FFXIAH Linkshell Ni
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 09:33:29
how's the rest of NI? WEARY? EXCITED? SULLEN? DRUNK? sup?
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 09:35:09
PARKER edit: for everyone's convenience:
I really have to quit smoking, move to the tropics, or get back into killin' shape, because my circulation is le sheit.
I think I want to get the teenagers some birthstone jewelry. some gold or something. how lame is that on a scale of 1-10? It's times like this I get super bummed we ran off all the resident NI women. Ms. Z and Kara could shed some light on this I bet. WHAT ARE OUR CRIMES?!?! .... bah. got the boy a set of nerf guns so someone can have a battle with him instead of him roaming the house making victims of the animals and his siblings at will. The wife says she's paying bills, and I'm not supposed to get her anything, lest the consequences be dire... But idk. It seems like a guy could toss her a couple hundred bones and tell her to get me something from her? christmas is dumb. I know nothing.
The weather went back to ***, super cold and snowing. naturally I took my winter office pea-coat to have it cleaned and buttons secured. so I freeze my balls off in this here corporate hoodie. ahhhh life, you whirling dervish.
how's the rest of NI? WEARY? EXCITED? SULLEN? DRUNK? sup?
By Ramyrez 2017-12-21 09:58:12
got the boy a set of nerf guns so someone can have a battle with him instead of him roaming the house making victims of the animals and his siblings at will
Personal interest; which Nerf blasters did you get him?
I think I want to get the teenagers some birthstone jewelry. some gold or something. how lame is that on a scale of 1-10? It's times like this I get super bummed we ran off all the resident NI women. Ms. Z and Kara could shed some light on this I bet.
As long as they like their birthstones and like jewelry, I don't think it's lame at all. Gold/silver as appropriate to their tastes as well; I'd consult someone who knows about current jewelry trends as to actual styles; I know my wife's tastes but can't say whether or not they're currently "in." Most likely not because we're a pair of ***' weirdos.
It seems like a guy could toss her a couple hundred bones and tell her to get me something from her? christmas is dumb.
My wife and I spent a long, long time (that is, Christmases 1998-2015 inclusive) in a bit of an escalating arms race of seeing who could outdo the other's/last year's gifts. We mutually agreed to pump the brakes on that last year and try to do more personalized, less spendy stuff. It's certainly easier on the wallet after I've already bought the family gifts.
Maybe find something she'd like, wrap it and hide it somewhere and come Christmas morning play the "you said not to get anything card." Then if she reacts genuinely pleased that you listened, keep it hidden until Valentine's day. If she seems even the slightest bit dejected, follow it up with, "BUT HAHA! I DIDN'T LISTEN!"
By Ramyrez 2017-12-21 09:59:29
how's the rest of NI? WEARY? EXCITED? SULLEN? DRUNK? sup?
Tired as *** because I stayed up way too late last night drinking porters and painting my wife's presents.
But I'm really excited about them.
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 10:03:23
Personal interest; which Nerf blasters did you get him?
two of these with a ton of extra bullets.
this is my go to 95% of the time, but she's using love as a weapon ramy, and I'm scared.
By Ramyrez 2017-12-21 10:08:28
this is my go to 95% of the time, but she's using love as a weapon ramy, and I'm scared.
Yeah. I got nothin' for this situation. "Don't get me anything" is something that will absolutely never be obeyed in my house no matter who is giving/receiving the "order." Money expenditure may be minimized but presents are still going to happen.
two of these with a ton of extra bullets.
Word. I'm a fan.
I, uh. Have a bit of a Nerf collection going. I find they're almost as fun as real guns and you don't get in trouble for shooting them in the house.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 10:13:19
I just want to go home... /facedesk
last night I stopped by my father in law's place to address The Latest Crisis!!!...
/haunted ghost voice /ghost fingers
mysterious charges on his credit card and bank statements....oowoooooooooooooooooooowooo!
from a year ago... >.>
he got a bill from one of his credit cards for 4k that he couldn't remember so he had them print up a years worth of statements... le sigh
those poor dumb *** at his bank lol....yeah so he charged a bunch of stuff, forgot about it, stopped making minimum payments and mysteriously they still want the money.. so yeah /points it out
see here where you bought a bunch of ***and here is where you didn't pay for it..uh huh...yeah... they don't like that. and since you didnt bother to send them a check for four months your rate is all jacked up and they charged you $500 in fees and interest Mystery #1 Solved! [gong sound]
mystery #2 was a check for $3,500 he didn't remember writing...ok so we log into your bank account like so....
{tappy tappy tap} and you see here this little blue word that says SEE yeah... click that and it shows you the check...
