FFXIAH Linkshell Ni
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 14:55:08
Hey! I thought I told you to go home at lunchtime due to your stupid selfless activities....
PARKER! get the boss 2 fingers of scotch, and start his car. he's outta here.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3544
By Bahamut.Kara 2017-12-22 02:13:15
yeah well if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we could open a fricken store!! /table flip /bull in a china shop crash....
.....also- hey how ya doin', good to see ya, nice hearing from you, happy holidays, got nothing but love for ya, hope everyone is doing great over there in freaky deaky denmark hugs and kisses merry christmas.....
....you tell her to put a sock it it!!! Ya, ya.. Mil should have also said "Kara also hasn't had much sleep in a few weeks, so she might not be entirely coherent right now".
Happy feelings towards you too Nik, have fun during these holidays!
We are headed out to the US this weekend for the holidays. We are doing great, the kids are growing, energetic, and talkative. Hope you and the family are doing well too!
HEYO!!! how's things?!?! good to see you guys are alive and (presumably) doing well! I already took her vague advice, and just did it. Tell her thanks, and heyo. hug them kids and stay warm over there in europe.
Glad you went for it! :) I liked my birthstone jewelry as a teen, but my sister had very definitive opinions on jewelry and she didn't like hers, so....it really depends on the girl. How old are your girls now?
Your question sparked a series of internet searches in our house going huh, we don't know what birthstone our children have. Also, why does August have 3 stones?!! So, thanks because now we know something new :p
Hope you and your family are doing well! We are doing great, the kids are awesome and busy. It is actually pretty warm for us over here right now, but they are talking about us having a very cold winter.
Here's a couple of recent pictures. Our son has more hair...and our daughter has more hair. :) She is also probably one of those girls who would like birthstone jewelry. In the second picture she was trying to draw one of the antelopes skulls on the wall. He was drawing multiple circles.
Have fun this coming week!! :)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-22 07:16:57
By Ramyrez 2017-12-22 07:22:47
Hurray for Christmas visits! Hullo to Mil and Kara!
Those are some cute kids.
I dig that wall behind them too.
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-22 09:43:25
Morning all, and a HDPF to everyone!!!! We get at least 3 motherfuckin' days of freedom this time, and I for one shall rejoice.
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How old are your girls now?
15 and 12, pearl and peridot. I think they look nice on them, they wear them to recitals, holiday stuffs, ect. idk. /crossesfingers maybe I'll try to get more feedback this year >.<
Hope you and your family are doing well!
thanks, good to hear from ya again. The wee ones are awesome. cute little devils. are we still letting danes into the country??? enjoy that while it lasts! lol. this place is nuts. been some ups & downs on my side, as to be expected, but everyone's mostly healthy and happy, so I'm going to chock it up as a win. The boy is 4 now, keeps me super busy, he has the energy of 10 naughty little toddlers. He'll be an interesting one to raise, that's all I know. Like you and Mil, most everyone else has ditched us to complain about our respective offices, it's pretty slow in NI land. feel free to pop in once and again damn it.
By Ramyrez 2017-12-22 09:48:08
are we still letting danes into the country???
I dunno man. Ask those ninth century Irish how it goes when you tell Danes they're not allowed in...
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-22 09:49:01
I just like making fun of cheeto benito.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2017-12-22 11:52:15
That said, I'm debating going back to school for Computer Science since work will pay for it...
Seriously, go for it. I did an undergrad in CS and now teach graduate CS. It's the best thing I've ever done, short of marrying my wife.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3691
By Bahamut.Milamber 2017-12-22 12:02:58
are we still letting danes into the country???
I dunno man. Ask those ninth century Irish how it goes when you tell Danes they're not allowed in... You know, that was funnier until I just ran into BA's IT issue when trying to check in for our flights to the US, where it apparently is telling US citizens that they need a visa number. Which you don't have, as a US citizen.
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-22 12:05:20
wasn't trying to jinx your travel buddeh... we better let you guys back in...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-22 12:09:25
are we still letting danes into the country???
I dunno man. Ask those ninth century Irish how it goes when you tell Danes they're not allowed in... You know, that was funnier until I just ran into BA's IT issue when trying to check in for our flights to the US, where it apparently is telling US citizens that they need a visa number. Which you don't have, as a US citizen.
I used my passport number... but that was from a different country...
Individual results may vary, past performance is not a guarantee of future success, ask your doctor if xarelto is right for you, if you can't afford your medication look in the mirror and shout THANKS OBAMA!!! six times
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-22 12:19:47
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-22 13:33:24
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-22 14:21:04
By volkom 2017-12-22 17:04:08
By Ramyrez 2017-12-22 21:29:04
are we still letting danes into the country???
