Daurdabla/Ochain [Solo]

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Daurdabla/Ochain [Solo]
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sirseiko
Posts: 26
By Cerberus.Shashu 2013-07-07 23:56:15
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Curious if anyone has done this? If so, how? I have just about every job leveled with decent gear for each. Would prefer to solo it, do not want to bother with shouting for PUGs. Any suggestions? Advice?

I soloed Ironclad Sunderer as DNC/MNK. I tried it again and had some bad luck with being Stunned/Terrorized/Amnesia-ed to be able to stun his TP moves. Was using Gnarled Horn (Mounted Champion), Vicissitude, and Razed Ruins. Possible atma changes?

How about colorless souls?
Server: Cerberus
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user: Phyrefly
Posts: 243
By Cerberus.Phyrefly 2013-07-08 00:03:18
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Souls are easy. I always did Koios (in A-altepa) on thf/dnc for the upgrade. I didn't solo the T3s myself because I'm not the greatest soloer in the world but I saw plenty of bst soloing the t3....in any of the zones, really. I've been putting off finishing Azdaja for the horns.
By 2013-07-08 00:07:25
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Kirlua
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By Quetzalcoatl.Kirlua 2013-07-08 00:09:40
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Well, I get my 50+ Souls in 3 days (about 3-4hours game play for it). But It's not exactly solo i feel...
The way i do it is:
1. Get NIN solo Garuda.
2. KI changed, t3 KI get.
3. Go back to other zone and get new t2 KI
4. Changed to THF, go get {BREW} <-
5. Pop Maere, Aeolian it asap.
6. Ideally, if no one doing Garuda and if you time properly, Garuda will be up. Pop Garuda and Aeolian it asap (or pop the Pot NM for gil or Giant pop in future)
7. If you manage to pop Garuda and KI changed, refer to #3, otherwise refer to #1.
8. Rinse repeat :o

Only viable if you have massive stock of cruor to spam brew (which i have).
Points to note:
1. Maere CAN and WILL use Nightmare as soon as he pop, remember to macro your brew or use your brew asap, couple times almost out of time from his Nightmare...
2. All this are done during time when no one camping Garuda, a whole alliance camping Garuda will screw your day...
3. Have all equip you need on your char so you reduce time during moving to another zone etc etc.

Doubt it will help since it relies heavily on Brew... >.>
By 2013-07-08 00:11:35
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Marael
Posts: 19
By Quetzalcoatl.Marael 2013-07-08 00:17:13
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I soloed my Ochain, more or less. Meaning every now and then a friend helped with one kill here and there, but it was mostly alone. Did most of it on my aegis PLD. Ironclad in grauberg was an easy solo, honestly the hardest part is getting the pop items to friggen drop already.

Colorless souls aren't too bad, I upgraded an abyssite to colorful in another zone to avoid elementals taking forever and a day to kill and hit up heroes zones until I found a T2 that was uncamped, kill until upgraded, hit the T3, 2/3 of which are easily soloed by an aegis PLD, Maere could use a little whm help, or a lot of luck. Sometimes it takes only one kill to upgrade to a T3 abyssite, but I went as many as 30 kills once or twice before it finally upgraded for me. It is a HUGE pain in the ***, and by far the most frustrating part. Gets more annoying if you've got competition that are after the upgrade too rather than seals, or people after seals that refuse to team up with you.

For horns I probably did it the hard way. I farmed KI in gold chests, usually took about 10-15 mins per on a DD job, then warped back and hopped on THF, brewed (had about 15M cruor saved up from a crapton of voidwatch) rinse, repeat. I guess the question is, how much cruor do you have, and do you mind spending it all on azdaja. Otherwise, I'm not sure how soloable it is. Maybe a really, really well geared and experienced BST? Dunno.

All in all, it took me about 3 weeks to complete those 3 stages, though I was out of work that month due to surgery and had a LOT of time to kill, would probably take me a lot longer now that I'm back working.
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2013-07-08 00:26:58
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Do you have Atma of the Future Fabulous from finishing wotg? Using that, you could probably pretty safely solo Ifrit by keeping yourself near full (on say nin or thf, aegis isn't a risk at all).

