Does SE Rly Listen?

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Does SE rly listen?
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2009-07-05 23:54:20
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Phaze said:
Blm : I love the job hate lfp they need something along the lines of a big reason to be invited to parties the reflect on birds in woodlands etc really killed blm Zerg parties also murdered blm TBh what i want from blm Is magic acc traits and maybe something what souleater does but to mp like add more MP do make the spell do more dmg instead of conserve mp call it turbo charge or something where spells cost 1.5 to 2 times the mp for added power n acc.

TP burn is what really killed BLM in parties, not birds. Doing more damage doesn't solve this problem. Spike damage has always been our forte, what we need now is a way to improve our DoT.

RDM: Great job its what i started with when the game first came out and for all those people who say oh rdm is easy and what not try leveling 5 Sj just for it ok. I really think Rdm needs a refresh and conserve mp trait when they first came out nobody but rdm had refresh then came bard with aoe refresh and now pld has it and most jobs have refresh gear the real quality that made rdm great was its refresh. In partys i notice that they stopped doing enfeeb's because they take on the role of main healer so that why i think they need conserve mp and auto refresh.


Sam : nothing they need to get gimped not only are they the king of all DD in terms of JA and traits they get some awesome gear which makes them hit so hard that they take hate of tanks in 1 ws or anyone notice sams are from Japan so they gotta be game breaking >.>
SAM WS damage on its own isn't that impressive, relatively speaking... it's the frequency of those WS and the special mods on Y/G/K. Massive attack bonus plus a high STR mod makes them killer DD, especially with Hagun. It makes them viable almost everywhere, which is the real problem.

Ninja : LOL What i think ninja NEEDS is a number on the shadow icon so they can relax with shadow counting which will be only available to ninja as a main and they need something like what pup has where all the attachments are stored for their ninja tools like backpack or something and personally i dont like how utsumi ichi cant overide Ni its not like Ni's shadows are superior they are the same thing and you waste a cast. But i haven't played nin since it got to 40

Any good NIN can count shadows. Hell I could count shadows before I got high enough to use Ni. Ichi and Ni are like Sleep and Sleep 2, the lower tier spell does not overwrite the higher tier spell. Why would it? It's inconvienient, but it makes sense. I like the toolbag idea though.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-07-05 23:54:51
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Synyster said:
secondly i think i read something about refreshga or something? or job trait refresh for rdm... again.. dont be lazy and just do your job... have a refresh/haste cycle and again dont be lazy and do your job.

Alot harder now that your out of the cycle. Rediculously easy not to see someone losing a buff. I mean brd gets to AOE and single target there buffs so really why not. Same with sch.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Helixx
Posts: 103
By Seraph.Helixx 2009-07-06 00:03:53
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I want to see MNK Update. If people say we are perfectly fine, than think about how many MNK's get an invite to a HLNM'ls just for being MNK, VS their SAM counterparts. I don't care how good we do on exp mobs, exp is a tiny fraction of the game.

What to adress on MNK:
- Currently there is an issue with the way Guard functions.

- FOOTWORK, it is absolutely useless byond belief. Make MNK function like 2-hand user when footwork is up. Currently we get some att+ (10%) AAAND the huge issue of: 480 delay. Give us a 450 delay like most GK have. Also some STP. SE can check how often some abilities are used, If a MNK uses COunterstance every 5 min but footwork once every 10 hours there is something wrong.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Gilgamesh.Gabvanstronger 2009-07-06 00:04:27
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Dont kill me plz

I do not agree with RDM's refresh Job Trait..
My 1st job ever is RDM and i love it !

But lets see..
Refresh + Sanction/Sigil/Signet(With Kupowers) + BRD and/or COR :o This gives u 6~11mp/tick (3+1+3+1~4)
If you have Duelist's Chapeau (+1) and/or Morrigan's Robe (+1) it grows up to 7~13mp/tick..
That would be AWESOME with the +1 from Job Trait!