I dunno man. Ask those ninth century Irish how it goes when you tell Danes they're not allowed in... You know, that was funnier until I just ran into BA's IT issue when trying to check in for our flights to the US, where it apparently is telling US citizens that they need a visa number. Which you don't have, as a US citizen.
Like I said. Axe the authority figures and start looting the monasteries until they pay you your Danegeld.
I admit your results may vary from 1100 years ago, but it's worth a shot.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-25 20:16:37
Everyone bought me booze and cigars! No ties! No socks!
8 bottles of booze and 7 cigars...twas a merry christmas indeed.
hope you are all having as good a christmas as me!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-26 09:41:10
hello work desk...did you miss me?
my "kids" are all grown men now... no more waking me up at 5:00am christmas morning and crashing down the stairs like a herd of rampaging rhinos... oh well... /shrug
I miss it...
made turkey with all the trimmings for christmas eve...it was pretty goddamned good if I do say so myself. I couldn't seem to eat enough turkey and got all uncomfortably full...
the cinnamon rolls came out pretty good christmas morning I should of left them in a minute or two longer a couple of them were doughy inside. the leftover turkey that I turned into gravy over egg noodles was the best part I think...
slowly rolled into the office this morning like a beached whale that someone had knocked on the head with a cinder block...eyes bleary...belly swollen. so tired... meh it was worth it. bourbon sour, rum soaked cigars, white christmas, no drama. 10/10 would christmas again.
By Ramyrez 2017-12-26 09:48:26
Wife was feeling under the weather to start with so we were only going to do a one-day trip home instead of 2-3. Then the weather got nasty up in my parents' neck of the woods (South of Erie) and they weren't going to make it home at all and we figured why travel six hours for two hours of chitchat and some ham. So some presents were exchanged between the wife and I and we ate too much chocolate and drank a bunch of coffee. Also I drank a lot of bourbon on Christmas Eve Eve attending a Penguins' game trying to get as wriggidy-wriggidy-wrecked off they ice as they were getting on it, but I quit when I realized how committed they were to giving me alcohol poisoning.
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-26 09:49:40
I grow increasing weary of driving to our parents houses. I'm decreeing we stay home next year, and people can come visit us, if they want. I only got to use my fireplace once, and it's colder than ***.
Had fun though. booze, food, booze, where was the chance to go wrong?
By Ramyrez 2017-12-26 10:07:52
Yeah. This year's Christmas plans and travel were already a hot mess compared to years past for various reasons, so it's probably for the best the weather and the gods of "hey, it's Christmas, someone has to be miserably sick" came together to keep me at home playing video games I guess.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-26 10:10:07
I grow increasing weary of driving to our parents houses. I'm decreeing we stay home next year, and people can come visit us, if they want.
yeah it's probably time to seize those reigns Kris Kringle... can't remember when I pulled that trigger... has to be ten years now... that's why I made the huge feast christmas eve... *** driving around in a blizzard right in the ear with an ice pick. relatives are all invited to my house at 2:00 christmas eve we eat some turkey and that's all folks...
My mother in law says she appreciates us taking over the christmas duties so that she doesn't have to cook for everyone. but it's probably one of those things that on the one hand you miss like being woke up at the butt crack of dawn christmas morning that on the other hand you don't miss the sink full of dirty dishes.
I tell you what I don't miss... the annual christmas negotiations of whose house we go to when... at all. omfg. when we were a young couple just starting out and my moms wanted us to go to pop's mom for christmas eve, her house for christmas morning, moms mom christmas day and I was all wtf? when are we supposed to go to all her families houses!? I think we did it one year drove up there and slept in my kid brother's bedroom... ugh..*** that. /puts foot down
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-26 10:20:35
I wonder when Mil and Kara will put their foot down... that has to suck coming to america...
Maybe I was being greedy and selfish but *** you... I wanted my kids to run down my stairs on christmas morning not somebody else's... *** that... our parents had their chance when we were little... and sure ...I get that they miss it but goddamnit you gotta let that ***go. I'm not going to haul my kids and all their presents to someone else's house... wtf.
kids grow up so fast and they only have that little window when they're all cute and innocent and wide eyed with joy and stuff.
you guys should take all that money you spend on travel this year and turn your house in denmark into a christmas wonderland full of toys and turn them kids loose in their pajamas and feed them nothing but cookies all day
By Ramyrez 2017-12-26 10:27:34
I wanted my kids to run down my stairs on christmas morning not somebody else's... *** that... our parents had their chance when we were little... and sure ...I get that they miss it but goddamnit you gotta let that ***go. I'm not going to haul my kids and all their presents to someone else's house... wtf.
