Does SE Rly Listen?

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Does SE rly listen?
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2982
By Phoenix.Amael 2009-07-05 05:19:38
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Kindle said:
I hope one day SE get rid of all the Meritable stuff people don't get, and put in more useful things.

Get rid of SCH Light Arts merits stratagems and allow us to have elemental -gas! Me wants Thundaga! OR!! add a manifestation type spell for light arts, Silencega? Paralyga? yes please
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Kield
Posts: 96
By Pandemonium.Kield 2009-07-05 05:39:49
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Breakga on BLM! XD But If they were to add anything to BLM I think they'd do that thing someone said earlier, MAB+ MACC- / MACC+ MAB-. They seem to like those kinda double abilities lately. Maybe they'll do the opposite ability for Composure with -delay on spells and all spells on self last shorter xD
Server: Phoenix
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user: Drazzan
Posts: 27
By Phoenix.Drazzan 2009-07-05 05:47:06
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Personally i want a DRG update...for my 75DRG

What have we had in recent years?

*Face Palm* Thats right, Wyvern HP restored after a x amount of EXP, that was included in the "Other Updates" part of the Release Notes. Thats incredibly useful. . . if the wyvern even stays alive long enough at end game to take benefit from it.

Dragoon, Dragon Masters? Yeah Right.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Tomassin
Posts: 15
By Quetzalcoatl.Tomaa 2009-07-05 06:51:55
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I'd like to be able to fully merit 1 more combat (as in weapon, so 8 more merits) skill. Most endgame players have a lot more than just 1 or 2 75 jobs, and at least for me it was hard deciding which combat skill to merit. Same for magic skill aswell.
Server: Odin
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user: Karusan
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-07-05 06:54:15
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Drazzan said:
Personally i want a DRG update...for my 75DRG
What have we had in recent years?

How about a change in your 2hr from Call Wyvern to whatever it is now?

The only jobs that haven't had an update in a long time are THF and MNK so I'm expecting something on those jobs.
Server: Seraph
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Posts: 54
By Seraph.Corleonis 2009-07-05 07:04:28
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Drazzan said:
Personally i want a DRG update...for my 75DRG

What have we had in recent years?

*Face Palm* Thats right, Wyvern HP restored after a x amount of EXP, that was included in the "Other Updates" part of the Release Notes. Thats incredibly useful. . . if the wyvern even stays alive long enough at end game to take benefit from it.

Dragoon, Dragon Masters? Yeah Right.

This was actually quite nice to any solo DRG. The HP restored isn't the great part (though it's actually useful in Nyzul), but the fact that their stats go up (HP included) meaning for less resists and more powerful ele/healing breaths.

A fix I'd like to see: Atm if the mob you're fighting dies while Healing Breath is going off, it get's interupted and stops mid cast. Not so bad if fighting one mob (aside from losing MP) but if you have links you can easily be screwed. This needs to be fixed!

I wouldn't mind a shorter ele/healing breath delay either. Would be nice if it was more instant, as I've died quite a few times by the mob getting in a lucky crit before healing breath went off :(
Server: Sylph
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user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-07-05 09:42:22
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I kinda like how people are saying "THF needs an update".

Don't get me wrong, the job could use one, but it doesn't need one.

THF were given the 2 most useful abilities in the game, and when used in the right places, is waaaaay better than having Refresh, Composure, Sublimation, Haste or even RR3.

I'm sure no-one knows the ones I mean..

Collaborator and Accomplice.

/wait for thousands of angry THF's saying that those 2 JA's suck bad..

Weeell.. as much as they aren't great most of the time, however, when THF's actually know they have them (THF: "Oh yeah, I forgot I had those.." WHM: "... >_>"), they make every WHM, RDM, SCH and BLM's job a whole lot easier. Knowing I can Benediction on WHM with everyone at 1% HP and still live is such a relief for me.

A THF that knows how to use Collaborator and Accomplice well can really be the difference between life and death in a group.

Now, THF needs something that lets it up its damage, not SA or TA, but a respectable increase in Attack, or maybe something that gives a Haste effect, similar to Hasso. No change in Spell timers, but let them gain an attack speed increase. Another Triple Attack maybe? Triple Attack II, +5% Proc Rate.

