Howdy there everyone.
I had posted a little while ago on the forum about a Dynamis linkshell recruiting. Well... We've diversified, yet again! =D
We started out as a Dyna/social and now have Dynamis, Limbus, Salvage, ZNM's, Einherjar, Sea Farming, and Garrison all as regular, scheduled events.
We also setup groups for Nyzul Isle climbs, various missions, and other miscellaneous things that our members need.
We have pretty good core members with a lot of experience for each event. This lets us have good success in the events even when several members don't show up. (17 AF2 drops last Bastok, Homam hands/feet/body last Omega, and a great farming run / near win in Beaucedine last night with only 18 people.)
Dynamis and Limbus are definitely our strong suits and our members overall have the most experience in those two events.
While a few of us have a lot of experience with ZNM's, Einherjar, and Salvage, most of the shell have limited exposure with those events.
Lumiere LS is our linkshell forum/site.
You can contact me here through PM or in-game if you have any questions. You're also free to contact Shotgun or Herekittykittyy in-game as well to get a pearl. =)
All times are GMT-4, Eastern Daylight Time or EDT. (Most of you call this EST which is actually GMT-5. :P)
Dynamis - Thursday 7:15pm EDT and Sunday 7:30pm EDT.
(You can also find our schedule for Dynamis posted on the FFXI Dynamis Calendar.
Limbus - Saturday 6:45pm EDT and Tuesday 7:15pm EDT.
Einherjar - Tuesday 9:30pm EDT and Friday 9:45pm EDT
ZNM's - Friday 7:30pm EDT
Salvage - Friday 11pm EDT and Saturday 1pm EDT
Sea Farming - After Limbus on Saturday (Generally 8:30pm EDT at latest.)
Garrison - Sunday 12pm EDT
Mondays and Wednesdays are free days for randomness. There's always something going on in the shell, but those events are the only 'scheduled' ones. =)
It's also important to mention that all events are a la carte and completely separate from one another. We won't ever 'force' you to go to an event and instead would prefer to have you there because you 'want' to be there. We also don't mind if you can only attend certain events on certain days due to other obligations, just let us know ahead of time that you won't be able to make it. =)