From: Sirstrokealot To: Sirstrokesalot Amount: $3,500
and of course the check was made by him and made out to him in his handwriting and you can see where he deposited it into another of his accounts /facepalm....so the good news is that we caught the embezzler! AND we didn't have to go very far to confront the culprit because of course it was him....and he was sitting right there... >.> <.<
nobody else has your bank account information or check book. so you're the only person that could have written all these checks and now you go back and look at the whole years worth all night long...
ok...glhf... I'll see you later /zooms off
Mystery #2 Solved! [gong sound]
Altana...give me STR!!!
how long altana...how long... I'm going to hell already why can't we put off all of THIS until then? huh!? why?
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 10:13:47
I didn't want battery powered ones because then I'm in for like another $50 bones over the course of the year. /shrug
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 10:16:52
the hours of 5-9pm are holy, and god help the souls of those who forfeit these precious hours to humanitarian work. I say you can go home at noon.
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 10:18:11
By Ramyrez 2017-12-21 10:23:26
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By Ramyrez 2017-12-21 10:24:08
I didn't want battery powered ones because then I'm in for like another $50 bones over the course of the year. /shrug
The motorized flywheel blasters look cool and perform okay but they also have a tendency to jam and just overall aren't worth it for kids, imo.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 10:30:35
I'm not supposed to get her anything, lest the consequences be dire...
um... christmas flowers! like a bouquet or something in a vase or a pot you could go roses or mixed flowers and ***
or those uuuuummmmmm.... uhhhh
PARKER Edit: Poinsettia?
/snaps fingers Yes! PARKER! good man! ok you slap a bow on it and stick it on the kitchen counter and then IT'S NOT FOR HER!! see? yeah.... these aren't for you baby... they're for everyone! to enjoy!...for the holidays! heh heh heh and a maybe box of her favorite candy/chocolates for everyone to share!
/rubs hands together evil~y
win on a technicality!
don't fall for that "I don't want anything for christmas" that's the oldest trick in the book. you gotta get her something even if it's something she needs
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 10:38:38
I like how your old decrepit mind works...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 10:51:31
I like how your old decrepit mind works...
like a car driven through a murky swamp pond...
/tents fingers evil-y [insert diabolical laugh here]
let's see what else we have..... [rummaging through old cardboard boxes sound]
ohhhh ok this is my special patented christmas surprise that surprises nobody because I do it every year...surprise
idea number two is a bit harder... you bake her something. I bake cinnamon rolls early on christmas morning
now let's say you've never seen the inside of an oven before there has to be within your family or circle of friends someone who knows how to bake that could help you.... you schlep all the ingredient over to their place, bake them off and WHAMMY
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 11:01:04
That might be a touch out of my wheelhouse, atm. the best time to learn anything is now though...
Now you have me thinking about caramel rolls that I'll never get again because the lady is dead.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 11:06:43
That might be a touch out of my wheelhouse, atm. the best time to learn anything is now though...
Now you have me thinking about caramel rolls that I'll never get again because the lady is dead.
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dude...that's exactly why it's the perfect crime.. nobody expects them to be edible... YOU CAN'T LOOSE.
it's all about making the effort....
/looks into caramel rolls
so hungry for sweet rolls now.... caramel rolls hmmmmmm
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 11:08:51
/looks into caramel rolls
they were so *** good. let me see if I can find a picture of the ones I'm talking about.
By Ramyrez 2017-12-21 11:13:08
I was going to suggest the "make something" route as well but I figured with three days to go that might not work out.
But baking shouldn't take too darn long.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 11:13:15
goddamn those look good.... PARKER put on your apron
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 11:17:29
I was going to suggest the "make something" route as well but I figured with three days to go that might not work out.
But baking shouldn't take too darn long.
no it's a lot easier than it looks...even I didn't *** up the cinnamon rolls...
and I'm me /points at himself
anybody can do it it's time consuming but easy
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3691
By Bahamut.Milamber 2017-12-21 12:06:19
PARKER edit: for everyone's convenience:
I really have to quit smoking, move to the tropics, or get back into killin' shape, because my circulation is le sheit.
I think I want to get the teenagers some birthstone jewelry. some gold or something. how lame is that on a scale of 1-10? It's times like this I get super bummed we ran off all the resident NI women. Ms. Z and Kara could shed some light on this I bet. WHAT ARE OUR CRIMES?!?! .... bah. got the boy a set of nerf guns so someone can have a battle with him instead of him roaming the house making victims of the animals and his siblings at will. The wife says she's paying bills, and I'm not supposed to get her anything, lest the consequences be dire... But idk. It seems like a guy could toss her a couple hundred bones and tell her to get me something from her? christmas is dumb. I know nothing.
The weather went back to ***, super cold and snowing. naturally I took my winter office pea-coat to have it cleaned and buttons secured. so I freeze my balls off in this here corporate hoodie. ahhhh life, you whirling dervish.
how's the rest of NI? WEARY? EXCITED? SULLEN? DRUNK? sup? Kara says if they like that type of jewelry, that it depends on the teenager.