But RDM is already a MP pool due to Convert. Its like having 1800mp (Assuming you have 1000mp and 800hp).. It would just be too easy with another +1mp/tick

Then why couldnt BLM get a Refresh Job Trait.. They also use MP :o and WHM :o And BLU :o And DRK... U see? ..
RDM got Composure and WHM that thing with strange name.. (Afflatus) Now BLM wants a new JA (And i agree.. lol)
So gives RDM a Refresh Job Trait @lv50 and both BLM and WHM will want one :p

RDM dont need a Refresh Job trait, they already have almost infinite mp
THF dont need dual wield cause /nin would be THAT usefull (except for utsu)
BLM could get that MACC-/MAB+ or MAB-/MACC+ like i said before or something like that lol
WHM is a great healer i think and the new update got them even better
DRK are slow loool. When i get 1 to xp/merit on birds (when no sam seeks...)
~They do like 300-500dmg with Guillotine..
~And if they use Souleater they cost 160mp to me due to CureIVx2
~They should have something to makes them even more better :)
SAM should have a JA that gives Store TP+50 on the 5 next attacks so they would be even moremoremore strong (im not serious <.< ...)
RNG should get Camouflage to be equal as Hide for THF (i said it earlier)

For the other jobs.. i dont know them lol :o
(Sry for my bad english ^^; please dont be rude xD and plz argue on what i said O.O i wana know what u think !!!)
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-07-06 00:09:45
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Im sorry 300-500 dmg ws for drks...? Wtf DD plds do more then that before atonement even with joytoy main handed. What is wrong with these drks your finding? I'd be ashamed to do that low on thf without SA or TA... hell I think I might be able to break 500 if I get a brd in pt with SATA melee hit...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: BushinNmL
Posts: 80
By Carbuncle.Nightmarelord 2009-07-06 00:10:41
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why do i see people whining about sam? i mean cmon. if u get a bad sam in pt they are easily outdone by almost any other job and there are ALOT of horrible sams (myself included.. i suck, i pull hate, i die, i RR myself. and i ws the mob again not caring if i die a second time!)

but yeah.. sam is a nice job but uh. sam isnt over powered and has few ja's the only thing that makes sam different is sekka bc now we can totally PULL more hate! oh wait.. 1 kaiten makes me a tank regardless of if its a BEEFY one or a UGH one... ***...
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2009-07-06 00:19:12
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Just typing this out quickly, then off to bed:

Thank you for the RDM comments, nice to know some people appreciate what they have in the job. BLU can set auto-refresh starting at level 58. The BLM stances you mentioned would be the lazy way out in my opinion, if they give us new JAs I sincerely hope it's something interesting and well thought-out. I'm no expert on DRK, but those DRK don't sound very good o.o I'd expect more damage from them.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Gilgamesh.Gabvanstronger 2009-07-06 00:21:30
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I never said sam is overpored lol
And about DRK idk... With souleater/last resort i saw 1500 on birds... but w/o.. idk maybe just noticed bad Ws lol
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-07-06 00:48:13
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RNG should get:
1) Camouflage equal to THF's "hide".

2) WS for AoE Arrow shot [kinda like barrage but AoE WS type. Takes 5 arrows to use]

3) with the JT's and Racc/Acc we have, there shouldn't be an accuracy issue at Lv.75, farming mobs who are Lv.5 [farming with axes and killing bee's or something on Gusta hill]. come on now.. Srsly? >.>


1){Utsusemi}: San should be available for NIN.
Ichi: 3 shadows
Ni: 4 shadows
San: 5 shadows.

2)The shadows should all be able to over-write themselves instead of having to cancel one out, to cast another. If there's no haste in your party, or you have haste gear, one hit [without interruption gear] can still give you a time to have that utsu being casted, cancel out. Therefore having to wait for the right moment to recast it. Order shouldn't matter!! When you're down to your last shadow, they should be able to over-write each other anyways.

3) Give recast times at least 25 seconds. or 20 seconds. Mobs hit fast most of the time, if cannot be slowed like aht urhgan areas. Also, when they break ALL shadows at once, using 1 hit like pecking furry. That's just bs!

