I would very much love to do this fight, but couldn't trust a PUG for it. Plasm is slow going at the moment, because if I join someone elses PUG, we get 4-5.5k, whereas if I set one up (and after millions of years of yelling for the right people) we will end up with 6-8k unless something goes wrong.
If anyone needs a DRK for these runs, I would love to come along. I have Bereaver 15, and a nice dark magic set and constantly upgrading Mikinaak at the moment. I will definitely listen to leaders, and if you need me to show you my sets, just let me know.
I have even considered making a brand new LS just to spam Tojil and the others, but if anyone could fit me in somewhere, I would be really grateful. I am looking for Tojil runs throughout the week (as every other weekend I have my daughter) between 7.30pm and 3am GMT (2.30pm - 10pm EST)