Now, I've also seen a few people mention DRG. DRG is actually an interesting choice for an update..

Does it really need an update, badly? Not really.
Has it had an actual, worthwhile update besides 2hr -> Spirit Surge? Not really.

I agree that a faster use Breath Attack would be nice, and highly appreciated by a lot of DRG, but.. What would the DRG do that use AF1 Helm to trigger HB, and then macro in AF2 or Saurian(?) Helm to get the Breath+ bonus?

Would they have to stick with AF2 helm to recover more HP? Or AF1 Helm to heal sooner?

Maybe let DRG's "Customise" their Wyverns. Let them choose what breath attacks they know (similar to you would in Pokémon for example)

Give Elemental Breaths another 2~3 tiers.

Fire Breath I
Fire Breath II
Fire Breath III
Merit: Fire Breath IV

For all the elements. Give them a Dark Breath which drains HP from the mob, or inflicts some Status effect.

Some of these are probably going too far and would make it way too easy for DRG to solo, I dunno, they're pretty basic ideas that I'm thinking about and I've just come in from work >_> So ignore any typos and such, I'll prolly read this again later/tomorrow.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2009-07-05 09:57:09
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Karusan said:
Drazzan said:
Personally i want a DRG update...for my 75DRG
What have we had in recent years?

How about a change in your 2hr from Call Wyvern to whatever it is now?

The only jobs that haven't had an update in a long time are THF and MNK so I'm expecting something on those jobs.

MNK just recently got that thing with the kicking. Same update that WAR got Retaliation.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 10:04:01
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MNK don't need an update, we're fine!
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-07-05 10:09:40
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If DRG's get the abilty to customize their Wyverns and set spells for them and such, I want that ability with my Adventuring Fellow.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Synyster
Posts: 29
By Odin.Synyster 2009-07-05 10:25:54
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Hitetsu said:
Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Ludoggy said:
Nin is already getting an update and you want more?
Talk about greedy >=\

Oh, you know how it is, Lu...if everyone had their way in this game every job would have an ability that makes them completely impervious to damage, have unlimited MP, a DPS of 99.99, with a /recast that matches the duration...

I like it, but.. being a NIN myself, I can agree to a certain extent that NIN needs to have a somewhat more "Space saving" option for NIN tools.

Let's look at a "Fully Stocked" NIN's inventory.

Shihei x99 (+However many are leftover in the previous stack, typically ~10)
Sanjaku-Tengui x99
Shinobi-Tabi x99
Jusatsu x99
Sairui-Ran x99
Kaginawa x99
Tsurara x99
Uchitake x99
Hiraishin x99
Makibishi x99
Kawahori-Ogi x99
Mizu-Deppo x99

Toolbag(Shihei) x24
Toolbag(Jusatsu) x12
Toolbag(Sairui-Ran) x12
Toolbag(Kaginawa) x12
Toolbag(Tsurara) x12
Toolbag(Uchitake) x12
Toolbag(Hiraishin) x12
Toolbag(Makibishi) x12
Toolbag(Kawahori-Ogi) x12
Toolbag(Mizu-Deppo) x12

That's 22~23 slots, purely for tools, on a FULLY stocked NIN. (Don't start crying '99% of NIN won't carry all that'.. keep reading)

Now.. a more logical view on it.

Shihei x99 (+However many are leftover in the previous stack, typically ~10)
Sanjaku-Tengui x99
Shinobi-Tabi x99
Jusatsu x99
Sairui-Ran x99
Kaginawa x99
Hiraishin x99
Kawahori-Ogi x99

Toolbag(Shihei) x24
Toolbag(Jusatsu) x12
Toolbag(Sairui-Ran) x12
Toolbag(Kaginawa) x12
Toolbag(Hiraishin) x12
Toolbag(Kawahori-Ogi) x12

That's a slightly more reasonable, 16~17 slots.. How many other jobs have 16 other slots used on items that aren't gear or food?

Then, NIN's probably carry 3~4 different types of food.

Att Food
Acc Food
GOOD Att Food
Dorado Sushi (Enmity food)

Some also put a couple of Jack-o-Lanterns in their /satchel or inventory..