But either go for or it or not, also depending on if their birthstone is even pretty.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3691
By Bahamut.Milamber 2017-12-21 12:07:09
/looks into caramel rolls
they were so *** good. let me see if I can find a picture of the ones I'm talking about.
 Huh. Looks somewhat like cold Chinese food.
By Ramyrez 2017-12-21 12:26:39
no it's a lot easier than it looks...even I didn't *** up the cinnamon rolls...
and I'm me /points at himself
anybody can do it it's time consuming but easy
Oh, yeah. I meant that cooking/baking didn't cross my mind.
I was more like "Well do you have time to buy a lathe and a bunch of woodworking tools and make a table?"
I get really, really ambitious once I start even the smallest of projects and this ***spirals.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 13:50:53
Oh, yeah. I meant that cooking/baking didn't cross my mind.
I was more like "Well do you have time to buy a lathe and a bunch of woodworking tools and make a table?"
I get really, really ambitious once I start even the smallest of projects and this ***spirals.
If it makes you feel any better...I tried to knit a scarf for my wife one time... holy ***I could not figure it out!!!
and ***... full on institutionalized HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE criminally insane *** can do it and I'm all /herpaderp [ratty piece of yarn with knots] /throws it on the ground
goddamn four year olds can do this ***!!! /rage face
yeah well if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we could open a fricken store!! /table flip /bull in a china shop crash....
.....also- hey how ya doin', good to see ya, nice hearing from you, happy holidays, got nothing but love for ya, hope everyone is doing great over there in freaky deaky denmark hugs and kisses merry christmas.....
....you tell her to put a sock it it!!!
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By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 14:32:42
Kara says if they like that type of jewelry, that it depends on the teenager.
But either go for or it or not, also depending on if their birthstone is even pretty.
HEYO!!! how's things?!?! good to see you guys are alive and (presumably) doing well! I already took her vague advice, and just did it. Tell her thanks, and heyo. hug them kids and stay warm over there in europe.
.....also- hey how ya doin', good to see ya, nice hearing from you, happy holidays, got nothing but love for ya, hope everyone is doing great over there in freaky deaky denmark hugs and kisses merry christmas.....
I second most of this.
By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 14:37:14
Oh, and you guys should come back once the site deteriorates to just niko and I.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 14:41:50
I already took her vague advice, and just did it.
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By Siren.Mosin 2017-12-21 14:48:54
I got the mrs. better stocking stuffers than usual. I think it qualifies for 'beating her on a technicality' also we're going to go see a show in january, so I'll spoil her more then. All that's left is maybe something for the mother and grandmother. They have everything they want already though, so it always feels weird and forced. maybe I'll skip it this year. I know nothing.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-12-21 14:50:27
then my work here is done...
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Edit: As of 2010-10-05 14:48:06 CST, Ni reached 10,000 pages.
Since we all can't be on the same linkshell in game, this can be our cross server linkshell thread.
Like most linkshells, it can be pretty dead at times. Other times it's full of intense conversations about either rl, gear, goals, pokemon or anything else you want to contribute.
We can cover any sort of topic at all, within reason of the forum rules. No real main topic, just a bunch of FFXIAH friends/people coming on and discussing random things.
Continuation from: http://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/2873/ffxiah-linkshell/732/#150486
Update: Sorry Eternaltriumph, too much has changed D: (Page 698)
Eternaltriumph said: Yeah Chuu. Bringing you up to speed, Ludoggy is the LS pedophile. I'm the fountain of random and useless knowledge that makes you go "Hrm" with the occasional side of "holy shit he said what?"
Kungfu is the LS nutjob, spouting super random things that are usually sexist, until Savvy or Alyria comes into the room. Then he's a classic case of sexual harrassment. Rumaha is also true to the second part; we're wondering about his sexuality though.
Daj is Ludoggy's gay lover. Not much else is known about this Asuran. Tairo is kinda new, but since is a female and Alyria's lesbian lover, she fit right in real quick.
Celene(F) and Rowland(M) are more of the shyer members, but often say things that are witty, have a good pun and sometimes cause three page discussions. Celene hates when people hit on her. It doesn't stop them from trying.
Krizz is just social and likes to kill time here during work Tbest is about the same, except tends to be a douche to guys and affectionate toward girls.
Alyria is the most social female, gets groped a lot without provoking it by others, and Tairo ends up stabbing people for it. Cai is just a barrel of lols, I might be gay for him. If I wasn't straight.
Not sure about Citag, s/he's new. Kiriyu is just an in-out kinda person. Says one thing every three days that every guy makes a big fuss over. Ludoggy gets really defensive since she's asian and underage (might be 18 now).
Artem is the wayward soul that makes you ponder the meaning of life by constantly reminding us life can suck. But he deals, and so do we. About the same for Savannah, except people are more "AWH!" to her because of a vagina involved.
