The following issues should be fixed:
- Console input behaving weirdly around backslashes
- Crash on wrong console input
- Crash when printing text from the `incoming text` event to the console
- The `window_toggleframe` command not working
- Color codes in text boxes not working at the start of the text
- Text alignment within a text box, especially with text stroke
- Certain plugin aliases not working (e.g. Bidder's `//ah`, `//dbox` and `//obox` aliases)
- Not being able to bind semicolon
- Bind behavior for backspace changing from before
- Escaping characters in commands not working
If you're still experiencing any of these issues, let me know (preferably in Discord, but we have some people reading this as well, though the response will probably be a bit slower).
The last point above means that the console behavior is now as it was before the update a week ago. That means backslashes are used to escape control characters. It's not important to know what that means to the regular user, only thing it means for most people, if you want to bind your backslash key, you need to use two backslashes, i.e. do `bind \\ <command>`.
Remaining known issues:
- Console text and text boxes not showing up for some people
- MMF input cuts off the initial command name
- Windower gets flagged by Windows Defender
We're working on the first and second, the last is not something we have a lot of control over. I submitted it to Microsoft, now we'll just have to pray they adjust their definitions. For now you'll have to whitelist it in Windows Defender, or tell it to *** off another way.
Any other issues are not currently known to me, feel free to report them (again, preferably Discord, but here works as well, with some delay).