Most NIN also carry around at least 3~4 sets of gear, or at least the good ones.

EVA+ set.
Standard TP set. (Including a good Acc+ setup)
Haste/Fast Cast+ set.
Damage- Set
WS Set.

Need I go on? NIN does need some form of Space saving option, so don't say "Some people just aren't happy". When I'm fully geared with JUST NIN stuff, I'm sitting at 60/70.

After all that though, I will say that the NIN update planned, really is a lot better than it could have been, and people should be happy that NIN now has a way to set itself a clear role in a PT, and a way to increase it's soloability.

wow most of that ***is useless.
first off at 75 what nin uses elemental tools... if you cant keep hate endgame /drk then quit. secondly. you dont need those toolbags of enfeeble tools... i can go through 2 weeks of HNM/Skygods/sea jailors etc with a stack and a half of enfeeble tools. if you need more keep those tool bags in the MH and get them later. over analyzing and exagerating the need proves nothing. i like the nin update but its not needed once you 75. its really going to be best for those leveling ninja to help them tank better in pts. again at 75 if you cant keep hate then quit or fire your BELMS.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-07-05 10:32:18
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You know.. I saw 1 word and pretty much ignored the rest..


Yes, Endgame is pretty much the end-all of everything for a lot of the players, BUT, it isn't the end-all of everything for a lot more.

If you're doing Sea, HNM, etc.. then yes.. /DRK and don't need them. If you aren't, and you're Lv.60 in a PT, then who's to say you DON'T need those?

Please, people.. stop generalising everything to that one place..

And, a NIN that doesn't carry at least Raiton tools for Slow on those mobs that "need" it, or the NIN's that have "less than amazing" gear so they need the extra second or two in between attacks, is asking to be smashed in the face.

Seriously, people who do nothing but Endgame need to remember that there was something before then and they need to stop being so HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Synyster
Posts: 29
By Odin.Synyster 2009-07-05 10:37:35
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ok so take a lvl 60 nin for example. or 61.. what are they going to be fighting.. crawlers maybe or birds that reflect magic back at you? if you are EXPing NIN then i understand bring your tools do what you do to get hate yada yada. ok at 75 not doing endgame.. lets say.. farming upper delkfuts or something... again NOT USING ELEMENTAL TOOLS.. if you cant land hojo on a jotun or alky then you need besieged to level your ninjutsu. or lets say i higher NM. Serket, Roc, Simurgh, etc. or farming where ever. if you cant land slow... then somethings wrong. and i never macro in ninjutsu + gear and honestly. im 1 level away from being capped. There is a certain point where tools like raiton just take up space. i have those all on a mule for when i wanna do PCC bcnm... and now blm is 40, i dont even need those..

So to those Leveling nin. this update will be awesome for you guys and make tanking in xp pt's much better. use your ele tools when you want cause up until aht urghan areas its a good way to keep hate and put out dmg.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 11:20:09
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I like it when people use "endgame" ***to justify anything, even though that's only one aspect of the game.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-07-05 11:29:58
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Heres a crazy idea lvl throwing and use shurikens if your so concerned with inventory. I used to keep hate like a mad man like that greanted that was only up to 37. And really who actually consisentely tanks in a tp burn pts...? Or you could just do what players did for years and years and idk bring thfs!?! I know crazy idea...
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 11:34:37
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yeah Dasva, that IS a crazy idea... I don't know if it'll work with these guys, they don't like change
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Synyster
Posts: 29
By Odin.Synyster 2009-07-05 11:59:51
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leveling my thief was sooo hard. i had to make all my pts... and sadly i ding 75 a week before aht urghan... sucked so hard.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-07-05 12:03:13
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The only pts past 50 i got on thf were from a pld who knew he wasn't keeping hate without me... and once I got dancing edge I became the main DD too... but I had to take a break after like 60 and hed already lvld up no sync at the time so campaign ftw
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 12:03:19
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I hate THF, always have, always will lol
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Drazzan
Posts: 27
By Phoenix.Drazzan 2009-07-05 18:49:05
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I agree with the healing breath interruption thing...I actually forgot about that. But thats one thing that does annoy me.

