Plugins broken via Version Update
By Refia1 2015-01-15 06:24:45
thnx so much Arcon, u rly help this community so much
By swordwiz 2015-01-15 06:27:18
are we able to log on with gear swap now or is that still broken
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-01-15 06:28:45
Gearswap yes, but battlemod will block your battle log until the addtochat bug is fixed.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 197
By Odin.Tamoa 2015-01-15 06:28:48
Loaded GearSwap and Shortcuts and didn't crash. Not crashing when sent tells either.
Thank you Arcon!!!
Logger plugin unloaded itself though, but I assume that goes under chat-related stuff.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Bahamut.Artoriusrex 2015-01-15 06:32:40
Loaded GearSwap and Shortcuts and didn't crash. Not crashing when sent tells either.
Thank you Arcon!!!
Logger plugin unloaded itself though, but I assume that goes under chat-related stuff.
Hi, what plugins and addons do you have loaded? every time I try and load just a single addon or plugin and send a tell from my other laptop that plugin or addon unloads.
I have fully updated Windower also.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Bahamut.Artoriusrex 2015-01-15 06:33:59
Also, Guildwork seems to be redownloading every time I relog
By swordwiz 2015-01-15 06:36:03
ok sweet ty great work
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
By Phoenix.Urteil 2015-01-15 06:38:05
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 197
By Odin.Tamoa 2015-01-15 06:41:51
Bahamut.Artoriusrex said: »Loaded GearSwap and Shortcuts and didn't crash. Not crashing when sent tells either.
Thank you Arcon!!!
Logger plugin unloaded itself though, but I assume that goes under chat-related stuff.
Hi, what plugins and addons do you have loaded? every time I try and load just a single addon or plugin and send a tell from my other laptop that plugin or addon unloads.
I have fully updated Windower also.
By Ragnark 2015-01-15 06:42:47
attainment and guildworks still unloading everytime i log in
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Asura.Krystela 2015-01-15 06:53:40
So gearswap works now but the toggles/cycle don't, not sure if it's just me. Might be a bind problem.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Asura.Taidis 2015-01-15 07:02:12
attainment and guildworks still unloading everytime i log in I believe PointWatch (I think that's the name) is there as an attainment replacement, they might be still maintaining attainment thought, idk.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 681
By Leviathan.Arcon 2015-01-15 07:03:29
As for Guildwork, Stan will need to update his version of the file. Ours is updated, but the plugin will always download the version on GW's own server if the versions don't match. Hence you'll need to wait for him to upload it.
To get the newest versions of all plugins you'll need to rerun Windower.exe. When that happens it will update all plugins that have been updated since. If one of those is still unloading on incoming messages let me know, unless it's one of the following:
- Attainment
- Spellcast
- Find
- BoxHelper
- Cancel
- Silence
- ChatLink
- Text
- ConsoleBG
- Clock
- Distance
- DrawDistance
- Itemizer
- PetTP
- Timestamp
- TParty
All of these plugins are gone for good now and won't be updated (they're not in the launcher anymore either) because they have better Lua equivalents. The exception is DrawDistance, which doesn't have a Lua equivalent but another plugin that replaced it, namely Config, which has more options and allows better settings organisation.
By Pantafernando 2015-01-15 07:09:37
attainment and guildworks still unloading everytime i log in I believe PointWatch (I think that's the name) is there as an attainment replacement, they might be still maintaining attainment thought, idk.
I was using pointwatch today fine till my internet r0ed and one char crashed. When i logged, she lost all plugins as well the char that didnt crashed. I think it happened after the 45 mins or the consecultives warning to maintenace but ibelieve it was the 45 mins warning.
I reloaded windowerr without pointwatch and i had no issue.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 57
By Cerberus.Rabies 2015-01-15 07:53:48
So gearswap works now but the toggles/cycle don't, not sure if it's just me. Might be a bind problem.
The toggle/cycle is working fine for me, it just doesn't appear in chat that you've actually switched to another mode.
By Asura.Limes 2015-01-15 07:59:19
- Attainment
- ChatLink
- Distance
- Timestamp
- TParty
Can't log on right now, but I'll assume PointWatch replaces Attainment based on these previous comments.
What would replace the others though? I can't find anything for them. And anyone who knows an alternative, feel free to answer.
And as for:
Is this the plugin, addon, or both?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Asura.Taidis 2015-01-15 08:02:59
- Attainment
- ChatLink
- Distance
- Timestamp
- TParty
Can't log on right now, but I'll assume PointWatch replaces Attainment based on these previous comments.
What would replace the others though? I can't find anything for them. And anyone who knows an alternative, feel free to answer.
And as for:
Is this the plugin, addon, or both? Not sure what Chatlink is as I never used it but Distance, Timestamp and TParty all have add-on replacements which I believe have the same name.
They are add-on versions to replace the plugin versions, if you're already using the add-ons then there is nothing to replace.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 681
By Leviathan.Arcon 2015-01-15 08:28:09
That's correct, addon versions replace the respective plugin versions. All of those names I listed were plugins.