Ifrit's an easy solo for aegis pld/thf, Leviathan probably requires pld/dnc. I always went pld/dnc to levi (that 100tic poison aura hurts. You can stun, but it has a huge range so can't run from it really. As pld/dnc, I was able to keep myself and a thf alive
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kirlua
Posts: 10
By Quetzalcoatl.Kirlua 2013-07-08 00:32:17
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
Aeolian edge....Garuda?

Yea I was skeptical if there will be any damage on Garuda with Aeolian, but it works when you are on Brew lol. 2 Aeolian and she's dead..
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 259
By Sylph.Dasanuffadat 2013-07-08 00:40:52
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Do you think DNC/THF could solo sunderer? I've never tried out DNC/MNK so not sure what exactly its benefits are (assuming eva/acc buffs and emergency chakra?). Also, were you using daggers or H2H?

Would love to finally get this harp on my BRD but the task always seems so daunting without PLD or NIN leveled (or having to take out my BST spending gil i don't have on pets ><).
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sirseiko
Posts: 26
By Cerberus.Shashu 2013-07-08 00:47:37
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
thf can solo ironclad titurator pretty decently if you're prepared so I bet dnc could too even easier
Define "prepared," please? Atma set-up? 5 steps/300% tp? Strategy? Special gear?

I am considering this. Though I only have about 5-6mil cruor stockpiled atm. Although I don't have NIN leveled lol. I kinda suck at keeping shadows up.><

@Marael; How did you go about Iron Plates stage? I am halfway done with stage4->5 Aegis. So that will be a huge help, I know! :D *fistpump*

@Omnys; I was looking into that atma when I was soloing Teekesselchen for the fragment, is that one better than Vicissitude (considering the Regen)?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sirseiko
Posts: 26
By Cerberus.Shashu 2013-07-08 00:51:31
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Sylph.Dasanuffadat said: »
Do you think DNC/THF could solo sunderer? I've never tried out DNC/MNK so not sure what exactly its benefits are (assuming eva/acc buffs and emergency chakra?). Also, were you using daggers or H2H?

Would love to finally get this harp on my BRD but the task always seems so daunting without PLD or NIN leveled (or having to take out my BST spending gil i don't have on pets ><).
I think DNC/MNK + Gnarled Horn was pretty epic. I didn't quite understand it at first, but you get the occasional counter, plus access to focus/dodge/chakra. I solod the Ironclad Sunderer on DNC/MNK, built steps/tp beforehand and stunned all TP moves I could, unless I was stunned or amnesia-ed myself. If there was a solid way to lower his stun landing or resisting the amnesia then he would be a walk-in-the-park 100% of the time. I was using the ToTM EVA dagger and Twilight knife (Wasn't sure what else to use).
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kirlua
Posts: 10
By Quetzalcoatl.Kirlua 2013-07-08 00:54:50
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If you have 5-6mill cruor, you might consider to use it for brewing 3 azdaja at once, i did my 73 Horn in 3 days too lol...brew too..

During lucky day, drop wise, change rate and no one camping, I can net in 15+ Soul in 2-3hours. But it will hurt your cruor badly, I had 17m Cruor before I started brewing soul and horn.

By the end of the 50+ Soul and 73 Horn, I had 8m cruor left (I have 11m now tho :p )

For Iron Plate, grab a good whm and strong dd then head for Grauberg giant (i think he is least dangerous) and just kill it for the plate. Can be easily duo'ed, just need cure bomb.. [I know it's solo thread, but Giant is easiest with a mage+dd, while azdaja fastest with 3 people holding 3 KI and brew 3 at same time..., just something to think of if you happen to get people to help you~]
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 259
By Sylph.Dasanuffadat 2013-07-08 01:04:55
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Cerberus.Shashu said: »
Sylph.Dasanuffadat said: »
Do you think DNC/THF could solo sunderer? I've never tried out DNC/MNK so not sure what exactly its benefits are (assuming eva/acc buffs and emergency chakra?). Also, were you using daggers or H2H?