4) STOP MAKING MOBS THAT WS THROUGH SHADOWS!!!! It's *** annoying. [Read this line CAREFULLY]


In general:
NIN and RNG should [but will never happen] have Recycle and Tool expertise that started when you leveled the job. Yes, we consume ammo and tools. If we didn't want to waste gil, we craft. If lazy, buy. But still, unless I'm able to walk over to my opponent and pull out my arrows from their body, Id much rather see tool expertise/recycle moved to Level 1 or something to help it along. Meriting into the job trait, and wasting even more tools and arrows.. No. You just, you wouldnt. It's a waste.

-Done ranting-
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-07-06 00:53:53
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Just fyi, ninja tool expertise is <NOT> a Job ability. It is a Job Trait.

Lower the price for Shurikens at NPC's and maybe have them available to buy from Norg or NPC's dealing with the Tenshodo.

A throwing WS consuming (1) shuriken wouldnt hurt either -.-

I'm guessing whoever SE let make up whatever job traits or ws's or w/e available, were people who have not seen the job in actual work, OR have ever truly leveled the jobs in particular to get a better understanding of them each. I say and mean that with ALL jobs.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Gilgamesh.Gabvanstronger 2009-07-06 01:05:11
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F*ck utsu san ...
U see that.. Ni ! Ichi! Ni! San!! .......... Ni Ichi SAN......... Ni Ichi SAN.....
(go take a coffee while the mob wipes your 5shadow from san plz)
It would just be way too easy to play as NIN ...
If it comes out one day it should be 1 or 2 shadow just to give the time to recast ichi. Nothing more.

Throwing WS {Yes, Please!}
Ranged AoE WS {Why not?} hehe
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2009-07-06 01:06:41
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you do know you need 2 spend millions of dollars on sam and fight a horde of sams for its ex/rare gear To finally make it awesome?

Im pretty sure when you spend xxxx millions on your job and xxxx points on that gear you expect your job to be kicking some ***

So yeah >.> STOP asking for gimps just look forward for an "update" not a "downgrade"
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Silentbob
Posts: 22
By Hades.Silentbob 2009-07-06 01:08:51
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Nightmarelord said:
why do i see people whining about sam? i mean cmon. if u get a bad sam in pt they are easily outdone by almost any other job and there are ALOT of horrible sams (myself included.. i suck, i pull hate, i die, i RR myself. and i ws the mob again not caring if i die a second time!)

The thing is even if another DD can do better than a bad SAM they are rarely going to get that chance because the bad SAM will get a pt invite long before say a good DRK. I consider myself lucky if my DRK gets more than 1 invite to a merit pt in a week. I'm not saying SAM should be gimped but maybe some of the other DDs should get something so that people will give them a shot too.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-07-06 01:18:26
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Think about it though, all jobs have a WS have at least ONE AoE WS.
Why not give RNG one too? lol

I still think NIN should have a throwing WS =l
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Rumaha
Posts: 10000
By Bahamut.Rumaha 2009-07-06 01:30:11
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Elkanah said:
Think about it though, all jobs have a WS have at least ONE AoE WS.
Why not give RNG one too? lol

I still think NIN should have a throwing WS =l

Rng can use Cyclone <.<
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Gilgamesh.Gabvanstronger 2009-07-06 01:32:30
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I think we mean Ranged AoE WS ...
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-07-06 01:38:44
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Silentbob said:
The thing is even if another DD can do better than a bad SAM they are rarely going to get that chance because the bad SAM will get a pt invite long before say a good DRK. I consider myself lucky if my DRK gets more than 1 invite to a merit pt in a week. I'm not saying SAM should be gimped but maybe some of the other DDs should get something so that people will give them a shot too.

Exactly. I can understand career SAMs don't want to get hit with the nerf stick, but they need to do something to actually encourage some invites for some other DD's...if you're a SAM and put your flag up, tell me you won't get an invite in minutes...I won't believe it anyways, I've seen the opposite too much. Same thing with RDM. If the exact same roles get filled with the exact same jobs time and time again, they need to work on the balance...that's all I'm saying.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karusan
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-07-06 01:41:49
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Elkanah said:

RNG should have Recycle that starts when you level the job.

This. Was talking about it in the LS the other night.

