Plugins broken via Version Update
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Phoenix.Guillotine 2015-05-19 21:22:18
My Game is crashing as soon as my character loads in, it just started today after the update. doesn't give me an error it just crashes. I checked for logs and im not seeing any recent logs being saved.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Shiva.Wickedness 2015-05-20 16:20:11
From what I'm being told, Timers plugin does not adjust Stratagem recharge time for the new 550 gift(-15 secs recharge time per charge). I don't have enough job points to test/verify it myself but figured I'd post it. Timers should display a 33s recharge but is still displaying a 48s recharge.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Odin.Arai 2015-05-21 20:15:03
Organizer seems to freeze/lockup if you have something being bazaar'd. Also doesn't seem to handle stacks or partial stacks of ammo.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1566
By Lakshmi.Rooks 2015-05-21 20:18:08
Organizer seems to freeze/lockup if you have something being bazaar'd. Also doesn't seem to handle stacks or partial stacks of ammo.
Can you run with verbose on, and if it locks up, send me the log? Also, trying to move Organizer discussion to its thread, since all of the version update related breaks have been fixed.
Bazaared items causing a problem is new, though. Thanks! What is the issue with stacks of ammo? "Doesn't handle" doesn't tell me enough about the problem you're seeing.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Cerberus.Shaitan 2015-05-21 22:38:52
i've had organizer fail twice today now, will not complete a fetch then locks up. the whole luacore it seems like, because I cant unload any addons after organizer locks up
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Shiva.Wickedness 2015-05-22 12:55:31
Organizer seems to freeze/lockup if you have something being bazaar'd. Also doesn't seem to handle stacks or partial stacks of ammo.
Can you run with verbose on, and if it locks up, send me the log? Also, trying to move Organizer discussion to its thread, since all of the version update related breaks have been fixed.
Bazaared items causing a problem is new, though. Thanks! What is the issue with stacks of ammo? "Doesn't handle" doesn't tell me enough about the problem you're seeing.
Where does the logs save to? I just had it lock-up on me, and I'm not bazaaring anything.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1566
By Lakshmi.Rooks 2015-05-22 12:58:24
i've had organizer fail twice today now, will not complete a fetch then locks up. the whole luacore it seems like, because I cant unload any addons after organizer locks up
Pretty much any organizer crash is because it blows up LuaCore. I've had a busy couple of RL days, but people have helpfully given me a bunch of debug and verbose logs from crashes, so I hope to find some time this weekend to sort it out.
Where does the logs save to? I just had it lock-up on me, and I'm not bazaaring anything.
It just dumps to the standard output, so if you're running Logger, it'll be in your main Windower directory under logs\Character.date.log
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Shiva.Wickedness 2015-05-22 13:04:53
It just dumps to the standard output, so if you're running Logger, it'll be in your main Windower directory under logs\Character.date.log
Just realized I didn't have logger turned on. I'll make sure to post all my dumps in the org thread if/when it locks up again.
By Selindrile 2015-05-24 10:43:41
Findall has been broken for quite some time, sorry if it's been brought up recently, just saying it here it was thought to be fixed or something, really missing it!
Also organizer has been working fine for me though other friends of mine have been having issues with locking up and not properly obtaining gear, sorry I can't be more specific, but with verbose on, if you already have a peice of gear in inventory, it says that peice of gear has been "Annihilated" which just about made me ***myself when it said that about half my gear lol.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1566
By Lakshmi.Rooks 2015-05-24 13:01:49
Findall has been broken for quite some time, sorry if it's been brought up recently, just saying it here it was thought to be fixed or something, really missing it!
Also organizer has been working fine for me though other friends of mine have been having issues with locking up and not properly obtaining gear, sorry I can't be more specific, but with verbose on, if you already have a peice of gear in inventory, it says that peice of gear has been "Annihilated" which just about made me ***myself when it said that about half my gear lol.
Yeah, blame Byrth for that term >:| What "annihilated" means in terms of organizer is that its internal record-keeping says the item has been moved and is no longer in that bag. My first pass through the code I had the same reaction you did.
I know you know this, and I've said it numerous times in various places, but I'll repeat it for emphasis just so people can (hopefully) feel better about it - there are completely separate action packets for drop vs move. Organizer never, EVER, sends drop. Ever, for any reason. The packets it sends are literally no different than a manual move. They're just way faster.
re: Findall, what's broken? It works for me! Is there something it doesn't do currently?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-05-24 13:03:43
I was going for the positron + electron annihilation idea, ftr!
Also, a new version of LuaCore was pushed that should fix some problems. Arcon says he's going to push a FindAll fix in a little bit. He already has it done, just not committed.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-05-24 13:28:14
Also, a new version of LuaCore was pushed that should fix some problems.