Also deprecated are BlinkMeNot and PlasticSurgeon, both in favor of DressUp. But since DressUp requires some getting used to (it works differently than either BMN or PlasticSurgeon) I still updated them and they're still available in the launcher. Won't be forever though, so best to switch soon.
By Asura.Limes 2015-01-15 08:32:38
Not sure what Chatlink is as I never used it but Distance, Timestamp and TParty all have add-on replacements which I believe have the same name.
They are add-on versions to replace the plugin versions, if you're already using the add-ons then there is nothing to replace.
ChatLink allowed you to copy and paste text into the the chat.
Edit- Apparently I'm very blind today as I skipped over the addon version of this as well...
I'm not sure how I missed the distance addon, but I picked it up. It isn't working for me though, but if that's not limited to just me, I'm sure it will be fixed eventually.
And I wasn't aware that there were Plugin versions of Timestamp and TParty. Because of that, I figured he was talking about the addons, considering that they aren't working either.
I guess I simply misunderstood his post.
That's correct, addon versions replace the respective plugin versions. All of those names I listed were plugins.
Ah, that makes sense then.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 681
By Leviathan.Arcon 2015-01-15 09:00:08
The chat related issues should be fixed now as well. You will need to reload to get the new Hook though.
The Distance addon only shows up when you actually have a target, unlike the Distance plugin.
If any of the addon versions can't do something that the plugins did, we probably just overlooked it. Let us know and it can be added easily.
By Crevox 2015-01-15 09:10:57
The TParty addon places the numbers (and health percentage of target) in an odd place, makes it harder to read.
By Asura.Limes 2015-01-15 09:27:15
I'll re-download timestamp in a bit to see if it's that, but umm...
Pretty sure that's not intended.
Hmm, disabled Timestamp and it's still happening. Idk why, but I was sure it was that.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 681
By Leviathan.Arcon 2015-01-15 09:34:47
The TParty addon places the numbers (and health percentage of target) in an odd place, makes it harder to read.
It was designed to behave exactly like the plugin in terms of positioning. If something is off, it's not intended and can be fixed. Can you make a screenshot of the displayed numbers? Just type //screenshot png to get it.
I'll re-download timestamp in a bit to see if it's that, but umm...
Pretty sure that's not intended.
Hmm, disabled Timestamp and it's still happening. Idk why, but I was sure it was that.
Nope, that's most definitely not intended... try disabling plugins and addons until you find what's causing it.
By Asura.Limes 2015-01-15 09:44:51
Nope, that's most definitely not intended... try disabling plugins and addons until you find what's causing it.
It was ChatLink (addon). I've gotta say, I found the bug hilarious though. It definitely caught me off guard.
By Crevox 2015-01-15 10:07:28
Quote: It was designed to behave exactly like the plugin in terms of positioning. If something is off, it's not intended and can be fixed. Can you make a screenshot of the displayed numbers? Just type //screenshot png to get it.
Top number is leaning left/falling off, I think the bottom tp numbers are a little downright but I can't remember how they originally looked. :p Either way it's mainly the HP %.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 681
By Leviathan.Arcon 2015-01-15 10:15:40
Nope, that's most definitely not intended... try disabling plugins and addons until you find what's causing it.
It was ChatLink (addon). I've gotta say, I found the bug hilarious though. It definitely caught me off guard.
Heh, I wrote ChatLink during the maintenance and didn't yet have a chance to test it, thanks for mentioning that. I'll have it fixed in a bit.
Quote: It was designed to behave exactly like the plugin in terms of positioning. If something is off, it's not intended and can be fixed. Can you make a screenshot of the displayed numbers? Just type //screenshot png to get it.
Top number is leaning left/falling off, I think the bottom tp numbers are a little downright but I can't remember how they originally looked. :p Either way it's mainly the HP %.
Weird, that's not the case for me. But I'll look into it.
Also, you can still load the TParty plugin, the file should not be deleted. Just load it and you'll see both the plugin and addon at work. That's a great way to see if the numbers align.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 458
By Lakshmi.Neboh 2015-01-15 10:17:44
So gearswap works now but the toggles/cycle don't, not sure if it's just me. Might be a bind problem.
The toggle/cycle is working fine for me, it just doesn't appear in chat that you've actually switched to another mode. This. At first, I thought the toggle was broken in GS but my weapons toggle just fine. PDT sets etc. are fine. The echo aspect seems to have disappeared which would be hard to tell when you are changing ACC sets.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 89
By Ragnarok.Nanaky 2015-01-15 10:23:41
Scoreboard seems to acting odd. Anytime you try to reposition it, your cursor becomes locked and it says "lower bounds" not defined
By Crevox 2015-01-15 10:42:41
Quote: Weird, that's not the case for me. But I'll look into it.
Also, you can still load the TParty plugin, the file should not be deleted. Just load it and you'll see both the plugin and addon at work. That's a great way to see if the numbers align.
So yeah, TP is fine, but the HP % is off.
Please post all crashes and errors concerning plugins after an update breaks them. This will prevent a mass amount of new topics containing the same information.
If you know an answer to any questions relating to any plugin that's broken, by all means, answer it. This is what this thread is for.
New topics made about broken plugins after an update will be locked and referred to here.