I like the idea of dual wield on THF as a Job Trait. I think it would make more sense if it was only for low delay weapons in the offhand though ie. daggers.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-07-06 01:44:07
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Karusan said:
I like the idea of dual wield on THF as a Job Trait. I think it would make more sense if it was only for low delay weapons in the offhand though ie. daggers.

Yeah, plus it would definitely open up more sub job options for them, I'd think. I mean, with their evasion, unless the mob is incredibly accurate, they could get by without /NIN if they had dual wield and go with /WAR, or whatever else would work well.../DNC? ^^
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-07-06 03:16:42
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Does SE rly listen?

So? Does they rly?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Quetzalcoatl.Nightdragon 2009-07-06 06:07:36
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Elkanah said:
Think about it though, all jobs have a WS have at least ONE AoE WS.
Why not give RNG one too? lol

I still think NIN should have a throwing WS =l

DRG dont have any AOE WS either. :D

Edit: Or any AOE attack ability! (perhaps the only job with no offencive AOE abilities?)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Nightcrew
Posts: 31
By Bahamut.Nightcrew 2009-07-06 07:05:16
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personally i would like to see something for Drgs other then "your Wyvern lvls". yeah having 2hour not be "Call Wyvern" any more is nice, but we could use something. (play Drg)

Blms could use something for sure that's not "making up for Sch". i kinda like the idea of the MAB+/MACC- and vice-versa. but would depend on the numbers to see if it would be useful. (play Blm)

not going to comment on Nin since we are getting an update that looks nice. yes i would love to see a lot of what people want for Nin, but i think what we're getting is nice enough. (play Nin)

don't what Drk would need... but would be nice to see them out of the "red headed step child" standing since when done right, can do great from what i've seen. (not a Drk)

Thfs are fine imo, its the play style that's killed Thf. everyone /Nins and who ever has hate tanks. no one bothers with hate management in PTs now a days. (not a Thf)

Rng hasn't had an update lately that i can remember, but again, not sure what they would need, but i know people who would cry foul if Rngs don't get something. (not a Rng)

aside from that, everyone has had a major update that NEEDS one , there may be a few Blus and Cors that might chew me a new one but i personally don't see what/feel they would need. if i've offended anyone with my opinions, sorry, i'm just saying what i've seen over the years i've been playing. i try not to talk about jobs i don't play but just putting in my 2 Gil.

Edit: oh wait... Drg got Acc Bonus II... can't forget about that, since that made Drgs soo overpowered we got invited before Sams... ooooooo
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 70
By Pandemonium.Isiolia 2009-07-06 08:00:45
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NIN update, from the description, seems to indicate to me that not only do they not listen, they don't play their own game.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Tomassin
Posts: 15
By Quetzalcoatl.Tomaa 2009-07-06 08:06:04
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Isiolia said:
NIN update, from the description, seems to indicate to me that not only do they not listen, they don't play their own game.

^ this x1000 -.-
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-06 08:08:57
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Isiolia said:
NIN update, from the description, seems to indicate to me that not only do they not listen, they don't play their own game.

Now which is easier...
Create another tank job...
Improve what the community already considers a tank job.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Alyssiah 2009-07-06 08:10:20
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Silentbob said:
Stuff he said goes here... just shortening wall-of-text. Lulz.

Exactly. I can understand career SAMs don't want to get hit with the nerf stick, but they need to do something to actually encourage some invites for some other DD's...if you're a SAM and put your flag up, tell me you won't get an invite in minutes...I won't believe it anyways, I've seen the opposite too much. Same thing with RDM. If the exact same roles get filled with the exact same jobs time and time again, they need to work on the balance...that's all I'm saying.

Honestly, I can say from a RDM's point of view that we don't exactly have it as great as SAMs do when it comes to invites. I could lfp for hours and sometimes days without an invite depending on the hours of the day.

On my server a JP WHM in JP prime time will be picked to PT way sooner than my NA RDM lol. I can also say that I am a WHM 75 as well as RDM 75 and I get just about the same amount of invites for merits on both jobs.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Leviathan.Alyssiah 2009-07-06 08:12:48
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Haseyo said:
Isiolia said:
NIN update, from the description, seems to indicate to me that not only do they not listen, they don't play their own game.