The Ready fix is working perfectly - thank you! :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Asura.Egal 2015-05-24 17:54:21
This organizer doesnt work and Im done f'n with it. It has been "Getting" now for over a half hour and just fails to get items.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1566
By Lakshmi.Rooks 2015-05-24 18:22:10
This organizer doesnt work and Im done f'n with it. It has been "Getting" now for over a half hour and just fails to get items.
If it's Getting for that long, that's a LuaCore crash. There are a number of fixes waiting in the dev branch, hopefully going out soon. If it locks up like that for you, turn on verbose and send me the logs/your settings and I'll see if it's an actual bug or something in your settings/environment.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Fenrir.Divinian 2015-05-24 18:24:11
This organizer doesnt work and Im done f'n with it. It has been "Getting" now for over a half hour and just fails to get items.
Works great for me. Thanks, Byrth and Rooks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 144
By Asura.Rinuko 2015-05-25 12:23:54
I dont what but when i boot the game with windower it crashes when loading all the plugins and addons. This happend today. Not sure whats wrong, worked fine yesterday
Edit: works fine without windower
By Selindrile 2015-05-26 10:09:20
re: Findall, what's broken? It works for me! Is there something it doesn't do currently?
It wasn't finding anything in the new "Safe 2", it does now!
And yeah I know that it shouldn't ever send a drop packet but still the annihilated message was very wtf-worthy lol.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1566
By Lakshmi.Rooks 2015-05-26 10:17:24
re: Findall, what's broken? It works for me! Is there something it doesn't do currently?
It wasn't finding anything in the new "Safe 2", it does now!
And yeah I know that it shouldn't ever send a drop packet but still the annihilated message was very wtf-worthy lol.
I actually changed the message in a recent patch. Now it just says "already moved", which is what actually happened.
By Selindrile 2015-05-26 10:48:48
I noticed, it's no longer scary for people seeing the verbose for the first time hehe.
Well I am now getting the same weird and funny errors others are getting with itemizer, just watched it take my windbuffet belt +1 out of my inventory, put it in my safe, and then the verbose tells me it's missing >.>
By Selindrile 2015-05-26 14:09:45
Update And Hypothesis:
Beastmaster lua I just completed is having the errors, the others I use don't seem to be having them, I'm guessing there's a problem when an item isn't found, as there are a lot of jugs and etc listed in my Beast GS whereas the rest of my gs luas are quite tight and well kept but not all my friends' are, so that may be what's causing the issues?
By Mozhat 2015-05-27 09:29:45
Find & Findall isn't finding anything I put in Safe2, on any of my Characters.
THX in advance.
By Mozhat 2015-05-28 12:42:46
Find & Findall isn't finding anything I put in Safe2, on any of my Characters.
THX in advance.
Still not working.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1566
By Lakshmi.Rooks 2015-05-28 13:05:03
Find & Findall isn't finding anything I put in Safe2, on any of my Characters.
THX in advance.
Still not working.
What is line 31 of your findAll.lua?
By Mozhat 2015-05-28 15:18:30
Find & Findall isn't finding anything I put in Safe2, on any of my Characters.
THX in advance.
Still not working.
What is line 31 of your findAll.lua?
_addon.version = '1.20150105'
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Odin.Bellincion 2015-05-31 12:03:15
Latent checker is coming up with this error.
Lua runtime error: latentchecker/latentchecker/lua:56:attempt to concatenate filed 'ws_points' (a nil value)
By Jetackuu 2015-06-01 08:01:38
I *did*, however, figure out what was causing it and I'm surprised it's not afflicted anyone else (they either haven't noticed or didn't read the built-in commands). Like most know there's the default groupings of items and you can create your own, like avatarites, geodes, etc.
Including currency. Within currency the 10,000 Byne Bill is listed and it causes massive issues with the addon. And the runtime error only happens on characters you log in with that have lot/pass rules for currency. Viertel is the WHM mule and Achtel was a Dynamis/Salvage mule -- she has no issues but he *does* and you can see the split in his pass rules: 10, is the very first item and 9 lines down you can see the 000 Byne Bill.
Just removing those two lines fixes the issues, and I imagine it's because of the comma in the item's name.
Was this ever fixed? I didn't notice that treasury wasn't loading properly on my main, and the only reason is that he had the 10,000 byne in the list, neither of my alts did, I removed it and I no longer get this error.
