO gear gets put back into inventory, except for like 20ish items (which are actually shared by SCH too) who were in the Mog Case.
I go back on SCH, //gs o, all gear (including the above mentioned items) get put back into my inventory again with no problems.
I swap again to GEO, same issue with the same items in Mog Case.

Uh... D:

Kinda went to bed after that, was tired.
Anybody got a clue what could possibly be going on?
Posts: 6526
By Rooks 2016-04-06 06:52:58
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I was noticing a strange behaviour yesterday with Organizer.

I'm on SCH.
Swap to GEO.
//gs o
Gear gets correctly put out of my inventory and into the correct repositories.
Most of the GEO gear gets put back into inventory, except for like 20ish items (which are actually shared by SCH too) who were in the Mog Case.
I go back on SCH, //gs o, all gear (including the above mentioned items) get put back into my inventory again with no problems.
I swap again to GEO, same issue with the same items in Mog Case.

Uh... D:

Kinda went to bed after that, was tired.
Anybody got a clue what could possibly be going on?

I haven't pushed any organizer changes yet, so I don't know what that could be. Sorry.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2016-04-06 07:46:41
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Rooks I was there when we finished your excalibur back in 2008?.. why don't you give me credit where credit is due and put my name as special thanks to Odinz for farming my first relic.

Long live hades
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-06 11:26:22
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Rooks said: »
Takisan said: »

Thank you. I put this into every folder in gearswap but I still is giving me the same error. Its also weird that these two lua files were not downloaded automatically. Maybe there is something else that I am missing? Is there a place I can go look to make sure everything that should be downloaded is there?

Edit: Like somewhere in

Windower\res, actually. There were occasionally issues with resources not updating, but I haven't seen that in a while.

I have had some issues with gearswap giving me an error "GearSwap: Lua runtime error: gearswap/equip_processing.lua:255: attempt to index field '? (a nil value). So it seems something is outdated or missing so I tried making a copy of my current windower folder and compressing it. Then I uninstalled windower and reinstalled it. I had windower redownload all the plugins/addons I normally use and all the folders are there but it seems the issue has gotten worse. Errors were long so I put them in spoilers.

1) Tried scoreboard
Scoreboard: lua runtime error: scoreboard/scoreboard.lua:8 module 'tables' not found:
2) Tried gearswap
GearSwap:Lua runtime error: gearswap/gearswap.lua:43module 'files'
3 Tried timers
Timers: Error: Could not open resource file C: Program Files Windower4res/job_abilities.lua

So trying to start fresh for some reason doesn't work for me so now I want to try and put in the folders manually. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If I were to have a friend basically send me his windower4 folder and (maybe compressed) I were to use that to fill in what folders/documents the installer missed would that work?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-06 11:28:52
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You literally just needed to copy the two files I linked into your windower/res folder, reload gearswap (//lua r gearswap), and your install would have worked again.
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-06 12:33:38
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
You literally just needed to copy the two files I linked into your windower/res folder, reload gearswap (//lua r gearswap), and your install would have worked again.

Used a friend's Windower4 folder who has GS currently working. I just tried pasting those two files in windower4/res folder. Overwrote the other two files that were in there. //lua r gearswap. same error equip_processing.lua:255: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) error.

Everything else is happy though. Except IME is still not working which I am trying to troubleshoot.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-06 12:40:05
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IME is currently not working and probably needs to be recompiled.

Try overwriting equip_processing.lua and helper_functions.lua with these:
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-06 13:53:28
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
IME is currently not working and probably needs to be recompiled.

Try overwriting equip_processing.lua and helper_functions.lua with these:

Ok! Well I put those two files in and it stopped the equip_processing 255 error. It can successfully load a lua file. It will not however change any gear. I see an error
GearSwap: Lua runtime error: gearswap/helper functions.lua:467 attempt to index local 'arrow offset' (a nil value)

Showswaps will not show anything during casting or idle mode changes. //gs export inv works.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-04-06 14:10:31
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Does the Windower launcher take a long time to load for you? It seems that your addons are pretty far out of date.

Try replacing the rest of the files, reloading, and seeing if it fixes it:
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-06 15:01:56
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That did it! So far gear is swapping like it is supposed to! Thank you! I'm wondering now why it would not download the most up-to-date files. Any thoughts on that? I don't pretend to know how windower goes and updates but if my computer's clock was wrong would that have something to do with which files it goes to grab? What could affect that?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 91
By Quetzalcoatl.Javarr 2016-04-07 20:55:17
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Just ran into a problem while trying to use Organizer. Was going to swap jobs before an event and after swapping jobs (Used Org for a quite a while on these and have not edited them as far as org functions) and getting nothing using the //gs org and //gs o commands.

Tried to swap to another job and still getting the same problems. reloaded the luas. Also tried reloading Windower and The plugin itself but still no effect.

Not throwing any error messages or anything. Any thoughts?

Update: Did a full reload of the plugin by redownloading it and got some function back. (correction) function restored. Not sure as to why it did that but, pretty much fixed now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10254
By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-08 14:26:14
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Yeah I confirm there's something strange about Organizer.
Some items, always the same, remain in their position and do not get moved to the inventory.
I need to move them manually.
It's always the same items as far as I can tell, and doesn't affect all of my jobs for some reason.

Very very odd.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rosamimi
Posts: 283
By Bismarck.Rosalee 2016-04-08 18:33:38
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Ok I'm just about to throw in the towel... my Windower won't update plugins/addons like it's supposed to AT ALL. I can't get findall to even see my Mog Safe 2... and of COURSE I managed to completely break GearSwap. Even when I try to reinstall the plugin/addon it just goes *** up. What can I do?

Edit: Figured out how to get GearSwap working again thanks to recent posts, but still don't know why my Windower hook won't update anything anymore.
Posts: 4
By Ruven 2016-04-08 23:06:33
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For the timers plugin, is anyone else's text not centered in the slimode bar? The text is appearing slightly above the bar. I don't know if this started after the last update or I just never noticed it before.
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