I'm happy that both of my and my wife's respective families are so utterly cool about that and always have been. Both of us have divorced parents but our parents worked that ***out years ago to make sure all went smoothly without griping or bitching or bitterness. And right now all the kids in the family wake up in their own homes, in their own beds, and see Santa and/or their parents put the shiny ***out and they get a good Christmas as it should be for kids.
Then as many of us get together as we can in one place and eat and if it doesn't work out, it will in the week or two to come. It's the holidays, dammit! Not holiday singular.
My lights don't come down until at least the epiphany and I don't even remember when they *** that actually is. I will say Merry Christmas, I will say Happy Holidays, Happy Christmas, and I will scream MERRY NEW YEAR and give people epileptic fits because I'm a god damn holiday maniac.
Nothing I hate more than the sad saps that come into work 12/26 and are all like "whelp, that's over for this year!"
*** you. Here's your party blower and a plastic glass of cheap sparkling white wine. Go kiss someone at midnight 1/1/18 at least, ya Scrooge!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-26 10:44:27
My lights don't come down until at least the epiphany and I don't even remember when they *** that actually is.
that's when the three wise men showed up with the gold, frankincense and myrrh and said "that's a nice looking baby you got there... I hope you don't mind if we worship him as a living god....we followed a star here"
/shrug they came a long way... and they brought gifts so...hindsight is 20/20 and all but... heck it's a sack of gold. was probably as hard to turn down a couple thousand years ago as it would be today.
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-26 11:10:51
I’ve got a sick kid and their mother is working, I’ll see you fine gentlemen tomorrow!
By Ramyrez 2017-12-26 11:54:58
/shrug they came a long way... and they brought gifts so...hindsight is 20/20 and all but... heck it's a sack of gold. was probably as hard to turn down a couple thousand years ago as it would be today.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-26 13:39:29
I’ve got a sick kid and their mother is working, I’ll see you fine gentlemen tomorrow!
I feel bad plus'ing a sick kid...but I do so enjoy a get out of work story...
my apologies to meowpig or whichever of your thirty kids is sick...
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By Ramyrez 2017-12-27 08:22:36
You know you've found a winner in the newest game you picked up when you've neglected your sleep for three days running in favor of playing it.
Maybe if I tell myself "3 hours of sleep is plenty" for long enough it eventually will be...
Edit: As of 2010-10-05 14:48:06 CST, Ni reached 10,000 pages.
Since we all can't be on the same linkshell in game, this can be our cross server linkshell thread.
Like most linkshells, it can be pretty dead at times. Other times it's full of intense conversations about either rl, gear, goals, pokemon or anything else you want to contribute.
We can cover any sort of topic at all, within reason of the forum rules. No real main topic, just a bunch of FFXIAH friends/people coming on and discussing random things.
Continuation from: http://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/2873/ffxiah-linkshell/732/#150486
Update: Sorry Eternaltriumph, too much has changed D: (Page 698)
Eternaltriumph said: Yeah Chuu. Bringing you up to speed, Ludoggy is the LS pedophile. I'm the fountain of random and useless knowledge that makes you go "Hrm" with the occasional side of "holy shit he said what?"
Kungfu is the LS nutjob, spouting super random things that are usually sexist, until Savvy or Alyria comes into the room. Then he's a classic case of sexual harrassment. Rumaha is also true to the second part; we're wondering about his sexuality though.
Daj is Ludoggy's gay lover. Not much else is known about this Asuran. Tairo is kinda new, but since is a female and Alyria's lesbian lover, she fit right in real quick.
Celene(F) and Rowland(M) are more of the shyer members, but often say things that are witty, have a good pun and sometimes cause three page discussions. Celene hates when people hit on her. It doesn't stop them from trying.
Krizz is just social and likes to kill time here during work Tbest is about the same, except tends to be a douche to guys and affectionate toward girls.
Alyria is the most social female, gets groped a lot without provoking it by others, and Tairo ends up stabbing people for it. Cai is just a barrel of lols, I might be gay for him. If I wasn't straight.
Not sure about Citag, s/he's new. Kiriyu is just an in-out kinda person. Says one thing every three days that every guy makes a big fuss over. Ludoggy gets really defensive since she's asian and underage (might be 18 now).
Artem is the wayward soul that makes you ponder the meaning of life by constantly reminding us life can suck. But he deals, and so do we. About the same for Savannah, except people are more "AWH!" to her because of a vagina involved.
Dasva is the ex military man (as is Krizz but this doesn't apply to him) who hates the world and plots a way to destroy most of it.