Would love to finally get this harp on my BRD but the task always seems so daunting without PLD or NIN leveled (or having to take out my BST spending gil i don't have on pets ><).
I think DNC/MNK + Gnarled Horn was pretty epic. I didn't quite understand it at first, but you get the occasional counter, plus access to focus/dodge/chakra. I solod the Ironclad Sunderer on DNC/MNK, built steps/tp beforehand and stunned all TP moves I could, unless I was stunned or amnesia-ed myself. If there was a solid way to lower his stun landing or resisting the amnesia then he would be a walk-in-the-park 100% of the time. I was using the ToTM EVA dagger and Twilight knife (Wasn't sure what else to use).

Very interesting to hear, guess I'll level my MNK up to 49 and give it a shot. Although this brings a good question to the table: what about DNC/RUN using Sulpor runes and Pflug? Going /RUN to that WOTG fight vs the pld that can amnesia allowed me to evade the amnesia effect. Can only use it every 3 minutes but lasts for 2.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Davorin
Posts: 232
By Bismarck.Davorin 2013-07-08 01:06:59
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I solo IC Sunderer as DNC/THF. Takes a little time and finesse. I use Razed Ruin, Gnarled Horn, and Cloak and Dagger atmas. Fan dance, stun TP moves, and cures when necessary.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Davorin
Posts: 232
By Bismarck.Davorin 2013-07-08 01:08:53
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Don't forget that ICs are slow and path horribly. If things start going wrong, can always kite to get some distance and right the ship.
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-07-08 01:28:25
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I am currently soloing ochain. I am:
35/50 plates: I solo pops from Teek on nin/dnc (when I am farming T2-T3s) then on spare time solo IC in Grauberg on Blm. Prob 1-2 min fight. Easy kill/kite about 7nukes and he is dead. (In case you get into trouble for w/reason. there is a lil brick wall uphill that you can kite around. Also Works really well to pinpoint him if you need to buy some time) also dnc/run would work as I have solo'd Ironclads on dnc/pld before with little to no trouble.

Souls: I am 24/75, can be a pain. I have not lost a pop yet, but I'm sure I will as it can be risky. I choose to solo on Ninja/dnc (Brulo) MD set, FC set for Migawari (1min 5sec recast) (SS RR Brotherwolf) ride drain samba and keep up on your cures. You won't be able to Weaponskill often if at all due to constantly countering the blaze spikes. Really not a challenging fight, only time consumeing.
(Meare) I would not bother for obvious reasons. But I can solo it on nin/dnc with a friend on naked any job mage just to wake me from nightmare. (I no, not 100% solo) but if I have a pop for mere that's how I go about it.
(Oge) I would say its possible but with tidal wave spam it could get ugly. Specialy at the end doing tidal wave at 3% wich eats Migawari leaving you exposed for a 1shot from grand fall shortly after.

Options for solo (bst) or (aegis pld) those would be my choices if I wasn't already progressing in nin, I am comfortable on ninja solo tho. I do not have macros Etc set up for pld solo & don't want to chance it, since I can do it on ninja I will stick with what I know.

Azdaja: 9/75 solo nin/dnc. It's really not a issue or hard at all. Most make him out to be so terrible. Keep shadows up and utilize your FC set for recast. If you don't get hit, you don't got anything to worry about. Keep your 5steps, I ride RR SS MC. + drain samba. Try to stun spells, if not have a good MD set. Also rdm/nin or dnc/nin can solo this. I'm sure there are other jobs that are capable as well.
Also Smn can solo T3s but wouldn't recomend it unless you are a very good Smn w/ Mulsums to burn
Bst is probably the safest route.

There's few options for all NMs, either way you do it, if you choose to solo, it is going to take a wile.
For souls
Hope this helps good luck.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Hidegger
Posts: 130
By Quetzalcoatl.Hidegger 2013-07-08 01:48:07
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I think you should go make some friends, to help, so you have something to do once you get a harp and shield.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: cheweh
Posts: 62
By Ragnarok.Cheweh 2013-07-08 02:03:20
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Get a seal party for Irons!