As for the Spirit Surge, it is fun to use and all and it does have its perks. But I find it slightly annoying that we may still have to wait up to 20 Minutes to recieve our pet back, (And before it is said, yes i know its better than waiting 2 Hours :3) perhaps a reduction on the call wyvern when using Spirit Surge (Or a Reduction Overall), i.e. 5-10 Minutes?

Most other classes who use pets have a food which to heal them, food which has multiple tiers of strengths i.e. Automaton Oils and Pet Food Biscuits. Granted we have Spirit Link, but its pretty hard to keep a Wyvern Fully healed for the best Healing Breath utalisation if there is AOEs flying around.

I've heard people say my Wyvern can survive ALOT longer if I merit Empathy and apply Protect and Shell to my Wyvern, part of me wants to try it, but i'm yet to apply any points to it simply because it is only applicable when using Spirit Link, which I like to save to keep my wyvern alive. If Empathy was its own Job Ability I would have no problem meriting it.

I'd like to see DRG change in ways where a subjob isn't required for the job to support itself in combat and function, while it is unique it puts in a strict position in terms of versitility. Perhaps an option to choose which type of wyvern we'd like to summon, or as someone mentioned above the ability to have multiple tier Breaths, however in my experiance elemental breaths seem to do a fairly decent bit of damage especially with Deep Breathing Active.

If i remember correctly wasn't there a Refresh/Regen Breath in the .Dat Files? I remember seeing it a few years ago on some Forum.

And Hey...Wyverns are an integral part of Dragoons Playstyle. Adventuring Fellows aren't a key part of Adventuring :3
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Cerberus.Phaze 2009-07-05 20:57:55
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Haha first post ok well for job updates ill go as far as i can remember.

War : War seems fine to me but since it started as a tank job and ended up somewhere in between.
I think war needs a special type of quest where you can evolve it more towards atk or def like berserker or defender As a berserker you can get more 1.Attack and less accuracy JA 2.Higher delay / more acc ja or something along those lines My personal fav is something with dual wield in which there is No delay reduction from it but you would be able to use ws from 2 different weps. as a Defender class they should have something like a second voke at maybe 50 Or a JA that increases enm from voke like JA: Enrage Or something that will let them voke more often with less enm like let's say voke is 10 enm they can use it twice for 1/2 the enm i got that idea from tanking as a DNC/War.

Monk : Monk is great I love the job It just needs better gear at lower levels and more job specific gear as for JA I think Something like Increases haste "like what martial arts does" But lowers acc Since monks are DPS DD or the reverse Increases acc and delay .

WHM : I think whm is awesome most people only use them to get to 37 or what 42 for tele's so they dont care if they are gimpy But for those who love the Job can be great i think they need some sort of conserve MP trait , AND maybe regen-ga

Blm : I love the job hate lfp they need something along the lines of a big reason to be invited to parties the reflect on birds in woodlands etc really killed blm Zerg parties also murdered blm TBh what i want from blm Is magic acc traits and maybe something what souleater does but to mp like add more MP do make the spell do more dmg instead of conserve mp call it turbo charge or something where spells cost 1.5 to 2 times the mp for added power n acc.

RDM: Great job its what i started with when the game first came out and for all those people who say oh rdm is easy and what not try leveling 5 Sj just for it ok. I really think Rdm needs a refresh and conserve mp trait when they first came out nobody but rdm had refresh then came bard with aoe refresh and now pld has it and most jobs have refresh gear the real quality that made rdm great was its refresh. In partys i notice that they stopped doing enfeeb's because they take on the role of main healer so that why i think they need conserve mp and auto refresh.

THf i see nothing wrong with thf if there where any thf's most ppl either lvl it for sub or take it to 75 , I would invite them for pt but there seem to be 0 thfs 38-74 lol. as for a JA dual wield is nice but since all thf's use / nin for utsumi more than dual wield for pulling and soloing. I think they need more eva JA like a sams mind eye and give them a natural movement speed upgrade (nothing major maybe 5 % faster)and an acc boost from attacking from behind.