Dasva is the ex military man (as is Krizz but this doesn't apply to him) who hates the world and plots a way to destroy most of it.
Number2 is kinda like a mix between Cai and I; never bashes, likes to laugh and has odd avatars. His current suits a lot of the convos this LS gets into. Barti is most well known for his moustache. He gives mousatche rides for a fee. I'm missing a few people but whatever. CARRY ON!
Luelle Smells.
Roster of FFXIAH Ni (as of April 1st, 2010 Pocoyo avatar craze)
One Year Anniversary!!!Asura.Ludoggy said: Happy b-day ls.
Heres my lame gift to AHLS, since Row is lame and took away the OP, I made my own!
Haseyo/Bignose: He's got a bigass nose, Leader of the RL avi revloution or some junk no one gives a crap about...crazy about his asian pop/rock bands and is a closet pedo. AKA LAME
Dameshi: wont level his sam sub and is a lolblu, LAME
Citag: Doesnt put out, Really lame
Dasva: Uses Chu as a cover up for his desire for me greased up and naked on his bed, Lame.
Rydiya/Bra+Panties: Secret lesbien, doesnt wear bra+panties, like to knit and other old people stuff (bingo)
Pikachu/Chu: Hi Chu, I love chu
Kryee/Socks: Noms on socks, wears the sam red pair everyday and frequently sniffs her arm pits.
Cheyne: Domo origoto, Mr Roboto...I think he's gay.
Enterius/ghost: He's a ghost...he'll say something witty to me later.
Ixe: Ducky face and cant seem to get a straw in her mouth (can get other things in there though)
Mairah: She cool...lame
Bart: Full times OPO-OPO, free mustache rides otherwise LAME
Sav/Mango: Field trips, yay!
Aly/thatgreenmodthatwillbanmeifIsayanythingbad: *tapes*
Woody: You're not Italian...no tea for you.
Sectum: My apprentice...loves asian girls, loves to cook...he's awesome. put me in a story where I wasnt a pedo and that'd cool
Valencea:Wont tell me the color of her undies, you lost the bet...no we cant get married...NO MEANS NO
Kojo:Open pedo...he likes scat, ewww
Tohsou: I think he's a pedo with a girlfriend as cover up, lame.
Kiriyu/strawberry: Lurk Less post moar! I see you what you are doing!
Krizz: Mohawk guy #1
Triet: Mohawk guy #1...wait
Bloodbathboy: The Hulk
Celene: Quit...Canadian...who the hell quits?
Tbest: MIA
Eternaltriumph: Where the hell has he been? Is he gone cause he got pussywhipped or something? Whatever...
#2: GOD...I miss him /cry
Luelle/otherlu: The Other Lu.
Zekky: Quit, kicking ass, raped me :\
Krystale/Girlwithpiercing: Magnets stick to her, Toke Canadian, hawt...she's 15 right?
Marzbarz: NINJA
Rowland: All your Pocoyo are belong to...him
Weewoo/Tool: He liked Asura and wont admit it.
Miemo: Has a mithra avi c.c
Kalyna: is a girl right? right? oh...lame
Sagittario: Lame elf whu runs around in a diaper subligar
Ludoggy: Faggot
Edit: The Family Ni Tree

Luelle's (And Citag's too!) birthday present

Pics worth referencing:
This OP is paid for and sponsored by Stiklelf
Fenrir.Scragg said: Code Rowland 29488 2007-06-24 16:06:00
Ludoggy 26597 2009-02-25 22:31:23
Flionheart 22174 2008-11-17 14:28:15
Krizz 22085 2007-06-30 15:22:38
Haseyo 20875 2009-01-12 15:55:51
Dameshi 19807 2009-02-17 10:29:14
Urial 18636 2008-02-09 01:15:03
Spence 18475 2009-05-04 11:26:27
Kalyna 15001 2010-01-21 11:40:04
Rydiya 13469 2008-05-16 05:24:33
Alyria 12656 2007-10-23 10:58:35
Tigerwoods 10807 2007-03-14 21:10:43
Enternius 10382 2007-08-10 04:14:29
Slipispsycho 10072 2008-09-05 08:56:34
Rumaha 10000 2009-02-20 13:28:03
Kojo 9060 2007-06-30 17:46:02
Sevourn 8567 2009-02-10 00:10:20
Cheyne 8527 2007-04-27 12:27:54
Mabrook 8356 2008-07-01 00:53:38
Marzbarz 7723 2010-01-10 14:12:5
Join date added, banned users filtered.
February 1st, 2012
Cool stuff Scragg added: 4/20/12 Code
[spoiler="Custom spoiler!"][h1]Yay[/h1][/spoiler]
Will try to get to more stuff when I can.
Disclaimer: Your Feelings May Get Hurt In Your Stay Here.