Number2 is kinda like a mix between Cai and I; never bashes, likes to laugh and has odd avatars. His current suits a lot of the convos this LS gets into. Barti is most well known for his moustache. He gives mousatche rides for a fee. I'm missing a few people but whatever. CARRY ON!
Luelle Smells.
Roster of FFXIAH Ni (as of April 1st, 2010 Pocoyo avatar craze)
One Year Anniversary!!!Asura.Ludoggy said: Happy b-day ls.
Heres my lame gift to AHLS, since Row is lame and took away the OP, I made my own!
Haseyo/Bignose: He's got a bigass nose, Leader of the RL avi revloution or some junk no one gives a crap about...crazy about his asian pop/rock bands and is a closet pedo. AKA LAME
Dameshi: wont level his sam sub and is a lolblu, LAME
Citag: Doesnt put out, Really lame
Dasva: Uses Chu as a cover up for his desire for me greased up and naked on his bed, Lame.
Rydiya/Bra+Panties: Secret lesbien, doesnt wear bra+panties, like to knit and other old people stuff (bingo)
Pikachu/Chu: Hi Chu, I love chu
Kryee/Socks: Noms on socks, wears the sam red pair everyday and frequently sniffs her arm pits.
Cheyne: Domo origoto, Mr Roboto...I think he's gay.
Enterius/ghost: He's a ghost...he'll say something witty to me later.
Ixe: Ducky face and cant seem to get a straw in her mouth (can get other things in there though)
Mairah: She cool...lame
Bart: Full times OPO-OPO, free mustache rides otherwise LAME
Sav/Mango: Field trips, yay!
Aly/thatgreenmodthatwillbanmeifIsayanythingbad: *tapes*
Woody: You're not Italian...no tea for you.
Sectum: My apprentice...loves asian girls, loves to cook...he's awesome. put me in a story where I wasnt a pedo and that'd cool
Valencea:Wont tell me the color of her undies, you lost the bet...no we cant get married...NO MEANS NO
Kojo:Open pedo...he likes scat, ewww
Tohsou: I think he's a pedo with a girlfriend as cover up, lame.
Kiriyu/strawberry: Lurk Less post moar! I see you what you are doing!
Krizz: Mohawk guy #1
Triet: Mohawk guy #1...wait
Bloodbathboy: The Hulk
Celene: Quit...Canadian...who the hell quits?
Tbest: MIA
Eternaltriumph: Where the hell has he been? Is he gone cause he got pussywhipped or something? Whatever...
#2: GOD...I miss him /cry
Luelle/otherlu: The Other Lu.
Zekky: Quit, kicking ass, raped me :\
Krystale/Girlwithpiercing: Magnets stick to her, Toke Canadian, hawt...she's 15 right?
Marzbarz: NINJA
Rowland: All your Pocoyo are belong to...him
Weewoo/Tool: He liked Asura and wont admit it.
Miemo: Has a mithra avi c.c
Kalyna: is a girl right? right? oh...lame
Sagittario: Lame elf whu runs around in a diaper subligar
Ludoggy: Faggot
Edit: The Family Ni Tree

Luelle's (And Citag's too!) birthday present

Pics worth referencing:
This OP is paid for and sponsored by Stiklelf
Fenrir.Scragg said: Code Rowland 29488 2007-06-24 16:06:00
Ludoggy 26597 2009-02-25 22:31:23
Flionheart 22174 2008-11-17 14:28:15
Krizz 22085 2007-06-30 15:22:38
Haseyo 20875 2009-01-12 15:55:51
Dameshi 19807 2009-02-17 10:29:14
Urial 18636 2008-02-09 01:15:03
Spence 18475 2009-05-04 11:26:27
Kalyna 15001 2010-01-21 11:40:04
Rydiya 13469 2008-05-16 05:24:33
Alyria 12656 2007-10-23 10:58:35
Tigerwoods 10807 2007-03-14 21:10:43
Enternius 10382 2007-08-10 04:14:29
Slipispsycho 10072 2008-09-05 08:56:34
Rumaha 10000 2009-02-20 13:28:03
Kojo 9060 2007-06-30 17:46:02
Sevourn 8567 2009-02-10 00:10:20
Cheyne 8527 2007-04-27 12:27:54
Mabrook 8356 2008-07-01 00:53:38
Marzbarz 7723 2010-01-10 14:12:5
Join date added, banned users filtered.
February 1st, 2012
Cool stuff Scragg added: 4/20/12 Code
[spoiler="Custom spoiler!"][h1]Yay[/h1][/spoiler]
Will try to get to more stuff when I can.
Disclaimer: Your Feelings May Get Hurt In Your Stay Here.