Sam : nothing they need to get gimped not only are they the king of all DD in terms of JA and traits they get some awesome gear which makes them hit so hard that they take hate of tanks in 1 ws or anyone notice sams are from Japan so they gotta be game breaking >.>

Ninja : LOL What i think ninja NEEDS is a number on the shadow icon so they can relax with shadow counting which will be only available to ninja as a main and they need something like what pup has where all the attachments are stored for their ninja tools like backpack or something and personally i dont like how utsumi ichi cant overide Ni its not like Ni's shadows are superior they are the same thing and you waste a cast. But i haven't played nin since it got to 40
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 21:17:24
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MNK DOESN'T NEED AN UPDATE.. we're perfectly fine the way we are, no extra Haste required... Give the extra Haste to DRK or something
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-07-05 21:34:11
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Kungfuhustle said:
MNK DOESN'T NEED AN UPDATE.. we're perfectly fine the way we are, no extra Haste required... Give the extra Haste to DRK or something

Lol cause drk can't acheive the same haste as hundredfist and used to go higher... mnk does get some nice haste gear though. Thf with DW would be nice but really a decent portion of the real reason I /nin is for the ninjitsu lol. That and my war is underlvld. Make rdms spells cast with composure have the benefits as well as the drawbacks no matter who you cast them on.
Server: Gilgamesh
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user: Darwena
Posts: 4
By Gilgamesh.Darwena 2009-07-05 23:13:24
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Phaze said:
Haha first post ok well for job updates ill go as far as i can remember.

Ninja : LOL What i think ninja NEEDS is a number on the shadow icon so they can relax with shadow counting which will be only available to ninja as a main and they need something like what pup has where all the attachments are stored for their ninja tools like backpack or something and personally i dont like how utsumi ichi cant overide Ni its not like Ni's shadows are superior they are the same thing and you waste a cast. But i haven't played nin since it got to 40

That a freakin good idea, conter like DNC have for finishing move and a Extra bag for tools would help a freakin lot.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 23:33:15
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why would Utsu Ichi override Utsu Ni, just gotta deal with that.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-07-05 23:40:54
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Should make a san that cant overide anything... or be overridden by anything cept blink... bwhwhwa smns and sch will be your bane
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Synyster
Posts: 29
By Odin.Synyster 2009-07-05 23:48:59
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updates are needed in every game to advance the game as players evolve the jobs... but a couple things i seen come to mind make me kinda sad..

ninja does NOT need a shadow counter... count the shadows... dont be lazy its not hard at all. 1, 2, 3, cast, 1 ,2 cast, rinse repeat.

secondly i think i read something about refreshga or something? or job trait refresh for rdm... again.. dont be lazy and just do your job... have a refresh/haste cycle and again dont be lazy and do your job.

the new nin JA will be nice for players leveling but i dont think i will use them much. i wonder what part 2 will entitle.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 484
By Sylph.Cohan 2009-07-05 23:52:07
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Synyster said:
updates are needed in every game to advance the game as players evolve the jobs... but a couple things i seen come to mind make me kinda sad..

ninja does NOT need a shadow counter... count the shadows... dont be lazy its not hard at all. 1, 2, 3, cast, 1 ,2 cast, rinse repeat.

secondly i think i read something about refreshga or something? or job trait refresh for rdm... again.. dont be lazy and just do your job... have a refresh/haste cycle and again dont be lazy and do your job.

the new nin JA will be nice for players leveling but i dont think i will use them much. i wonder what part 2 will entitle.

Your lvling blm..... your point is invalid >.>
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-07-05 23:52:10
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Synyster said:
i wonder what part 2 will entitle.

Job Adjustments Part II
We are gimping the Samurai Job.
See you next update!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Megrim
Posts: 174
By Bahamut.Megrim 2009-07-05 23:53:34
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Everyone talks about nerfing an gimping of jobs, i sit back and see every job gt a huge bump in job abilities and have yet to see 1 job get any major improvements. This job has only had 2 Job abilities since its inception, only job that has had its back turned on by the final fantasy community.

Yep thats Right Black Mage.

When was the last time you have seen a blm in a PT that wasnt endgame or a stupis *** Qufim Burn pt ? When was the last time BLM got a spell update(and dont say fking retrace), when was the last time BLM got a job ability update?

If SE has been listening its definately not to the BLMS
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