*Black screen, fade into middle-aged happy couple eating corndogs, midday*
Woman: *giggle, chewing on corndog* How did we manage to afford a vacation this year?
Man: *Wink* Just got a little lucky with work.
*Fade to black, open back up with same couple at night. Woman is playing in the water and man is taking pictures*
Man: Hold still, lemme get a sexy picture of you in the waves.
Woman: *Proceeds to pose* Like this?
*Large wave washes over her, knocking her down and covering her with black gunk. Man runs to her, worried.*
Man: Are you alright?!
Woman: Ugh, what is this stuff?
Man: *Touches and sniffs it* Smells like... Oil?
*Fade to black, following morning couple walks passed Electronics store and spots news bulletin*
Newscaster: Investigators are still baffled by a mysterious explosion of an offshore oil rig. *Video of rig's remnants, and workers covered in white barnacle-like extensions* There were few survivors...
*Trails off and fades again. Open to science facility overlooking volcano, scientists in panic*
Scientist 1: These readings are greater than anything in recorded history!
Scientist 2: At this rate, the resulting waves of an eruption could sink all of Indonesia!
*Quick fade to black, text saying "This Summer" cued on loud drum-beat, open to utter chaos and crashing buildings. Couple now dodging through the panic to get to each other.*
Man: Kitty!
Woman: John!
*Gargantuan crab leg crashes between them, killing the innocents and leaving a crater of white barnacles in the earth. Fade to black, new titles with close ups of character: "Bruce Willis" : "Sandra Bullock." Open to night, man surrounded by destruction and shaking with fear."
Man: *Whispers* It's here!
*Fade to black, final titles and climactic beat*
KRABkatoa! 12-19-12
***just got real!