Now which is easier...
Create another tank job...
Improve what the community already considers a tank job.

I think the update NIN is getting is great. >_> All I ever heard from NINs on my friend list is "Needz Moar Tanking". Those JA sound good to me. ~.~
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-07-06 08:16:19
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I agree. I think the Nin update is great.
Even if SE made Nin a real DD, it would still be a HUGE waste. All those shadows put to what use? c.c
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 70
By Pandemonium.Isiolia 2009-07-06 08:32:59
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Haseyo said:
Isiolia said:
NIN update, from the description, seems to indicate to me that not only do they not listen, they don't play their own game.

Now which is easier...
Create another tank job...
Improve what the community already considers a tank job.

They'd have done a lot better for that by giving NIN some additional tools that generate hate without relying on a subjob.

Right now, NIN/DRK works because /DRK offers a lot of hate generation. The NIN job itself has basically one thing it can do to generate a lot of hate: do damage.

So you take the normal situation where NIN does decently now: bouncing hate and/or being a first voke in merits, Nyzul, Limbus, etc. You're never -not- trying to get the mob to face you because, obviously, NIN has shadows. DD has fallen behind thanks to the 2h update and updates to 2h jobs, /SAM, and so on. Makes it harder to actually hold hate as much as would be preferable.

So what does this do to "help"?

a.) Get more enmity, but reduce accuracy on a job that already has accuracy problems more often than not. Which wouldn't be as big an issue if there were any other truly good ways to generate enmity in a TP burn type situation, but there's not.

b.) Have negative bonuses -unless- you're attacking FROM BEHIND, which is the exact opposite of what you tend to be shooting for as a NIN. Presumably, you want damage to get hate back, which the -enmity directly contradicts (though, sure, damage generates a lot of hate either way).

The only truly helpful thing would be for NIN/DRK when not using Katanas. While it's certainly viable and potentially good now, PLD/NIN or RDM/NIN are pretty stiff competition. You'd still be better served by a single Ninjitsu or JA that generates a lot of CE.

On top of that you have the timers. Why are these not on the Hasso/Seigan style timers? 1 min reuse, 5 minute duration? They'd be a lot better if there were not requirements for "in front" or "behind", using those timers.

I understand that NIN could use something. I play NIN. This just doesn't make sense for the job.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-07-06 10:53:02
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Isiolia said:
Haseyo said:
Isiolia said:
NIN update, from the description, seems to indicate to me that not only do they not listen, they don't play their own game.

Now which is easier...
Create another tank job...
Improve what the community already considers a tank job.

They'd have done a lot better for that by giving NIN some additional tools that generate hate without relying on a subjob.

Right now, NIN/DRK works because /DRK offers a lot of hate generation. The NIN job itself has basically one thing it can do to generate a lot of hate: do damage.

So you take the normal situation where NIN does decently now: bouncing hate and/or being a first voke in merits, Nyzul, Limbus, etc. You're never -not- trying to get the mob to face you because, obviously, NIN has shadows. DD has fallen behind thanks to the 2h update and updates to 2h jobs, /SAM, and so on. Makes it harder to actually hold hate as much as would be preferable.

So what does this do to "help"?

a.) Get more enmity, but reduce accuracy on a job that already has accuracy problems more often than not. Which wouldn't be as big an issue if there were any other truly good ways to generate enmity in a TP burn type situation, but there's not.

b.) Have negative bonuses -unless- you're attacking FROM BEHIND, which is the exact opposite of what you tend to be shooting for as a NIN. Presumably, you want damage to get hate back, which the -enmity directly contradicts (though, sure, damage generates a lot of hate either way).

The only truly helpful thing would be for NIN/DRK when not using Katanas. While it's certainly viable and potentially good now, PLD/NIN or RDM/NIN are pretty stiff competition. You'd still be better served by a single Ninjitsu or JA that generates a lot of CE.

On top of that you have the timers. Why are these not on the Hasso/Seigan style timers? 1 min reuse, 5 minute duration? They'd be a lot better if there were not requirements for "in front" or "behind", using those timers.

I understand that NIN could use something. I play NIN. This just doesn't make sense for the job.

If you don't like the JAs, don't use them.
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