Code <?xml version="1.1" ?>
<Drop />
<Lot>000 Byne Bill,100 Byne Bill,M. Silverpiece,T. Whiteshell,R. Goldpiece,L. Jadeshell,R. Stripeshell,1 Byne Bill,O. Bronzepiece,10</Lot>
<Pass>Sct. Braccae -1,Wym. Greaves -1,Scout's Braccae,Valor Coronet,Comm. Bottes -1,Argute Loafers -1,Koga Sarashi,Melee Crown,Mst. Helm -1,Sorcerer's Sabots,Clr. Mitts -1,Abs. Gauntlets -1,Warrior's Stone,Sao. Kabuto -1,Src. Tonban -1,Warrior's Mask,Melee Cyclas,Valor Leggings,Src. Sabots -1,War. Calligae -1,Etoile Bangles,Vlr. Leggings -1,Cleric's Briault,Summoner's Dblt.,Mirage Keffiyeh -1,Cleric's Belt,Koga Kyahan,Sorcerer's Coat,Etoile Casaque -1,Kog. Tekko -1,Mirage Jubbah,Scout's Jerkin,Sct. Bracers -1,Sorcerer's Gloves,Commodore Belt,Mirage Bazubands,Summoner's Cape,Mst. Gloves -1,Vlr. Gauntlets -1,Argute Gown,Wym. Fng. Gnt. -1,Comm. Tricorne -1,Pantin Taj -1,Abyss Sollerets,Etoile Shoes -1,Argute M.board -1,Argute M.board,Assassin's Vest,Pantin Cape,Melee Hose,Sct. Socks -1,Etoile Tights -1,Pantin Babouches,Ptn. Churidars -1,Melee Cape,Dls. Boots -1,Sao. Sune-Ate -1,Monster Belt,Mrg. Bazubands -1,Saotome Domaru,Saotome Kote,Asn. Armlets -1,Duelist's Belt,Sao. Koshi-Ate,War. Cuisses -1,Comm. Gants -1,Assassin's Cape,Mel. Gloves -1,Melee Gaiters,Brd. Slippers -1,Clr. Cap -1,Duelist's Tabard,Koga Chainmail,Warrior's Mufflers,Assassin's Armlets,Scout's Beret,Abyss Cuirass,Valor Breeches,Mst. Gaiters -1,Bard's Slippers,Pantin Dastanas,Bard's Cape,Smn. Pigaches -1,Comm. Culottes,Bard's Roundlet,Assassin's Pouln.,Argute Bracers -1,Src. Gloves -1,Kog. Kyahan -1,Argute Belt,Ptn. Dastanas -1,Valor Cape,Wyrm Greaves,Valor Surcoat,Assassin's Bonnet,Monster Jackcoat,Sao. Kote -1,Dls. Gloves -1,Abs. Sollerets -1,Vlr. Coronet -1,Kog. Hakama -1,Brd. Cannions -1,Sao. Haidate -1,Mirage Shalwar -1,Duelist's Boots,Valor Gauntlets,Vlr. Breeches -1,Etoile Tiara,Wyrm Belt,Saotome Haidate,Argute Pants -1,Sorcerer's Petas.,Etoile Cape,Koga Hakama,Cleric's Cap,Scout's Belt,Sorcerer's Belt,Comm. Trews -1,Etoile Bangles -1,Wym. Brais -1,Mirage Mantle,Kog. Hatsuburi -1,Mel. Hose -1,Pantin Taj,Smn. Bracers -1,Argute Bracers,Mel. Gaiters -1,Warrior's Lorica,Abs. Flanchard -1,Summoner's Spats,Warrior's Calligae,Summoner's Horn,Abyss Cape,Abyss Gauntlets,Saotome Sune-Ate,Brd. Cuffs -1,Comm. Bottes,Etoile Shoes,Koga Hatsuburi,War. Mufflers -1</Pass>
<Pass>Hydra Salade,Sct. Braccae -1,Wym. Greaves -1,Scout's Braccae,Argute Belt,Comm. Bottes -1,Argute Loafers -1,Koga Sarashi,Comm. Tricorne,Melee Crown,Mst. Helm -1,Spotted Flyfrond,Sylvan Bottillons,Clr. Mitts -1,Abs. Gauntlets -1,Hd. Raptor Skin,Warrior's Stone,Sao. Kabuto -1,Src. Tonban -1,Warrior's Mask,Melee Cyclas,Smn. Bracers -1,Src. Sabots -1,War. Calligae -1,Etoile Bangles,Vlr. Leggings -1,Summoner's Spats,Summoner's Dblt.,Mirage Keffiyeh -1,Cleric's Belt,Koga Kyahan,Sorcerer's Coat,Etoile Casaque -1,Kog. Tekko -1,Mirage Jubbah,Scout's Jerkin,Etoile Tiara -1,Sorcerer's Gloves,Hydra Moufles,Commodore Belt,Mirage Charuqs,Summoner's Cape,Mst. Gloves -1,Wym. Mail -1,Wyrm Brais,Carbuncle's Ruby,Vlr. Gauntlets -1,Hydra Bracers,H.Q. Crab Meat,Argute Gown,Wym. Fng. Gnt. -1,Comm. Tricorne -1,War. Lorica -1,Pantin Taj -1,Abyss Sollerets,Etoile Shoes -1,Saotome Kabuto,Argute M.board -1,Argute M.board,Bale Sollerets,Assassin's Vest,Cleric's Pantaln.,Koga Hatsuburi,Melee Hose,Sct. Socks -1,Etoile Tights -1,Pantin Babouches,Ptn. Churidars -1,Melee Cape,Dls. Boots -1,Sao. Sune-Ate -1,Monster Belt,Mrg. Bazubands -1,Saotome Domaru,Training Manual,Saotome Kote,Asn. Armlets -1,Duelist's Belt,War. Cuisses -1,Sao. Koshi-Ate,Smn. Horn -1,Hydra Tights,Argute Pants -1,Sct. Beret -1,Etoile Shoes,Duelist's Tabard,Pantin Tobe -1,Mirage Bazubands,Wyrm Armet,Warrior's Calligae,Comm. Gants -1,Assassin's Cape,Scout's Belt,Sct. Bracers -1,Ferine Ocreae,Dls. Chapeau -1,Melee Gaiters,Koga Chainmail,Brd. Slippers -1,Cleric's Duckbills,Clr. Cap -1,Whm. Testimony,Saotome Sune-Ate,Cleric's Cap,Koga Tekko,Warrior's Mufflers,Assassin's Armlets,Bewitching Tusk,Monster Gloves,Scout's Beret,Hydra Brais,Abyss Cuirass,Hydra Brayettes,Aoidos' Cothurnes,Pantin Taj,Valor Breeches,Mst. Gaiters -1,Dls. Tabard -1,Sorcerer's Sabots,Bloodbead Ring,Bard's Slippers,Sao. Haidate -1,Cleric's Briault,Pantin Dastanas,Abs. Cuirass -1,War. Mufflers -1,Bard's Cannions,Bard's Cape,Etoile Tiara,Hydra Spats,Hydra Mittens,War. Mask -1,Smn. Pigaches -1,Comm. Culottes,Brd. Cannions -1,Cleric's Mitts,Saotome Haidate,Bard's Roundlet,Brd. Cuffs -1,Assassin's Pouln.,Argute Bracers -1,Comm. Trews -1,Src. Gloves -1,Kog. Hatsuburi -1,Wyrm Greaves,Valor Gauntlets,Hydra Tiara,Ptn. Dastanas -1,Assassin's Bonnet,Mocking Beak,Valor Surcoat,Kog. Kyahan -1,Valor Coronet,Sao. Kote -1,Dls. Gloves -1,Kog. Hakama -1,Vlr. Coronet -1,Mirage Shalwar -1,Mirage Mantle,Mel. Crown -1,Shadow Mantle,Duelist's Boots,Abs. Sollerets -1,Warrior's Cuisses,Wym. Brais -1,Etoile Bangles -1,Mel. Gloves -1,Mel. Hose -1,Sorcerer's Petas.,Etoile Cape,Koga Hakama,Wym. Armet -1,Abyss Gauntlets,Sorcerer's Belt,Wyrm Belt,Creed Sabatons,Pantin Cape,Asn. Poulaines -1,Nightmare Water,Monster Helm,Brd. Roundlet -1,Hydra Gloves,Argute Bracers,Mel. Gaiters -1,Valor Leggings,Abs. Flanchard -1,Abyss Burgeonet,Etoile Casaque,Vlr. Breeches -1,Abyss Cape,Valor Cape,Melee Gloves,Mirage Keffiyeh,Comm. Bottes,Argute Pants,Nightmare Log,Warrior's Lorica</Pass>
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1566
By Lakshmi.Rooks 2015-06-01 08:36:27
Find & Findall isn't finding anything I put in Safe2, on any of my Characters.
THX in advance.
Still not working.
What is line 31 of your findAll.lua?
_addon.version = '1.20150105'
There was an update; it went live a week ago. If it still hasn't updated for you then you can grab the updated version here.
By Mozhat 2015-06-01 09:05:22
Find & Findall isn't finding anything I put in Safe2, on any of my Characters.
THX in advance.
Still not working.
What is line 31 of your findAll.lua?
_addon.version = '1.20150105'
There was an update; it went live a week ago. If it still hasn't updated for you then you can grab the updated version here. The morning after the last post I did, there were a update that fixed the issue.
Thank you so much for all the support you and your team have giving us over the years.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 43
By Leviathan.Malthar 2015-06-25 01:33:12
So, the update broke gearswap.
GearSwap: Lua runtime error: GearSwap/refresh.lua:229 attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
By Draylo 2015-06-25 01:58:26
Maltharrr fix it
Please post all crashes and errors concerning plugins after an update breaks them. This will prevent a mass amount of new topics containing the same information.
If you know an answer to any questions relating to any plugin that's broken, by all means, answer it. This is what this thread is for.
New topics made about broken plugins after an update will be locked and referred to here.