Aegis PLD makes Chione and Ogopogo look like a joke.
(If you're doing Ochain might as well get Aegis first anyway)

Hard to solo Apademak, so save your brews for that. Or find a whm who knows how to stun..
(I Invested in a Armageddon to help cut down cruor cost (can brew 5-6 with it)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2013-07-08 02:08:16
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Ragnarok.Cheweh said: »
(I Invested in a Armageddon to help cut down cruor cost (can brew 5-6 with it)

even now with not being able to pause the brew timer?
Server: Ragnarok
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user: cheweh
Posts: 62
By Ragnarok.Cheweh 2013-07-08 02:14:55
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Yes. 6 only if he decides not to fulmination/petrify. Having your poppers or yourself sub blm helps too
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Cruxus
Posts: 333
By Cerberus.Cruxus 2013-07-08 02:17:02
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I started working on Ochain and may continue it when I feel more inclined to, but have tried all necissary NM's solo on my PUP with most being no more than a slight issue. All of these kills were done with Alternator, Anwig with -10% dt, and using Valoredge frame.

IC in grauberg is quite easy, though so was Altepa one with the doll for one of the PI drops being less annoying with no nukes.

All T3's can be solo'd using right atma's with next to no issues. That being said, Levi in Ule is by far the most annoying as anyone who has fought it knows (poison aura + 100% AF move before death.) I fought it by popping and pulling down ledge and keeping distance between it and myself since even with double regen atma's and regen attachments, poison and Bloodpacts/spells take down health more than can be cured (even with factoring in Role Reversal/Repair).

Azdaja is easy, pop set maton behind so only have to worry about Flail which doesn't do a great deal of dmg with -pdt pet gear (anwig and pet h2h if you are so inclined to build those). Only issue that may arise is one of the addistional melee effects, doom, if it is not overwritten before hitting 0. Even at that, Deus or Activate upon death and get behind him and get maton back into action and let it go to town on it.
By 2013-07-08 03:15:28
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Posts: 377
By Solrain 2013-07-08 05:07:22
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Cerberus.Shashu said: »
Sylph.Dasanuffadat said: »
Do you think DNC/THF could solo sunderer? I've never tried out DNC/MNK so not sure what exactly its benefits are (assuming eva/acc buffs and emergency chakra?). Also, were you using daggers or H2H?

Would love to finally get this harp on my BRD but the task always seems so daunting without PLD or NIN leveled (or having to take out my BST spending gil i don't have on pets ><).
I think DNC/MNK + Gnarled Horn was pretty epic. I didn't quite understand it at first, but you get the occasional counter, plus access to focus/dodge/chakra. I solod the Ironclad Sunderer on DNC/MNK, built steps/tp beforehand and stunned all TP moves I could, unless I was stunned or amnesia-ed myself. If there was a solid way to lower his stun landing or resisting the amnesia then he would be a walk-in-the-park 100% of the time. I was using the ToTM EVA dagger and Twilight knife (Wasn't sure what else to use).

DNC/MNK is basically useless. You can't Counter his regular attacks and Focus/Dodge are doing nothing for you since your acc and evasion should be capped. You're better off going /WAR for kill speed or /THF for TH. Twilight Knife and evasion Thokcha's are also generally horrible decisions.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sirseiko
Posts: 26
By Cerberus.Shashu 2013-07-08 12:25:11
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Quetzalcoatl.Hidegger said: »
I think you should go make some friends, to help, so you have something to do once you get a harp and shield.
Not as easy as it sounds lol. I've tried a couple times xD

Ragnarok.Cheweh said: »
Get a seal party for Irons!
I actually considered this!

@Cruxus; How do you do this? It always seems like my Automaton dies in like 3 or 4 hits. :/

@Solrain; Which daggers would you suggest? Delve? I have the Lux Pugio and Supernal Knife, and about 30 Flame geodes away from having Lv.99 STR Dagger.
By 2013-07-08 14:10:36
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Cruxus
Posts: 333
By Cerberus.Cruxus 2013-07-08 21:24:39
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Sorry for late reply Shashu. I typically use x2 regen atma's and RR, the 2 regen atma's I use: Vicissitude and Mounted Champion. Between those atma's, oils and role reversal HP isn't really an issue, and throw in Steam Jacket, and Armor Plates/Equalizer to reduce dmg when maton is hit. Honestly with Alternator my maton doesn't get hit all too often by most NM's and Azdaja hits relatively slow from behind giving a couple ticks of hp before his next wiff.

