EDIT: I'm leaving this up to archive how dumb I am for the record and to help anyone else with the same issue. You literally just remove the escape chars from the aliases and it works now so disregard all of this :)
I know that escape chars in scripts were previously discussed but I'm wondering if anyone has a workaround for my specific situation. I'm using the send command in conjunction with an alias to have other characters use items that have an apostrophe in their name, e.g. Mirror's Tonic.
I played around a lot with getting send to handle this properly by sending the escaped chars directly instead of via an alias proxy but it wasn't working at the time and this was the best (quick) solution that I could come up. I currently have it implemented as:
alias instantiation from init:
alias mirton input /item \"Mirror's Tonic\" <me>
alias amir sa mirton
command entered in game to have all characters utilize alias:
game output for all characters:
08:02:26>> /item \"Mirror's Tonic\" <me>
08:02:26...A command error occurred.
I can definitely find a way to handle this through an addon if it's no longer possible through simple aliases but thought I'd try my luck here first.