At +199 MAB (without hat), and targetting a mob where you have a dInt of 36, Buremte wins over +26 MAB Hagondes on all T1s, Stone II, and Stonega/Waterga/Aeroga.
Subtracting 100 MAB, Buremte loses on all counts.
Increasing dInt to 100 (and returning MAB to +199), Hagondes wins on all counts once the MAB augment reaches +23.
Overall, it looks like Buremte wins on T1s at low dInt and high MAB. Otherwise Hagondes with about +24 MAB or higher should pretty much always win (unless the magic accuracy matters).
At dInt 19 (for the Magian staff):
Atinian beats Magian for everything except AM2s and Bliz5/Thunder5 (by a very small margin).
Voay +1 is ahead of a Magian staff on all except Thunder 5 and Blizzaja/Thundaja, where Magian is 0%-1% ahead.
At dInt 83:
Magian beats Atinian on all AM/AM2/Ja/T5, and most Ga3's (3%-6% on T5, 4%-7% on Ja).
Magian beats Voay +1 by 0%-3% on those same spells, except Voay+1 wins on most AM1s.
Overall, Magian wins on the highest tier nukes when dInt is high. For all lower tiers, or if dInt is low, Atinian or Voay+1 are generally ahead. And obviously if the M.Acc matters at all, Atinian is the way to go.
Side note: updated the magic damage spreadsheet, and have started separating it by job since the inventory clutter was starting to get annoying.