As far as other mobs, again not much of an issue with remotely close to maton being floored. Brulo's spikes are a joke if you put up mana jammer + steam jacket and the atma combo listed above, and only really need to role reversal after Inferno which if you keep an eye on maton's hp and throw additional light maneuvers up to help with the already insane regen.

Maere is a joke, pop and stick maton on him and just let him take it down. Nightmare might cause maton to loose hate, fought a couple times and it seems 50/50 if he does but worst case scenario while you stay out of range you pop Vent on him and he heads back to maton.

Levi T3 is rough, if you can't pop and pull to a safe kiting location I recommend ignoring this one all together on PUP. Just an fyi, these aren't super quick fights but I'd say bout 10 min each which isn't too bad imo.
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-07-11 12:01:44
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I have been soloing my souls on nin untill the otherday when we talked on this thread last, i decided to try pld.
All 3 T3s are a joke, slower kills than nin but its alot safer, as my hp never went below yellow. On nin i mostly stuck to brulo since it is safer than the other 2 otherwise i would find help.

Brulo: RR, BroWolf,Future Fabulous atmas and spikes did 0dmg. Spells hit 150 at most and any abilities never broke 400dmg. Only thing that seemed most dangerous was his berserk DA occ interrupts some spells but nothing to worry since /dnc anyway. About 15min fight

Oge: basicly same thing just swop Browolf atma for barwater atma. Tidal wave did a mere 200dmg if not less, grand fall i am unsure but i know it wasnt anymore than 200dmg as my hp bairly moved, waterga III and waterja where almost completely resisted, hiting up to 200dmg at most with MD set. About 10min fight

Meare: i just did him 1st time today solo, as i avoided him for obvious reasons solo. I ran with MC,RR, sea daughter, when nightmare goes off i had more than enough regen to be safe plus PDT set. Was annoying but again it was easy and no risk.
All where done aegis pld/dnc. Anout 15-20 min fight of course depending on his nightmare spam.

All 3 Nms i didnt have to use temps at all besides an occ, monarchs,stalwarts or berserkers. Mp was never an issue nor was hp low enough to worry.
Just wanted to place some info for pld solo souls for those interested, as myself i had not tryed it untill this thread had me debating it. swopping from nin to pld made the T3s extreemly easyer and not having to ride migawari. All the T3 are a utter joke to aegis w/ those atmas.
Hope this helps encourage other plds to farm w/o hesitation. As for pup bst nin solos there optional and should ask or read above for advice on that subject
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: feint2021
Posts: 332
By Lakshmi.Feint 2013-07-11 12:30:24
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I've recently done ochain (I duel box) and I found that atmas and gear make the difference.

I usually went with RR, Lion and Zenith (replaced zenith with DD atma depending on job if damage mitigation wasn't needed). For gear, I went with some -pdt or -mdt equipment. My suggestion for iron clad and t2 would be to go with dnc. Subbing thf may not be necessary since double drops for plates are unlikely.

Azdaja may prove to be the most difficult to solo. Also, I'd say avoid Maere if possible unless you're brewing.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: deezymmo
Posts: 32
By Quetzalcoatl.Deeezy 2014-01-02 17:10:40
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Did 75/75 souls in 3 days (12 hour+ days) used about 65-70 Traverser stones, 5 single drops, Longest time for t3 color change was around 3hrs. Titan/Ifrit is by far the easiest way to go if you're soloing. Levithan's Tidal wave one shotted me everytime on THF (2900ish HP) Fanatics at around 5% will let you survive it, Meare's nightmare can *** your whole day up wasted 2 pops on him... Souls are an intimidating trial but once you start its really not THAT bad I had barely any competition.
By 2014-01-02 20:34:10
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