Central time is the true time zone.
/jamesearljones voice
So it was written and so it was done!
I've been having a good time
that's good to hear... while you were out eating chicken fried steak with grandma we knocked out three old dyna zone wins for changa and then got our faces punched in by dyna d in sandy.
totally forgot about qufim boss gimmick with the venom..
<nik goes running across the zone while chimi holds the giant>
everyone I know... too invested in their game schedule
/sits down for long talk
they are probably feeling you out a little on this one son...
as you can imagine, there are a lot of returners coming and going staying a little while, getting bored and quitting again. all of them need a substantial amount of help and often times the return on those investments aren't real great...
so not everyone is real eager to drop whatever it is they are doing to help someone who is only going to be on a little while before quitting again....especially if they want to get carried.
which, I'm not saying YOU do... just in general...
we have a special offer going for a limited time called
"just enough rope to hang yourself with" where we help you out a little bit but you are pretty much on your own... you can do the stuff we're doing... or you can solo. what are we doing? nobody knows, when are we doing it? pretty much whenever we feel like it.
and maybe it's because we're all still back a few pages from the rest of the class that we don't mind helping.... idk
and from the sounds of it you're already ahead of us on the curve... so if you want to get in with the top guys doing the hard tier stuff you will have to prove to them you have what it takes already...
which I know can be a bit of a kick in the nuts sometimes... a little ego bruising is good for you now and then when you get to big for your britches...
if you want to clown around with a bunch of clowns that don't know what the hell they are doing, forget what little they learn but also require very little to nothing in return for helping...