No. as soon as you finish reading this post, get up, go and take a shower, while you are in there wash your hair at least twice, then dry off, put on your nicest looking clothes. walk to the nearest business. It can be a store, a restaurant, a gas station it doesn't matter. and ask to speak with the manager about applying for employment.
If he or she comes out, stand up straight, look him or her in the eye, extend your right hand shake theirs and say this line. WITHOUT PAUSE
My name is Jack Candle and I would like you to consider hiring me for any available position that you have. I will always be on time, whenever you need me and I'm capable and willing to do anything that you ask of me. I'll except whatever you offer as a starting wage and diligently work every single day you that need me to.
Now when you finish they might say any number of things, "we're not hiring right now" "let me think about it" whatever but unless they tell you that you are hired or ask when can you start (the answer is Immediately)
You say, Thank you much for taking the time to consider hiring me. I'd like to fill out an application or at least leave my number with you in case something opens up. Fill it out, Shake hands again and walk to the next closest place.
Just keep doing that every single day until someone hires you.
You'll feel 1000 times better gainfully employed and interacting with people in the real world.
There is a phenomenon that exists in which people that you interact with at work are more physically attractive over time. I don't claim to understand it completely, maybe women start to see you as a reliable person because you show up every day.
But trust me when I tell you that you need every advantage that you can gain.
You gotta start taking better care of yourself, eating right, maybe getting into a little better shape. You will see that people will acknowledge your improvement and you just keep at it until you are running the place.
Think positive. Ok. someone says they hate this job, you say "I like keeping busy, it helps make the day go faster"
always keep it positive.
just put aside everything else the waifus, the weebelos, the horses... whatever. that ***is all behind you.
you're a new man today and your only goal is to be even better man tomorrow.
good luck!